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1.—Through 5G, people in different cities can even "shake hands" on the same screen.
  • A. What a mess!
  • B. Don't mention it.
  • C. Wonderful, indeed.
  • D. With pleasure.
2.—Listen! The boy are using two chopsticks and several bowls to play the smooth music on Douyin.
—That's really amazing! He is so ______.
  • A. energetic
  • B. normal
  • C. serious
  • D. creative
3.—Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?
—I'm afraid we have no ______ but to take a taxi.
  • A. decision
  • B. choice
  • C. purpose
  • D. reason
4.Huangmei Opera is _______ thought to be one of the symbols of Anqing. Don't miss it during your stay here.
  • A. hardly
  • B. widely
  • C. suddenly
  • D. badly
5.—Lisa, have you ______ chemistry for the coming exam?
—Yes, mom. I'm quite ready for it.
  • A. copied
  • B. marked
  • C. reviewed
  • D. repeated
6.—Wonderful! China's deep-sea manned submersible (载人潜水器) Fendouzhe set a national record of 10,909 meters on Tuesday.
—Yeah. ______ is impossible. Our country has made great progress in technology.
  • A. Everything
  • B. Nothing
  • C. Anything
  • D. Something
7.It's reported that the Tiangong Space Station ______ around 2022, and it's not just for China but for the whole world.
  • A. complete
  • B. will complete
  • C. is completed
  • D. will be completed
8.Love your parents _______ they are alive. Don't wait until it is too late.
  • A. while
  • B. though
  • C. unless
  • D. because
9.—Do you know ______ we will hold the 24th Winter Olympic Games?
—Exactly, to increase the popularity of ice and snow sports.
  • A. why
  • B. how
  • C. where
  • D. when
10.Grace comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and ______ which university is the best for her to attend.
  • A. give up
  • B. find out
  • C. care for
  • D. call up
11.  A bee has a happy life with her family. But sometimes, life is full of the unexpected.
  One day, while the bee was playing with some friends in the flowers, she felt very (1)      . So she flew alone to look for water. She flew near to a stream. But (2)      , she fell into it, all in wet. She was being carried away by the rush of the (3)      . She was on the point of drowning (淹死).
  Just at that time, a bird was sitting in a tree near the stream, and found a bee (4)       in the stream by accident. He picked some (5)       with his mouth, and let them fall into the stream. A leaf floated (漂浮) close to the bee. She climbed quickly onto the leaf and floated (6)       to the bank. She was saved.
  Just after that, a boy came, and found the bird who was (7)       in a tree, singing happily. He's ready to climb up the tree quietly to (8)       the bird. The bee, flying quickly to the boy, stung (叮) him hard in the left (9)      . In pain, the boy shouted, covered his left eye and fell down, and the noise made the bird (10)      . And the bee also flew away quickly.
12.  When I was young, I studied at a small primary school in my hometown.
  Every May, we were often asked to (1)       strawberries on the school farm. It was usually late afternoon. We couldn't help (2)       hungry when we saw so many fresh and attractive (诱人的) strawberries. While picking, we ate (3)       strawberries secretly. But Tony didn't.
  When school was over, our headteacher always got us together, and asked seriously (4)       had eaten strawberries. We were all (5)       and had to admit (承认) it, except Tony.
  "What about you, Tony?" the headteacher walked to Tony.
  "Not a single strawberry." he answered (6)      .
  "Really?" she didn't (7)       Tony.
  "I'm sure." Tony looked up at her firmly (坚定地).
  "You're telling me a (8)      . A dishonest boy!" she was angry.
  We didn't know how Tony was punished by the headteacher. His father took him back home at night. It must be Tony's first (9)       in life.
  Tony hadn't eaten strawberries at all. (10)      , we had been with him all the time, and saw him put all his strawberries into the baskets. But nobody had said anything for him. We should be ashamed (羞愧) of ourselves.
A: (1)      
B: Nowhere. I just stayed at home to relax, read and practice the piano. How about you?
A: I was on vacation last month, to Australia for a trip.
B: Really? (2)      
A: With my parents.
B: How long did you stay there?
A: (3)      
B: How did you go there?
A: We went there by sea.
B: (4)      
A: Because we can enjoy the blue sea and cool wind.
B: (5)      
A: We went to swim in the sea, enjoyed the warm sunshine on the beach, and climbed the mountain.

A. When did you go there?
B. For two weeks.
C. Why do you take the ship?
D. Did you do anything interesting?
E. Who did you go there with?
F. We went somewhere peaceful on vacation.
G. Where did you go on vacation?
14.  Dave was a busy person. In the morning he got his children ready for school and then went to his own classes. He was studying for his GED. After class, he did the housework and shopping.
  Dave also worked at his job. During his breaks, he ate chips and drank pop. When he got home, he ate a big meal. At night, he went to bed very late. Dave was often tired.
  Dave's GED teacher talked about the need for a good sleep before the GED test. He wanted to do well in the test. How could Dave get more sleep? How could he get better sleep?
  Dave decided to change his eating habits. He packed a large, healthy meal for work. When Dave got home from work, he ate a small healthy snack. He then took a warm shower. It helped him relax. He started going to bed at the same time every night.
  This new living habit has helped Dave's mind and body prepare for a good night's sleep. Dave is going to bed earlier and is getting better sleep. He is a happier person. He has more energy. He can concentrate more at school and at work.
Films at the Museum

