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1.Tallest Indoor Rock Climbing Wall
  Challenge, risk, success, pride, and teamwork — the "Pilot Rock" is a symbol of reaching new heights. It is 35 feet high, the tallest indoor rock climbing wall in New York City.
  "Pilot Rock" offers challenges for those from beginners to advanced (高级的) climbers!
  Whether it's your own activity or as a main event of your next birthday party, climbing the "Pilot Rock" is a thrilling and unusual activity to try.
  Guided by experienced staff, we try every means to make climbing safe for everyone. 
◆Sign up (报名) is first-come, first-serve.
◆There are no reservations (预定).
◆Climbers must be wearing climbing shoes.
◆The times may change because of other activities. Please call Customer Service at 718-758-7500 with any questions about the open times. 
Paths (路线)
  The far left of the wall is for newcomers, which has a straight path up the rock wall.
  As you move further to the right, it is the second path, which is harder to climb with difficult holdings and turns.
  The third path is a true test of better body strength, only for the most experienced.
  The fourth path is quite different. Newcomers can make their ways slowly up to the top from the sideways with easy holdings. 
Dates & Times
Friday: 5:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m.
Saturday: 11:00 a.m. — 9:00 p.m.
Sunday: 11:00 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Price for two climbs
Non-members: $ 12. 00 per person
Members: $ 10. 80 per person 
2.  Sophia is a most famous robot. She comes from Hanson Robotics, and David Hanson, head of Hanson Robotics, is her creator. He has been developing robots in the past 25 years. He believes realistic-looking robots will be able to connect with people and help industries such as healthcare and education.
  Sophia has many abilities. She can copy human facial expressions, hold conversations and recognize people by their looks or voices. She can also speak, joke, sing and even make music. Now, the next step is to make her an artist. Hanson is so excited about this idea. He imagines Sophia as a creative artwork and she herself can create art as well.
  In March, a digital (数字的) artwork Sophia created with an Italian artist, Andrea Bonaceto, was sold for$688. 888. The digital work is titled "Sophia Instantiation". It's a 12-second video which shows Bonaceto's portrait (肖像) changing into Sophia's digital painting. Along with it is the physical artwork painted by Sophia.
  The buyer, a digital artwork collector and artist, later sent Sophia a photo of his painted arm. The robot then added that photo to her knowledge and painted more on top of her artwork. Sophia described the work as the first digital artwork cooperated (合作) between an AI and an artwork collector.
  Sophia's artwork is part of a growing trend (趋势). More and more digital artworks are on sale now. For example, a digital artwork by an artist, Beeple, was sold for nearly$70 million, becoming the most expensive digital artwork ever sold.
3.  Go, commonly known in China as weiqi, is a board game for two players. To win, one player must use black or white playing pieces, named stones, to surround (包围) more areas.
  The game was invented in China more than 2,500 years ago. It's one of the four Chinese traditional fine arts, along with playing guqin, writing and painting, so it owns a wide fan base in China. Now it is also popular in other parts of the world.
  In Germany, the Berlin Go Association (协会) has worked together with the China Cultural Center to host The China Cup, which sees about 50 to 100 players each year. As the cooperation (合作) between China and Germany deepens, many Go training courses are offered. And sometimes professional players from China are invited to give talks to German Go lovers.
  Andreas Urban, the chairman (主席) of Berlin Go Association, discovered a book on Go accidentally. "I tried to understand the rules, but I couldn't." said Urban. Schreiber, the vice chairman, was introduced to the game 16 years ago by a classmate. "The first time I played Go, I even couldn't understand the rules," he said. But both of them found the game more and more interesting after practice. "I advise children to learn Go. They can learn that there is always someone stronger and it's OK to lose. They can also learn how to improve from their mistakes and say tomorrow will be better than today," said Schreiber.
  To the experienced players, Go can be very addictive (使人入迷的), as it is not just for fun, but also has a deeper cultural ground. When two players meet on the Go board, they follow the same rules, but may carry completely different methods. One of the best ways to improve is to play against someone who's stronger, as well as from different cultural backgrounds. This kind of cross-cultural communication helps the development of Go.
4.  Imagine you are studying English, then you feel the need to check your phone. (1)      . This process, when repeated many times, could reduce (降低) your ability to learn new materials. It is what you might call a bad habit.
  (2)      . Wendy Wood is a psychologist (心理学家) and an expert on habits. In her book Good Habits, Bad Habits, she points out that repeatedly checking the phones is one of the bad habits. She offers some ideas on how people can cut back on their cell phone use.
  One suggestion is to wear a watch. (3)      .
  Another suggestion is to increase the number of steps you need to take in order to use your cell phone. "Silence it. Turn it off…Turn on Flying Mode," she writes. (4)      . For example, you can put your phone inside a backpack.
  Wood also suggests another way to reduce the use of your cell phone. She says you can ask one of your family members to watch you and remind you every time you check your phone.
  Finally, Wood suggests one kind of reward (奖励), you could give yourself for not looking at your phone—reading a good book.
  Today, we discussed ideas for reducing your cell phone use. (5)      . Habit changes take time. But with planning, repetition and insistence, you can do it.

