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1.On October 1st, 2019, we showed our best wishes to China for _____ seventieth birthday.
  • A. my
  • B. your
  • C. her
2.Traditional festivals are part of Chinese culture, ______ more and more foreigners hope to experience Chinese festivals to learn more about it.
  • A. so
  • B. but
  • C. or
3.After school, we should ______ what we have learned to keep a long-time memory of the knowledge.
  • A. create
  • B. review
  • C. complete
4.—Pam, have you heard that Tainan Subway will be ready in a few years?
—Yes. When people take the subway, the roads and streets will be ______.
  • A. lively
  • B. inexpensive
  • C. uncrowded
5.A mind map is an easy ______ to organize and remember information.
  • A. way
  • B. request
  • C. novel
6.—People in different countries eat with different tableware.
—Yeah. We use chopsticks in China while knives and forks are ______ used in western countries.
  • A. silently
  • B. secret
  • C. widely
7.The Chinese cartoon movie Nezha was a great success. People of all ages the cute boy.
  • A. dressed up as
  • B. fell in love with
  • C. played a trick on
8.—Gina, are you allowed to use the mobile phone at home?
—Not always. My parents ______ my schoolwork. They don't want me to use it.
  • A. are worried about
  • B. are shocked by
  • C. are good at
9.—Karen, ______! I really want to have another bowl.
—So do I. They are also my favorite.
  • A. what a terrible day
  • B. how delicious the noodles are
  • C. what a beautiful restaurant
10.—Susan, I know you are studying in a boarding school. I wonder ______.
—It is quite enjoyable for me. I like to be with my classmates and teachers every day.
  • A. how you feel about the life at school
  • B. when you have free time for yourself
  • C. what your favorite subject is at school
11.(Cathy and Emily are talking about their English teachers. )
Cathy: Hi, Emily. I wonder if you could do me a favor.
Emily: Sure. What's up?
Cathy: It's about Ms. Green, my favorite teacher. (1)      
Emily: What a pity! I know she's important to you.
Cathy: For sure. During the past few years, she has taught me a lot about foreign cultures. I really hope to show my thanks to her. (2)      
Emily: Well, you are talented in painting. Why not paint her a traditional Chinese picture?
Cathy: Amazing. (3)       And how about your English teacher?
Emily: Well, my teacher is friendly. (4)      
Cathy: Sounds like you admire him. Is he a strict teacher?
Emily: (5)       In fact, he is quite humorous.
Cathy: A good teacher can really make a big difference to our life.
Emily: I agree with you.

A. She must be in love with it.
B. A little, only when we make mistakes.
C. Could you please give me some advice?
D. It is said that she has to go back to Canada next month.
E. He always encourages me to speak and we talk a lot on WeChat. 
12.  A rich man loved his son very much. As he wanted his son to live a happy life, he decided to take him to see a wise old man, who is considered to be (1)      , for some advice.
  When the old man learnt about why they came, he (2)       two empty bowls on the table, "Take one bowl and fill it with water from the river nearby," he said, "Be careful, try to (3)       making water come out when you return." Although the boy was very surprised at this, he accepted the request (4)      .
  The boy left for the river and later came back with a bowl of water. The old man asked him, "Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the singing birds in the trees?" The boy had nothing on his (5)       and replied in a low voice, "Sorry. Just now, I gave all my full (6)       to the bowl in my hands." The old man smiled and said, "Bring me another bowl of water, but this time, enjoy the flowers and the songs of the birds as well."
  When he returned, the boy was able to describe (7)       he had seen. But when he looked down at his bowl, he found sadly that most water was gone (8)       he forgot all about his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road.
  "Well, young man," the old man said. Enjoy the beauty of the world, but (9)       forget the water in your bowl. They are both important to your life and this is the secret of (10)      ."
  Later, what the wise man said changed the boy's life.
Drones are like planes, but they have no pilots and are controlled from outside the drones. In the past, they were mostly used to fight against enemies or go into dangerous places.
Now small drones are a part of people's lives. For example, they are used to take photos or make videos. They can give the people a better view from above to see the players of soccer or other games.
Online store Jingdong now use drones to send small packages. They are seen as the fastest way to send medicine to people who are in great need of it. In this way, drones have made our shopping experience different.
For animals, drones can watch animals in the wild, especially endangered ones. Animal keepers can know more about the life of animals without letting them know or scaring them.
14.  Henry was just about ten years old when his father died from an accident. His mother found it hard to provide him with what a normal family could do. Still, she decided to send her child Henry to a well-known school like other children.
  The other day, Henry wanted a grammar book in order to join a class. However, the book was so expensive that his mother couldn't afford it.
  Henry was very upset about this and went to bed with a heavy heart, thinking what could be done to get the book.
  As soon as he woke up in the morning, he found that a heavy snow had fallen and the cold wind was blowing hard. The street became so icy that some little children fell on it. To his surprise, no children cried or just lay on the street waiting for help. They all tried their best to stand up and kept walking. What he saw really touched his heart.
  "Every problem brings a difficulty for someone," he said to himself, " Maybe it is time for me to get back on my feet like them."
  He ran quickly to his neighbor's house and offered to clean the snow in the yard. His offer was accepted. After he finished his work and received his pay, he went to another neighbor and did the same thing. Then he went to several other houses until he had enough money to buy the grammar book. When school began, Henry was in his seat, there the happiest boy, ready to begin studying with his new book.
  From then on, Henry always did well in all of his classes. Because if he was in trouble, he always had a strong will, and could always find a way out.
15.  In our teenagers' life, studying plays an important role. However, it seems difficult for someone to study well, (1)      
  •Have Water and Healthy Snacks.
  Nowadays, you may spend much time studying. In the middle of a study period, you must be a little tired. It can be easy to tell yourself that you have to stop. You may go to the kitchen because you're so hungry or thirsty. (2)       Solve this problem by keeping a bottle of water and healthy snacks at your desk. These things will give you what you need for the long hours of studying ahead of you.
  •Search the Internet.
  If you are not clear about what you have learnt, you'll probably use your class notes to study. What happens if there's a topic that you still don't completely understand? You'd better have a website or two that you can use to search materials. You can find explanations in the website. (3)      
  •Prepare highlighters (亮光笔) and Sticky (粘的) Notes.
  (4)       As you read your textbook and notes, use highlighters and sticky notes to remind yourself of which key information you need to remember. Because even the strictest teachers won't make you remember the whole textbook for your exam. In order not to lose those very important points, you can use some bright, fun color signs to record these materials.
  Finally, we suggest keeping some note cards in your study so that you can make flashcards for coming tests. These are a useful tool for any subject that requires memorization.
  Good luck on your test.

