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1.We don't need to take any food, the hotel will ______ free meals for us.
  • A. give
  • B. offer
  • C. provide
  • D. send
2._______ my English teacher, I could get into a good univers
  • A. Thanks for
  • B. Thanks to
  • C. The same as
  • D. Such as
3.Today the Internet makes ________ possible for people ________ different kinds of things online.
  • A. this; to buy
  • B. this; buying
  • C. it; to buy
  • D. it; buying
4.He is busy with his homework, let me clean the room ______.
  • A. instead
  • B. too
  • C. either
  • D. however
5.—Jack, the fire is _______.
—Well, let me put more wood in it.
  • A. cutting down
  • B. going off
  • C. picking up
  • D. dying down
6.—What's the matter with Tina?
—She's badly ill. She is so _______ that she has to stay in bed.
  • A. strong
  • B. weak
  • C. crazy
  • D. excited
7.—Now I am used to ______ fruit every day.
—Me, too. It's good for our health.
  • A. eat
  • B. eats
  • C. ate
  • D. eating
8.It's ________ that I am working while everyone else is enjoying themselves.
  • A. similar
  • B. educational
  • C. independent
  • D. unfair
9.Don't always ______ yourself _______ others. You should know your own strength and see your own improvement.
  • A. get on;with
  • B. communicate;with
  • C. argue;with
  • D. compare;with
10.The rain beat ______ her face as she walled through the wind and rain.
  • A. against
  • B. from
  • C. in
  • D. at
11.The great writer has written many stories for children. It is said that a new one will ________ at the end of this month.
  • A. go out
  • B. come out
  • C. look out
  • D. run out
12.While I was talking on the phone, Helen ________ The Little Prince.
  • A. will watch
  • B. watches
  • C. was watching
  • D. is watching
13.—Are they going to ______ the old museum?
—Yes, they will build a shopping center here.
  • A. take down
  • B. set up
  • C. find out
  • D. cut off
14.There are all kinds of foods at the party. You can eat _____ you like.
  • A. whatever
  • B. however
  • C. whenever
  • D. wherever
15.—Could you tell me why you learn English so well?
—It's very simple. ______ you study, ______ grades you will get.
  • A. The harder; better
  • B. The harder; the better
  • C. Harder; better
  • D. Harder; the better
16.  Yesterday was Father's Day. Many things happening between my father (1)       me crowded my mind. But one thing made a deep impression (留下深刻印象) on me.
  It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a (2)       mood (情绪). Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me. In my room I was (3)       up ways to make them sorry when my father came in. "Want to go for a ride today, Beck? It's a beautiful day."
  "No! Leave me alone!" Those were the last words I said to him that morning.
  My friends called and (4)       me to go to the mall with them a few hours (5)      . I forgot to be angry with them and then went with them. When I came home, I found a (6)       on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. "Dad has had an (7)      . Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital."
  When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and he was badly hurt . "Your father told the (8)       to leave him alone and just call 911, thank God! If the driver had moved Daddy... "
  My mother may have said more but I didn't hear. I didn't (9)       anything except those terrible word: Leave me alone. My dad said them in order to (10)       himself. He didn't want to be hurt more. How much had I hurt him when I shouted out those words at him earlier in the day?
  It was several days later that he was finally able to have a talk. I held his hand (11)      , afraid of hurting him.
  "Daddy... I am so (12)      ..."
  "It's okay, sweetheart. I'll be okay."
  "No ," I said , "I mean about what I said to you that day. You know, that (13)      ?"
  He looked at me and said, "Sweetheart, I remember nothing about that day, not before, during or after the accident. I remember telling you goodnight the night before, though." He managed a weak (14)      .
  My English teacher once told me that words have great (15)      . They can hurt or they can heal (治愈). And we all have the power to choose our words. I am going to do that very carefully from now on.
Kids' Summer Jobs
Camp Counselor (辅导员)
  We are looking for people to join us as a camp counselor at Cuya Outdoor School. We connect children to science through nature. Our camp counselors are energetic and supportive, and more importantly, caring team members. This is an eight-hour everyday job in the ten-day-long program during the summer.
Hours: 9:00 a. m ~5:00 p. m
Pay: $10 per hour
LEGO Engineering Instructor
  Do you enjoy taking things apart and then putting them back together? If so, then this may be your dream job! We are looking for smart and creative LEGO engineering instructors.
Hours: 2:00 p. m.~ 5:00 p. m.
Pay: $ 15 per hour
Teacher's Aide (助手)
We are looking for part-time teacher's aides for our Inspire Kids Pre-school in Newburgh. Teacher's aides need to prepare materials, help children finish activities and create a safe environment.
Hours: 8:00 a. m. ~11:00 a. m.
Pay: $ 100 per week
Summer Care Giver
  I'm looking for someone careful and patient to watch my kids when I'm working from 11:00 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. I have a 7-year-old daughter, and a 5-year-old son. I am also asking you to prepare snacks and clean up the rooms.
Pay: $ 150 per week 
18.  You might not think much about where your garbage goes. But now you might want to know. On July 1, Shanghai introduced a new garbage-sorting policy (垃圾分类政策). People there need to put different kinds of garbage into different bins. Other cities in China will do the same soon.
