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1.  He who wants to improve his English has a look here.
Global English Center
※General English in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
※3-month (700 yuan) , 6-month (1200 yuan) and one-year (2000 yuan)
※Choice of morning or evening classes, 2 hours per day, Mon. — Fri.
※Experienced college English teachers
※Close to the city center and bus stops
Tel: 886663366
Add: 105 Brown Road, 100086 
Three-Tree Language School
※Special courses in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management
※Small classes (10 — 15 students ) on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
※English teachers from Canada and the UK
※The language lab and computers provided
※3-month course (1050 yuan), 6-month course (1850 yuan).
Tel: 954-581-6558 
The New Century English Training Center
※We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last 12 weeks (800 yuan)
※We also have 6-week preparation TOEFL class during winter and summer vacations
※Entrance exams: July 21st and Dec. 2nd
※Only a quarter's walk from the city center
For more information, please call us at 67671642. 
The International Horse of English
※Three/Six-month English courses for students at a very low cost, 60 yuan per week; convenient class hours: 9:00 — 12:00 a. m. and 2:00 — 6:00 p. m.
※A 3-month evening program for developing speaking skills (the same cost as day classes)
※Best foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second foreign language
※Free sightseeing and social activities.
※Very close to Central Park
For further information, call 667778. 

2.  Nothing makes our hearts ache more than losing a loved one. But sometimes grief (悲伤) has a beautiful way of bringing people together.
  Four years ago, Kate Green of Newport, Arkansas had to say goodbye to her father. But the 23-year-old girl has made sure he's an important part of her life by texting his old phone number every day.
  "He never missed school dance and my games, and he would give me long talks about my attitude. I've cried with him, told him everything, and even became very independent because he took the time to love me and show me what happiness looks like," Kate said.
  In the years since he passed away, Kate has found comfort in texting him. Certainly, she never expected a response, but the day before the fourth anniversary of her father's death, one came. She has sent him a heartfelt message detailing everything she's overcome and achieved. She explained that she had won her battle with cancer (癌症) and graduated from college with honors. "It's been four years since I lost you, and not a day goes by that I don't miss you," she concluded. "I just want to say I love you, and I really do miss you."
  Little did she realize that someone had been receiving her texts. A man named Brad had been assigned (分配) her father's phone number, and that day, he finally decided to tell Kate how much her messages meant to him. "I lost my daughter in a car accident in August 2014, and your messages have kept me alive."
  What a sweet reminder that no one is alone in their suffering! Life can throw extremely difficult things on our way, so we're thankful to every kind person who has comforted someone in mourning (伤逝, 哀悼).
3.  Is there a way to quickly remember information just before taking an exam? Walking backwards might be a good way. Scientist from the University of Roehampton in the UK said this activity can help people improve their short-term memory.
  Researchers asked 114 volunteers to watch a video. After watching the video, volunteers were divided into three groups. One group was told to walk ten meters forward. The second group walked ten meters backwards. The third group stood in one place. All three groups were then asked 20 questions about what they saw in the video.
  The scientists found that the group of walking backwards got two more answers correct on average than the other two groups.
  This suggests that relationship between the concepts (概念) of time and space is important considering how our minds form memories. "Time is really expressed through space," Aleksandar Aksentijevic, who led the study, told the Daily Mail. When you walk backwards, you see things from a different way compared to walking forwards. This difference helps people recall things that happened in the past.
  And walking backwards is not just good for our brains. It is also good for the rest of our body. Compared to walking forward, walking backwards is more challenging. This can improve our health, according to New Scientist. Walking backwards uses more energy in a short time and burns more calories. Besides, walking backwards puts less stress on our knees. It could be helpful for people who often have pain in their knees. Walking backwards also keeps our spines (脊柱) strong, which can help to reduce pain in the back. This might be why many old people like walking backwards.
4.  Studies have shown that when students join in team sports, their overall educational experience is greatly improved. In fact, no matter whether they are good at sports or not, there is still something good to be got from playing team sports! (1)      
  (2)       At some point of life, everyone goes through challenges. People may think that the choices they make only influence themselves. However, as it turns out, that simply is not true. Team sports teach students about friendship and a sense of belonging to something bigger than themselves.
  Be decisive (果断的). Making choices can often be difficult for many people. Since they often over complicate (复杂化) very simple decisions. Playing team sports gets students to reason and come to a decision faster than they might in their day-to-day life. (3)      
  Never give up. It is always exciting to win in life, but sometimes the greater lessons come from losses in sports games. (4)       Then move on and try again! Team sports teach students that great comebacks do happen and a loss is never final if they refuse to say die!
  Put others first. Perhaps the most important lesson that team sports can teach students is how to put others before themselves in difficult situations. Sometimes, they may have to be ready for being second best for the greater good, because there is often more at play than they can see at first. Sometimes the most pleasing choice students can make is the one to help others even when it is difficult. (5)      

