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1.He likes playing ______ piano, but he doesn't like playing ______ chess.
  • A. the; the
  • B. the; /
  • C. /; /
  • D. /; the
2.I often go to work ______ bike, but today I go to work ______ foot.
  • A. by; by
  • B. in; in
  • C. by; on
  • D. on; by
3.—Yan Jiashuo, a ______ girl, has won the prize of International Master of Memory.
—Wow, she's great, isn't she?
  • A. ten-year-old
  • B. ten-years-old
  • C. ten year old
  • D. ten years old
4.Please ______ me ______ 8896558.
  • A. call; at
  • B. tell; at
  • C. call; in
  • D. tell; in
5.Miss Smith is good ______ music, and she is good ______ children in the music club.
  • A. at, with
  • B. for, at
  • C. with, at
  • D. at, for
6.—_______ is it from your home to your school, Anna?
—It's quite near, only five minutes' walk.
  • A. How many
  • B. How far
  • C. How long
  • D. How soon
7.— Hi, Nora. Is your mother at home?
— Just a minute! She ______ flowers in the garden.
  • A. plant
  • B. is planting
  • C. planted
  • D. was planting
8.As long as all the Chinese people pull together, our Chinese dream will ______
  • A. come true
  • B. come out
  • C. come up
  • D. come down
9.Jill can't come here, because she ______ do her homework.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. can
  • C. has to
  • D. doesn't have to
10.—Jane's spoken English is pretty good.
—Yeah, she works hard and practices ______ it both in and out of class.
  • A. spoke
  • B. to speak
  • C. speaking
  • D. spoken
11.Some of the students are talking in the classroom and it's kind of ______.
  • A. quiet
  • B. delicious
  • C. strict
  • D. noisy
12.—Can you _____ with me in English?
—Sorry, I can't ______ English.
  • A. speak; talk
  • B. talk; speak
  • C. tell; speak
  • D. talk; say
13.—How long does it ______to get to the station by taxi?
—About an hour.
  • A. pay
  • B. cost
  • C. take
  • D. spend
14.About two ______ students take buses to school in the town.
  • A. hundred
  • B. hundreds
  • C. hundreds of
  • D. hundred of
15.After dinner, I can't relax, ______.
  • A. too
  • B. also
  • C. either
  • D. never
16.  Do you have a dog? I have a cute dog. It's my birthday present (礼物) (1)______ my uncle. Its name is Maria. It's an (2)______ dog. It is big and it is yellow in color. It likes running and jumping (跳跃). It (3)______ playing ball games with me. It's great fun (4)______ with it. Maria is very (5)______. It can play basketball. It is a basketball star in my neighborhood. Can it put the (6)______ into the basket (篮框)? Yes, it can. (7)______ does it do it? It uses (使用) its head (头). Maria is really good at it. All my friends like to (8)______ it play basketball. I'm (9)______ to have it. It brings me more friends. It is funny, too. It can dance (10)______ the music. What a lovely dog!
17.  There's a big zoo in our city. It's about five kilometers away from my house. I like all kinds of animals. I usually go to the zoo by bus on Sundays. In the zoo, I can see many different kinds of animals, such as monkeys, bears, pandas, tigers, lions and dolphins. Some animals are friendly, but some are not. Tigers, lions and bears are dangerous, so they have to stay in cages. But I don't think it's good for animals to stay in cages. They are not happy. They should be free. Tigers and lions usually live in forests. They can run very fast there. They catch and eat small animals like deer and rabbits. But now in the zoo, they live in small rooms. They walk round and round in the cages, and they want to get out. I feel sorry for them.
  Of all the animals I like dolphins best. The most interesting animals in the zoo that I like are dolphins. I like watching them swim and jump. They swim fast and they jump very high. They are very clever. They can play with balls. They are very friendly to people. If you fall into the water and can't swim, they may come to help you.
18.  In the summer of 2019, a lovely child with two big eyes won many people's hearts. He rides on the wind fire wheels (风火轮). He is Ne Zha!
