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1.I like to play ________ basketball, but my brother likes to play the guitar.
  • A. /
  • B. a
  • C. an
  • D. the
2.—Do you think your brother has a healthy lifestyle?
—No, he ________ eats vegetables.
  • A. always
  • B. usually
  • C. sometimes
  • D. never
3.Molly thinks she has ________ rules in her family and school.
  • A. too much
  • B. much too
  • C. too many
  • D. a lot too
4.Although Mr. Smith is strict ______ his students, they all think he is a good teacher.
  • A. in
  • B. with
  • C. for
  • D. to
5.Tigers are a kind of dangerous animal. They are ________ scary.
  • A. kind of
  • B. kinds of
  • C. a kind of
  • D. all kinds of
6.When you see ________, you can't turn right.
  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
7.—Let's go to the movie this weekend.
—That ________ interesting.
  • A. feels
  • B. looks
  • C. sounds
  • D. tastes
8.—_________ does it take you to go to school on foot every day?
—Ten minutes.
  • A. How long
  • B. How far
  • C. How soon
  • D. How often
9.Be quiet, children! The teachers ________ a meeting.
  • A. have
  • B. to have
  • C. having
  • D. are having
10.—May I speak to Mr. Jones?
—Sorry, he's not in. May I take a ________?
  • A. newspaper
  • B. walk
  • C. vacation
  • D. message
11.  A new study says drinking too much fruit juice is unhealthy. But some people might think that 100% fruit juice is (1)      , because it's natural. Still, they are (2)      . This is because these drinks have a lot of sugar.
  According to scientists, drinking too much fruit juice is just (3)       drinking too much soda. Taking in too much sugar can (4)       many health problems. This is why some cities in the US have increased (5)       for sugary drinks. This will stop people from (6)       them. As Jean Welsh, one of the researchers in the study, told CNN, "Please drink few sugary (7)      , whether soft drinks or fruit juice."
  Does this (8)       that eating fruit is also unhealthy? Fruit is still fine! The fruit has lots of fibre. The fibre is good (9)       our stomachs. It's better to eat whole fruit and drink less fruit juice, if you can. But (10)       should we drink? Scientists say kids between 1 and 6 years old should drink less than 170 ml of fruit juice a day. Adults and children older than 6 should not drink more than 230 ml a day.
12.Feb 7, 2021
Dear mom and dad,
  Hello from Hawaii! It is lovely here. The volcanoes and beaches are beautiful. I hope you can come and see them yourselves someday. The seafood here is amazing — it's much cheaper than it is in Boston. The people here are friendly, too. They taught me to dance and cook.
  I have enjoyed my island holiday a lot since I arrived on Wednesday, but I wish I had a different roommate. My roommate Max is from Sydney. He leaves his things everywhere. Our room is always a mess. He also watches TV late at night. It makes it hard for me to sleep. The good news is that today is Sunday — it's time to go home.
  I love you and I'll see you soon.
13.  There are eight species of bears. They are in different colors and sizes. They live in different parts of the world. Read the following to learn about three bear species. Which is your favorite?
Food — Bamboo shoots and leaves
Size — Up to six feet tall
Home — Bamboo forests in the mountains of China
Fact — Pandas use their large teeth and strong jaws to chomp on bamboo.
*Polar Bear
Food — Seals and small whales
Size — Up to eight feet tall
Home — Sea ice and coastal land in the Arctic
Fact — Polar Bears have a thick layer of fur and fat. This helps them keep warm in their cold habitat.
*Brown Bear
Food — Roots, berries, nuts and fruit
Size — Up to nine feet tall
Home — Forests and mountains of North America, Europe and Asia
Fact — Brown Bears are in many colors. Some are nearly black. Others are blond.
Dear Mike,
I can't control my big mouth and I can't keep secret that my friends tell me. At school, I often talk loudly a lot in class. I have made myself look bad. I want to change this. What should I do?
Dear Steven,
It's OK — some people just love to talk. However, when your talking starts to bother other people, it's time to take a look at your habits. First of all, when you tell your friends' secrets to others, this makes it hard for your friends to believe in you. Good friends are trustworthy and never tell secrets to other people. Think about how you would feel if one of your friends revealed your secrets. If you always remember this, you won't give away any secrets. As for talking loudly in class — if you do it too much, your teacher will probably punish you. That should remind you to stop doing it so much.
15.  Taking your dog for a walk can be interesting to do. But it can also be a danger to others. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 10 million people in China are bitten by dogs every year.
  People in Beijing and Shanghai are already asked to keep their dogs on a leash. A similar law will soon be carried out across the country. The law focuses on the prevention of rabies (狂犬病). The rabies virus is mainly carried by dogs. The law makes it clear that anyone who keeps dogs must regularly vaccinate (给……接种疫苗) them. Those who walk their dogs outdoors must keep their dogs on a leash. Those who don't follow the law will face a fine.
  Many other disease can also spread between animals and humans. According to experts, 70 percent of animals disease can be passed on to humans. And 75 percent of all new infectious (传染的) human diseases come from animals.
  What are the rules?
——Get a license to keep a dog. It's like getting a license for driving a car.
——Vaccinate your dog regularly.
——Use a leash when walking your dog.
——Clean up your dog's waste.
16.  The government wants to make cooking lessons for all kids from 7 to 14 years old in England. It will be part of a plan to get children eating more healthily. We want to know what you think. Here are some of the ideas:
  I think that every child should learn how to cook as it is a life skill. It could also help stop being too heavy if they cook instead of getting a takeaway.
——Emily, Hampshire, England
  I think having cooking lessons at school is a good idea. Not only can it teach children to be healthy, but it can also show them how to be safe when cooking at home. It can also prepare them for the future, when they are older and have to take care of themselves.
——Catherine, Cambridgeshire, England
  I don't think they should make little kids make their own meals as they may hurt themselves. For teenagers, they are busy with their school work, cooking can be a waste of their time.
——Ruby, Norwich, England
  I think children should learn to cook because they will learn how to help their parents in the kitchen.
——Anna, London, England
(1)、(2)题补全句子, (3)、(4)题回答问题, (5)题翻译画线句子。
17.  My dream is to visit Disneyland in Shanghai. However, my dad is always busy working and can't (1)            (take) me there. Today, my dream comes (2)t            . I go to Shanghai (3)             train with my aunt's family. The trip takes (4)            (we) four hours. When we (5)a             at Disneyland, the weather is quite (6)            (sun). And luckily, there (7)            (not be) too many people. We play lots of games. (8)B             I don't try the roller coasters (过山车) because it is really scary.
  I take many (9)            (photo) with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and some other Disney characters. Look at this photo of Snow White and me, how happily we are (10)            (dance)!
18.can, you, how, I , help (?)
19.bridge, dream, it, their, have, is, a, to (.)
20.races, Zhu Hui, the, is, watching (?)
21.the, symbol, a, elephant, is, good luck, of (.)
22.spend, the, Anna, time, to, park, likes, in (.)
23.石家庄外国语学校注重培养学生的自主学习和自主发展能力,七年级领航团队的假日小组活动开展的有声有色,今天是周日,天气晴好,七年级10班的星光F组在世纪公园 (Century Park) 进行假日小组活动,假如你是其中的一员,请你根据以下提示完成一篇短文。
1. When and where do you meet? (at the school gate)
2. How do you get to the park?(go along…, turn right / left…)
3. What are you doing in the park?
1. 短文必须包括以上全部内容,可适当发挥。
2. 不得出现真实的校名、人名和地名。
3. 词数60-80左右。
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