  Garbage sorting is a big problem because there is too much garbage these days. It is bad for our environment. In fact, we can make use of some garbage again. But first, we need to sort it.
  For example, if you put an old battery (电池) into the "harmful waste" bin, people can use it to make new batteries. But if you don't, the battery will end up somewhere else. Then, it will pollute the environment.
  Garbage sorting and recycling around the world
  Germany: There are big machines in supermarkets. You can put bottles in the machines and get money back.
  Japan: A truck playing music comes to people's doors to pick up their garbage. There are eight or more kinds of garbage. If you sort any of them wrong, you will get a notice on your door.
  Indonesia: People can take buses for free if they give plastic bottles to bus stations. An hour-long bus ride costs three large bottles.
  Four kinds of garbage in Shanghai
  Recyclable garbage includes paper, books, plastic items, and glass bottles. Harmful garbage includes lamps, batteries, and other things with harmful chemicals (化学品). Wet garbage usually comes from the kitchen, such as food and vegetables. Dry garbage is anything you cannot put into the other three bins, pens and towels, for example.
19.  On Feb 12, Dalian (not his real name) was taking a train to Changsha, Hunan, for a business trip. While on the train, he went into a carriage (车厢)to have lunch and chose to remain in the carriage. He didn't know that the carriage was only for people heading to Wuhan.
  Several hours later, when the train arrived in Wuhan, Dalian was asked to get off, as he was in the special carriage. Although he was surprised, he didn't want to cause trouble and got off the carriage with just a single bag.
  Because of the epidemic, Wuhan had been locked down. So Dalian couldn't find a hotel to stay in. Feeling at a loss, he saw a notice online looking for volunteers to work in hospitals. Dalian decided to give it a try.
  He soon became a volunteer in Wuhan No. 1 Hospital. He was responsible for (对……负责) taking out rubbish, sweeping the floor, disinfecting (消毒)the hospital, dealing with used protective suits (防护服) and bringing meals to patients.
  The young man, reportedly from northeast China, had to work 12 hours every day, changing his protective suit three times a day. While working, he couldn't drink anything or go to the bathroom. He also had to have close contact with infected patients, which is risky (冒风险的).
  Dalian was afraid of getting infected at first. "When I entered the wards (病房), I was kind of frozen (僵硬的) and felt like I couldn't move," he said. But after he saw more patients get better, his fear gradually went away.
  Dalian's story has gone viral (走红的) online. People were surprised by his experience, and described him as having "a heart of gold".
20.I didn't understand you. Can you e             to me again?
21.Jim doesn't like doing chores, but he s             the floor and took out the rubbish yesterday.
22.I really want to buy a new phone because my phone is c             broken.
23.I think people can live longer and be healthier with the d             of science.
24.He was so tired that he fell a             on the desk.
25.The driver asked all the             (乘客) to get on the bus quickly.
26.The sayings             (提醒) us to try our best and never give up.
27.Leo wanted to catch the cat, but it ran away and             (藏) behind the bushes in the garden.
28.He got great             (满足) from helping others.
29.Jack is a             (典型的) good student. We should learn from him.
30.  Yesterday, as I was coming near the front door of our public library, a white-haired gentleman stepped back (1)            (hold) the door for me. With a stick in my hand, it is not strange (2)             people to do so. However, I told the gentleman that the door had an automatic (自动) opener, and that it can open by (3)            (it). He said, "I thought I would have a chance to be helpful." On (4)            (hear) that, I stepped back, let the door close, and (5)            (allow) him to reopen the door, not using the automatic control this time. That act of (6)            (kind) not only got me happier but also made the gentleman feel (7)            (good) about himself.
  Holding the door open is a polite and thoughtful act. It can bring warmth to others whether you are at home (8)             at work. Open the door for others and they will thank you. Those around you will (9)             (certain) appreciate (赞赏) your good manners. Keep in mind that a small deed makes (10)             big difference.
31.  Erin, an American woman. was born in Kansas. In 1990, when she was thirty years old, she was in a car accident. A law company helped her after the accident, and later she started to work for them.
  Her job was to organize papers. One day Erin realized that there were lots of papers about some very sick people in a place called Hinkley. She started to look for more information about the town.
  Erin worked very hard for five years. She visited lots of sick people in Hinkley and listened to their stories. All the people lived near a big factory and she discovered that there was a chemical called chromium in the local water. It was from the factory. Erin believed that the people were sick because of the chromium in their drinking water. She planned to help them.
  Erin started a law case (官司) against the factory, The factory didn't agree that the people were ill because of the water, but in 1996 the judge (法官) ordered the factory to pay the people in Hinkley $ 500,000 each (there were about 600 sick people, so that was $ 333 million in total).
  In 2000, there was a film about Erin, and it was very successful. Now Erin is famous — she has her own company and she gives talks all over the world.
1. 多吃蔬菜、水果;少吃垃圾食品;
2. 早睡早起、拥有充足的睡眠;少玩电脑游戏;
3. 帮父母做家务、经常参加体育活动,志愿打扫社区。
1. 语句通顺、语意连贯;
2. 运用以上所给提示,可适当发挥;
3. 邮件的开头和结尾已部分给出,请补全,不计入总词数;80词左右。
Dear ,
  I'm sorry to hear that you are not feeling well these days. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I hope you will be better soon.
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