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1.Gu Ailing is a talented Chinese freeskier (自由式滑雪运动员). People believe she will have a bright future in front of ______.
  • A. her
  • B. him
  • C. them
2.—Emma sold her old things to ______ money to buy books for the poor kids.
—She really has a heart of gold!
  • A. waste
  • B. return
  • C. raise
3.March 5th is a day to remember Lei Feng. We still need to learn from his ______ today and get ready to help others.
  • A. interest
  • B. spirit
  • C. decision
4.The teacher has given us a ______ explanation of the rules of playing chess and we know how to do it now.
  • A. wrong
  • B. clear
  • C. fair
5.My friends ______ a WeChat group and we can share happy moments with each other in it.
  • A. set up
  • B. fix up
  • C. clean up
6.—The news said that a driverless car traveled from Beijing to Tianjin.
—Yes. It drove ______ by itself and finished the 114-kilometer journey.
  • A. badly
  • B. comfortably
  • C. completely
7.—Our class will ______ with Class 3 tomorrow afternoon.
—Let's cheer for our players then.
  • A. argue
  • B. compete
  • C. hate
8.—I ______ tests all the time.
—Don't worry. Maybe you can ask your teacher for help.
  • A. am nervous about
  • B. am used to
  • C. am surprised at
9.—Though Tom's leg hurt, he continued practicing ______ the last minute before the match.
—What a great boy!
  • A. as
  • B. until
  • C. since
10.—Tina, could you give me a ride to town?
—______. I'm going there, too.
  • A. Yes, you can
  • B. Sorry, I can't
  • C. Yes, sure
11.Dave: You look sad, Aron. (1)      
Aron: It's my hand. It got burned with hot water. (2)      
Dave: Oh, my god! You should run it under the water at once.
Aron: I guess I should. But it's time for the math class now. (3)      
Dave: No problem. I'm sure he will understand. If it hurts a lot, go to the school nurse's office.
Aron: You're right. I'll go there right now.
Dave: (4)      
Aron: Thanks a lot. See you later.
Dave: (5)      
A. See you.
B. What should I do?
C. What's the matter with you?
D. Be careful and hope you can get well soon.
E. Could you please tell Mr. Lee that I may be a little late? 

12.  Do you often run outdoors to keep healthy? Can you (1)       that running could help to clean up the earth? Sometimes a creative mind can bring us a win-win situation.
  Plogging, a new (2)       to exercise, started in Sweden. The name "plogging" comes from two words — the Swedish (瑞典的) phrase "plocka upp" and the word "jogging". "Plocka upp" (3)       to pick up and "jogging" is to say the activity of running slowly. A Swedish man (4)       the idea and put it into real-life practice.
  He saw rubbish here and there (5)       he was riding to work each day. He became worried about the dirty environment and decided not to go to work by bike anymore. (6)      , he began to run to work and pick up the rubbish at the same time. More and more people followed him, and soon the new way to exercise became popular. Seeing that, he felt quite (7)       and joyful.
  Many people choose plogging because they think plogging is a good way to help clean up the earth. Sometimes it is (8)       to collect rubbish because it may scatter (散落) all around. But if the runners pick up the rubbish on the way, (9)       could make a big difference. After all, many hands make light work. Another reason is that plogging burns more calories (卡路里). According to a research, plogging for ten minutes burns 48 calories, while (10)       jogging for 10 minutes only burns about 39 calories.
  It's time for us to take action! So ready? Let's play tomorrow!
A. Never say die
B. You light my world
C. Nice to meet you again
D. Give away money to help the poor
E. A mountain road leads to a good life 

  Through history, the world looks for heroes. Where are they? In fact, they are helping others in need around us. Let's learn about some beautiful heroes.
(1)       Wuhan invited doctors, nurses and their families across China to enjoy its cherry blossom (樱花) for free this year in Wuhan University. They are welcome to be back to this city again. (4)       Zhang Guimei, a head teacher, started a school and provided free education for girls from poor families. The school helped more than 1, 800 students get into universities and colleges. Zhang's hard work lighted the girls' world. 
(2)       Mao Xianglin, 62, built an 8, 000-meter mountain road with more than 100 villagers. There used to be only one way out of the village, which took villagers three days to walk to the main town. Now it only needs a one-hour drive. (5)       Xia Sen, a 98-year-old researcher, donated more than 2 million yuan to improve teaching conditions in Shaanxi and Jiangxi. She has helped 182 poor students realize their college dreams. 
(3)       The Chinese national women's volleyball team has a never-say-die spirit. Over the years, the team's spirit has encouraged millions of Chinese to fight even though they know they might fail. 
14.阅读下面短文,从每小题 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
  A tourist drove to Xiangyang, a city about 300 kilometers away after watching the movie Hi, Mom. He and his family took photos at a factory. The factory used to produce chemical products (化工产品) and now is used to make movies.
  "I grew up in a factory like this. Everything looks so familiar because I know them very well," the tourist wrote on WeChat. All the buildings and decorations are just the same style of 1980s China. The staff dining hall, public baths and the basketball court, these places catch people's eyes.   
  The tourist also said, "I'm here to remember my life as a child, not to go sightseeing." And many tourists had the same feeling.
  Xiangyang has received less than 1 million tourists during the Spring Festival holiday. The factory alone has welcomed more than 30,000 tourists so far since the film opened. A manager of a store in the factory said that few people visited there, but after the film Hi, Mom was shown, the number of tourists suddenly increased and the store receives about 1,000 visits a day.
  How could film Hi, Mom now make such surprising changes?
  It is a film about mother, and the love from a mother hits people's hearts. In the film, the daughter always felt useless because she couldn't make big money to make her mom proud. But the biggest wish in her mother's heart was that her future daughter would be "healthy and happy". The director of this film, Jia Ling, put her real-life experiences in it. The true feelings build a bridge between people's hearts as well.
15.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思完整, 并将其字母标号填入相应的横线上.
  When people take your picture, they say, "Say cheese! Smile!" So you do — you open your mouth and show your teeth. Healthy teeth help you to look your best. Do you know how to take care of them?
  Brush your teeth
  Long ago, when people got older, their teeth would rot (腐烂) away. Rotting teeth give people toothache. (1)       Later they learned that cleaning their teeth was important. But they didn't have toothpaste then. They tried things such as chalk and lemon juice.
  (2)       Not long after that, someone invented the toothpaste tube. That way people could put the paste right onto the toothbrush.
  Tooth brushing became popular during the World War II. The US army gave brushes and toothpaste to all soldiers. They learned to brush twice a day.
  (3)       They come in different colors and flavors. When you choose your toothpaste, make sure it has fluoride (氟化物), which makes your teeth strong.
  Use dental floss (牙线)
  Sometimes your teeth need deeper cleaning than brushing. That is when floss is helpful. You pull it between your teeth, and it reaches places where your toothbrush can't go. (4)      
  Eat well
  Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay. (5)       Eat more cheese, milk and yogurt. They protect your enamel (牙釉质) and make it strong. Vegetables and fruit also help clean our teeth.

