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1.—What are you going to celebrate the 100th birthday of the CPC (中国共产党) these days?
—We're learning to sing the _______ My Motherland and Me.
  • A. song
  • B. music
  • C. movie
  • D. lesson
2.—We'll have the P. E. test next week. I feel a little nervous.
—Relax! Believe in ______ and practice more.
  • A. you
  • B. your
  • C. yours
  • D. yourself
3.—Who is the girl dancing on the stage?
—Oh, she's my friend Maria. She dances ______ than before.
  • A. well
  • B. much better
  • C. best
  • D. the best
4.—Excuse me, where's the library?
—Go along this road, and turn right at _______ crossing. It is on your left.
  • A. one
  • B. the one
  • C. first
  • D. the first
5.—China's Tianwen 1 probe made a historic landing on Mars last week!
—What exciting news! Let's ______ more information about it on the Internet.
  • A. find out
  • B. hear of
  • C. shut off
  • D. think about
6.—Dad, I can't find my school ID card. Did you see it?
—No, I didn't. I think you ______ it!
  • A. lose
  • B. will lose
  • C. have lost
  • D. are losing
7.—Eric, you ______ to go to the teachers' office just now. What's up?
—We aren't allowed to bring phones to school. Em, but I broke the rule.
  • A. told
  • B. tell
  • C. are told
  • D. were told
8.—I think it's difficult to write the book report in two days. I really don't know ______.
—Plan your time properly, and you can make it.
  • A. why I have to do it
  • B. when will I finish it
  • C. how I can do it
  • D. if can I finish it
9.—What can we do for the left-home children in the village ______ need help?
—We could help them with their study online on weekends.
  • A. which
  • B. whom
  • C. whose
  • D. who
10.—Summer holiday is coming! I'm going to Hainan to see my uncle.
—_______ .
  • A. Thank you
  • B. Have a good trip
  • C. My pleasure
  • D. Not at all
11.  Long time ago, there lived a king. He was irresponsible (不负责任的). He (1)       cared about his country and people. All his people complained (抱怨) about this.
  One day, the king went hunting in the forest. After some time, he felt (2)      . He came to a lake. When he drank water from the lake, he saw a swan (天鹅) (3)       on a big stone nearby. "I want to catch the swan," he thought.
  As soon as he held up his bow (弓), the swan was gone. (4)       his surprise, he heard a sweet voice, "I am the swan. (5)       you want to catch me, you must come to the wonderland (奇境)."
  The king said, "Please (6)       me the way to the wonderland!"
  "Do good things for your people, and my messenger (信使) will come and lead you there," the (7)       replied.
  With this in mind, the king dressed up and went out into the streets. He gave some (8)       to a poor old man. After the old man (9)       it happily, he began to chat with the king. When they talked about people's life in the country, the old man became (10)       and said, "Do you know why I'm so poor? It's because of our king! He has done (11)       for us."
  (12)      , the king heard the swan's voice again. "Listen! It seems that you are doing something (13)       only because you want to go to the wonderland. That's not enough. You should always (14)       all your people and be kind to them," the swan said.
  The king realized this was (15)      . He became responsible and worked very hard. Finally, he understood that making his country a great place was like making a wonderland of his own.
   Cao Xueqin wrote The Story of the Stone. He lived in the Qing Dynasty. The book is the greatest works of Chinese novels. It describes the fall of a noble family and the love stories of some young people. Wang Fulin turned it into TV series (电视剧) in 1986.
Price: ¥129.5 
   The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was written by Luo Guanzhong. It tells the story of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Quan have become famous names among Chinese people. It was made into TV series in 1994 and also translated into English.
   The Water Margin tells the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. The book was written by Shi Nai'an. For different reasons, a group of people went to Mount Liang, fighting against the authority. American writer Pear Buck translated it into English. Zhang Shaolin made it a TV series in 1998.
Price: ¥90 
   Wu Cheng'en probably completed Journey to the West in 1570. The book introduces the amazing experience of Xuanzang and his three disciples in the Tang Dynasty. On the way to the west, they helped each other to win every battle. Director Yang Jie made it a TV series in 1986.
13.  Sally didn't know what was wrong with her grandma. She was always forgetting things, like where she put the sugar and what time to have dinner.
  "She might have Alzheimer's disease (阿尔兹海默症)," her mother said, "We might have to put her in a nursing home (养老院) so that she can get proper care."
  "Oh, that's terrible! She'll miss her own house!" Sally said.
  "Maybe, but we can see her on weekends," her mother answered. "We can bring her presents."
  "Like ice cream? Grandma loves strawberry ice cream!" Sally said.
  The first time they visited Grandma, Sally wanted to cry. Grandma sat all by herself in the corner of the room.
  Sally hugged Grandma. "Look," she said, "we brought you strawberry ice cream!"
  Grandma took it and began to eat without saying a word.
  "She doesn't seem to know us." Sally was upset. "You have to give her time," her mother said. But the next time it was the same. Grandma ate the ice cream, but didn't say anything.
  "Grandma, do you know who I am?" Sally asked.
  "You're the girl who brings me the ice cream," Grandma said.
  "Yes, but I'm Sally, your granddaughter. Don't you remember me?"
  "Sure. You're the girl who brings me ice cream." All of a sudden, Sally realized that Grandma would never remember her.
  "Oh, how I love you, Grandma!" she said. Just then she saw a tear roll down Grandma's check (脸颊) , "Love," she said. "I remember love."