  We have known about this young hero (英雄) for a long time. But the film NeZha tells a different story about him.
  In the film, when Ne Zha was born, people call him a "monster (怪物)". They hate him. They are afraid of him.
  Someone says, "Prejudice (偏见) is like a mountain. You can't move it no matter how hard you try." But Ne Zha doesn't think so. He tries to do something good for people there. He catches real monsters around. He helps to keep the people safe. In the end, he even saves the whole village.
  "I'm the master of my own fate (我命由我不由天)!" says Ne Zha. He is not a devil (恶魔) any more (不再). He becomes a hero!
English Teachers Wanted
Age: 25-40 years old
From: America, England and other English-speaking countries
•Careful with a teacher's license (许可证)
•Good at both spoken and written English
•Over three years' teaching experience (经验) in middle schools
•Good with the children and outgoing
Come to have an interview (面试) before May 10th.
Tel: 3464﹣67585989
E-mail: zzt173@126.com.
Please call Jones White for more information. 
Dear Jones,
I'm Helen Roberson from the UK. I am a 5-year-old English teacher in my country. Of course I have teaching license of my country. I want to have a job in your country. I like working in China. I like children. Could I know more about your school teaching and your pay? Thanks!
E-mail: ssyt99@136.com.
Helen Roberson 
20.People often talk about the weather. Here are some passages (段落) about the weather. Let's read them.
Passage 1
  What falls down from the sky?It falls on the fields and trees. It falls on the umbrellas (雨伞) and on the ships at sea. After it, it makes things wet.
Passage 2
  Is it hot or cold, cool or warm? It always goes up and down. When the sun comes up, the air will get warm and the temperature will go up. When nights come, the air will get cool and the temperature will go down.
Passage 3
  We can't see it, but we can feel it. It can move the air. When it comes, we can see that the branches (树枝) of trees are moving. If you like flying kites, it can carry your kite high in the sky. It can also blow your hat off.
Passage 4
  What makes winter look so white?It comes quietly. It is very cold. It looks white and many people like it a lot. When it comes, the ground (地面) will put on white clothes. And children are very happy because they can make snowmen.
21.You must return the book in fifteen days. It's a       of our library.
22.﹣Tom is very l      . ﹣he never exercises.
23.Lang Lang is a famous m       in China.
24.Fifteen minutes is a q      
25.It's far from my home to school.I often go to school by s      
26.Can your brother      (play) basketball?
27.I'm good at      (dance), so I want to join the art club.
28.—Can I play with Tom, Mrs. Green?
—Sorry, he       (do) his homework in the study now.
29.It takes me ten minutes       (get) to school.
30.      (not come) to the zoo at 6 o'clock, please.
31.( Jeff and Li Lei are talking on the phone now. Jeff=J Li Lei=L)
J: Hello, Li Lei? (1)      
L: Hi, Jeff. Are you still in Beijing?
J: Yes.
L: Well, (2)      
J: I'm studying English here.
L: How's it going?
J: (3)       I'm having a good time. It's interesting to talk with the foreigners(外国人).
L: (4)      
J: Sunny and warm! Do you want to come to Beijing this summer vacation?
L: Yes, but I am busy now. Could you take some photos of Beijing?
J: (5)       Er, er. Are you studying for a test now?
L: Yes, I don't think the test is easy. I must study hard!
J: Good luck!
L: Thank you!

A. Great.
B. I am Jeff.
C. what are you doing?
D. Jeff speaking.
E. How's the weather?
F. No problem!G. Not bad.
32.假如你是班长, 英语老师通知你用英语制定班规, 并将制定好的班规告诉全班同学.请你将以下班规以书面形式写好, 文章的开头已给出.
要求:1. 词数60﹣﹣﹣80, 不包括开头.
2. 条理清楚、语义连贯, 字迹工整, 可适当发挥.
3. 文章不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息.
Hello, everyone!Here are our class rules. _____
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