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1.Tina's cousin is              medium height and thin.
2.He couldn't see             , because it was too dark.
3.Never              the street when the traffic lights are red.
4.That wire is as              as this one. They are both 150 meters.
5.I want to be a              when I grow up because I like traveling to different places.
6.Tina's bed is the same as             (I).
7.Listen! Some boys             (shout) in the classroom.
8.My mother often does some             (wash) on weekends.
9.            (tradition), Chinese people eat dumplings on New Year's Eve.
10.Many             (visitor) will come to China to watch Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games Opening Ceremony.
11.—What ________ useful book it is!
—Yeah, it tells us how to play ________ piano.
  • A. an, the
  • B. a, /
  • C. a, the
  • D. an, /
12.—How is it going?
  • A. By car
  • B. For half an hour
  • C. Terrible
  • D. Three kilometers
13.—May I take your order?
—Sure. I'd like mutton noodles _______ carrots.
  • A. in
  • B. with
  • C. of
  • D. to
14.The TV play is very _______, and many people like to watch it.
  • A. serious
  • B. terrible
  • C. popular
  • D. boring
15.— I ______ something wrong just now. May I use your eraser?
— Of course. Here you are.
  • A. write
  • B. wrote
  • C. am writing
  • D. writes
16.—Lucy, you look tired. What's wrong?
—I was ______ busy ______ I didn't go to bed until 2 a.m. last night.
  • A. too; to
  • B. enough; to
  • C. so; that
  • D. as; as
17.I love the cheese cake so much. I'd like to have ________ one.
  • A. other
  • B. others
  • C. the other
  • D. another
18.Is there _____ between these two mobile phones?
  • A. something different
  • B. nothing different
  • C. anything different
  • D. everything different
19.________ smart your little sister is!
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. How a
  • D. What a
20.Jack got up early breakfast for his mother on Mother's Day.
  • A. make
  • B. to make
  • C. making
  • D. made
21.Tim _______ his right hand to show that he agreed with our idea.
  • A. put on
  • B. put up
  • C. put out
  • D. put down
22.My old neighbor Charles enjoys ________ photos. He always goes out with his camera.
  • A. taking
  • B. took
  • C. take
  • D. to take
23.—Does your mother have long or short hair?
  • A. Yes, she does
  • B. No, she doesn't
  • C. She has short hair
  • D. She is short
24.I heard a baby ________ just now. Let's go and have a look.
  • A. to cry
  • B. cried
  • C. cries
  • D. crying
—She is beautiful.
  • A. What's she look like
  • B. What does she like
  • C. What does she look like
  • D. What does she like to do
26.A: Excuse me. (1)      
B: No, but there is one on Nanjing Street. And it is a good place to have fun. You can take a taxi to get to Nanjing Street.
A: Can I find a hotel near the park?
B: Yes, you can. (2)      
A: Well, one more question. Do you know whether (是否) there is a bank near the park?
B: Yes. (3)       There is a supermarket on the corner. Then pass the supermarket, and you can see a small restaurant. (4)      
A: Thank you very much.
B: (5)      

