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1.My brother is an actor, and he likes playing ______ piano.
  • A. /
  • B. a
  • C. the
  • D. an
2.—Look! Is this your eraser?
—No, it's not ______. It's Lingling's.
  • A. mine
  • B. hers
  • C. his
  • D. yours
3.—Where were you born, Mike?
—I was born in a small village _____ only three hundred people.
  • A. in
  • B. by
  • C. with
  • D. over
4.—Excuse me! Is there a _______ near here?
—Yes. Go along the street, and it's on your left.
  • A. monitor
  • B. musician
  • C. museum
  • D. machine
5.Lily's house is _____ the restaurant.
  • A. along
  • B. through
  • C. across
  • D. opposite
6.—Can I use your pen, Mr. Smith?
—Of course, you ______.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. may
  • D. need
7.— When ______ you ______ there?
— Three days ago.
  • A. do; go
  • B. are; going
  • C. did; go
  • D. will; go
8.The summer holiday is coming, but we don't know the ______ date.
  • A. silly
  • B. ready
  • C. noisy
  • D. exact
9.We ______ many animals in the zoo last weekend.
  • A. saw
  • B. see
  • C. sees
  • D. are seeing
10.There are lots of people in the street. Please ______ your things.
  • A. be careful with
  • B. point at
  • C. wait for
  • D. get on
11.Mary wants to buy the silk dress. She ______ it to my birthday party next week.
  • A. wear
  • B. wore
  • C. will wear
  • D. is wearing
12.—This is my lost watch. Thank you very much.
— ______.
  • A. Don't say so
  • B. Don't thank me
  • C. The same to you
  • D. You're welcome
13.In China, we often ______ to say goodbye.
  • A. notice
  • B. return
  • C. wave
  • D. jump
14.—Excuse me! Could you tell me _______ to get to the National Stadium?
—Sure. You can take the No.1 bus.
  • A. what
  • B. how
  • C. where
  • D. why
15.—Good morning! _____?
—Morning! Yes, I want to buy a pair of shoes for my son.
  • A. Can I help you
  • B. Do you like the sweater
  • C. Thank you for your help
  • D. Where are the shoes
16.  My dream (梦想) home is very big and clean. It is near the (1)      . I can watch the beautiful beach and play volleyball there. My grandparents live with us in the big house. (2)       room is on the first floor. I always talk with them and (3)       them do some housework on the weekend. On the (4)       floor, there is a kitchen and a dining room. All the family (5)       have dinner there. My bedroom, study and bathroom are on the third floor. There is a big balcony (阳台) in my bedroom. I can play games, read books and talk with my friends there. The furniture in my house is all made of wood (木头). It is good (6)       my health. I like listening to music while reading books in my bedroom. I always ask my friends to (7)       here. My parents' room is on the fourth floor. It's (8)       very big and clean.
  There is a big and nice garden behind the big house. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. I can (9)       freely (自由地) in it. There are many flowers and a few tall trees in the garden. In summer, I can sit under the trees with my family. I think it is (10)       to live in my dream home.
17.  Last Sunday, it was a fine day. Mum and dad took my brother Brad and me to a restaurant. Mum told us to wear our beautiful clothes. Brad wanted to wear jeans (牛仔裤) but mum said no.
  When we arrived at the restaurant, a waiter took us to our table. Our table was next to the window and we could see the river. Then the waiter asked us if (是否) we wanted to drink before the dinner. Brad and I both had an orange juice. My parents drank nothing. I spent a long time looking at the menu (菜单). It was difficult to choose because there were many things on the menu. After five minutes, I decided to have chicken and a small salad. Brad had beef and mum and dad had fish. We all thought that the food was delicious. We would like to go there again next time.
18.  Mr. White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was young. It was bad for his eyes and now he has short sight (近视). But he doesn't want anybody to know about it and never wears a pair of glasses. And it often brings him some trouble (麻烦).
  One winter morning he went to a school in a village on business (生意). He got off a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn't smooth and there were lots of holes (坑) on it. He fell over (摔倒) some times and it made his clothes dirty.
  When he got to the village, the wind suddenly began to blow. He was looking for the school when the wind blew off (刮掉) his hat. He began to run after it but he couldn't catch it. He couldn't understand why his hat ran into a house as if (好像) it had legs. And he ran into the house, too.