Two European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The Workers will be at 3:45. For further information, call 4987898. 
Captain Good Fellow

Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, free. 
International Picnic

Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious but not expensive. Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Take me out to the Ballgame

It's October, and Saturday night (7:00~9:00) is your last chance to see the Red Birds this year. Get your tickets at the gate. It might be cold. Don't forget sweaters and jackets. 
Do you want to hear The Zoo

The Zoo, a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first U.S. concert this Saturday night, at 8, at Rose Hall, City College. 
16.  Do you like dancing? Do you know break dance? It is a type of street dance. It first started in America in the 1970s. Some African Americans in New York started to act this kind of dance on the street. People who watched them liked it very much. As time went by, more and more people accepted it and join in the groups of break dancing. So it quickly became very popular. It has gone all over the world in a very short time.
  A report says that there are more than a million break dancers in the world now. We have to say it is really a very large number. Lots of break dancers will feel happy because of the following news. It is said that break dance becomes an Olympic sport. It will be at the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024. It is such important news for all the communities of break dancers. They will be a part of the Olympic world.
  As break dancers for the Olympic Games, they must be strong. That will influence their scores in the competition. Olympic judges (裁判) will watch other things, too. They will judge the style and they will judge the dancer's interesting and unusual skills.
  In 2024, will you be a fan of break dance?
17.  For many dog owners, walking their pet may be one of the happiest moments in a day. It is a time to relax themselves and their pets.
  However, for dog owners in Wenshan city in Yunnan province, walking their dog has just become more inconvenient.
  The city announced that dog owners mustn't walk their pets in urban (城市的) areas from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  Some people agree with the rule, saying it makes people feel safer.
  "It is from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. that people are very active, and the rule could help avoid conflicts (冲突) between dogs and people," reporter Gong Dazhong wrote for the newspaper.
  Others say the rule is inconvenient for pet owners and their pets.
  "Everybody's situation is different, but the rule is too strict," a Wenshan pet owner told The Beijing News.
  The rule was introduced because of the growing number of conflicts between dog owners and people walking on the street. Early this month, a dog owner in Hangzhou shouted at a woman who tried to drive an unleashed (未栓绳的) dog away as it started barking at her son. A fight followed.
  Wang Yukai, a professor in Beijing, said that not allowing pet owners to walk their dogs from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. is a bad idea, although Wenshan's rule is well-intentioned (好意的). Efforts to prevent conflicts should pay attention to making sure that dog owners raise their dogs properly, Wang told The Beijing News.

18.  Going to school looks quite a bit different during the COVID-19 pandemic. Students and teachers have to wear masks and keep social distance during the whole day. But teachers like Mary Schulz of the West Fork School District in Rockwell, Iowa, still miss the daily greetings that help grow their relationship with their kids. One of the things that Mary missed most was her daily greeting each third grade student with a hug, high-five, or handshake. "When we came back, we hadn't seen each other for such a long time and the students just wanted to reach out. You could see it," she said. "It was just kind of awkward. Maybe you will think the ways of greetings are funny."
  She thought of a clever way to have each of her students come up with a special greeting to start their day right! Some of them do a dance move, some simply wave, and others have a difficult foot-tap combination (组合). Mary learned all 20 of their special hellos, and now her kids are glad to line up for their daily welcome from Mrs. Mary!
  Mary said she has felt more connected with her students since having the daily greetings, and the kids just like it! "We're just trying to have school life with some fun things," she added. "It has brought me joy, too."
  The Forbidden City is a must-see for any traveler in the heart of Beijing. If you happen to go past its northern gate, you will arrive at a place called "Xi San Suo (西三所)". In the past, it was known as the "Cold Palace". Now it is the Palace Museum's conservation (保护) department.
  People working for the department are craftsmen (手艺人) in the Forbidden City. They are responsible for the conservation and restoration of 1.8 million cultural relics, such as the gold-plated clock which belonged to Emperor Qianlong and world-famous Chinese painting Along the river During the Qingming Festival.
  Their work requires not only skill but also patience. Sometimes, it may take a year to restore just three to four paintings.
  Masters in the Forbidden City, a documentary about the craftsmen in the Palace Museum, became popular. The masters are now heroes in people's eyes. More and more young people today are willing to learn their crafts.
20.It is hard to find a s       (座位) in the restaurant during the busy hour.
21.With the help of the new high-speed railway, the train can run much f       (更快地) than before from Hefei to Anqing.
22.It has been raining for such a long time, a       (几乎) everyone expects to have a sunny day at once.
23.Could you please p       (传递) the salt to the boy on your right?
24.The best part of        (阅读) is that it can bring you anywhere you want.
25.在繁忙的学业之外,我们也会有一些属于自己的课余时间。英语周报将就“如何让课余时间变得有意义?”这一话题展开讨论,请根据提示,以“How To Make Our Spare Time Meaningful?”为题,用英文写一篇短文。
学做一些家务 多读一些好书 适当运动 一到二条你自己的观点 

1. 短文应包括所给要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;
2. 词数不少于 80 词,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 短文中不得出现任何考生真实信息,包括校名、姓名等。
How To Make Our Spare Time Meaningful?
  Nowadays, our schoolwork is busy, but we still have some spare time. How can we make it meaningful? Let me tell you some of my ideas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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