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1.My cousin has learnt ______ instrument. At the moment, he is practising playing______ drum.
  • A. a;不填
  • B. a; the
  • C. an;不填
  • D. an;the
2.The students are busy preparing for ______ final exam. We can always see ______ learning in the library.
  • A. them; theirs
  • B. they; their
  • C. theirs; they
  • D. their; them
3.Using public chopsticks is ______ when we have dinner with other people.
  • A. impossible
  • B. dangerous
  • C. strange
  • D. necessary
4.We can make the Chinese Dream come true ______ working together.
  • A. by
  • B. between
  • C. without
  • D. outside
5.People will have long holidays because ______ and robots will do all the heavy and hard jobs.
  • A. mistakes
  • B. magazines
  • C. machines
  • D. mountains
6.David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy, and it ______ as a book in 2012.
  • A. pointed out
  • B. found out
  • C. tried out
  • D. came out
7.Our job is very important and we had better make sure it is done ______.
  • A. hardly
  • B. properly
  • C. suddenly
  • D. hungrily
8.I haven't seen Bruce recently. He ______ be busy with his work.
  • A. can
  • B. need
  • C. must
  • D. should
9.The development in the medical research helped ______ the terrible illness.
  • A. allow
  • B. invite
  • C. protect
  • D. control
10.The heroes set good examples to society ______ they pass on their kindness to people around them.
  • A. because
  • B. although
  • C. before
  • D. if
11.Mrs King ______ the local people sell their products since she returned to her hometown.
  • A. helps
  • B. will help
  • C. is helping
  • D. has helped
12.This kind of 5G mobile phone ______ by Huawei two years ago.
  • A. produced
  • B. is produced
  • C. was produced
  • D. will be produced
13.We'd better follow the seven-step hand-washing method ______ healthy.
  • A. to keep
  • B. keep
  • C. keeping
  • D. keeps
14.—Do you know ______?
—Sorry. Why not read the instructions first?
  • A. where can I buy an e-book
  • B. where I can buy an e-book
  • C. how can I turn the e-book on
  • D. how I can turn the e-book on
15.—Our Chinese ancient poems are really great. We should learn more.
—______ It's our duty to spread our traditional culture.
  • A. It doesn't matter
  • B. I agree with you.
  • C. Have nice trip.
  • D. Me neither.
16.  I have lived in Lawndale for thirty years. My neighbourhood has experienced several (1)      . Some for the better and others for the worse. Months ago, I learned something from my son: (2)       begins with hope.
  My son came home from school one day with a plan to make things better. It was a plan his class had thought up. They (3)       to turn a vacant lot (空地) into a community garden.
  He had a (4)      . He wanted to grow many different kinds of flowers in Lawndale. He said, "Our neighbourhood needs to change, and we should help. If we turn the vacant lot across from the school into a garden, it will show (5)       how much we care. Then more people will plant flowers and trees, and the community will become a really (6)       place."
  I admired (欣赏) my son's idea. He has always been a thoughtful child. I said I would help.
  His class started by (7)       the rubbish from the lot. People came by and saw the difference they had already made. I noticed after that people were not (8)       as often. They seemed to understand that keeping things clean was not a problem.
  In one week, they planted almost 500 plants. This spring the garden will be full of (9)      .
  Someone said, "It takes a village to raise a child." I think it takes a child to inspire (启发) a community. I am really (10)       my son.
17.Dear sir/madam,
  I am writing to ask for information about the courses in your school . I am especially interested in the four-week intensive course (强化课程).
  I have been studying English for three years at a language school in Madrid, Spain. I'm good at listening, reading and writing. However, my speaking skills need to be improved.
  I have looked at the course introduction on your website but there is no information about the dates and price for the course. Are you offering it next month? I would also like to know where your students are from. Are they from different cultures?
  Finally, hope to know what type of accommodations (住处) is available (可获得的). My sister is going to visit me while I am there for one week. We would prefer to stay together. Would that be possible?By the way, I don't plan to spend much money on accommodations.
