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1.What useful suggestion that you gave me just now!
  • A. an
  • B. a
  • C. the
  • D. 不填
2.My dress is made cotton.It's comfortable for me to wear.
  • A. in
  • B. from
  • C. by
  • D. of
3.—The work is so difficult that we can't it in such a short time.
—It doesn't matter.I can give you two more weeks.
  • A. start
  • B. avoid
  • C. accept
  • D. complete
4.If you want to use your money ,it might be helpful to make a good plan.
  • A. widely
  • B. recently
  • C. wisely
  • D. politely
5.Miss Wang is humorous enough to make her classes interesting and ,so we love to take her lessons.
  • A. lively
  • B. meaningless
  • C. historical
  • D. traditional
6.﹣﹣Have you finished the poster for the party?
﹣﹣Not yet.It ______ in two days.
  • A. finish
  • B. finished
  • C. will finish
  • D. have finished
7.—How do you like the English movie Toy Story?
—It's so wonderful.I it twice on Sina Weibo.
  • A. am watching
  • B. have watched
  • C. watch
  • D. will watch
8.At the beginning of this term,Mrs.Lee warned us phone to school.
  • A. bringing
  • B. not bringing
  • C. to bring
  • D. not to bring
9.—What's wrong with Peter?
—He ran to the library .As a result,he fell over and hurt his leg.
  • A. in person
  • B. in silence
  • C. in a rush
  • D. in a word
10.—The environment is getting worse and worse.
—Don't worry.Our government is trying to find good ways to these problems.
  • A. take away
  • B. deal with
  • C. put off
  • D. pass by
11. Chinese knots(中国结) used during the Spring Festival?
—People usually hang them on doors or walls.
  • A. Why did
  • B. Why are
  • C. How are
  • D. How did
12.The teacher speaks very loudly all the students can hear her.
  • A. so that
  • B. because
  • C. since
  • D. unless
13.My dad used to to work,but now he is used to to his office.
  • A. drive;walk
  • B. drive;walking
  • C. driving;walking
  • D. driving;walk
14.—Could you please tell me these stamps?
—Sure.I bought them online.
  • A. when you bought
  • B. when did you buy
  • C. where you bought
  • D. where did you buy
15.—Traveling is fun,but we should pay attention to safety when we travel around.
.Being safe must come first.
  • A. I'm sure
  • B. I don't think so
  • C. I hope not
  • D. I agree
As a teenager,I was strong and tall.However,I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others.
I still remember it was an early autumn.Some leaves started to turn (1)       and the weather became cool.One day,as I was getting ready for school,my mother (2)      handed me my father's jacket instead of mine.At that time,I was getting to have a (3)      size than my father,so when I put on the jacket,I felt as if I wasn't able to breathe!I (4)      my mother took the jacket by mistake,but somehow the breathless feeling was so strong that it made me very (5)      .My mother said sorry with a smile,but I shouted at her without (6)      much.I got it off my body so wildly that I (7)      a hole in it.I put on my own jacket and rushed out of the house (8)      my mother could stop me.
Later,my mother (9)      her bad feeling with my father, "See (10)      your son has done." Instead of saying he would scold(责备) or beat me,my father quietly (11)      my mother to mend the jacket.
Later when my mother told me about my father's response(反映),I felt great (12)      .My father's gentle kindness taught me a lesson which I would never (13)      .
On that day,I decided not to let anger(14)       me any longer.Of course,there are times when I am angry. (15)      ,whenever that happens,I will try to remember my father's jacket.It always remind me to think about others' feelings when I get angry.
17.Homework is a problem for students all over the world.As a student,you have a lot of homework to do every day.It's a major part of a student's school day.It's the best way to review what you have learned in class.And it helps you understand important concepts(概念) .Luckily,there are several things you can do to make homework less difficult.
Be sure you understand the homework.Write your homework down in your notebook if you need to.Don't be afraid of asking questions about it.It's much easier to ask the teacher during or after class than to try to remember later that night.
Use your time at school.Many schools have study halls.They are designed to allow students to study there.It's more interesting to play with your friends.But the more homework you finish at school,the less you'll have to do at home that night.
Take a break.It's difficult to hold your attention for too long.So take some break while doing your homework.Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you feel very tired.Taking a 15﹣minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.
Make a plan.If you don't finish your homework at school,think about how much you have left,so you can        your time.Most students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night.If it's a heavy homework day,you'll need to spend more time on it.It's a good idea to make a homework timetable,especially when you want to enjoy sports or other activities.
18.My daughter,Cindy,used to be shy but now she's kind of active and outgoing.
I still remembered one thing.One day last month,Cindy got an upset stomach,so I took her to see a doctor.When we waited in line outside the waiting room,we saw a lady beside us.She looked very upset.Then Cindy gave a smile card to the lady,saying, "I hope everything goes well." The lady hugged(拥抱) Cindy and said nothing.Later,Cindy gave out five more smile cards that day.
Last Monday,I went shopping with Cindy in a supermarket.After shopping,we went to the cash register(收银台).To my surprise,I couldn't find my wallet and I didn't know what to do.At that time,a lady came to us and paid for the bill for us.She was just the lady who was at the doctor's that day.I said "thank you" to her.She said, "I was moved by your daughter's kindness." Then I returned the money to her the next day.
Now our family members always enjoyed helping others.And giving out smile cards is a good way to help.

What Cindy used to be like? (1)       
Where they saw the lady for the first time? (2)outside        
What Cindy gave the lady? (3)       
How many smile cards Cindy gave out altogether that day? (4)       
What the lady did for the writer in the supermarket? (5)She        for her 
19.Confidence is very important in daily life.It can help you to develop a healthy attitude.A study shows that the people who are more confident are much happier.They can have more chances to make themselves successful.But how to be more confident.Here are some suggestions:
Speak loudly.When you are not confident,you can't do well what you want to do.You speak in such a low voice that other people can't hear you.Try to speak aloud enough so that people can        you clearly.The high voice can help you become more confident.
Play sports.       When you are athletic,you will be full of confidence.
Encourage yourself.Write down a list of things you did during the day and see how many things you have done well.Did you finish your homework?Did you tell a joke that        everybody laugh?Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.
Get rid of(消除) fear.Fear comes along with failure (失败).But it's easy to get over if you know that failure is a part of your life.Don't hide your head just because you said something foolish last time.Try to start again and believe you can do better.
Pick up a hobby.If you like singing,sing as much as you can.In some ways,a hobby can make you outstanding.And it will make you happy and confident.

20.Leaf;serious;patient;put on;is born with;create;take pride in
How long have you        classes?
Could you please tell us             every evening?
The boy        on the table and chose a few science fictions.
Some students don't know       their reading speed.
It seems that our children       they used to be.

Hello,everyone!I'm Li Hua.I would like something about paper cutting.
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