A. Use note cards.
B. How can you save time?
C. Learn knowledge in a smart way.
D. There is something useful to help you draw pictures well.
E. These can be very helpful in helping you understand the material.
F. Here are the materials you need to have a successful study period. 
16.  Since its reform and opening up (改革开放) began in the late 1970 s, China has made great achievements in many areas.
Beijing's new airport saw four passenger planes complete test flights on Monday morning. At 9 am, on May 13th, 2019, the A380 made the first flight, taking off from Beijing Capital International Airport. At 9:30 am, the plane landed safely at Beijing Daxing International Airport. A study from NASA said that the Earth is a greener place than it was 20 years ago. China is taking the lead in making the world greener. The result comes mostly from tree-planting programs in China. 
China's first science fiction film The Wandering Earth makes people all around the world interested. Chinese has a bright future in the science fiction film. Let's just see more of it. Opened in October 2018, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is the longest bridge across the sea in the world. It took thousands of workers nine years to build it. Many people think it is such an amazing project that it will set a good example to the whole world in bridge-building technology. 

  So many achievements make us feel proud of our motherland. "My dearest motherland, you are like the sea that never dries up." We want to sing sincerely for her.

(1)Where did the A380 land safely on May 13th, 2019?
(2)What makes China take a lead in making the world greener?
(3)Please translate (翻译) the underlined sentence into Chinese.
(4)According to the passage, write down one great achievement China has made.
(5)What can we do for our motherland?
you, shyness, everyday, is born with, second, though, seldom, fail, like, scores 

  Is it difficult to learn English well? For many Chinese students, the answer might be "Yes". Some still find it boring, (1)             they know English is important. Here are some ideas on how to learn English well.
  To warm up, listen to English as often as possible. You can find (2)             listening materials from tapes, radios or TVs. If you can't hear them clearly, try a (3)             time. With English around, you will feel much easier to get started.
  When you are learning new words, deal with your (4)             and feel free to pronounce them. Normally, you can (5)             get the pronunciation correct if you just keep silent without opening your mouth. Besides, some apps on the mobile phone can help with your spoken English practice. After you complete the tests, they can even show (6)             to tell how well you can pronounce.
  What's more, you can watch English movies. There are tons of English movies (7)             Spider Man and Captain America. You are sure to get interested in them. Listen to the characters carefully and learn useful English expressions. If you (8)             to understand, try to connect them with the actions of characters. This will help (9)             guess what they mean.
  All in all, there are many ways to learn English well and you just need to find the best way for yourself. Remember that everyone (10)             the skills to learn a language well. Always believe that you can make it.
it, by, pay, partner, surprised, move, convenient, one, repeat, direct 

  Zhang Peng is a taxi driver in Xi'an. One day when he checked the online wallet of his WeChat app, he found that a passenger had paid 6. 500 yuan for a 65-yuan pay. That was 6, 435 yuan more than the passenger needed (1)            .
  According to the time of the payment, he guessed that one of the four foreign travelers he picked up from the train station and dropped off at a nearby hotel did (2)            . Without thinking twice, Zhang Peng (3)             went to the hotel again. After hearing what Zhang Peng said, the waiter agreed to help him (4)             making a phone call.
  Just at that time, Zhang Peng saw the traveler who paid the money come downstairs with her three (5)      . He went up to them hurriedly and (6)             the English words "more money", "WeChat pay" again and again. Finally the woman understood him and was surprised to learn about her mistake. It was her (7)             time to use the We Chat online payment in China. She was even (8)             when Zhang Peng returned all her extra money and refused to get a reward.
  "I can't believe it," the woman said excitedly. "I am really thankful for your kindness and honesty, I enjoy the (9)             of WeChat payment in China, and at the same time I (10)             by the friendliness of the Chinese people."
  Money is important, but honesty is the best policy.
19.学校文化节上展出的布老虎 (cloth tiger)、泥塑、剪纸、团扇 (moon-shaped fan) 等中国传统民间工艺品,一定会激发来校参观的外国友人的极大兴趣。作为本次活动的讲解员,请你任选一件物品为大家介绍其历史、制作工艺及蕴含的美好寓意吧。词数:60词左右。
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