  I would be thankful if you could send me the information to maria @gmail. com or call me at 09568893.
  Thank you for your time.
  Looking forward to hearing from you.
  Yours faithfully,
18.  This past fall was really unforgettable for me. I was at a neighbourhood pool party on a Friday afternoon. I live in Texas so it's warm even in October. My friend and I went outside to look for a pair of swimming glasses and saw someone at the bottom of the pool. We thought it was one of our friends playing but we quickly realised that it was a little boy who didn't' know how to swim. knew something was wrong right away.
  We looked around, but the adults (成年人) were talking far away in the backyard (后院) and there was no time to spare. jumped in the pool, dove (潜) underwater, and came close to the little boy. I swam as hard as I could and pulled the little boy onto a step in the pool. As soon as got him out of the water, my friend and started shouting for help. once the adults heard us, they ran over. The little boy wasn't breathing (呼吸), which was really terrible. One neighbour did CPR (心肺复苏) and someone else called120. Soon the doctors came and took the little boy to the hospital.
  Luckily, the little boy is doing great now. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get him out of the water quickly enough, but I did. I've been taking swimming lessons since I was three years old, and I'm thankful that I'm a strong swimmer.
  My parents take pride in me and say, "Wow! You saved that little boy." People tell me I'm hero, but what else could I have done?He needed help, and knew what to do.
19.  Ingvar Kamprad was born on 30th March 1926 in Ljungby, Sweden. He is the wealthiest European-born person and the seventh wealthiest person in the world. A businessman from childhood, he grew up from selling matches to his neighbours as a young boy to selling household items (用商品) to the world as the creator of furniture store IKEA.
  Kamprad discovered the secret of business at a young age. He realised that he could buy matches in bulk (批发) from Stockholm and sell them separately at reasonable prices, and still make a great deal of money. He developed his business successfully from matches to fish, Christmas cards and pens. When Kamprad was at the age of seventeen, his father gave him money as a prize for the progress he made in his studies. With this money. IKEA was born.
  IKEA is one of the most famous shops in the world. It sells furniture, accessories (配件), bathroom and kitchen items. "IKEA" is known for always giving names instead of numbers to each of its products. This is because of Kamprad's dyslexia (阅读障碍). Actually, he found names easier to remember than product codes (代码). The store's name comes from Ingvar Kamprad's initial s(首字母)﹣ IK, those of the family farm where he was born — Elmtaryd and the village close by — Agunnaryd. "IKEA" now has stores in over forty different countries.
  Kamprad is famous for his frugality. He doesn't wear suits, and he flies economy class (经济舱). He also requires that his employees (员工) write on both sides of sheet of paper. He also drives fifteen-year-old Volvo, and is known to buy wrapping (包装) paper and Christmas paper in the post, especially during Christmas sales. However, Kamprad owns house with large garden in Switzerland and vineyard (葡萄园) in France.
A. What's that?
B. What are you going to do?
C. Learn to cook on vacation?
D. When are you going to take it?
E. How are you going to be a volunteer (志愿者)?
F. I am thinking about a volunteer vacation.
G. Maybe I'll go to an island and relax on the beach. 

A: Hi, Carol! I want to talk to you about my vacation.
B: OK. (1)      
A: In August. I have one week of vacation time.
B: Lucky you. Where will you go?
B: That would be nice. A week is enough time to do that.
A: Well, I also like to cook. So I want to do that on vacation.
B:(3)      That's a good idea.
A: Yes. Several countries offer cooking vacations.
B: That sounds fun. I also have a plan for my vacation. (4)      
A: Oh! You can do volunteer work like collecting or serving food or building houses. What a wonderful idea!
B: Yes. But to do that, I'd like one thing.
B: A longer vacation!
21.萨姆找到了扫帚, 然后扫走了窗下的碎玻璃.
Sam found a broom and he              the broken glass under the window.
