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1.Lao She is ______ great writer. He's especially famous for ______ play Teahouse.
  • A. an; the
  • B. a; the
  • C. an; a
  • D. a; an
2.Tianjin has a ______ of over fifteen million.
  • A. population
  • B. countryside
  • C. mountain
  • D. society
3.I have some problems with my English writing. Can you give me some ______?
  • A. advice
  • B. decisions
  • C. information
  • D. messages
4.It's a good idea to spell and ______ new words aloud every day.
  • A. beat
  • B. show
  • C. pronounce
  • D. improve
5.It's not easy to find a place to ______ cars in the city centre.
  • A. book
  • B. park
  • C. match
  • D. pass
6.Tennis is a little dangerous because you may ______ your knee.
  • A. hurt
  • B. protect
  • C. produce
  • D. develop
7.This street is much ______ than that one.
  • A. wide
  • B. wider
  • C. widest
  • D. the widest
8.—Diana. I forget new words quickly. How can I remember them?
—Don't worry. It's ______ to forget new words! I suggest you read the words and try to use them.
  • A. rude
  • B. exciting
  • C. perfect
  • D. natural
9.Jenny will get up ______ because she needs to catch the first bus.
  • A. early
  • B. badly
  • C. carefully
  • D. easily
10.The new train travels ______ of all the trains in the world.
  • A. faster
  • B. the faster
  • C. the fastest
  • D. fast
11.The government is setting up nature parks ______ protect pandas.
  • A. to help
  • B. help
  • C. helped
  • D. helps
12.He told us ______ anything in the museum.
  • A. don't touch
  • B. didn't touch
  • C. to not touch
  • D. not to touch
13.All the students went to the stadium ______ Sam. He was ill.
  • A. with
  • B. outside
  • C. by
  • D. except
14.— What's your aunt's plan for tomorrow?
— She ______ to the theatre to see the Beijing Opera.
  • A. go
  • B. will go
  • C. went
  • D. goes
15.—Tom, how was your weekend?
— ______. I had a tour along Paihe River.
  • A. It doesn't matter
  • B. The same to you
  • C. Pretty good
  • D. Help yourself
16.  If you're in a London underground station and see a book on the chair, pick it up! It may have a secret message (留言) from Emma Watson — a famous actress wants people to (1)       more books.
  Watson, 26, was famous for (2)       in the Harry Potter movies. She loves reading very much and (3)       with UN Women. As part of her work, she started an online book (4)      . It's name is Our Shared Shelf (共享书橱). Earlier this month, she put books on the London underground. Later, she did the (5)       thing in New York too. The (6)       of the book is Mum & Me & Mum. It's from the US writer Maya Angelou. It tells (7)       about the writer and her mother.
  Watson wants to make the underground a (8)       library. People can take these books home and read them. There is also a note in each book. Watson (9)      them by hand. "When you are (10)      , please leave it on the underground again for someone else to find." it says.
17.  Lots of families in England have one or two pets (宠物). Dogs are their favorite pets and there are about 6,000,000 of them in England. The second favorite animals are cats (about 5,000,000). And other kinds of animals are about 1,000,000.
  Some families do not keep cats or dogs. They keep other animals as pets in their homes.
  The English people take care of their pets. They give them nice names: Rover, Rex, Cindy, or Misty for dogs; Albert, Snowy, Fluffy or Tom for cats; Guy, Scamper or Shipley for monkeys.
  When they speak of their pets, they say "He", "She", not "It".
  The English people give their pets nice food to eat. They buy food for their pets in pet shops. The English people are pet lovers.
18.  Do you know that chocolate can be useful for you to learn English? When you think of chocolate your mouth begins to water. You like the smell of chocolate. You'll do anything to get some chocolate. You'll do anything to get some chocolate, even if (即使) you have to study English.
  The book Charlie and the Chocolate Factor is a book for everyone. In the opening of the book you will meet Charlie Bucket. Charlie is a poor boy. He lives in a small house with his mom, dad and his grandparents. His father works in a factory. Mr. Bucket works from morning to night every day, but sometimes, he still buy Charlie some chocolate.
  Before you start reading this book, buy yourself one bag of chocolate chips. Each time you finish reading a page, take a piece of chocolate. When you eat up all he chocolate, you'll finish reading this English book.
  Even if you don't get this book, you can still learn English with the help of chocolate. Buy yourself one bag of chocolate chips today and enjoy reading.
19.  Traveling to work by car gets more expensive today. People can do nothing about the world's price of petrol (汽油). They have to work hard to pay for petrol. However, some people are trying not to drive to work.
  People have found out that it is good to ride a bike to work. More and more people return to bikes.
