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1.My daughter is coming back soon. I can't wait to see ______.
  • A. it
  • B. you
  • C. him
  • D. her
2.I often buy school things ______ my way home.
  • A. on
  • B. by
  • C. in
  • D. from
3.Tom had a great success in music. It made him the ______ of his family.
  • A. praise
  • B. effort
  • C. pride
  • D. courage
4.Lily was so ______ that she broke her glasses.
  • A. careful
  • B. careless
  • C. caring
  • D. clever
5.My friend just ______ me a book. But I can't find it now.
  • A. gave
  • B. gives
  • C. was giving
  • D. will give
6.I was doing my favorite sport yoga ______ my telephone rang.
  • A. after
  • B. before
  • C. when
  • D. until
7.I ______ almost all the pages of this book, so I can return it in a minute.
  • A. read
  • B. have read
  • C. will read
  • D. was reading
8.My grandma ______ the old photos. There is a big smile on her face.
  • A. enjoys
  • B. enjoyed
  • C. will enjoy
  • D. is enjoying
9.Don't throw the litter around. Please ______.
  • A. ask for it
  • B. look for it
  • C. pick it up
  • D. put it up
10.We didn't get into the room because the door ______.
  • A. locked
  • B. is locked
  • C. has locked
  • D. was locked
11.  Plants and animals are largely made of water. They need to keep enough water inside them, (1)       they could die. So are humans.
  We get some of the water we need (2)       eating food that has water in it. Drinks, such as milk and tea, are mostly water, too. A person needs water every day. If we go without water for three or four days, we will lose too much water from our bodies. In very (3)       weather, we could lose water more quickly.
  What does water do to help our bodies? Water helps to take the nutrition (营养) from food to our bodies. It also helps to (4)       the waste from different parts of our bodies.
  In our homes, we also need water for many things. We need water to (5)      , wash or flush (冲) the toilet. About three quarters of the water is used in the bathroom or toilet. The rest is (6)       used in the laundry (洗衣房) and kitchen.
  (7)       does water come from? It comes from rivers and seas. It rises from the rivers and seas to make clouds, and then falls again as (8)       and snow. Then it goes underground. The water you drink has been around for millions of years. It just (9)       being recycled (循环).
  Many people work hard to make sure we always have (10)       water in our homes. Water is very important for all living things, so we should use it carefully.
12.  DK English school is a fully online after-school program that provides courses for English learners. Today we will share some tips from Jing Yi. He took online courses in DK English school who was admitted (接收) to Harvard recently.
Students A: How do you find out your interest and future job? Many of us are experiencing hard time to think about what we want to be.
Jing Yi: It is normal to experience that in college. It is hard and almost impossible to decide what we are going to do for the rest of our life right now, but what we can do is to keep exploring (探索) ourselves. I tried to do different part-time jobs each summer. At the same time, it will be wise to talk with upperclassmen and professors (教授).
Student A: Do you have any suggestions for middle school students?
Jing Yi: First, do not define (限定) yourself too early. This is not the time to make a hard and fast decision. It is a time to be brave, explore many subjects and make mistakes. Do not be afraid! We all have failed, and we just need to get up and run again. Most importantly, think for yourself while being open-minded.
Student A: OK. Thank you so much for your advice.
13.  A friend who was down wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. His life was full of problems and he was low on hope. He ended his letter with this question: "Can we really change this crazy world we live in?"
  I answered him immediately and started my own letter with these words: " ".
  I can still remember one of the first times someone changed my world. She was the music teacher at my primary school.
  One day she let me try playing her guitar. I had no talent at any instrument, and my singing was quite awful. I did my best but could only stumble (不顺畅地演奏) along. When I was done, I put my head down. "I guess I am not very good." I told her.
  She looked at me with her kind eyes, smiled, and said, "Helen, we are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good at. Then you can share it with the world."
  Those simple words changed me. They planted a seed (种子) in my heart that continues to grow to this day. They made me realize that I had something to give to others.
  Can you change the world? Yes, you can! You can change it and make it better every single day of your life. You can change it by one choice, one person, and one kind act at a time. All you have to do is to share your goodness. Change the world!
14.  The books that are included in this list can meet your reading needs at any time of year.
  Nobody Will Tell You This but Me by Bess Kalb
   In this book, the writer tells the stories about her grandmother Bobby and shares the advice her grandmother left to her. Bobby was a woman who was very knowledgeable about the family's traditions.