22.现在安妮很活泼, 喜欢结交朋友.
Now Annie is lively and enjoys                         .
The students are expected to finish the project                         .
The visitors were                        the school by one of the students.
There's                        we can get to the airport in less than an hour.
26.  Vicuna is a small town in the north of Chile. It is a great place for watching the stars. Although it is near the sea, the cold, wet air from the coast does not bring clouds. Instead dry winds from the desert (沙漠) keep the clouds away at night. In fact, the skies are so clear in Vicuna that it is possible to see many stars. And these stars can be seen only with advanced (先进的) instruments in other parts of the world.
  In Vicuna, distant (遥远的) star systems can be seen without the help of the instrument. That is why the town was chosen as the home of number of sky observatories (天文台).
  One of them, the Mamalluca, is quite different from the typical (典型的) observatories used by scientists. This observatory was built for tourists who like to look at the stars. During the year, Vicuna's' hotels accommodate (容纳) thousands of tourists who come from all over the world to see the night sky as they have only seen it in books. The cloudless sky is clearly a moneymaker for the town, which plans to set up even more observatories. It was recently decided that building observatories will go on for another few years.
  At one point, however, the town faced a serious problem. As the town grew, more streetlights were added, making it more and more difficult to see the stars at night. The town saved the night sky by building a new system of lights. And it can light up the streets without influencing the view (观看) of the sky.

1. Vicuna is a good place for       .
2. Actually, the skies in the town are so clear that       .
3. The town was chosen as the home of sky observatories because                         .
4. It was recently decided that building observatories will       .
5. The town saved the night sky by       .
27.  It was the winter of 2017. A h(1)             snowstorm hit the United States. Farms across the country suffered badly. However, Robert Colangelo stood calmly b(2)             his "farm". He was not worried about the terrible w(3)             at all.
  This is Green Sense Farm. It is one of the largest indoor farms in the United States. Colangelo has s(4)             five years setting it up and perfecting it in his Michigan warehouse (仓库). Unlike those on t(5)             farms, vegetables here sit on eight﹣meter-high-shelves. They are bathed (沐浴) in special blue and red lights. According to Colangelo, these vegetables can be harvested (丰收) as often as twice a week. "It's no matter whether it is r(6)             or snowy. We can grow lots of vegetables here!" he said.
  Indoor farming is a new idea, but many scientists think this might just be the future of agriculture (农业). According to the United Nations, the global (全球的) population will have grown by 2. 4 billion by the middle of this century. In addition, droughts (干旱)and floods (洪水) are likely to happen more often. It will be d(7)             to feed everyone. So we can grow food indoors to s(8)             the problem.
  Apart from (除了) Colangelo, many other scientists have been trying to grow vegetables indoors. In New Jersey, an agriculture professor (教授) has c(9)             an old factory into a large farm. It can produce two million pounds of vegetables every year. Under special lights, plants grow faster while using less energy. As a result, indoor farms usually use much less water than before.
  At Green Sense, Colangelo is still trying to i(10)             his farm. He is working with a Chinese lab to find seeds (种子) that grow fastest under blue and red lights. "They'll be like super-seeds," Colangelo said. "That's the way to feed the growing population."
28.假如你是李华, 你的好友Ken的生日在五一劳动节那天, 但是Ken的父母作为医务人员都要加班, 无人陪伴他庆祝生日请你结合以下要点写一封电子邮件, 邀请Ken来你家为他庆祝生日并共度佳节.
时间 5月1日(下周六)上午10:00 
地点 我家 
活动安排 (1)制作草莓生日蛋糕;(2)共享美味家宴;(3)参加社区文化节并在社区观看电影;(4)去体育场练习打排球. 
期待 尽管你的父母假期上班, 我希望…… 

1. 词数:80~100个.
2. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
3. 要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
Dear Ken,
The May Day holiday is coming and I would like to _______.
Hope you can come!
Yours truly,
Li Hua
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