A. Today there are all kinds of toothpastes.
B. It can pull out food that is between your teeth.
C. So don't eat too much candy or drink too much soda.
D. To avoid toothache, people pulled the bad tooth out.
E. About 100 years ago, some people finally made a paste to clean teeth. 

16.  People spend almost a third of their lives sleeping. Every year, there's a special day to bring people's attention to the importance of good and healthy sleep — World Sleep Day. It is on March 21st every year. Sleep is like food for the brain. Enough sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop.
  People of different ages need different amounts of sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is eight to nine hours a night.
  However, many students don't get enough sleep because of early school start times and too much homework. The China Youth and Children Research Center reported that about 80 percent of middle school students don't get enough sleep.
  The lack of sleep causes problems to a student's life. Students without enough sleep may get poor grades. They cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. Their life will be a mess if they don't fall asleep early at night. For these reasons, scientists advise students to have good sleeping habits.
Dos and don'ts before bedtime 
①Do some relaxing things before bed each night like taking a warm shower, reading or listening to quiet music.
②Sleep in a comfortable place that is dark, quiet and neither too warm nor too cold.
③Use some tricks (窍门) to pull yourself to sleep. For example, counting sheep is the oldest trick, and it works. 
①Don't drink strong coffee or tea late at night. A warm glass of milk or some fruit are good choices.
②Don't run or play within three hours before bedtime.
③Don't plan the following day's events. Rest your mind for good sleep. 
for decision too much care about help out with 
allow necessary importance as a result be in control of 

  Do you help your parents with chores? According to a study, only 22% of school students (1)       everyday chores. While most students are enjoying holidays, parents are busy with almost everything. In fact, that's not right.
  The government made a big (2)       to call everyone to pay attention to hard-working spirit education. Most parents may only (3)       their children's schoolwork and spend lots of money sending them to after-school classes. (4)      , grades and classes filled children's life. Children do not know the (5)       of working hard and aren't interested in doing so.
  But life skills and good working habits are (6)       for people of all ages to live a normal life. Without working hard, how can children (7)       their life when they grow up? What's worse, because of (8)       schoolwork, students may feel out of breath easily. And it's time to do something to solve the problem. Parents should (9)       children to learn certain life skills, such as washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms. Schools should provide out-of-classroom experience (10)       students, such as teaching children how to plant trees on Tree-Planting Day.
  Although it's a long way to achieve the goal, there are steps to take.
from keep happy strong 
although come sudden friend change 

  I know a Catherine who is smart, educated and interesting. (1)       I really like and admire (崇拜) her, I can't be her friend. That's because she (2)       complaining(抱怨) all the time.
  For years, her world is full of "buts…". The trip was nice, but the drive was too long. The food was good, but the light of the restaurant was too (3)      . The hotel was too hot, but the bed hurt her back. Her complaining (4)       me silently. Months ago, after listening to me complaining about Catherine again, my best friend Daisy (5)       became angry. "Either leave her, or leave me alone," she shouted at me. "I can't stand your complaining anymore." It surprised me, and I began to keep (6)       away from Catherine. Later, I did forget her.
  Now I try to stay happy and positive about life, and find (7)       of the same. A study shows that people who feel thankful for their lives are much (8)      , and I believe that is true. A lot of complaining seems to control your life if you allow it (9)       into your world. And too much complaining will make your life worse.
  With a grateful (感恩的) heart, you can be far away (10)       what's troubling you, and towards what makes you happy. Then you'll have a beautiful life.
19.“节约粮食光荣,浪费粮食可耻”是人们耳熟能详的口号。针对食物浪费这一现象形成的原因,某校对八年级 100 人进行了抽样调查,调查结果如下图。请你用两段话写一篇文章,第一段简要说明图表内容,第二段针对这一现象,提出你在减少食物浪费这一方面的建议。

leftovers 吃剩的食物
cherish 珍惜
develop a habit of 养成……的习惯 
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