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1.—Dad there is ______ hole in my left shoe. Can you buy me a new pair?
—OK. let's go to the mall tomorrow.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—Kate, what's your plan for the weekend?
—Nothing. I just want to relax and enjoy ______.
  • A. I
  • B. me
  • C. my
  • D. myself
3.—Mary, could you please give me a lift to the city?
—Sure, ______.
  • A. it doesn't matter
  • B. no hurry
  • C. with pleasure
  • D. pardon me
4.—John, would you like to watch a baseball game with me?
—Sorry, I don't like baseball . Whenever I watch it, I just feel ______.
  • A. hungry
  • B. proud
  • C. excited
  • D. sleepy
5.—At first I didn't like reading. But thanks to Mr Li, I ______ get used to reading every day.
—Great! Good for you!
  • A. politely
  • B. normally
  • C. gradually
  • D. especially
6.—Matt is still practicing singing ______ everyone else is having a rest.
—He is? No wonder he is such an excellent singer.
  • A. because
  • B. although
  • C. so
  • D. since
7.I feel lucky to ______ Peter. He always helps me when I am in trouble.
  • A. be harmful to
  • B. be hard on
  • C. be friends with
  • D. be born with
8.—Rosie, I feel so tired. I have to keep studying hard to meet my mom's high ______.
—Cheer up, Alice. I guess she just wants you to be a better person.
  • A. creativity
  • B. discovery
  • C. standard
  • D. reason
9.—James didn't come to the soccer training today. What happened?
—I heard he ______ out of the team because he was absent from the training 3 times last week.
  • A. kicks
  • B. will kick
  • C. was kicked
  • D. is kicked
10.—Jack, why is everyone's homework here ______ yours?
—Sorry, Miss White. I left it at home. I'll bring it later. I promise.
  • A. past
  • B. except
  • C. above
  • D. below
11.—Hi, everybody! I'm sorry to tell you we have to cancel the trip because of the heavy rain.
—Oh, ______ bad luck!
  • A. what
  • B. what a
  • C. what an
  • D. how
12.—Mr. Wang has been working so hard these years that he always ______ his family and friends.
—So he does. Maybe it is time for him to change the lifestyle.
  • A. finds out
  • B. sets out
  • C. sells out
  • D. leaves out
13.—The movie will begin in three minutes. Where is Lina?
—Oh, she's still waiting for the bus. She ______ be late, I suppose.
  • A. need
  • B. must
  • C. can't
  • D. mustn't
14.—Carl, I've decided to enjoy my winter holiday in Xi'an.
—Really? I have ______ Xi'an for over ten years. I can be your guide.
  • A. lived in
  • B. been to
  • C. passed by
  • D. arrived at
15.—I wonder ______.
—Next Sunday, but I am not sure.
  • A. what they will do
  • B. where will they have the party
  • C. who they will meet
  • D. when they will have the concert
16.  I jumped, reached the lowest part of the maple tree, and lifted myself up. Then I got close to the treehouse.
  "Angie open up." I (1)       on the door. "No!" Angie said.
  I moved carefully and climbed in through the window opening Dad had cut in the wall. Angie sat in one corner, head against knees.
  "Mom says you've been here long enough. You have to come down." I said.
  Angie shook her head. "I'm living in this tree forever and (2)       going to school again."
  "Oh? What happened?" I asked. Angie's eyes filled with tears, and she (3)       her face with her hands. "I told Dick at school we were getting a new baby (4)      . He asked, 'What color? Green?' He said the baby won't really be my brother, the (5)       way you aren't. He said our family isn't a real family. All (6)       colors — black and yellow and white."
  "Well, we are a real family. You and I and the baby are adopted (收养). So what?"
  I sat down opposite her. I kept going, (7)       the facts. "Who taught you to read to skate, and to e-mail Grandma?" "You." said Angie. "(8)       did I do all that?" I asked, and then I answered (9)       own question."Because I'm your brother."
  "And who would climb this tree, (10)       she's the worst tree climber in the whole world to make sure you were OK?" "Probably Mom." Angie replied.
  "Finally, who built this treehouse because you wanted one so badly, even after he'd hurt his hand badly with the hammer?" She let out a smile and said, "It's a good thing Daddy doesn't build treehouses for a (11)      ". I knew what she meant. Nothing about the treehouse was straight or even (平滑的). (12)      , it was a great treehouse. Like our family, it was one of a kind and built (13)       love."
  "Hey, guys, are you coming (14)      ?" Mom called. "Dad will be home for dinner any minute."
  Dinner was a family event, where everyone shared the day's news. I reached out my hand and (15)      her to her feet. "The first time we see the new baby, we'll know he's part of our family." "Even if he's green?" Angie asked. "Even if," I answered.
17.Jason: Hi, Katie. Glad to meet you! (1)      
Katie : Great! And you look well, Jason. By the way, I'm going to the art museum this afternoon. There will be a traditional Chinese art show. (2)      
Jason: Sure, I'd love to. (3)      
Katie: By shared bike.
Jason: Shared bike? It sounds great. But…hmm…I think it seems a little far…
Katie: Bike riding is good for health, isn't it?
Jason: Oh, all right. And when will the art show start?
Katie: At half past three.
Jason: How long does it take us to get there by bike?
Katie: (4)      
Jason: So, we should set out at three o'clock.
Katie: Yes. Let's meet in front of the school gate, OK?
Jason: (5)      
18.  A father was worried about his son, who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. So the father decided to call on a master to train his boy. The master said to the boy's father, "You should leave your son alone here. I'll make him into a real man within three months. However, you can't come to see him during this period."
  Three months later, the boy's father returned. The master held a boxing (拳击) match between the boy and a strong boxer.
  Each time the boy was knocked down, he at once stood up again. Several times later, the master asked, "What do you think of your child?"
  "What a shame!" The boy's father said, "I never thought he was so weak . There is no need for him to stay here. I want to take him home now."
  "I am sorry that that's all you see. Don't you see that each time he falls down, he stands up again instead of crying? That's the kind of courage you wanted him to have."
Tap Dance Club
Tap dance is exciting and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from America. Remember to bring your tap dancing shoes with metal taps to make that "tap, tap" sound.
Place: John Black's
Date: July 1 — 31
Price: ¥ 60
Time: 7:30 p.m. — 9:30 p.m.
For more information, you can call at 301-2768 or email tapdanceclub@gmail.com 

