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The Lucky Inn
★★★★3852 The Lanevvay, Los Angeles, CAStar Hotel with Spa and Poolstarting from US $250 per nightLocationIt lies in a quiet spot just far enough away from popular tourist attractions, yet still close enough to walk to some of the major attractions, such as the Hollywood sign, several art museums and the Walk of Fame. Hotel FeaturesA spa that's open 24 hours, an indoor/outdoor pool, fitness center and two restaurants. Wi-Fi is free throughout the hotel. And our guests love the fresh cookies we provide at the hall during the day. Room Amenities (配套设施) Each hotel room has a mini fridge, microwave and coffee maker. Our deluxe rooms all provide robes and slippers as well as 25 chocolates on your bed in the evening.
★★★★Lucky to have stayed at the Lucky InnBy ArmySeptember 2, 2021I wish I could live there again!I went there on a ladies-only trip in July, and we were treated like queens. The staff go above and beyond. Mario at the front desk was fantastic. He even upgraded our room because he knew we were all tired moms who hardly ever get to have a trip like this. We enjoyed the spa and the pool. And I think I ate at least 30 of those amazing cookies at the hall. 
RESPONSE (回复): Thank you for your review!It means so much to us when we can get our guests' praise. I'm glad that you enjoyed your stay with us and that Mario was able to help you. I'll pass on your compliments to him. We hope you'll return to stay with us whenever you are in the area. And let us know when you're coming so we can make more cookies for you!
James Mehta, Customer Service Director 

2.  Harold Kirk Apesland, a Canadian, has lived in China for 17 years. Alter a long period of leaning about China, he found that China was not what he had imagined and many foreigners did not know China . Having lived in China for many years, Kirk has experienced Chinas big changes in person. And he has his own views of China's development and future. So he made some online videos to show his life in China. Through these videos, many foreigners saw a different China and changed their opinions about China
  For Chinese well-off life (小康生活), he said in his video that" Tomorrow is better than today every Chinese has a goal for a better tomorrow. They want a better living condition. They want good education for their children. They want prosperity for themselves, their families, and their country they have been working towards that goal for several years. And he thinks they're getting the rewards of that right now. Kirk says he can always see Chinese hard work, which can be seen in his videos.
  It's easy to get lost in China because everything is so convenient. Take the subway for 3 yuan 10 minutes to Nanning; buses and planes are convenient and cheap. There are so many things I'm used to in China, but I can't find them in my own country. I m used to walking out of the house and turning around the street comer to buy roast duck; I'm used to going to the farmers' market instead of the supermarket to buy food." says Mr. Kirk
  As a foreigner who has experienced the life in China, Kirk is full of hope for Chinas development.
3.  To many people, art is a human expression of creativity. But in recent years, you may have read news about AI creating its own art. Some people worry that AI might replace artists someday.
  However, this worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now. Many artists today are turning AI into a useful tool. Instead of replacing artists, AI is bringing artists more possibilities.
  A piece of music created by AI attracted peoples attention. AI was used to turn the novel corona virus (冠状病毒) into a piece of music based on its structure. The project was led by Markus Buehler.
  Except for creating imaginative works, AI can also do some easy work for artists again and again. For example, now AI tools can color in black-and-white line drawings. It can give artists more time to experiment by cutting down the time it takes to color each drawing." said a famous artist.
  As Peter Ward wrote, art has always been influenced by technology. AI can become a useful tool to the art world if people don't fear it and try to welcome it.
  What else can AI do? AI can learn different music styles. And then it creates music which ranges (包括, 从……到) from pop to jazz and more.
  AI can learn different styles of paintings, and then creates paintings in the same style AI can be trained to write or translate articles and poems. It can also help collect information for news waiting.
4.A businessman and his donkey (驴)
  One beautiful spring morning, a businessman loaded his donkey with bags of salt. The businessman and his donkey were walking along together. (1)       They had not walked far when they reached a river on the way.
  (2)       As it climbed up the bank of the river, it noticed that the bags of salt loaded on his back had become lighter.
  There was nothing the businessman could do except bags of salt. As they reached the slippery river bank where he loaded his donkey with, the donkey fell into the river deliberately (故意的). (3)      
  By now the businessman knew the donkey's trick. (4)       As he returned home the second with the donkey the businessman loaded bags of sponges (海绵块) on its back. (5)       On reaching the river, the donkey very cleverly fell into the water again. But now, instead of the load becoming lighter, it became heavier.
  The businessman laughed at the donkey and said, "You are a foolish donkey, and your trick has been discovered. You should know that you cannot fool anyone too many times."

