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1.You can see the _____ in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.
  • A. doubt
  • B. pride
  • C. regret
  • D. ability
2.—It's very hot this spring.
—That's true. The temperature at noon yesterday ______ 30℃.
  • A. rose
  • B. took
  • C. reached
  • D. arrived
3.—Don't be angry with the kids when they make mistakes.
—Sorry, I won't. I know ______ of us is perfect.
  • A. none
  • B. each
  • C. neither
  • D. all
4.—Do you feel like ______ the 2022 Winter Olympics?
—Yes, we all look forward to ______ it in 2022.
  • A. to watch; to watch
  • B. to watch; watching
  • C. watching; watching
  • D. watching; to watch
5.Can I ask ______ you ______ to China before?
  • A. what; have been
  • B. if; have been
  • C. how; have gone
  • D. if; have gone
6.—Why hasn't Jim come?
—Because he ______ my invitation yesterday.
  • A. turned down
  • B. cut down
  • C. put away
  • D. made up
7.— I always feel ______ today. What's the matter?
— That's because you played computer games all night yesterday.
  • A. excited
  • B. nervous
  • C. awful
  • D. sleepy
8.—Where is Alice? The film will begin soon.
—Don't worry. I ______ her and she is already on the way.
  • A. call
  • B. will call
  • C. have called
  • D. was calling
9.—______ have you ______ Hefei, Tom?
—Since I was ten years old.
  • A. How long; come to
  • B. How soon; gone to
  • C. How long; been in
  • D. How often; stayed in
10.—It is said that Mr. Sun has won "The Most Beautiful Teacher".
  • A. Good luck
  • B. Come on
  • C. That's true
  • D. Congratulations
11.  One Monday morning, I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt ill. I couldn't stand still, and the world began to sway (摇摆) and then went black. All I heard was "Oh, my God, she's falling." The next thing I (1)       was that the doctor was asking me my name. This happened (2)       I was too tired. I was so busy cleaning my new house that I didn't eat (3)       last weekend.
  The doctor told me that a gentleman waiting for the (4)       saw me fall down. He got to my side (5)      , and told others to call 120. He stayed with me (6)       the ambulance (救护车) arrived. Then he went with me to the hospital, which made him (7)       his train. The doctor told me the gentleman didn't want to leave his name.
  I don't know who this gentleman is. (8)       if he reads this article and remembers a young lady fainting (晕倒) at the train station, I'd like (9)       to know that I want to say "Thank you" to him. Whenever I meet with such a thing, I will do the same as he (10)       to me. And I'll pass on the kindness to others.
12.  Jim, a successful businessman, told the experience of his childhood.
  When he was 12, his parents (1)      . He was alone and didn't get well on with others. People always laughed (2)       him. No one showed kindness to him. His only friend was a dog named Tiger.
  One day as he walked down the street, a young lady was walking in front of him. Suddenly one of her bags dropped from her arms. As she stopped (3)      , she dropped other bags. He came to help her. "Thank you, dear! You are a nice boy!" she said kindly, smiling. A special feeling came to him. These were (4)       kind words he had ever heard. He watched her (5)       she went far away, and he whistled to his dog and went directly to the river nearby. Then in a low (6)       he said to his dog, "You are a nice little dog!" Tiger raised its (7)       as if it understood. "Uh! Even a dog likes it!' he said. "Well, I won't say unkind words to you any more!" The dog waved its tails happily.
  The boy thought and thought. Finally he looked at himself in the river. He saw (8)       but a dirty boy. He washed his face (9)      . Again he looked. He saw a clean nice boy. He was amazed. From then on, he had a new life. The first seed of kindness that the woman (10)       in his heart made him an able man.
13.(Zhang Ming is from a poor village in China. He has an eye problem. He is now talking to a doctor of the Flying Eye Hospital.)
Doctor: Good morning, young man! What's your name, please!
Zhang: My name's Zhang Ming. I'm twelve years old now. I come here to see my eyes. By the way, (1)      
Doctor: We doctors in this hospital fly to different poor places. People with eye problems can come to us.
Zhang: (2)      
Doctor: We give medicine to the poor or do operations (手术) on them.
Zhang: I started to have problems with my eyes when I was seven. Now, I can't see things clearly. Can you help me?
Doctor: (3)       We'll try our best.
Zhang: My parents don't have enough money for the medicine or the operation.
Doctor: Don't worry. We get donation (捐款) from all over the world. (4)      
Zhang: I really want to be able to see my parents and you clearly.
Doctor: (5)      
A. That means you don't have to pay.
B. What do you do exactly?
C. That means you have to pay much money.
D. We'll bring you new hope and light.
E. Yes, of course.
F. what is the Flying Eye Hospital?
G. What should I do? 
14.  Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all made boats and left, except for Love.
  Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, "Richness, can you take me with you?" Richness answered, "No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you." Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "Vanity, please help me!" "I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked, "Sadness, let me go with you." "Oh... Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!" Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.
