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1.My sister and I like sports. ______ often go swimming after school.
  • A. I
  • B. You
  • C. We
  • D. They
2.Lisa works as a volunteer ______ the old people's home every Sunday.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. over
  • D. along
3.Drink enough water every day, ______ you will be healthier.
  • A. or
  • B. but
  • C. and
  • D. though
4.—Mary's painting is as ______ as Tony's.
—Well, it is hard to decide the winner.
  • A. good
  • B. better
  • C. best
  • D. the best
5.—______ book is this, Bill?
—Sorry, it's mine.
  • A. Whose
  • B. Which
  • C. What
  • D. Who
6.—Must I hand in my science report now?
—No, you ______. You can give it to me tomorrow.
  • A. can't
  • B. needn't
  • C. shouldn't
  • D. mustn't
7.If you follow my advice, you ______ great progress.
  • A. will make
  • B. have made
  • C. made
  • D. make
8.—Where is Tom?
—Look! He ______ with the teacher over there.
  • A. talk
  • B. talks
  • C. talked
  • D. is talking
9.We ______ online classes at this time last year.
  • A. are taking
  • B. were taking
  • C. will take
  • D. take
10.It ______ 100 years since the Chinese Communist Party was founded in 1921.
  • A. was
  • B. are
  • C. will be
  • D. has been
11.Now students' phones ______ to be put in a special place during school hours.
  • A. ask
  • B. asked
  • C. are asked
  • D. were asked
12.—Jessica, could you please tell us ______?
—Eight years ago.
  • A. when you start playing chess
  • B. when you started playing chess
  • C. when do you start playing chess
  • D. when did you start playing chess
13.  My name is Yoon. I came here from Korea, a country far away.
  Soon after we settled in America, it was time to celebrate my birthday. My mother handed me a lovely (1)      . "Here is a surprise!"
  Jump ropes that I was longing for weren't like that, I thought. Trying not to show my (2)      , I managed a smile, "Thank you, Mom."
  "A jade bracelet (玉手镯), Yoon," my mother said. "When I was a young girl, my own mother gave me this very bracelet. Now I am giving it to you."
  "Wow! It is a wonderful present," I said. It was so wonderful I felt afraid to (3)       it from her.
  "Look, Yoon," she said. "Here is your Korean name now etched (铭刻) inside. Remember, it's the symbol of truth and friendship." Mom slipped (滑) the bracelet onto my wrist, with enough satisfaction.
  The next day, Sally in my class noticed my bracelet during the break. "Would you like to join us to jump rope?" she asked.
  "Yes!" I said, (4)       at her.
  "Well, as a friend, you should share your bracelet with me — just for today."
  I didn't think sharing it seemed right. (5)      , I took off the bracelet. She grabbed (夺) it away quickly. "Do not worry," she said. "I'll give it back tomorrow morning." But, she didn't (6)       her word.
  The next afternoon, I found her in the school yard. "You have my bracelet and I want it back," I said. "Don't follow me!" She laughed and ran away.
  I felt (7)       and finally told the teacher about my trouble. The teacher sent for Sally, and told her to take the bracelet off. She struggled (努力) to get it over her hand. Then the teacher asked us to say something about the bracelet. "Well... , it's smooth and green," Sally said.
  "My mother gave it to me," I answered, looking into Sally's face. "My name can be found inside. The bracelet means truth, friendship..."
  At last, Sally apologized and slipped the bracelet carefully over my hand. It (8)       perfectly.
14.The Best Sports in Lanzarote
  Lanzarote is a magical island for sports lovers. Come and join in the exciting activities!
WIND SURFING   Wind surfing is a form of water sport mixing sailing and surfing. More than 100 athletes (运动员) around the world will take part in the game.
  Because of the winds, the best surfing season here is winter when the waves reach 1.5 to 4 meters high. 
TRIATHLON   The triathlon race includes three traditional sports — biking, swimming and running.
  What's more, it also connects traditions with new goals, with the highest quality of services for athletes, families, volunteers and so on. 
MARATHON   This marathon is a street event with a 1/2 marathon, 1/4 marathon, 1/8 marathon and a one mile and 1/2 mile race. You can choose the distance for the race.
  It's for everyone, young or old who likes to run or jog. It unites us no matter how different we are. 
DIVING   Sea beds in Lanzarote are among the best in the world for diving because of the special volcanic (火山的) sea floor and clear water. The best diving season is summer when the water is quite clear.
  Whatever your diving level is, you will feel the joy. 
15.Lost and Found
  When I was in Grade 9, my father took a new position in Ohio, so my family moved there and rented a house. My mother told me that I could have a gift for my new life. What I wanted most was a new bicycle. But I knew that my family couldn't afford one, so I finally asked for a nightstand with lockable drawers. And that was what I got.
  After we took a secondhand nightstand home, I decided to paint it to make it look better. When I pulled the drawers out, I felt something stuck to the back of the lowest drawer. And guess what I found? It turned out to be a Ziploc bag with some papers in it!
  When I opened the bag, I found a bunch of ten-and-twenty-dollar bills wrapped (包裹) in the papers! I just found a treasure! Was I the luckiest boy ever? With this money I could buy the coolest bicycle. Maybe I even had enough money to get a car for my parents. How exciting!
  "Wait, is this some kind of joke?" I said aloud then. Maybe this was fake (假的) money, but it looked pretty real. I went ahead and read the papers, and it turned out that some old lady was leaving her savings to her family.
  All this was too strange. My mind was going crazy.
  My mother was knocking on my bedroom door. I quickly closed the drawer with the money in it.
  "How is your painting job coming along? Is everything all right?" she asked.
  "I'm okay," I lied. "I'll let you know when it's ready."
