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1.—Our basketball team lost the game by only one score yesterday.
—Oh, ______ !
  • A. what a pity
  • B. lucky you
  • C. best wishes
  • D. never mind
2.In my opinion, Jack can finish the work well. He has the ______ to explain things clearly.
  • A. habit
  • B. choice
  • C. ability
  • D. chance
3.Paul will study abroad soon, so he hopes all his friends could ______ the dinner party tonight.
  • A. hold
  • B. finish
  • C. leave
  • D. attend
4.—You ordered newspapers for your father, right?
—Yes. ______ is important for him to read newspapers every day.
  • A. This
  • B. It
  • C. That
  • D. One
5.—Could you look through this report when you have a(n)______ moment?
—With pleasure.
  • A. exact
  • B. magic
  • C. spare
  • D. touching
6.—Could you tell me ______ I can get on well with my parents?
—Well, you are supposed to communicate with them more.
  • A. how
  • B. what
  • C. why
  • D. which
7.—Listen! Jenny is singing in the music room.
—Oh, it ______ be her. She is absent from school today.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. can't
  • C. might
  • D. should
8.There won't be new basketball matches in our school before COVID-19 ______
  • A. controls
  • B. has controlled
  • C. is controlled
  • D. was controlled
9.Mike ______ arguing with his parents, so he said sorry to them as soon as he got home.
  • A. considered
  • B. kept
  • C. regretted
  • D. stopped
10.It's important to make a good plan, but what's more important is to ______ the plan you have made.
  • A. check out
  • B. run after
  • C. stick to
  • D. think of
11.  When Tony became a successful businessman, he decided to invite his father to Mumbai. His father was a bit (1)       to go to the city as he had spent most of his life in a small village. He only knew his local language and didn't (2)       Hindi or English. Anyway, he was happy to spend a few days with his (3)      .
  Tony showed the old man around the city. Both of them had fun. One day, Tony took his father to a five star restaurant and (4)       delicious drinks and snacks. After finishing the (5)      , the old man put some nuts in his pocket. On the way out of the restaurant, the old man stumbled (绊脚). (6)       , Tony supported him and stopped him from (7)       down. But the nuts fell out of his pocket. Tony laughed with his father about what had happened.
  Later, Tony shared the (8)       with his best friend. The friend asked, "Weren't you embarrassed?"
  Tony replied, "No! He's my father. He's a person who loves to talk in his native language and (9)       to take nuts to eat later. He should be allowed to do whatever he feels comfortable with as long as he is not hurting others. I didn't (10)       what people there would think about me. My only concern (关心) was my father's happiness."
12.  I recently started a new job in a small office. In the office four of us (1)       a water filter pitcher (滤水壶). One of my workmates complained the water (2)       bad, which went on for a few days. However, I could drink the water without any trouble. I started to (3)       my taste buds (味蕾), but the water really tasted fine.
  Finally, she found out the (4)       was actually her cup. She simply (5)       to clean it. Then she cleaned her cup, and drank the water without any problem.
  I can't help but think about the (6)       we live in. Too often we quickly complain about other people and other things instead of checking ourselves when we are in trouble. "You're (7)       ." "You're slow." "You're the problem." The world isn't (8)      , I know. But I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask ourselves some questions, "Can I be better? Is my (9)       really pure (纯洁的)? Can I help this situation with kindness?"
I want to tell you this: please clean your cup often, I (10)       the water will taste much better when you do this.
13.A: Hey, Lingling! Are you watching a film on the computer?
B: No, I'm not. (1)      
A: Oh, what's the name of the talent show?
B: CHUANG 2020. Do you know about it?
A: Yes, but I have never watched it. (2)      
B: She is Curley G and she always works hard. She is my hero.
A: I see. You are good at singing. (3)      
B: Yes, I do. That's my dream. (4)      
A: Sounds good. But are you allowed to make your own decision?
B: No, I'm not. My parents think I'm not old enough to decide for myself (5)      
A: Well, I think you should try your best to follow your dream as long as you like it.
B: Maybe you are right.

A. Do you want to be a singer?
B. I'm watching a talent show.
C. Who is the girl on the screen?
D.What do you want to be in the future?
E. I'm playing an interesting computer games.
F. I don't know what I should do to achieve my dream.
G. I'm looking forward to taking part in a talent show one day.
Tell us your interests. We'll find you great books. Library cards are free to everyone. They allow you to borrow books, magazines, CDs and DVDs from the library. They also allow you to use the computers at the library. Click here to apply for( 申请) a card. Tell us as soon as possible if your card is lost or stolen. You must receive a card or renew an expired(到期的) card yourself. Library cards expire after four years. Cards for kids and teensThe signature(签名) of a parent is required for children aged 13 and under. The parent must also provide a photo ID. Teens aged 14 to 17 use the same process. However, teens who already have their own photo ID can apply without a parent's signature. 
15.  The fog was thick. As we walked deep into the forest, it was difficult to know where we were going and when we would get out. Our hearts were full of fear, but we had to keep going. The forest seemed to be endless. We were lost in the middle of a dark black forest with nothing to drink or eat.
  I felt hard to breathe. My knees went weak and it seemed that I was falling down. As a result, I fainted.