  Suddenly, there was a voice, "Come, Love, and I will take you." It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder, "Who helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered. "Time?" asked Love. "But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
15.  On April 2, we said goodbye to Tiangong I, China's first space lab. According to the China Manned Space Agency, Tiangong I re-entered (重返) the Earth's atmosphere (大气层) and some of its debris (碎片) fell into the South Pacific Ocean. There are many spacecraft that are still in orbit (轨道) above the earth. After finishing their trips, they will all reenter the Earth's atmosphere like Tiangong I.
  There are two kinds of re-entries: controlled re-entry and uncontrolled re-entry. Some satellites and manned spacecraft come back to the earth in a controlled re-entry way. Experts calculate (计算) the path of the falling spacecraft and its speed. They can guide the spacecraft to fall into a chosen area.
  Some spacecraft come back in an uncontrolled re-entry way. It is hard to tell when and where they will fall until the last hours. The US space station Skylab came back partially uncontrolled in 1979. Parts of the station fell in Western Australia, but no one was hurt.
  During the re-entry, most of the spacecraft will burn up while passing through the earth atmosphere. Only a small amount of the debris ends up falling into the ocean.
16.  Good news for fans of Chinese animations (动漫)! The year 2021 will bring plenty of works. According to news website TMT, 188 Chinese animated series will come out this year on Tencent Video, iQiyi, Youku and Bilibili. Among them are new seasons of older shows, including the fourth season of Douluo Dalu and the second season of Shaonian Gexing.
  Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng (国风) style, or "traditional Chinese style". The stories are mostly based on Chinese legends (传说) or literature. For example, The Westward comes from Journey to the West. The Legend of Qin VII follows the Qin Dynasty from when the Emperor of the Kingdom of Qin, Ying Zheng conquered the other six kingdoms to the rise of the king of Western Chu, Xiang Yu, who captured the capital city, Xianyang.
  Other animations are different. Modao Zushi is one of them. It's based on fiction, but the animation has many elements of traditional Chinese culture. For example, it brings the traditional Chinese water-ink paintings and guofeng music together.
  "As our society gets wealthier, it's natural that Chinese people take greater pride and confidence in their own cultural roots," Mou Aili, associate professor at the School of Animation with Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in Chongqing, told China Daily. This is why these guofeng animations are rising in China.
17.  Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were painted blue, a calm and peaceful color.
  Sometimes colors can affect our feelings and moods. Some colors can make us feel calm and peaceful. Blue is one of these. Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for our mind and body, because this color makes a good feeling. Blue is also the color of sadness, so you may say you're feeling blue when you are feeling sad. White is another calm color. You should wear white clothes if you are feeling nervous. White is also the color of purity (纯洁). Many women like to be in white on their wedding day. Green is the color of nature. It can give us more energy when we are feeling tired.
  Some colors can make you feel warm. These colors can give you a happy feeling. People who live in cold climates use warm colors in their homes like orange and yellow instead of white and blue.
  Orange shows joy. It can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad. Yellow is the color of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day. Yellow is also the color of wisdom. Some people prefer this color when they study for exams. For example, they may use yellow school things. Red is one of the strong colors. Wearing red often makes us active.
  In short, we can try out different colors if we aren't feeling our best.
18.Happy Rain on a Spring Night
——By Du Fu
Good rain knows its time right;
It will fall when comes spring.
With wind it steals in night;
Mute, it moistens (滋润) each thing.
Over wild path dark cloud spreads;
In boat a lantern looms (隐约可见).
Dawn sees saturated reds (深红);
The town's heavy with blooms (盛开).

  The poem Happy Rain on a Spring Night, written by famous Chinese poet Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty, describes a scene of spring rain. It expresses Du's care for the farmers and his wish for a peaceful life.
  In the first couplet (联), Du expresses his love for the spring rain because it moistens everything. And Chinese people take spring rain as an important part of their life. The second lines describe the rain from the angle of hearing. It comes so quietly at night that no one realizes it. The third couplet is about the sense of sight. In the dark rainy night, the only lights on the boat shine. And the last two lines are in the writer's imagination. Because of the spring rain, people will enjoy tomorrow's bloom.
19.  As the Internet is developing fast, more and more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here are some examples.
  One of the most popular words is Dianzan, which is often used when you quite agree with somebody. Another example is Renxing. When you say somebody is Renxing, you mean that he or she will do whatever he or she likes. The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping, which means you can complete your orders before others. But now it's widely used when you achieve your purpose in a very short time. If you describe someone as a Tuhao, you mean that he or she is very rich. You can find lots of such new Chinese words. Keep learning and you will know more about Chinese culture.
20.My favorite h      (爱好) is reading books under the tree alone.
21.When Qingming Festival is coming, people usually m      (思念) their past family members.
22.Anyone who has a f      (发烧) must go to the hospital soon.
23.We should take an a      (积极的) part in after-school activities.
24.Many young people can not a      (付得起) a house because of the high price.
1. 缺少运动或不运动的原因;
2. 缺少运动或不运动对学生的影响;
3. 针对此现象提出合理化的建议。
1. 词数:80 左右,开头和结尾已给,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不得出现真实校名或人名。
  Many students are short of exercise in their spare time. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  All in all, students should do more exercise in their spare time. The more exercise they do, the healthier they will be.
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