Live Pop Music Club
Enjoy the music from Jay Chou, the famous pop singer.
Place:Daqian Museum, over 1,000 pieces on show now. Come and see for yourself!
Date: July 1 — August 31
Price: ¥ 50 (half for students)
Time: Monday to Friday 8:30a.m. — 5:30 p.m. Weekends 9:00 a.m. — 8:00 p.m.
If you have any questions, please follow our WeChat official account "LPMClub" or email LPMClub@gmail. com 
20.  Most people have a place to call home on Earth. What about in outer space? The International Space Station (ISS) became our first "home" in space in 2000. It welcomed its first staff that year, building the way for 20 years of future research.
  "You just have this idea that we're all citizens (公民) of not a country, but of the planet," former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly told National Geogriphic about working in ISS. "We're all in this thing called humanity together."
  Over the past 20 years, the ISS has mainly been used as a science lab, hosting 241 people from 19 countries, according to NASA. They have gone on spacewalks , done research on how space influences the human body, and even grown plants in space.
  The station's development is also good for people on Earth. For example, the station's water purification technology has been used in poor areas to provide clean drinking water. The station also helps to warn us of natural disasters, such as earthquakes.
  However, after being our home in space for over 7,000 days, the station is starting to get old. It has let out air a few times. Scientists think that the station can keep working until 2024. After that, scientists will bring it down to Earth. It is believed that Earth's air will burn up most of the station. Other remains will fall into the Pacific Ocean.
  In the future, space will be home to more stations like the ISS. NASA is building a space station that is smaller than the ISS near the moon. Also, China will have its own space station up and running in 2022.
21.  Most of us fear failure. However, without failure, progress would be impossible. In fact, the word success comes from the Latin succedere, meaning "to come after." And what does success usually come after? Failure. It seems that one cannot exist without the other.
  Every failure — even the worst ones — helps us learn to do things differently in the future. "Learning from the past mistakes and making changes helped me to reach the top of Everest successfully," says mountaineer Pete Athans, who has now reached the world's highest peak (山峰) seven times. Failure also reminds us that things can go wrong — sometimes with terrible results.
  Austrian Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner is the first woman to reach the top of all 14 of the world's 8,000-meter peaks without extra oxygen (氧气). In 2007, while climbing in Nepal, she was in an avalanche (雪崩). She survived, but two nearby Spanish climbers died. The experience taught Kaltenbrunner that no matter how prepared a person is, bad things can still happen. But Kaltenbrunner decided she had to learn from her experience and move on.
  Accepting failure is not easy for many, though. We are often reluctant to tell people that we are failures because our good name depends on success. However, things are slowly changing. In the past ten years, some scientific magazines — mostly in medicine — have published reports of failed experiments. The belief is that the science community can also learn from "negative" results and that this can finally lead to positive outcomes.
  The business world already understands the value of negative results. Eli Lilly and Company has failure parties to study data about medicine that doesn't work. In fact, one of the business world's most famous failures became one of its biggest successes. In the early 1990s, Apple Corporation created the Apple Newton. It was one of Apple's biggest failures. However, Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, believed the product had potential (潜力) and he began to improve it. In time, this led to the creation of the iPhone and the iPad, two of the company's most successful products.
  The story of the Apple Newton can teach us another important lesson about failure. There is a lot we can learn by studying mistakes. Perhaps the most important lesson is that failure and success are two sides of the same coin. One truly cannot exist without the other.
on great school always someone 

