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1.—I'm proud of our China's Tiangong Station plan.
—Me, too. We have taken another step ______ our space dream.
  • A. behind
  • B. towards
  • C. across
  • D. besides
2.China is making ______ to help more developing countries fight against COVID-19.
  • A. a decision
  • B. a mess
  • C. an effort
  • D. a mistake
3.—When will you go to see your grandpa?
—I'll see him _______ I get off the plane. You know I miss him very much.
  • A. as soon as
  • B. as long as
  • C. as far as
  • D. as easily as
4.—Would you please ________ what you said?
—Sure. I asked you to have a rest. It's too hot today.
  • A. show
  • B. spell
  • C. review
  • D. repeat
5.—How do you improve your English ______?
—I often talk with the persons whose mother language is English.
  • A. population
  • B. transportation
  • C. pronunciation
  • D. suggestion
6.—Why does our chemistry teacher often ______ her?
—Because she gets full marks in chemistry every time.
  • A. praise
  • B. forget
  • C. control
  • D. hurt
7.—I think Miss Wang is the most _______ teacher in our school.
—That's true. She never gets angry with her students.
  • A. patient
  • B. beautiful
  • C. interesting
  • D. important
8.—Does your sister spend her money _______?
—Yes, of course. She knows what to buy and what not to buy.
  • A. quickly
  • B. wisely
  • C. badly
  • D. simply
9.—The songs the little girl sings are very sweet.
—She ______ a good voice. Nobody taught her.
  • A. takes care of
  • B. is similar to
  • C. looks forward to
  • D. is born with
10.—Why are you in such a hurry?
—Because the class ______ for 10 minutes.
  • A. has been on
  • B. has begun
  • C. is on
  • D. begins
11.—Jim, please help me _______ the tent.
—OK. I'm coming. It's exciting to sleep in it tonight.
  • A. get on
  • B. get off
  • C. pull down
  • D. put up
12.—The policewoman ______ the driver for breaking the traffic rules.
—That's right. He's explaining to her loudly over there.
  • A. is punishing
  • B. was punishing
  • C. would punish
  • D. is punished
13.—______ nice weather it is to go hiking! Would you like to go with me?
—Good idea! Let's go.
  • A. How a
  • B. How
  • C. What a
  • D. What
14.—This math problem _______ in half an hour.
—Don't worry. Mr. Wang is good at math. He can make it.
  • A. is working out
  • B. would work out
  • C. should be worked out
  • D. has worked out
15.—Could you tell me _____ ?
—Yes. We are going to visit the red boat on South Lake in Jiaxing next week.
  • A. why we'll celebrate our Party's 100 birthday
  • B. how we'll celebrate our Party's 100 birthday
  • C. when will we celebrate our Party's 100 birthday
  • D. where will we celebrate our Party's 100 birthday
16.  I was going to buy some fruits and medicine for my headache. After I parked my car, I went into the market. It wasn't as (1)       as I had expected. Only a few people were shopping in it.
  In the market, I saw a little girl (2)       in a shopping car (车). She looked to be 9 months old with blond curly hair and blue eyes.
  She was such a lovely girl that I couldn't (3)       my eyes away. Then I did what I always do with children: I gave her my best smile. I may have looked a bit (4)      , but it came from my heart.
  I've learned that everyone (5)       a smile sometimes, even strangers at the market in a rush to get home.
  She took her time deciding just (6)       to deal with my smile. But finally, she smiled.
  I laughed and waved (挥手) goodbye. And she blew me a kiss.
  That put a smile on my face and then I got a smile in (7)       from every shopper I passed.
  I was still smiling when I got home and (8)       I'd forgotten to get medicine. Luckily, I didn't need it. My headache was gone.
  Want to change the world? Try smiling. In that simple (9)       of everyone's smiles, this tiring world would become a better place.
  (10)       you're lucky, you'll be blown a kiss and it maybe make your headache go away.
17.  Looking forward to having fun in the following summer? Come to be volunteers!
Summer Camp
  Offer you a chance to lead children in games, sports and art.
Date: June 25—July 28, Mondays & Fridays
Time: 10:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. 
Farm Volunteer
  We are looking for volunteers in three types: chicken feeding, tomato planting and horse training.
Date: July 15—August 20, Sundays.
Time: 9:00 a.m—3:30 p.m. 
Volleyball Club
  Volleyball volunteers teach kids basic sills of playing volleyball, and have a chance to play it on the beach.
Date: June 25— August 30, Thursdays
Time: 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. 
The New View (视野)
  Help open kids' eyes to the newest achievements in technology. This program includes trips to local museums.
Date: June 26—August 20, Tuesdays
Time: 8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. 

  To become a member of our volunteers, you must be the students who will graduate from junior middle school this year, and apply for (申请) it before June 23. For more information, please e-mail us at Alice@163.com.
18.  Sleepwalking (梦游) is when your child gets out of bed and walks around as if he's awake, but he's actually asleep. Sleepwalking doesn't hurt your child, and it usually disappears when the kid grows up.
  Sleepwalking happens during deep sleep. Your child might get out of bed and walk around as if he's awake, but he won't respond normally to you or anything around him. This may make you upset. But try not to worry — your child is OK.
