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1.下列字母的小写形式在四线三格中占下面两格的是 ______
  • A. G
  • B. R
  • C. T
2.This is ______ pen, and that is ______ ID card.
  • A. a; a
  • B. an; an
  • C. a; an
  • D. an; a
3.I have an English friend. ______ name is Grace.
  • A. My
  • B. Her
  • C. His
4.— I don't know where Hubei is, Mike.
— Please look at the map ______ China.
  • A. of
  • B. in
  • C. to
5.I have a cousin. He is my aunt's ______.
  • A. son
  • B. daughter
  • C. brother
6.—Oh, I lost my pencil, Mom.
—______ your brother for one. He has two pencils.
  • A. Ask
  • B. Say
  • C. Find
7.In the photo, Bob and I ______ in the sofa, and his dog is on the chair.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. are
8.The School First Class (开学第一课) is very helpful to students. You can watch it on ______.
  • A. UFO
  • B. BBC
  • C. CCTV-1
9.— Are these Peter's books?
— ______. And the notebook is his, too.
  • A. Yes, it is
  • B. Yes, they are
  • C. No, they aren't
10.— Have a good day, Nick!
— ______.
  • A. I'm fine
  • B. Thank you
  • C. You're welcome
11.A: Hi, Peter! Good afternoon!
B: Good afternoon, Mary.
A: (1)      
B: No, it's a girl's bag. I found it this morning.
A: (2)      
B: Two keys and a notebook.
A: (3)      
B: I don't know.
A: Oh, Peter. I know an app (软件). It can help.
B: (4)      
A: It's Diudiu. You can put (放) the name and the picture of the bag on the app. People can see it.
B: Great! (5)      
A: You're welcome.
A. Who lost it?
B. Is it your bag?
C. What's in the bag?
D. Thank you!
E. You can ask your teacher for help.
F. What's it?
G. How do you spell it? 

12.  Rabbit likes to go to Ms. Holly's garden (菜园). In the morning, Rabbit comes to eat the (1)       carrot tops (胡萝卜缨). Ms. Holly isn't happy. The green carrot tops are gone (不见了), so she can't (2)       her carrots! When (当……时) Ms. Holly (3)       Rabbit in the garden, she runs after (追赶) him. But he is too fast for her, and runs home.
  One day, Ms. Holly (4)       Rabbit's home. "Rabbit" she (5)      . "I'm not happy. You eat my carrot tops. Now I can't find my carrots."
  "I'm not happy when you run after (6)      ," Rabbit says.
  Then Ms. Holly tells (告诉) Rabbit (7)       idea (想法) . "I will pull up (拔) some carrots in the (8)       and give you the tops." Rabbit likes that idea. He thinks Ms. Holly is (9)       to him, and he says thanks to her.
  Now (10)       very happy. Ms. Holly gets her carrots from the garden and Rabbit gets the tops.
A set of keys is under the tree. Is it yours?
Please call Wei Qing at 13834569853. 
I found a notebook with your name on the teacher's desk. Please ask Mrs. Bush for it.
I lost a blue schoolbag. An English book, a notebook and some rules are in it. E-mail me at 1832087765@qq.com
An English dictionary
It is new. I must find it. My room number is 407. My phone number is 4367835. Thank you!
14.请阅读 下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
  I'm Linda. In my home, there's a black and white thing. We call it Xiaodu. When you say, "Xiaodu, Xiaodu", it says to you, "I'm here!"
  In the morning, it is my clock. When it's 7:00, it tells (告诉) me the time.
  For my mom, Xiaodu is a library. It reads (读) books to her every day.
  My brother is 3 years old. He often asks Xiaodu for help, "What's a telephone?" "What's a tape player?"… For him, Xiaodu is a dictionary.
  Xiaodu is our good friend. We love it. Oh, where is it? It's on the TV now.
15.  Hello, I'm Zhang Xue. My English name is Julia. (1)       It's a good school. About 4,500 students are in my school. And the teachers here are very nice.
  (2)       It's my favorite dog. It's black and white. Celle is my good friend. I must find it. (3)       Thank you.
  I have a sister. Her name is Zhang Yue. Linda is her English name. She is in my school, too. Her favorite subject (科目) is English. (4)       This is Kate's English book. You can see her name "Kate" on the cover. Emma found a schoolbag in Classroom 5 this afternoon. It's white and yellow. (5)       A pencil box, two English books and a dictionary are in it. Is it your schoolbag? Please e-mail Emma at emma@gmail.com.

A. I'm a student in Yucai Middle School.
B. What's in the schoolbag?
C. Celle is two years old.
D. Kate is her English teacher.
E. This morning, I lost my dog Celle.
F. Linda is good at math, too.
G. If you see it, please call me at 546-5886. 
  Hi! My name is Du Fujia. I'm from Guizhou. I have a nice family. There are
people in my family. My father is Du Jun and my mother is Li Helan. And I have three brothers.  

  I'm a girl and I'm 27. I'm a nurse. Du Fuguo is my big brother. He is 29. He is a soldier (军人). Du Fumin is a doctor. He and I helped patients (病人) at the time of COVID-19. My little brother is Du Fuqiang. He is 23. He is a soldier, too. He wants to be a nice man like (像) my big brother. I love my family very much.  

(1) Fill in the blank with proper number. (在空白处填入适当的数词)
(2) How old is Du Fujia?
(3) Please translate the underlined sentence in to Chinese. (请将划线句子翻译成汉语)
(4) Who helped the patients at the time of COVID-19?
(5) Does Du Jun have four sons?
be; phone; under; she; room; but; find; what; parent;
everywhere; morning; thank 

  It's 3:00 in the afternoon. The home is quiet (安静的). "Jack, where (1)       you?" Grandma says to (2)       four-year-old grandson. Grandma comes to Jack's (3)      . He is not on his bed, (4)       his model plane is on the bed. Grandma comes to Jack's (5)       room. Jack likes to play with his father's tape player, but he is not in their room. Grandma comes to her room and Jack isn't there.
  Grandma looks for (寻找) Jack (6)      , but she can't (7)       him. Grandma thinks Jack is lost and she is worried (担心的). Grandma gets the (8)       and calls Jack's parents.
  "What's that?" Grandma sees a brown thing (9)       the table. Oh, it's Jack's dog. It is sleeping (睡觉) there. (10)       is next to (紧挨) the dog? It's Jack! Jack is sleeping, too.
18.  假如你是Tian,你的英国好友Jack向你介绍了他的书房。请你根据下图,写篇短文也向他介绍一下你的书房。

1. 包含所给信息, 可适当发挥;
2 40词左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
  Here is my study room. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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