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1.Before the Spring Festival, Premier Li Keqiang came to a market in Yuncheng, Shanxi. Vendors (摊主) introduced the local special snacks to ______ excitedly.
  • A. us
  • B. you
  • C. him
2. people have done lots of research on the moon, there is still much to be discovered.
  • A. Since
  • B. Because
  • C. Though
3.We all want to try new things, but finding the ______ to start is always the hardest part.
  • A. reason
  • B. courage
  • C. patience
4.—The environment a child's development.
—That's why "Mencius's mother moved three times (孟母三迁)".
  • A. shows
  • B. influences
  • C. prevents
5.Taiyuan Metro has made the transportation much more . For example, we can save about 20 minutes from Wanda to Mixc (万象城) by subway than by bus.
  • A. necessary
  • B. convenient
  • C. important
6.—I wonder how I can remember English words.
—In my opinion, you need to pronounce them first, and then practice a lot. In this way, you will remember them well.
  • A. quickly
  • B. loudly
  • C. correctly
7.We should make requests politely when we are . Only in this way will people around be pleased to help us.
  • A. in need
  • B. in silence
  • C. in public
8.Young people should learn how to themselves so that they will be more independent.
  • A. take care of
  • B. make use of
  • C. pay attention to
9.Don't making mistakes when you study English, because failure is the mother of success.
  • A. be weak in
  • B. be afraid of
  • C. be careful about
10.—According to a notice, primary and middle school students are not allowed to carry mobile phones to school. I wonder .
—To help protect their eyesight and make sure they focus on studies.
  • A. what the purpose of doing so is
  • B. whether students should have mobile phones
  • C. how students can use mobile phones properly
11.(Three classmates are talking about their homework on DingTalk at the weekend.)
Qian, Fei, Lin
Fei: Hi, there. Have you finished the reading exercises?
Li: Of course.
Qian: (1)      
Fei: It took me nearly half an hour.
Lin: @Fei. (2)       I spent only 5 minutes on it.
Qian: @Lin. I guess you just finished the exercises.
Lin: Yes. (3)      
Qian: @Lin. The teacher always tells us to try to think more and get more from reading. I wrote a short summary of the passage.
Fei: @Qian. (4)      
Lin: It seems that I did so little. Thank you for reminding me.
Qian: @Lin. It's nothing. (5)      
Fei: Good idea! We can share our thoughts.
Lin: I can't agree more!

A. How come?
B. Sounds too difficult.
C. How long did it take?
D. What else should I do?
E. I drew a mind map of the passage.
F. Let's talk about it after you reread it.
G. Why not choose a longer one to read? 
12.  If you love singing competition shows, you may have watched Produce 101. It has been popular since it was played on the Internet on April 21st, 2018 for the first time. 101 girls took part in the show and (1)      . After several rounds (回合), the top 11 girls formed a girl group.
  Among all the girls, Wang Ju is a special one. Although the girl is good at singing and dancing, she is not like a (2)       "princess" who is thin, white-skinned and shy. Quite the opposite, she is strong, dark and (3)       speaks out what she wants to say. She was once the No.1 in an Internet voting (投票) round, getting the most (4)      . "It's time for a new generation of girl groups," wrote a reporter. "(5)       comes in all shapes, sizes and personalities (个性)."
  But people love Wang Ju not just because she looks different from other beautiful girls. With her words — "It's better to change the wind than to (6)       it," Wang shows the qualities of being independent and ambitious (有抱负的). Some people think girls should be sweet and quiet and play cute all the time. (7)      , she makes it clear what she wants, and fights hard for her dreams.
  "Many people tell me that I am not (8)       to be in a girl group, but I think I have the chance to redefine (重新定义) a girl group," she said during an interview after one of her shows. It seems that, in her own world, she has successfully "changed the wind".
EARTH HOUR MARCH 27, 2021, 8:30 P.M.
Join more than 180 countries and areas by turning lights off together for our planet's future. Now, more than ever, we need a time to unite for a positive (积极的) cause. Organized by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Earth Hour has raised people's awareness (意识) about the importance of protecting our planet by saving energy. 

Get Outside

Going for a nighttime walk is a great way to improve your own health. 

Camp at Home
Have a challenging night by setting up a tent in the yard. 

Catch Up on Sleep
Take advantage of this hour by going to bed early and getting a restful night of sleep. 