  "You see, dear, that's all she wants," her mother said. "Love."
  "I'll bring her ice cream every weekend then, and hug her even if she doesn't remember me," Sally said.
  After all, remembering love is more important than just being able to remember a name.
14.  Yuan Longping is a great scientist who is the first person to develop hybrid rice (杂交水稻). His research greatly solved the problem of the food shortage in the world.
  Yuan Longping started the research in 1964. He put forward the idea of hybrid rice, did experiments (实验) on the farm, and succeeded in 1973. The new technology was tested in many areas of South China in 1974, and then he continued to test it in other areas. China has become the first country that can produce hybrid rice. Yuan made it possible to grow hybrid rice in large amounts, and he is called "Father of Hybrid Rice".
  Besides being a respected (受人尊重的) scientist, he is also a romantic husband and a caring grandfather.
  Yuan's granddaughters remembered that when he traveled to Hong Kong, he wanted to buy his wife a new watch, but it was too expensive, so he bought a candy instead. When he was 90 years old, his family held a birthday party. Hundreds of people came to the party.
  There was a moving moment: Yuan cut the first piece of cake and immediately gave it to his wife. They also said that their grandfather paid much attention to their English and math studies. No matter how tired he was after work, he would still ask about their studies.
  Yuan Longping loved playing the violin, swimming and driving. What's more, he had a special habit — playing Mahjong (麻将) with friends for an hour every evening to train his brain. Just like common people, the scientist laughed when he won and didn't hide his disappointment when he lost. When his requirement (请求) to build a research center was agreed to, he was very excited.
  This is Yuan Longping: an ordinary (普通的) person who made great achievements.
15.  It is said that the eyes are the windows to our soul (灵魂) . (1)       Your eyes need everyday attention.
  First, you have to pay more attention to your diet. (2)       It's good for your eyes. Also, a regular amount of vitamins (维生素) A and B2 should also be taken.
  Second, you must have regular and sound sleep. This relaxes the eye muscles and gives them the rest they need. Sleep can help the body repair its tired tissue (组织). (3)       Less sleep can give you dark circles under your eyes and you may feel sleepy during the daytime.
  (4)       Blink (眨眼) your eyes at regular periods to keep your eyes moist. Besides, be sure to do some eye exercises to relax your eyes after you study for a long period of time.
  Last, you should treat your eyes correctly. For example, if you get something in your eye, don't start rubbing (揉) it. Rubbing is harmful to your eyes. Don't read or write in poor or bright light because it can cause eye tiredness. (5)       Too much reading, writing, watching TV or working on a computer can also cause eye tiredness, so rest is required.
  China has also taken steps to protect the students' eyesight, such as larger printing in students' textbooks, at least two hours' outdoor activities a day, regular eyesight checking, less time on E-books and so on.

A. Eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs and milk.
B. Next, it's necessary for you to exercise your eyes every day.
C. To have healthy eyes, you have to look after them properly.
D. You should sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day.
E. Then, it's important to spend more time walking outdoors.
F. Remember to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight. 
16.  Once upon a time, there was a man named Lazy. He wanted to have a big house and it took him over a year to build one. The house was so beautiful that all of his (1)            (neighbor) admired him very much.
  But as time went by, his house started to have some problems. One day, (2)             old neighbor went past it and said, "Your house is beautiful, but the grass in the yard is a bit overgrown." Lazy answered (3)            (quick), "I know, but it's OK. I (4)            (cut) it tomorrow."
  A few days later, a mailman came by with a letter for Lazy. The mailman said, "Sir, your house is wonderful, but the windows are a bit dirty. You can make it more wonderful by (5)            (clean) them." Lazy replied reluctantly (不情愿地), "I know, but it's OK. I will do that tomorrow."
  Weeks passed by. Lazy's yard was in a mess. The paint was falling down and the windows were covered with dirt. One day, his brother came over (6)            (visit) him. He was (7)            (surprise) at what he saw and scolded him angrily, "Lazy, I know why you're called Lazy. You're just (8)             your name! What have you done for your house? It could fall apart at any second!"
  There are many Lazys around (9)             (we). Are you lazy, too? Have you ever put off "something" to "tomorrow", "next month" (10)             even "next year"? Its much better to just deal with things today than to wait until some imaginary (想象的) "tomorrow" that might not actually come.
Our English teacher always              some interesting dialogues in class.
We should learn how to              others' invitation politely.
19.当人们谈到阿炳的时候, 就会想起二泉映月。(think)
When people talk about Abing, they'll              Erquan Yingyue.
20.我爸爸是个球迷, 昨天他熬夜观看世界杯。(stay)
My father is a football fan, and he        to watch FIFA World Cup yesterday.
After dinner, when her brother took out the rubbish, Sarah        in the kitchen.
For children's development, their courses on weekends should       .
Listening to light music makes it easier for me       .
1. 分享心情:高兴,激动,不舍.....
2. 分享历程:学习的重要性,学习习惯,克服困难的方法....
3. 分享规划:暑假安排,未来目标.....
4. ........
1. 词数90左右(开头已经给出, 不计入总词数);
2. 根据要点提示,可以适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。
参考词汇:take-seriously 认真对待;take notes做笔记;ask for help请求帮助;overcome 克服;stick to坚持;give up放弃

  Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! It's my great honor to stand here to share my story.
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