  When my mother left, I lay on my bed, looking at the ceiling and thinking about this past week. First, I didn't make the basketball team. Then, I failed the math test. Finally, I found this money on my birthday — the only good news during a long time. It wouldn't be too bad for me to keep it, right? What about keeping some and returning the rest? However, I didn't feel good about it.
  "Somebody helps me with this!" I begged. But I didn't need someone else to give me the answer. I already knew right from wrong. That's why I failed the math test even though I could have cheated. I decided not to fail this test. It was a test of honor—my honor.
16.Real-time Dialogue with a Dreaming Person
  While dreams are a common experience, scientists still haven't fully explained them. Relying on a person's retelling of dreams is also filled with distortions (扭曲) and forgotten details. And most curious of all, dreams take us to what feels like a different reality. They also happen while we're fast asleep. So, you might not expect that a person in the middle of a vivid dream would be able to sense questions and provide answers to them. But a new study reported in the journal Current Biology on February 18, 2021 shows that, in fact, they can.
  The researchers from four labs in four different countries studied 36 people who aimed to have a lucid dream, in which a person realizes he/she is dreaming. The study is unusual because it includes four experiments using different ways to achieve a similar goal. "We found that individuals in REM sleep (快速眼动睡眠状态) can interact with an experimenter and engage in real-time communication." said senior researcher Ken Paller of Northwestern University. "We also showed dreamers can understand questions, take part in working-memory operations, and produce answers, although most people might think this would not be possible. We put the results from four different labs together because we considered that they can prove the reality of this two-way communication activity." Karen Konkoly, another specialist in this field, added.
  According to the study, it was possible for people while dreaming to follow instructions, do simple math, answer yes-or-no questions, or tell the difference between different sensory stimuli (感官刺激). They could respond by using eye movements or contracting (收缩) facial muscles. The researchers refer to it as "interactive dreaming".
  "Our experiment is like finding a way to talk with an astronaut in another world, but in this case the world is completely based on the memories stored in the brain," the researchers write. "But we realized that finding a way to communicate could open the door in future scientific examinations. Moreover, it is helpful to learn more about dreams and memory storage. We will carry out follow-up experiments, aiming to learn more about connections between sleep and memory processing, and about how dreams may show this memory processing," the researchers say.
17.  In today's climate, industries often talk about the new popular word of this age, big data. Big data refers to data in general, mostly unorganized and unstructured. The use of big data has huge potential (潜力) for various industries, healthcare included. Facebook and Amazon, for example, use big data for their digital structures to match customers with their interests. Some experts in discussing big data have described it as the four Vs: Volume referring to a large amount of data; Velocity referring to the timely generation of data;Variety referring to the many forms of data; Veracity referring to the quality of the data.
  Some researchers discussed the potential of big data in medicine recently. For example, big data can be used to improve decision-making when combined (结合) with other new technology like artificial intelligence (AI). It is possible that big data can combine clinical (临床的) characteristics, lifestyle and environmental factors with AI in future clinical testing. However, this remains just a daydream at the present moment. So far, all big data techniques are mainly descriptive. In the future, with advanced computational power, using big data in medicine is promising.
  However, big data also has its limitations, and there are several lessons we must learn before using it effectively. First, big data is never well-managed and comes with a large degree of mess. Thus, selecting the correct technology with human power to manage big data is of importance. Second, analytic (分析的) companies can misinterpret (误解) big data by using incorrect research questions to test their guesses or using the wrong tool to analyze the related data, resulting in delivering false messages.
  Surgisphere, an American analytic company, is a typical example of what can go wrong through the analysis of big data. Surgisphere stated that it collected data from over 1000 hospitals worldwide. Although this is possible and new technology can complete this task with minimal human resources, it is difficult that this data can be well-managed. In addition, healthcare data is challenging to work with, as the combining of electronic medical records and data privacy are major problems. Another example is the Cambridge analytic case (案例), where data got from Facebook was used without permission.
  When properly used, big data can be a game-changer for various industries, including the healthcare industry. This requires well-managed data, related research questions, appropriate analytic tools, and advanced computational powers. In the wrong hands, big data can be a big threat that can bring industries into disorder as a whole.
18.The Palace Museum Will Welcome a New Member
  The Palace Museum has begun to build a new branch (分支). The branch museum, located in Xiyuhe Village in Beijing's Haidian District, will cover 620,000 square meters with a total floor area of 102,000 square meters. Exhibition areas, space for cultural relic (遗迹) repairing and storehouses will cover 35,000 square meters, 20,000 square meters and 23,000 square meters separately. It will also include 9,500 square meters of space for digital public communications and a 2,500-square-meter visitor service area.
  The branch museum for large cultural relic exhibitions is expected to welcome 3,000,000 visitors a year.
  According to Shan Jixiang, the former director of the Palace Museum, the branch museum will present a series of exhibitions with characteristic themes and show visitors efforts to repair the relics. "Having such a new museum will improve our service and enlarge our room to display our collections," he said. The lack of enough exhibition space has been a lasting problem for the Palace Museum, which houses about 1860000 cultural relics. The need to provide a safe environment for the collections has meant that only two percent of the museum's treasures can be displayed to the public at the same time. "It's currently impossible to display the collections of large items in the Palace Museum, but the branch will offer good conditions to put them on display," Shan said.
  Red and yellow — two colors that were often used by royals in the Palace Museum — are featured in the branch museum. It is also designed to be eco-friendly and energy-saving to match the natural environment.
  The branch museum will fully open in June 2022. When completed, it will become an important stop on Beijing's cultural tourism routes, which also include the old Summer Palace, the Badaling section of the Great Wall and the Ming Dynasty Tombs. It is said that the branch museum will be an important site for cross-cultural communication and help to make Beijing a global city in the future.
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