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1.Nowadays, students often have problems with ______ schoolwork and friends.
  • A. they
  • B. them
  • C. their
  • D. themselves
2.The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge opened to traffic ______ October, 2018.
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. at
  • D. to
3.We think Town Cinema is the best ______ it has the biggest screens.
  • A. because
  • B. so
  • C. although
  • D. but
4.—______ sugar do we need to make popcorn?
—One teaspoon.
  • A. How many
  • B. How old
  • C. How long
  • D. How much
5.—Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?
—Sorry, I ______. I have to prepare for an exam.
  • A. may
  • B. can
  • C. can't
  • D. mustn't
6.—How often does your mother exercise?
—She ______ almost every day.
  • A. exercises
  • B. is exercising
  • C. exercised
  • D. will exercise
7.Tony is much ______ than any other boy in our class.
  • A. tall
  • B. taller
  • C. tallest
  • D. the tallest
8.—What did you do when you were in London?
—I ______ Buckingham Palace.
  • A. visited
  • B. am visiting
  • C. visit
  • D. will visit
9.If you go to the party, you ______ a great time.
  • A. are having
  • B. have
  • C. had
  • D. will have
10.Our English teachers plan ______ a New Year party for us.
  • A. hold
  • B. holding
  • C. to hold
  • D. held
11.Thanksgiving in the United States
  In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. A special day in the United States is Thanksgiving. It is always on the fourth Thursday in November, and is a time to give thanks for (1)       in the autumn. At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. These travelers had a long, (2)       winter, and many of them died. In the next autumn, they gave thanks for life and food in their new home. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their (3)      . The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey, a large bird.
  Making a turkey dinner.
  Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.
  • First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.
  • Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix.
  • Then, put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours.
  • When it is (4)      , place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.
  • Finally, cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.
12.  Mike was the despair (绝望) of his parents. In many ways, he was a model child. He was well-behaved and polite. He did well in math and science. However, the reason for his parents' despair was that Mike would not (1)      , not even a magazine. His parents had asked his teacher for advice on how to make Mike read. They had taken him to the local library and shown him all the different types of books. For his birthday, they bought him books with bright covers. He took no (2)       of them. His favorite aunt presented him with an exciting video as his birthday present. The video was based on a well-known (3)      . Mike would watch the video and talk about it for days. But when his aunt suggested that he might like to read the book, Mike would lose all his (4)      . Whenever Mike got facts wrong, the rest of the family laughed at him, "Oh, Mike! You know nothing! All because you won't read books."
  But there came one momentous (重要的) day when Mike returned home with a book. He (5)       it under his shirt trying to take it into the house secretly. His keen-eyed sister noticed it. It was she who discovered how Mike had come to take an interest in reading. Unknown to the family, Mike had often made (6)       trips to the library. There, he had taken part in some activities. At one meeting, Mike listened to a speaker talk about the excitement of reading science fiction. The talk (7)       Mike's life. From that moment on, his head was always buried in a book. When books were opened, Mike discovered that he had wings. Science fiction at first, but, as his (8)       broadened, he read widely. His parents were amazed at the change in Mike and wondered what had persuaded him to read.
13.  This Monday, David got four invitations. Let's read and see.
 Hi David,
  Can you play the piano? Are you good at dancing? Welcome to our school talent show. It starts at 4:00 pm next Monday at the gym. You can bring your friends if you like. Looking forward to your reply.
 Hi David,
  I'm having a birthday party at 6:00 pm next Friday at my house. Would you like to come? It'll be fun. Lots of people from my school are coming. Could you bring some lemonade and crisps? Hope you can come.
 Hi David,
  Christmas is coming. Would you like to come to our Christmas party this Sunday at the School Hall? The party will last from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. We'll play games, sing songs and so on. I think we'll have a good time. Will you write me back as soon as possible?
 Hi David,
  Our foreign teacher, Miss Green, will return to England for her winter vacation soon. We will have a party for her this Thursday. It begins at 5:00 pm at the Foreign Teachers' Building. Food and drinks will be provided at the party. Please reply by Wednesday.
14.A Walk in the Garden
  One day, Lily walked with her mother and came to a pretty garden. Lily looked in. She saw clean roads and beautiful flowers.
  She turned to her mother and said, "Mum, come and look at this pretty garden. I hope I can open the gate and walk in."
  The gardener heard what Lily said, and kindly invited them to come into the garden. Her mother thanked him, and then said, "Lily, if I take you into this garden, be sure not to touch anything in it."
  Along the roads, Lily looked at everything, but she walked carefully so that she didn't touch anything she saw.
  The gardener was much pleased with what Lily did, so he showed her the seeds and told her the names of different flowers and plants.