We Came Here to Shine by Susie Orman Schnall
  It focuses on (聚焦于) the strong female (女性的) friendship between an active journalist and an unlucky actress. Helping each other, these two women fought against difficulties at a time when women had little say.
A Star Is Bored by Byron Lane
  This novel follows a girl assistant (助手) to a Hollywood actress. Their three-year journey together is an unforgettable adventure (奇遇) that is funny, heartbreaking, and hopeful.
  Fast Girls by Elise Hooper
  The story in Fast Girls took place during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where Betty Robinson, Louise Stokes, and Helen Stephens overcame difficult pasts to win Olympic and became the world's fastest girls. 
15.  Every night, we climb into our beds and rest our heads on our favorite pillows (枕头). Throughout history, the pillow has changed a lot, and its story is both long and colorful.
  Nobody knows when the pillow was invented, people are said to have first used them in Mesopotamia (美索不达米亚) around 7000 B.C. They were made of stone and were shaped to support people's neck. These pillows were not made for comfort but for more practical purposes. The Mesopotamians wanted to keep insects out of their mouths, ears and noses. But if you were poor, you were out of luck because pillows were used only by the rich. In fact, the more pillows you possessed, the more people admired (敬仰) you.
  In ancient China, pillows were made of hard materials (材料) like bamboo and wood. They had wonderful paintings of animals, humans, and plants. Centuries later, in Japan, some women used small hard pillows to raise their heads off the ground and keep their beautifully designed hair looking perfect. Softer pillows didn't become more common until the ninth century. The ancient Greeks and Romans put things like feathers (羽毛) and grasses into pillows to make them more comfortable.
  Starting in the Middle Ages, Europeans almost stopped using pillows. It was believed that using pillows was a sign of weakness. After the Industrial Revolution (工业革命), things changed completely. Improved technology allowed pillows to be produced in great numbers, and what was once an item only for the wealthy was now available to everyone.
  From the pages of history to your bedroom, pillows have given humans something to lay their heads on for thousands of years. That's something to think about as you get to sleep tonight. Have a good night!
16.  We should start thinking about how to improve our lifestyle when we are younger. Here are three simple habits to be healthier.
  Take care of your teeth
  It may sound surprising, but there is a connection between brushing teeth and health.
  Wondering if you're brushing enough? A Scottish study found that people who brushed their teeth twice a day had a lower heart attack(侵袭) risk than those who only brushed once a day.
  Stay active
  Telomeres (端粒) are a part of people's DNA. They are getting shorter and shorter as you age. People with high physical activity levels have telomeres that are nine years "younger" than those who are so-called couch potatoes. High physical activity levels mean 30 minutes of exercise every day increased life length by three years.
  Get good sleep
  Sleep is like a "cleaning" for your brain. But not sleeping too much is also important. Getting less than seven or eight hours of sleep can cause an increased chance of death, but sleeping more than 11 hours a night is related to an even larger increase.
  Try to keep some habits that help you sleep better, such as having a fixed bedtime and removing electronics from the bedroom.
17.  My name is Alan. I am a student in Xinghua Middle School. I set up a movie club in my (1)            (eight) grade in my school. There were only six people in my club at first. One month later, in order to get much (2)            (many) students to join my club, I made a short speech. I (3)            (wear) my club uniform with my new glasses that day. And I even made a poster by (4)            (my). I told my schoolmates about my club (5)            (proud). To my surprise, it worked. Many of my schoolmates were (6)            (interest). At last, nearly 50 new students (7)            (join) my club.
  We organized many activities. We watched some English (8)             (film). Another time, we translated some lines from Kung Fu. We even made (9)             short movie of our own. We learned how to work (10)             each other while having fun. My club was a great success.
18.friends, you, many, have, do
19.you, do, how often, exercise
20.draw, let's, a, together, picture
21.laughing, they, how, are, happily
22.think, Tom, a, I, student, is, good
23.假设你是李华,你们学校将举办"艺术节"(Art Festival)活动。届时活动会同步进行网络直播,你打算邀请你的外国朋友Peter观看。请你根据以下提示,用英文给他写一封电子邮件。
Art Festival
Time: 2:00—5:00 p.m. on May 28th, Friday
Live website (直播网址): "https://www.zhschool.cn/art"
●A play
●Painting show
●Singing competition 

1. 邮件中须包含所有提示内容,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
2. 邮件中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名;
3. 词数80左右. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Peter,
  I have a piece of good news to tell you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I hope you will enjoy it online then.
Li Hua
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