A. Unfortunately, the donkey slipped and fell into the river.
B. They set out on their trip to the market a third time.
C. They were going to the market to sell the salt.
D. So the salt was wasted again.
E. He wanted to teach the animal a lesson.
5.  Recently, a video of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village moved many people online Outside the stall, her mom was busy selling pork while the girl was(1)       about dancing. This is part of a documentary (纪录片) little Giants (2)       by a video-sharing site.
  The girl is named Wu Gangyun. When she was 6 years old, her mom found she liked to (3)       dancing videos and copied the moves. This gave her some (4)      ." She said she loves dancing and the pretty dresses. My husband and I believe she loves (5)      .
  The parents decided to send her to dancing classes. In order (6)       know about her basic skills the dance teacher asked her to show what she could did (7)      . Teachers were amazed by (8)       she did, (9)       when they learned she taught herself by watching online videos . The teachers said she was very talented. They suggested we (10)       a more excellent teacher for her. "her father said. But it (11)       more than what the family could afford. And they didn't know where to find such a teacher. In 2018, the mom went to learn driving at a driving school and showed her daughter's dancing (12)       to her coach during breaks. The coach said he knew a dancer named Zhang Ping from Beijing, (13)       has been teaching dancing for 20 years. She got in touch with her. Zhang was (14)       by the little girl's talent and said she was happy to teach her to dance. With the help of Mrs. Zhang, the little girl made great (15)       in dancing. In October 2019, Wu Gangyun and other girls in the "Colorful Cloud Program" performed on the stage of CCTV. It was the first time for them to take trains or planes, visit a big city and perform on stage. Zhang also took them to visit Beijing Dance Academy
it, that, but, build, from, care, like, weak, complete, call 

  Strange things happen when you drive into Green Bank, West Virginia. Radio stations become far (1)       than in other places. Your mobile phone becomes useless. If you want to make a (2)       can use the phone booth (电话亭) at the edge of the town.
  Going to Green Bank is (3)       travelling back in time. There is no mobile phone service and no Wi-Fi. Welcome to the Quiet Zone.
  There is a reason for the silence in Green Bank. You'll see it as you drive into the area. It's a radio telescope (4)       towers 71485 feet above the town. It was (5)       in the 1950s. The government created the National Radio Quiet Zone to protect it.
  The radio telescope is one of the largest moving things on Earth. Scientists use (6)       to search for radio waves (7)       stars and planets. One of its main jobs is to listen for life somewhere in the universe. Kids in Green Bank aren't (8)       cut off from the world. Home computers are connected to the Internet, (9)       the speed is slow. A video can take several minutes to load For most people, that's just fine. Green Bank is in the beautiful mountains of West Virginia. Kids can spend time (10)       for pets or farm animals.
7.  In March 2014, people on Gran Canaria were looking at the sea when they saw a big yellow object. It was long, (1)       a yellow tail (尾巴) and it was in the water near the coast. They called the police doctors and coast guard . At 3 pm, the BBC and other TV reporters around the world began to report (2)       a plane dropped into the sea at the same time. "We are missing a plane," said one airport worker in the control tower at the airport. Another plane flying over the area also saw (3)       plane in the water.
  A boat went out to sea to help the passengers. But nothing could (4)       found. Finally, it's reported that it was not a plane — just a boat that looked a bit(5)       a plane. Nobody knows what happened to the missing plane.
8.A: Morning, Li Ming. I didn't see you yesterday afternoon. (1)      ?
B: I went to the library.
A: (2)      ?
B: I read a magazine there. I was very interested in it.
A: A magazine? (3)      ?
B: It's about how to protect our environment.
A: Does it tell us any good ways?
B: Of course. (4)      .
A: Yes, that's right. Though it's a small thing, it can make a big difference in our daily life. By the way, does it mention waste sorting?
B: (5)      . Waste sorting is also important. Many things can be recycled and reused.
A: That's really good. In a word, the environment is important. Let's start today and do whatever we can.
9.近日, 习近平总书记在陕西考察时指出, 要全面贯彻党的教育方针, 落实立德树人根本任务, 厚植爱党、爱国爱人民、爱社会主义的情感努力培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人.假如你是学校学生会的李华, 请根据以下要点、提示和要求, 以" Being a good student in the new era"为题向全校同学提出倡议.
要点:1. 应该具备什么样的品质(至少三点);2. 应该怎么做;3. 有什么样的感想.
提示:the new era 新时代
要求:不得出现所在学校的校名和师生名等相关信息, 100词左右.

Dear schoolmates,
  I am Li Hua. We're having an activity of Being a good student in the new era. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  That' s all. Thank you!
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