A. Have a bigger picture.
B. Here are four lessons team sports can teach students.
C. Learning self-sacrifice (牺牲, 奉献) is a lesson that students will certainly carry throughout the course of their life!
D. Making quick decisions can help students develop a sense of self-confidence.
E. To deal with those losses, students should accept them peacefully.
5.  Lu Zikun is a common teenager who was born in Henan Province. But life is unfair to the boy. In 2011, his father fell badly ill. To save his father, Lu (1)       to do bone marrow transplantation (骨髓移植) . He just did what he should do from the point of being a filial (孝顺的) son because (2)       has the responsibility to stand up for their parents. However, the (3)       why the public was moved by the news was that it reflected the kid's responsibility. His (4)       heart also impressed us. When he was (5)       life and death, he was not afraid at all. Lu carried the burden (负担) that a young boy shouldn't have carried, but he did it (6)       and never regretted it. It was not just about eating (7)       food to (8)       weight. For him, it was also about going around the country with his family, going through many kinds of examinations in the hospitals.
  Lu has overcome the unexpected (9)       of life. He brought the bright future (10)       to his family with his sense of responsibility. Lu always (11)       in front of the camera in different reports, which showed his (12)       side of an outgoing boy. He smiled because he knew that as (13)       as he was there, his family would have (14)      .
  "Life kisses me with pains but I pay it back with my songs." This can (15)       the boy who saved his dad by putting on weight and his spirit of having confidence in difficulties. We truly hope everything goes well with his family.
however, dark, add, she, why, problem, tour, one, sing, know 

  British pop star Jessie J is famous in her home country and elsewhere. She made new fans in China by becoming the (1)             foreign winner of Singer 2018, a popular TV singing contest on Hunan TV.
  Jessie J was happy about her win and explained (2)             she appeared on the show. "I said yes because I love to do the unexpected and I love to represent the UK and sing everywhere I go. I love to sing," she said. She (3)             that "it was an opportunity to bridge a gap between two cultures".
  Jessie J is (4)             for mixing soul, R&B and hip-hop. She is good at (5)             high-pitched (声调高的) songs. But actually, singing is a bit dangerous for her, as she has had health (6)             since childhood. She suffers from a disease that causes (7)             to have an irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. It was so serious that in 2015, she had to cancel a (8)            .
  (9)            , Jessie has stayed positive. She believes that "it is during our (10)             moments that we must focus to see the light." Her illness has inspired her to write music that makes her feel better.
7.  "For as long as I can remember, mom has been a middle-aged woman, but no one told me she used to be a young girl." This is a line from the film Hi, Mom, as well as the way director and star Jia Ling once felt about her own mother.
  The film is based (1)             the real-life story of Jia and her mother, showing her longing and regret at failing to see her mother before she died. (2)             make the film more appealing, Jia made it a time-travel story. She goes back to 1981 and becomes friends (3)             her own mom, Li Huanying. She risks giving up her own life and disappearing to make sure that her mother has (4)             better future.
  The Spring Festival holiday box office is more likely to favor films "with broad family appeal and a little hurt", and Hi, Mom has "hit all the right notes," Hollywood Reporter commented.
  The many women (5)             helped make the film, including Jia herself, helped the movie's female roles shine in ways that had nothing to do with their looks.
8.A: Hi, John. It's Mary here.
B: Hi, Mary. (1)      ?
A: Fine, thanks. John, are you busy now?
B: Not so busy. But I'm watching a TV series.
A: TV series? (2)      ?
B: Its name is Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace. And Wallace Huo and Zhou Xun star an emperor and his queen in it.
A: Wow. Sounds nice. They are my favorite stars, too. (3)      ?
B: It's about the bittersweet romances between the emperor Qianlong and his wife as well as a lot of his lovers. The story is very interesting.
A: Really? I hope to see it, too. I love romantic stories. But, John, I'm calling to tell you that some friends and I are going to visit the science museum tomorrow afternoon. Would you like to join us?
B: I'd love to, but I can't. (4)      .
A: Oh, what a pity!
B: But tomorrow evening, I will be free. (5)      .There's a new film on at the Oscar Movie Theater.
A: Sounds like a good idea. See you tomorrow evening.
B: See you.
9.雏鹰若没有第一次尝试着 飞翔,便永远不能搏击长空。我们都有过第一次尝试做某事,无论成败,都是我们最宝贵的经历。请以"The first time I tried..."为题,按照下面的要点和要求写一篇英文短文。
1. 把题目补充完整;
2. 尝试的是什么;
3. 这件事给你的感想或留下的宝贵经验。
1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校;
2. 词数100左右。
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