A. You are welcome.
B. Is there a park near here?
C. On your left is a bank.
D. The hotel is in front of the park.
E. Just go down Nanjing Street and turn right.
F. Sorry, I'm new here. 
27.  When I was 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike! I (1)       my parents my birthday wish, but I knew there was little hope because my family could (2)       had the money.
  On my birthday my parents told me they had put my (3)       outside in the back yard. At once I (4)       out to the yard. There was my bike, (5)       it wasn't the bike that I thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn (破旧的) with age. It was so (6)      ! I cried the moment I saw it and I went back to my room. After a while, I thought I was wrong. I (7)       my parents' feelings because I could remember the disappointment (失望) (8)       their faces just now. I went to the yard, (9)       the old bike and rode it, feeling (10)       that I made my parents feel sad. So I put on a smile, rode as fast as I could and didn't (11)      .
  As time went by, I began to understand that my parents gave me (12)       much more valuable (宝贵的) than just a rusty (生锈的) old bike. They gave me a life lesson about (13)      . When you give something out of love, it doesn't matter what it is in fact. What matters is the love. I'd like to remember this (14)       because giving a gift is not about money. It's about how much love you put into it. Do remember, a gift that (15)       two dollars isn't any less valuable than one costs two hundred dollars or even more.
Notice to visit the Palace Museum 
 April 1st — October 31st November 1st — March 31st 
Opening time 8:30 — 17:00 8:30 — 16:30 
Last tickets are sold
16:00 15:30 
Last entry (最后进入) 16:10 15:40 
Price 60 yuan 40 yuan 
Special 20 yuan tickets are for students 
To Shenwu Gate, take the No. 101, 111, 124, 846 buses;
To the Meridian Gate (午门), take the No. 20, 37, 59, 120 buses;
To Tian'anmen East, take the No. 2, 10, 802 buses;
Or take the No. 22, 37, 52 buses to Tian'anmen West. 
29.  Teachers teach us knowledge (知识). They help us to know about the world. We asked some kids to talk about their favorite teachers. Read the passage, and see what they thought of their favorite teachers:
  Ms. Kincaid is active (活跃的). She has short curly hair. Her eyes are big, and her mouth and nose are small. She often takes part in activities in and out of school. Her teaching is interesting. She is very kind. She always takes good care of me. — Nasrene Mroue.
  Ms. Palmer is of medium height. She wears glasses. She is a good teacher because she gives us many chances (机会). She forgives us when we do wrong. She often helps me with my math. — Malachi Draughn, 11
  I think that you learn many important things from your teacher. These things are helpful for your later life. I want to thank Ms. Green for helping make me a better person. — Brody Hoke, a policeman.
  Mrs. Imel is the best person I know. She is a very beautiful history teacher. She is tall and she has long curly blonde hair. Her eyes are always full of love for her students. She is always smiling and saying, "I love it! I love it!" She believes in (信任) me and in every child she teaches. — Makena Weiscopf, 11
30.  Everyone is like a seed — We should try to grow into good people.
——Yuan Longping
  For most Chinese people, rice is an important part of most of our meals. But for Yuan Longping, rice was more than that. It was his life-long career (事业).
  Yuan, known as China's "father of hybrid rice" (杂交水稻), created (发明) hybrid rice that helps feed the world. On May 22, 2021, Yuan died (死) at 91. People around the world were sad to his passing.
  In the 1960s, people in China didn't have enough food to eat. Many people even died because of this. Yuan was sad to see this. He decided to work on a kind of hybrid rice. He thought this rice could feed more people. At the time, other scientists didn't think he could do it. But Yuan wanted to try anyway. He spent four years looking for wild rice that could be crossed (杂交) with other plants. In 1964, he found it.
  In 1973, he grew the world's first hybrid rice. Farmers can grow it in many different places. This kind of rice has been grown all over China since then.
  Yuan was a famous scientist. But he called himself a farmer. He spent most of his time on the farm. Even in March this year, he was working on a farm in Hainan. Yuan said, "If I'm not at home, I must be on the farm, I must be on my way to the farmland." He often rode a motorcycle (摩托车) to work, because this was more convenient (方便的) for him.
  Though Yuan won many prizes, he still lived an easy life. He didn't care too much about money. He gave away most of his prize money to help young scientists.
31.  What color do your teachers grade (评阅) your homework and exam papers? (1)       Yeah. Teachers always use red pens to mark students' papers and homework. (2)       The headmaster (校长) asks all the teachers to use green pens to mark the students' homework and papers, and the students there need to use purple pens to comment (评论) on teachers' markings.
  (3)       A study shows that the color is negative (消极的) color. Red pens can make students worried and unhappy. One of the headmasters Jennie Hick says, "Students can do better if teachers use green pens." (4)       He says, "I always use red pens to work. I think children like red better because they can read comments more easily."
  In fact, using a color like green or red is not important. (5)      

A. It's red, isn't it?
B. But Chris McGovern, a teacher, doesn't agree.
C. Why are the teachers no longer using red pens?
D. The important thing is how the students think of their comments.
E. But in England, all the teachers at Mount Bay Academy need to put away their red pens. 
32.  For most kids, the best thing about having a birthday is the party. Unluckily many children in the USA and other countries are very poor. They don't have enough money to have birthday parties. But poor children in the USA are lucky, thanks to Chenault and her Birthday Party Project (项目) (BPP).
  Chenault came up with the idea in 2009 when she saw a photo of a poor boy. This made her think more about poor children. Their parents don't have enough money to have birthday parties for them. Chenault wanted to do something for the poor children.
  Over the past three years, Chenault and her team have tried their best. They have over 1,350 parties for 12,000 kids. And things are going on well now. This year, BPP has planned over 180 parties across the country, from San Francisco to Minneapolis to New York.
  Chenault says her goal (目标) is to make every child know that they are important. She is happy to have birthday parties for them. Seeing the big smiles of the kids, we can say that she is doing well!
33.Dear Dr. Know,
  Can you help me? I'm quite unhappy (1)             there are too many rules at home. Every morning, I have to get up (2)             at 5:30 and then make my bed. After meals, I can't leave the (3)             dishes in the kitchen. At school, I have to (4)             a school uniform and keep my hair short. After school, I must do my homework and practice playing the drums. I can't relax on weekends, either. I never have any free (5)            . What should I do?
Zhao Pei
34.为了庆祝 “六一儿童节”,学校在刚刚过去的六月一日组织初一年级的同学进行了一次旅行。请你根据图片内容提示写一篇短文介绍这次旅行。可以从天气、交通方式以及同学们的活动和感受等方面予以发挥。

1. 书写规范,做到整洁、整齐、清晰;
2. 认真阅读图片内容,在描述图片内容的基础上做适当发挥;
3. 不少于80词。
提示词汇:souvenir shop 礼品店
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