  In fact, sleepwalking is quite common. 7% to 15% of children sleepwalk, and it doesn't usually mean that there's anything wrong with them. Children aged 4 to 12 are more likely to sleepwalk. Both boys and girls sleepwalk.
  Sleepwalking often happens in the first few hours of the night. When it happens, your child's mind is asleep. However, his body is awake at the same time.
  Sleepwalking usually has something to do with age and development. However, some things can increase your child's sleepwalking. For example:
  ●Bad habits that cause poor sleep
  ●Fever or some other illnesses
  ●A family history of sleepwalking
  ●Medical conditions that cause poor sleep
  If your child is sleepwalking at least once every night, it's best to see a doctor. Also see a doctor if your child's sleepwalking is influencing the sleep of other family members, or if you're worried your child might hurt himself while sleepwalking.
19.  It was not easy to learn different kinds of musical instruments well at the same time. I still remembered when I took my piano lessons, my mother said worriedly to my father, "Why hasn't he made any progress with so much practice?'' I tried to play the piano better. However, my parents never got a strong feeling of satisfaction with my piano performance.
  From then on, I didn't play any musical instrument until my old friend Larry invited me to play the violin with him when I was 60. It made me enjoy the joy of playing music again. One day, Larry asked me to take part in a violin performance with him. At first, thinking of my past, I wanted to refuse. I expected to hear his words that I would become more skilled with practice on stage (舞台), But he said, "OK, only play if you want to. " I was shocked by the unexpected answer.
  In fact, nobody made me do it, so I had to make a choice by myself. I was willing to catch the chance this time. After a long and careful preparation, I played the violin with Larry. Though I didn't lose all my nervousness, it was enough for me to overcome my fear. Finally, I offered a full performance in front of the audience (观众).
  However, happy times always didn't last long, my friend Larry passed away. It was a hard hit, but his influence stayed. It helped me not only in music, but on all sides of my life. Whenever I paid attention to what I wanted to do, joy usually took the place of fear.
20.  There are certain foods which should never be stored (储存) in the fridge. Some of them may surprise you. (1)      . The cold temperature will make it hard. If you have made sandwiches with the bread, then you can store them in it.
  We all love to have tomatoes. (2)      . The cold air in the fridge stops the ripening (成熟) process. And as we all know, ripening is what gives every tomato more taste. For best results, keep them out.
  (3)      . It needs no help from us. Putting it in your fridge will in fact increase the speed of the crystallization (结晶). This will make honey harder or nearly impossible to use.
  If you haven't opened your watermelons, then there's no need to put them in your fridge. Research has shown that watermelons can be stored in room temperature. (4)      . Watermelons that have been cut open should be put in the fridge. What's more, they should be covered.
  Cucumber (黄瓜) enjoys room temperature. (5)      . Cool temperature can make cucumber's skin (表皮) go bad faster, so find a dry and cool place at room temperature for your cucumber.
A. Do remember that they must be whole.
B. There's no reason to keep honey in a fridge.
C. The fridge is not a good place for storing it.
D. Nothing makes bread dry faster than your fridge.
E. It's a good way to keep the fruits and vegetables in the fridge.
F. But storing them in the fridge will cause them to lose the taste. 
21.  All the runners stood nervously at the starting line. All of them had prepared (1)            (they) for this important race.
  The race meant more to a boy named Bill, because most of the other runners had greater speed. Could Bill realize his dream of being (2)             "all-school" runner? He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.
  Bill's life (3)            (fill) with disappointment. Primary school had been a long nightmare (噩梦) for him. Of all the reading skills, he even couldn't pick up (4)             (basic) one, although he had tried many times. Bill did not complain (报怨). He simply tried hard. But in the following years he was still unable to catch up with his classmates.
  Then one day his teacher called us in (5)             a conversation. She said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Bill isn't trying anymore. He has given it up (6)            (complete)." I became very sad and afraid. I was afraid Bill might have forever lost heart.
  I had a talk with Bill. I told him about my own experiences. I said, "(7)             I was the slowest one in my class in primary school, my parents and teachers were loving and understanding. Because of that, I made it through those years and finally went on to a music school. Now, you know, I'm a (8)             (piano). We think achievements come easily to others. Life usually isn't like that. The person who (9)            (success) is usually only a few percent." Bill said, "Dad, I guess that not doing so well isn't all that bad if someone loves you and stands by you."
  In the (10)            (nine) grade, Bill went out for the race again.
She        after dinner every day.
The students        when I came into the classroom.
Please tell the students        to the teachers before the exam.
       before they came to Xiangyang.
The        from Xinjiang, China.
27.“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。” 有数据显示,中国餐饮业人均食物浪费量为每餐 93克,浪费率为11.7%。减少餐饮浪费,是践行绿色发展理念的必然要求。倡导餐桌上的文明新风,需要我们共同努力。请你依据下列三个要点提示,用英语写一篇短文。
1. 你和身边的人平时就餐是否节约;
2. 叙述一次你经历过的与节约或者浪费有关的就餐过程;
3. 简单表述你对这次就餐的看法。
1. 用词在90个左右;
2. 行文应连贯流畅;
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名或校名。
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