  I finally woke up when Emily hit me in the face. Both Emily and Mike gave me a worried look. They helped me sit up against the tree. The three of us kept silent. Suddenly we heard the wolves (狼) growl far away. It was hard to tell who was more scared. The looks on my friends' faces made me feel very scared. Which was the right way out?
  We sat there for two more minutes and then moved on. Suddenly, a wolf appeared in front of us. It gave us a quick look and ran away. We felt so scared that we had to move on without a rest. To our excitement, there was an old house in the opposite direction. When we reached the house, smoke was rising from the chimney (烟囱). There must be someone in the house. We knocked, but no one answered. We knocked again, and then we heard someone walking towards the door. A kind young woman opened the door and let us in. How lucky we were!
16.  EI Capitan, about 3, 000 feet high, is one of the world's hardest mountains to climb. However, Selah Schneiter did it!She became the youngest person ever to do it. The 10-year-old girl said, "I feel like everybody is thinking it's really crazy that I did it because I'm the youngest person, but I did it to have fun."
  Selah made it to the top with the help of her father, a climbing guide. They started on June 7th and reached the top on June 12th. Selah's parents are both climbing lovers. So is Selah. She became interested in climbing at the age of seven. There was a climbing wall in their garage (车库) and it was often the first place Selah went to after school. Selah's mother said, "To climb EI Capitan, Selah practiced a lot. I worried if she could do that much work with such a small body, but now I'm really proud of her."
  "I get a lot from climbing and now I'm ready for the next climb," Selah said.
17.  There are a large number of search engine apps (搜索引擎应用程序) on the Internet, but some of them are not good for kids. To make a green Internet world for teenagers, Xinhua News Agency and Chinaso made a new search engine app together. It is called Huayang Search. or "Young" in English.
  "Young" is China's first search engine app for teenagers. By using it, kids can look for useful information and find answers to their questions online. The app makes sure that kids will get nothing bad from the Internet. Similar to other search engine apps, it has lots of age-appropriate (适龄内容), such as online lessons, educational videos and interesting cartoons. Kids can choose what they like to watch.
  To protect kids' eyes, the app has screen time rules. So parents don't need to worry that their children will look at the screen for a very long time.
  People started to download (下载) the app before Children's Day this year. So far, the app has been downloaded more than 10 million times.
18.  To stay safe, we have to sacrifice (牺牲) many things we enjoy because of COVID-19, including physical touch. Research has shown that humans need physical touch to stay healthy. Without it, many become lonely, sad and even sick. So, if you feel you need a hug, we know something you can safely put your arms around and hold close: a tree!
  Tree hugging may sound a little strange. But humans have practiced forms of nature therapy (疗法) for years. The Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku is an example. Shinrin means forest in Japanese, and Yoku is the Japanese word for bath. But no soap or water is needed for Shinrin Yoku. All that nature bathing requires is spending time in nature:listening to its sounds, breathing in its air and connecting to its life force.
  Recently, Israel has been encouraging tree hugging. The country's nature and parks agency agrees on the public health campaign. Orit Steinfeld is director of Israel's Apollonia National Park. She says, "In this special period, we encourage people around the world to go out to nature, take a deep breath, hug a tree, express love and get love." Inside the park, some visitors have followed the advice and hugged trees. Barbara Grant is one of them. She says, "The most basic human need is for connection, for touching, and for hugging."
19.阅读下面的短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后西的词数要求)。
  Fiona was a very popular girl at school. She got on well with everyone. She was such a busy girl with so many friends that she hardly spent time with her friends for long. However, she felt very lucky as no other girl had so many friends at school.
  But everything changed on National Friendship Day. On that day, everyone was having a great time, painting, and giving gifts at school. Fiona carefully chose three friends and sent out her presents. However, she didn't receive presents from these three friends, or any other one. Fiona felt terrible, and she cried for hours. Everyone came and tried to cheer her up. But each one only stayed for a short time before leaving. This was exactly what Fiona had done so many times to others. She realized that she had not been a true friend to anyone.
  When Fiona got home that night, her mother talked to her, "You cannot buy friends with just a smile or a few good words. If you want true friends, you will have to give them enough time and love. For a true friend, you must always be there, in good times and bad." Hearing this, Fiona realized that it takes time and love to make true friends.
20.Doing exercise has become an important part of my d       (日常的) life.
21.Mike felt s       (困倦) when he stayed up to finish the report last night.
22.Your phone must be s       (关闭) off before the plane takes off.
23.The temperature is very l       (低的) for this time of year.
24.Eggs and vegetables can be kept fresh for a longer time in the f       (冰箱).
25.自2020年以来, 一些城市开始制订新规, 如果不戴头盔骑电动车上路, 人们将面临罚款.对于这条新规, 有人赞同, 有人反对或是漠视.电动车骑手们应该戴头盔上路吗?请你根据下列提示内容, 写一篇英语短文, 并发表到你校英文报刊上.
骑电动车必须戴头盔吗?   ▲头盔重, 戴上不舒服;▲夏天戴头盔会很热. 

1. 包含所给出的提示要点, 并表明自己的观点;
2. 结构完整, 语句通顺, 句式多样, 可作适当发挥;
3. 不少于80词(短文开头已给出, 不计入总词数).
参考词语;helmet头盔;from a distance远距离地
  In some cities, people are not allowed to ride electric bicycles without helmets. Those who do not wear helmets will be punished for breaking the traffic rule.
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