  A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, "Why are you running after my hen?"
19.  Erhu is a kind of traditional Chinese musical instrument (乐器). There are many English names for erhu as urheen and urhien. When I listened to the sound of erhu, I fell in love with the instrument.
  I was born in a traditional Chinese family. I'm a girl from Beijing. My grandfather is a fan of Peking Opera and erhu music. When I was very young, my grandpa often sang Peking Opera as he played erhu. Sometimes the melody (曲调) was exciting, sometimes sad. I loved the sound of erhu a lot.
  At the age of eight, I decided to learn to play erhu. At the beginning, I had great interest in playing it. But I found it difficult to play it soon. I wanted to stop. My grandfather encouraged (鼓励) me to hold on. Up till now (至今) I have played erhu for six years. I have passed Level 9. I even got the first prize (一等奖) in the instrument competition. Now I feel so proud (骄傲) that I can play erhu well.
20.A: Hi, Lily. (1)      
B: Yes, I did. I visited a small village.
A: Oh great. (2)      
B: I took a bus. The village is a little far.
A: (3)      
B: Of course, I went fishing in the river. I also picked some pears. They were delicious.
A: Sounds interesting. (4)      
B: It was cloudy and cool. Did you go anywhere?
A: Yes. I went to the zoo.
B: Did you see any lions?
A: No, I didn't. (5)       They were really cute.
B: I think so.

A. But I saw pandas and monkeys.
B. What did you do there?
C. How did you get there?
D. Did you have fun in the village?
E. Did you have a trip last month?
F. How was the weather there?
G. And I had a great time. 
We Chinese often               and smile when we meet visitors.
They didn't notice Goldilocks              .
              no one will go to the shops any more.
They're               their phones, computers and many other things.
Let's               English together.
26.  My name is Jessica. I was born in a small village 25 years ago. There was only one school in the small village. And there were not many students in it. The teachers were very nice and the students all liked them. Behind the school, there were some trees. I liked reading under the trees. Next to the school, there were two houses. The small one was my friend Linda's house. Linda and her brother Alan usually walked to school. And I often went to her home to play with her after school. The big one was Ms. Green's house. Ms. Green was my first English teacher. She was strict but nice. And I learned a lot from her. There was a small park near my school. I liked playing with my friends there. A small shop was on the right of the park. We often bought things in it. I left there when I was fifteen. One day, I'll go back to the village again.
27.  Our legs are important parts of our body. We use them to walk, (1)r            , kick (踢) and jump. Just (2)t             what life would be like with only one leg!
  Kevin had only one leg. When he was ten (3)y             old, he had a cancer (癌症). The doctor had to cut off his left leg to save (拯救) his life. Kevin felt very (4)s            . Life changed. Later he had a man-made leg.
  With the (5)h             of his parents and his friends, he learned to do many things: he could swim, play basketball and ride a bike. When he was twenty, Kevin (6)t             all over the world. He stopped in every city. In each city, people learned his story and gave him (7)m            . The money was not for Kevin himself. It was for a cancer society (协会). The cancer society (8)u             the money for cancer research (研究).
  Kevin often talked to people (9)a             cancer. He said, "I want people to know that, though I had only one leg. I can do what other people can. I work not only for myself, (10)b             also for my parents, and for people who helps or need other's help."
28.时间过得真快,转眼间你进入初中学习快一年了,和小学相比,初中学习生活有所不同。假如你叫李津,请根据下面的要点提示,用英语给你小学英语老师Mr. Smith写一封信,向他介绍一下上学期你初中忙碌的学习生活及今后打算。
1. 每天上午上4节课,下午上3节课,学习非常刻苦。
2. 交了一些新朋友,放学后,经常一起打篮球,大家相处得很融洽。
3. 参加了读书俱乐部,知道了许多中国传统故事。
4. 下学期打算……
1. 不少于70词。
2. 要点齐全,行文连贯,内容可以适当拓展。
提示词:读书俱乐部 the Reading Club

Dear Mr. Smith,
  How time flies! It is nearly one year since (自从) I entered middle school. Now let me tell you something about my past life last term. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Jin
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