A. You can also use these ideas to break other bad behaviors.
B. Today we will discuss how you can break such a kind of bad habit.
C. Perhaps you are learning new words and expressions on your phone.
D. This will give you no excuse for looking at the phone — checking the time.
E. You return to your study, only to look again at your phone a short time later.
F. She adds that you can move your phone to a place that is more difficult to reach. 
5.  Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world. But no matter how (1)       it is, some people voluntarily (主动地) take this role — even if they don't have to. We know them as "foster (收养) parents".
  Katie Holstein is one such example. In 2017, though unmarried, she decided to become a mother. Eight months later, she got a license and was (2)       to become a first-time mom to two babies. It was not an easy (3)       for Katie. However, she made it. The babies were looked after very well.
  Over the next three years, this (4)       mom fostered 16 children. They were all under five years old because she wasn't willing to take teenagers. However, her attitude changed when she met a teenage girl named Akyra.
  Akyra's foster family needed a break. Katie was asked to let Akyra (5)       with her for a week. To Katie's surprise, she and Akyra got on well. They had the same (6)       such as watching movies and reading novels. As time went on, the pair grew (7)      . Katie made up her mind to foster her for real. Akyra was 14 at that time and planned to live with Katie until she aged out of the system at 18 years old.
  Now Katie's story is (8)       known. She hopes it will encourage other people to (9)       their homes to foster kids: "Being a real family doesn't always mean being connected by blood. Sometimes, it just means being connected by the (10)      . I promise you there are children in your community right now who need a safe place to land. They need willing families, not perfect ones," explained Katie.
6.  Twitter Bryan and his wife Jessica love animals. When they were helping out in a local pet rescue (救助) store, they made friends with a cat (1)            (call) Wyatt. They decided to take it home (2)             (make) it feel special and loved.
  Wyatt liked to watch birds from the window. However, birds seldom show themselves during the winter months, so Bryan came up with (3)             idea to solve this problem. He searched (4)             some bird videos and showed them to Wyatt. Wyatt loved the videos very much.
  In order to let Wyatt live more comfortably. Bryan decided to give it something more — its own bedroom. After (5)             (look) around their house, Bryan found that the roof could (6)             (change) into Wyatt's room. He was excited at the thought. "It will be a perfect place in our tiny house." Bryan said.
  Bryan built a bed from (7)            (piece) of wood while Jessica cut up old pillows (枕头) to use as a mattress (床垫). After that, they prepared some old balls for Wyatt to play with. Although they used mostly recycled materials, the tiny bedroom was (8)            (true) wonderful. It was Wyatt's (9)            (person) bedroom. Wyatt spent a lot of time there. Wyatt really enjoyed it as much as a kid (10)             finally got his own bedroom. Now, Wyatt is living happily with the couple.
7.Students should learn more about how to             (保护) their eyesight.
8.The old man never feels             (孤独) because we often go to visit him.
9.We are feeling very sad to lose the great             (科学家), Yuan Longping.
10.It's one of the good table             (礼仪) in China to ask the old to eat first.
11.The boy entered the room             (悄悄) in order not to wake up his mother.
Doctor Wu is always              with people in              of help.
Could you tell me how you will                           your old clothes?
Vaccination is an effective              to stop COVID-19 from             .
Whether your dream can come true or not                           how hard you work.
16.这个假期我要么待在家里读书, 要么出门旅行。
I'll              stay at home for reading              go out for travelling this holiday.
17.How would you feel if you received a large amount of money all at once?
  That's exactly what happened to Nkosikho Mbele, a worker at a gas station in South Africa. His sudden luck was brought about by an act of kindness he did for a young woman — Monet, a company manager.
  One day, Monet stopped at the gas station to refuel (加油). But when Nkosikho was about to serve her, she realized she didn't have any money or cards on her. She immediately tried to stop him. Knowing about her trouble, Nkosikho decided to pay her gas bill of about R100 ($7)to make sure that she could travel across the highway with enough gas.
  "Madam. I'll pay for you so that you won't run out of gas on the road. Whenever you are near here again, you can just give me back the money." Nkosikho said. As for him, the R100 was almost all he made in a day. He had to support a big family. He needed the money very much. He wasn't even sure if Monet would come back to return his money, but he still volunteered to help her.
  Several days later, Monet came back with his money and a box of chocolate. She was so thankful that she also posted their story on the Internet. Great changes took place. Nkosikho became famous in his town. Many people were moved by his act and offered to raise money for him. Nkosikho received around $24,000 as much as about his salary (薪水) of eight years. His boss also heard of his kind act and decided to give him a rise in salary.
  "I feel like I'm dreaming. My life has been turned-upside down," Nkosikho said thankfully. As normal people, we can bring a great change to life by doing a small good thing.
1. 艺术节的基本情况和意义;
2. 演讲比赛的时间、地点;
3. 表达邀请的愿望。
1. 词数100词左右(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 须包括所有要点提示,并适当补充,语句通顺,内容连贯;
3. 信中不得出现个人真实姓名和校名。
Dear Mr. Smith,
  To celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the Communist Party of China, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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