Light Candles
Bring some light and warmth to your home with candles. You can read a book, have a candlelit dinner or play a board game. 

Hug the darkness by finding a nice place to enjoy the night sky. 
Turn your Earth Hour experience into a lifestyle
Even when it is not Earth Hour, you should always turn off lights whenever you leave home, and always turn off mobile devices when you are not using them. This will not only save energy, but will also save your money in the long run. 
14.  The International Space Station (ISS) is a science lab in space, where there are six people now. Usually astronauts stay in the ISS for five or six months. Can you imagine how boring it is to live in a tight (紧凑的) space with just five other people for six months? CIMON 2, a floating (浮动的) computer, was created to work there for three years to help astronauts. It was sent to the ISS on December 5th, 2019.
  CIMON was created with two jobs in mind. One is helping astronauts with tasks. The other is trying to be "someone" astronauts can talk to. It is a robot with a face which was created by the European airplane company, Airbus. It has no arms or legs, but it can move where it needs to go with motors inside.
  Helping astronauts is easy for CIMON — it can see, hear, understand, and speak. Its "mouth" is a loudspeaker that can be used to talk or play music. The brains behind CIMON were provided by IBM, a computer company famous for training computers to understand human speech. CIMON can understand not just what people say, but what they mean. If astronauts ask it for instructions or information, CIMON can answer the astronauts, or use its screen to display pictures or documents (文件), if needed. CIMON also has several cameras, which can take pictures and videos to help astronauts keep records of experiments or other important actions.
  The more difficult part of CIMON's job is being a companion for the astronauts. The first CIMON could understand what people were saying and mastered more than 1,000 sentences, but it was not enough. CIMON 2 has been improved so that it can find out how people are feeling.
   The creator hopes CIMON will be a calm, trusted friend that astronauts can talk to when they don't want to talk with others. This could be especially important if tension (紧张气氛) in a group of astronauts causes them to stop thinking clearly.
15.  It may seem strange to think about countries being "happy" when most of the world is fighting with the coronavirus (冠状病毒), but a yearly report by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network ranked the world's countries by how happy they are.
  To get an idea of how happy people are, the researchers told people to imagine life as a ladder (阶梯). (1)       The best possible life would be on step 10. Then the researchers asked people where they were on the ladder. They asked this question of 10,000 people in 156 different countries over the last three years.
  For the third year in a row, the report named Finland as the world's happiest country. (2)       The other top four countries were Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway.
  (3)       These included how much money people make, how long they live, how free they are, how much help they get from the people around them, and whether the government is seen as honest.
  Clearly, the kind of happiness that was being measured (衡量) by the report wasn't just about laughing, smiling, and telling jokes. (4)       The report suggested that when people live in a place where they trust other people and the government, they are more likely to be happy. The report's authors described these as "high-trust" countries.
  As countries around the world face the big challenges brought by the coronavirus, the report's authors don't lose heart. (5)      
  Actually, in high-trust areas, disasters (灾难) can often leave people with a surprisingly good feeling. They say difficult times let them know there are lots of good people around who would like to lend a helping hand.