  I was talking to my mom yesterday about my past life. I don't remember much about when I was a tiny baby, but my mom can! I haven't (1)             lived in LA . I was born in a small farming town in America. We lived with my grandparents on their farm. We moved to LA when my dad changed his job. At that time I was eight years old. So my first (2)             was near the farming town. I had to catch the bus to school. I had to stand (3)             the road by our farm at 7 a. m. and wait. If the bus was late, I waited for the bus. If I was late, the bus driver waited for me . If I was sick, (4)             went down to the road to tell the driver I wasn't coming. A lot of students came from farms, so we all spent a lot of time on our own, or with brothers and sisters. But we soon made friends. It was (5)             to be with kids of our own age. My best friend was Sam. He was very warm-hearted! I have to say I had a nice childhood.
carry make stand weigh tell 

  Stonehenge (1)             alone on the Salisbury plain in Wiltshire England for centuries. It is one of the greatest mysteries all over the world. There are probably hundreds of stories about Stonehenge. However no one knows exactly who placed them there or why. It seems to have been built for (2)             when summer and winter solstices (夏或冬至) were and more. Stonehenge was built from about 3,000 to 1,800 BC. In the old days, some stones were taller than the stones now seen.
  How was Stonehenge built? First, the ditch (沟渠) around Stonehenge was dug using antlers, bones and even hands. The stones, which (3)             four tons each, came from over 240 miles away. They had to (4)             by boat, then across land. The heaviest stone was 50 tons in weight and were dragged along by over 500 people.
  For hundreds of years, the great stones of Stonehenge gradually fell, or people carried them away (5)             bridges and dams. People believe that great planners must have been hard-working!
24.  In fiction stories, superheroes are characters who use superpowers to save and protect people. (1)       Heroes come from all cultures and races, and age is not a problem to become a hero. Some are children. They are superkid heroes.
  During the floods in Queensland, Australia, thirteen-year-old Jordan Rice gave his own life to his brother. When rescuers (救援人员) arrived, they got hold of Jordan, but instead he pushed his younger bother forward, saying, "Take my brother first". Jordan, who couldn't swim, climbed onto the car roof with his younger brother, and was finally washed away. (2)      .
  When Ryan was six years old, he learned that clean drinking water was not available for every child in the world. So Ryan wanted to help raise money for people in Uganda who had to walk many kilometers every day for clean water. Ryan began by doing extra chores at home, and then he gave talks to people, raising enough money to dig a well for the village. (3)      .
  Jordan Wat, at twelve years old, learned that about three million children in South Africa went to school hungry every day. So Jordan began a project, encouraging his schoolmates to bring one bag of corn meal to school. (4)       Jordan said, "No matter how big or small your idea is, you can help."
  Many children have been very brave, saving others and sometimes even losing their own lives. It also takes courage. One young hero said, "Whatever you can do, can make a difference. Even if you just get people thinking about changing or about fixing a problem." Many children have done something great without asking for anything in return. (5)       They are superkid heroes!
A. Finally, nearly 100 tons of corn meal have fed over one million kids.
B. Through courage and leadership, they have made the world a better place.
C. But in the real world, heroes do have special gifts instead of superpowers.
D. Sadly, some brave acts mean the hero is no longer here in the world
E. Money was needed not only for food but also for children's school.
F. Ryan's efforts not only helped one village but also inspired others
G. So many people go hungry here and I want to take action to help them.  

25.What is the book made of? (请用一句话作答)
26.Whose pencil case is this?(请用一句话作答)
27.What are people supposed to do in China when they meet for the first time? (请用一句话作答)
28.What are teenagers not allowed to do at school? (请用一句话作答)
29.请使用关键词used to描述图中Jack的行为。(请用一句话作答)
30.很多学校发现学生餐桌浪费严重,请以Don't waste food为题写一篇英语短文, 发表你的看法, 并提倡大家节约粮食。

①作为一名中学生, 你发现的许多同学在学校就餐时存在的不同程度的浪费现象;
③呼吁大家节约粮食, 防止浪费。
参考词汇:be short of food(食物短缺);leave…on the plate(留……在盘里);pour…into(把…倒进…);save(节约)
③语言流畅, 书写规范, 卷面整洁。
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