  Children often go to school by bike. But now businessmen (生意人) are going to work by bike, too. "The bike is easy to use," says Molly, "and it is also very cheap. You can buy 300 bikes at the price of a small car. A bike doesn't use expensive petrol. A 12-year-old child can learn to use a bike. And most bikes can be used for a long time."
  Mr. Brown goes to his hospital by bike every day. He says, "A bike doesn't need a lot of money and bike-riding is good for our health. Today most people get fat because they don't get enough exercise. So I tell my patients to ride bikes. What's more, in big cities it's usually quicker to travel by bike than by bus or by car. Drivers can't do anything but get angry when there is a traffic jam."
A. It includes (包括) train tickets, park tickets, hotels and meals.
B. Our sightseeing bus will take you around the city.
C. How can I get there?
D. Could you introduce (介绍) me a nice place to visit over the weekend?
E. Hope you will have a great time there.
F. Where's the Country Hotel, please?
G. It's the right time to go there now. 

M: Good morning. Can I help you, madam?
W: Yes, please. (1)      
M: OK. Hangzhou is a nice place to visit. (2)       The weather is not too hot or too cold.
W: Sounds good. (3)      
M: You can get there by train.
W: Shall I visit places of interest by bus in Hangzhou?
M: Sure. (4)      
W: Great! How much does it cost?
M: 880 yuan each person. (5)      
W: I'll think about it.
M: You can call us if you'd like to go. Here's my card.
W: Thank you.
21.He brought out a              (笔记本) and a pen from his bag.
22.My brother is a tennis              (教练).
23.I met her for the first              (次) yesterday.
24.Listen! The fans are              (为……加油) the runners on.
25.We             (筹集) some money at school for the old man.
26.请大家尽可能早点来, 以便有时间热身.
Please arrive as early as you can so that you have time to             .
27.你不在家时, 我会照顾孩子们.
While you are not at home, I'll                          the children.
28.我想大家都需要帮助动物, 使它们在宁静中生存.
I think we all need to help animals live                         .
He successfully saved the child             .
30.Tony 的家离学校远, 所以他坐地铁 (到校).
Tony's home is              school, so he takes the underground.
31.  Animals are people's friends, but many animals are in great danger, because the environment (环境) that they are living in has changed a lot. For example, their living areas have become smaller and smaller because of the development (发展) of cities and the large population. They don't have enough places to live in or enough food to eat. At the same time, men are trying to kill (杀戮) these animals to make more money or have their meat.
  People should realise (意识到) how bad the situation is and must do something to protect the animals. We should stop the killing and build some nature parks to help animals live happily there. What's more, we should do something to make our world clean.

1. Animals are people's friends, but now they are      .
2﹣3The situation for the animals is bad. Their living areas are becoming      and they don't have       to eat.
4﹣5What can we do to help the animals?
We should stop the killing,       and      .
32.  Many American families live busy lives. Every week, the children have sports, music lessons, club meetings, and many other activities (活动). They (1)a              have hours of homework. The parents are busy, too. They work, take care of their homes, (2)c              meals, and drive their children to activities. Some families do not have time to eat meals together more than (3)o              a week. One American community (社区) decided that it was time to take a break.
  After seven months of planning, the community of Ridgewood, New Jersey, took one night off . They called (4)i              "Family Night", a night for families to spend-time together. Sports teams (5)s              their practices, and teachers did not give homework.
  On Family Night, families agreed to turn (6)o              their televisions. They decided not to answer the telephone too. Answering machines said, "Please call (7)b              tomorrow." Many families ordered take-out pizza and other take-out food so that they wouldn't spend time cooking.
  Popular activities included board games and card games. These games gave families a (8)c              to spend time together. Children and parents weren't so (9)b             , and children didn't spend so much time playing video games and watching television. On Family Night, families relaxed and spent the (10)e              together. The town hopes to have many more "Family Night".
33.假期中你和父母准备去上海游玩, 爸爸妈妈托付你研究一下出行方式.你通过网络咨询, 对飞机、火车、自驾这三种出行方式的优缺点做了一番比较, 总结信息如下:
1. 飞机:耗时最短, 如果提前订票也会便宜一些, 但如果遇到坏天气会在机场等很久.
2. 火车:比乘飞机花的时间要长, 有时费用和机票一样, 但最舒适、最轻松.
3. 自驾: 路程超过10 个小时, 司机会很辛苦, 但沿途可以稍作休息.现在请将你的调查结果写成一篇短文告诉你的父母.
要求如下:100 词左右, 要点齐全, 行文连贯, 表达清楚, 书写规范, 可适当发挥.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
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