A. The worst possible life would be on step 0.
B. Why do people have such a sense of happiness?
C. It was more about how satisfied people are with their lives.
D. They note that happiness doesn't always disappear during difficult times.
E. To help explain the results, the researchers studied several important areas.
F. This time Finland was even farther ahead of other countries than it was last time. 
16.  People often say that the world is getting smaller. By this, they mean with the rapid development of society, communications and trades between countries have been improved a lot. So each country knows one another more and more. There seems to be a lot of truth to this. After all, you can buy African food in Norway, or watch a French movie in China.
  However, countries still have the power to shock the people who visit them for the first time. For many of us, there are still real differences in the cultures and habits between nations.
  Recently, a Serbian student, Milorad Boti, was surprised on a school trip to Germany when he found that public bathrooms there were not the same as those in his home country. He noticed that after using the closestool (马桶), the lid (盖子) of the closestool rotated (旋转) as part of a cleaning process.
  Most often, however, eating habits are different between cultures. When visiting a Western country, an Indian man, Kaushal Barot, noticed people often talk in restaurants for hours with friends. Kaushal was surprised because in India, restaurants are for one thing only.
  The differences in cultures can seem positive, negative (负面的), or just strange. But rather than something to be feared, these differences should be welcomed. In fact, if the whole world were like one big country, it would be a much more boring place. So let's be proud of our own culture, and at the same time, be open to the cultures of others.
People often say that the world is getting smaller. The society is developing (1)      , and countries know one another more and more. However, differences between nations still bring us (2)      . Here are two examples. Milorad Boti, a Serbian student, was surprised at the public bathrooms in Germany. After people used the closestool, its lid would rotate to (3)       itself. Kaushal Barot, who is from India, noticed that people in a Western country often spend hours talking with friends in restaurants instead of just (4)       there. These differences make our world more (5)      . We should welcome them rather than fear them. 
  Have you ever done this? You may be in an English class, hoping that no one notices you're doing your math homework and talking with your partner once a while. So you are multitasking!
  What is multitasking?
  Multitasking is now used to describe the ability to do several things at the same time. When you're busy, several jobs done at the same time sounds far more productive than just dealing with a single one. But is it true?
  For many people, multitasking has become a way of life and even a key to success. However, people who multitask all the time may be the worst at doing two things or more at once, because they are easily distracted (注意力分散的) and can't focus on one activity. The research shows that as people move from task to task, their mind actually moves to another thought or task, and then takes a "moment" to come back.
  Should you "multi-task" or "mono-task"?
  Multitasking is easy when at least one of the tasks requires little thought. Most people don't find it difficult to eat and read the newspaper at the same time. However, when two or more tasks that require attention are tried at the same time, people sometimes make mistakes.
Multi-task Mono-task 
Things which are easy and mainly physical;
●Exercising. You can listen to songs while running.
●Housework. You talk with your parents or watch TV while doing the chores.
●The ride to school. If you take a bus or a car, you can read or listen to the music. 
Tasks which require concentrated focus:
●Writing an essay or term paper for school.
●Reading a book.
●Carrying out research online.
●Writing a report or other large documents. 

How can you become more productive?
It's not easy to stay focused, especially in the information age — there are so many distractions.
But you can practice being focused.
●Set goals. 在采取行动之前,你应该知道你需要达成什么目标。
●List the tasks you have to do. This helps you decide what to do first, and also which two can be done at the same time.
●Set a time limit (限制) on your task. Try writing or working for 30 minutes and then take a break.
but; power; we; achieve; who; cover; act; gradual; they; proud; high 

The movie Leap tells the stories behind the Chinese women's volleyball team. It is directed by Peter Chan. The famous Chinese actress Gong Li (1)       Lang Ping in the film, the coach of the team.
Since their first championship (冠军称号) in 1981, Chinese women's volleyball team has been the(2)       of the nation. When they play well, people cheer for them, (3)       few of them know how hard the players work to make it look so easy. Taking "one spirit, two times of inheritance, and three generations of legend (一种精神,两次传承,三代传奇)" as the theme, the movie Leap leads us to experience the years of passion (激情) of Chinese women's volleyball team.
This movie, which hit cinemas on Sept. 25, shows several generations of volleyball players and their journey to becoming a (4)       volleyball team.
Success doesn't come overnight. In order to stand on the world's (5)       podium, girls of the women's volleyball team worked hard day and night to practice. And finally they became the gold medal owners (6)       rocked the whole world.
The road to the championship (7)       with tears and sweats. The Chinese women's volleyball team has fallen several times, and has climbed up again and again (8)       the final success. "Seize every minute of our life. Go all out to our dreams. Without going through the wind and rain, how can we see the rainbow? No one can succeed easily." The girls always keep these words in their mind. This team has gone through 40 years of ups and downs, and (9)       it has become a legend in the world volleyball arena (竞技场).
Serving the country and the will to never give up are the keys to (10)       success. That is what the film Leap wants us to remember forever.
19.近年来,微信已经成为人们日常生活中必不可少的社交平台。你校英语社团近期就“是否愿意对父母开放微信朋友圈(WeChat Moments)”这一话题进行了一次网络调查。请你根据调查结果,用英语写一篇短文。

1. 简述漫画中的现象;
2. 用百分比简要说明调查结果;
3. 你的想法。
1. 词数不少于80词;
2. 文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
  Recently, an online survey about whether students would like to open their WeChat Moments to their parents was done in our school. As is shown in the chart, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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