  While Lily was enjoying the beauty of a flower, a boy came to the gate. Finding it locked, he shook it hard. But it would not open. Then he shouted, "Let me in! Let me in! Will you not let me in this garden?"
  "No!" said the gardener. "I will not let you in, because yesterday when I let you in, you pulled some of my fruit and messed up my garden." The boy felt sorry and went slowly away.
  Lily realized it is polite to take care of what does not belong to her, and she felt so much happier when she got the flowers as a gift from the gardener.
15.  Have you ever eaten a whole packet of biscuits when you were planning to only have one? Or have you stayed up much later than you planned, or even all night, having "just one more" try in a game? Both of these are examples of mindlessness. When we live this way, we are not fully awake and not fully living our lives.
When we are mindful, we are different. We are conscious of our thoughts, our actions and what is happening around us. We might notice a beautiful sunset or really listen carefully to what a friend is saying, rather than planning what we're going to say next. We are also clear about our own feelings and thoughts. So we are consciously deciding what to pay attention to, we are not worrying about the past or planning for the future and we are not trying to control or stop our thoughts or feelings — we're just noticing them. For most people, life is getting busier and more stressful (有压力的). Technology means that we always have something to do and there isn't much opportunity to just "be". People are often doing two or three things at the same time: texting while watching TV, or even looking at phones while walking.
  Research shows that mindfulness reduces stress. It can help you to focus, to have a better memory and to think more clearly. It can also help you to manage pain better and to improve sleep, and it can even help you to lose weight because you won't eat that whole packet of biscuits without thinking!
  A very simple technique that you can try right now is to close your eyes for a few minutes and count how many sounds you can hear. This will help you to focus on what is happening right now. Another technique is to focus on a piece of food. Instead of eating it without thinking, notice how it feels and how it tastes.
  Both of these techniques help you to slow down and focus on the present moment, as Jon Kabat Zinn says: Mindfulness is paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, and without judging.
16.  Who do you want to thank most? Maybe your parents or other family members. But for some of the most successful people in the world, their answer is the teachers in their childhood.
  The teachers behind famous people
  Can you imagine the life without a personal computer? Well, without two of Bill Gates' high school teachers, we could live a life like that today. Gates' maths teacher, Fred Wright, asked him to push himself just a little bit harder. And his drama teacher, Anne Stephens, helped him become the star of the school play. Gates thanked his teachers — without them, there would be no Microsoft.
  An adult you can trust
  For some children, teachers are the only positively influential people in their lives. Antwone Fisher, a best-selling writer, grew up with step-parents, and didn't have many adults that he could trust. But his primary school teacher, Mrs Profitt, was the first adult he ever trusted. "She spoke to all of us with respect. I think that it was Mrs. Profitt's respect that made all the differences in my life."
A day to say "Thank you"
  There are thousands more stories like this, from famous people to ordinary people all across the world. That's why UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) calls on people to celebrate World Teachers' Day on October 5 every year. UNESCO wants us to remember that education is a basic human right and every child should have free education. UNESCO also hopes to train 69 million new teachers by 2030 so that everyone can go to school, because, sadly, 264 million children in the world today are not in school because there aren't enough teachers.
  If you have a teacher, you're one of the lucky ones. One day, you'll probably look back at your life, your success, the dreams you've made come true or the difficulty you've gone through. It's likely that you'll find a teacher whose words have helped you achieve these things. Perhaps you already know who that teacher is. Why not find him or her and say "thank you" next World Teachers' Day?

(1)Who asked Bill Gates to push himself just a little bit harder?
(2)What made all the differences in Antwone Fisher's life?
(3)When is World Teachers' Day?
(4)How many new teachers does UNESCO hope to train by 2030?
(5)Why is it lucky for us to have a teacher?
I am going to be a pilot when I             .
18.你能打开电视机吗? 我想看中央电视台的新闻。
Could you              the TV? I want to watch CCTV news.
It's never too late             .
Everyone should        saving the earth.
21.根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用. 请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
寒假临近,为了过一个充实而有意义的寒假,你有哪些计划? 请以 "My Plans for the Winter Vacation" 为题,写一篇英语短文,展望你的假期生活,并谈一谈你的寒假计划。
提示词语:exciting, read books, visit, play football, improve
•What will your winter vacation life be like?
•What are you going to do?
•Why are you going to do so?
My Plans for the Winter Vacation
22.根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
天下没有不疼爱子女的父母,但亲子关系中会有这样那样的问题。为了帮助学生更 好地与父母相处,学校英文专栏 (Home-School Express) 向同学们征集稿件。请用英语 写一篇短文投稿,谈谈亲子关系中常见的问题,并给出你的建议。
提示词语:care about, different ideas, solve, talk with
•What problems do students have with their parents?
•What advice do you have to solve the problems?
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