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1.—What's your favorite film?
—I don't like films. I prefer watching plays at the ______.
  • A. cinema
  • B. theater
  • C. concert
  • D. museum
2.—Uncle Lee, may I use your bike?
—Sorry, mine is broken. You can ask your aunt for ______.
  • A. mine
  • B. his
  • C. hers
  • D. yours
3.China will host the Winter Olympic Games ______ Feb. 4th, 2022.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. at
  • D. for
4.Sorry. I didn't pick up your phone because I ______ with my mother in the supermarket.
  • A. shop
  • B. shopped
  • C. was shopping
  • D. is shopping
5.Don't know where your kids are in the house? Turn off the Internet and they'll ______ quickly.
  • A. stand up
  • B. show up
  • C. get up
  • D. hurry up
6.I think robots ______ in everyday life in a few years' time.
  • A. will use
  • B. will be used
  • C. use
  • D. are used
7.______ the story is short and there are no new words in it, it is difficult to understand.
  • A. Because
  • B. And
  • C. Although
  • D. But
8.Don't return the book to Tina, please. I ______ it.
  • A. don't read
  • B. haven't read
  • C. didn't read
  • D. won't read
9.Be more ______ next time, and you won't make the same mistake again.
  • A. careful
  • B. careless
  • C. nervous
  • D. honest
10.Our parents are more experienced than us. We should follow ______.
  • A. when they say
  • B. how they say
  • C. what they say
  • D. why they say
11.  Being street smart is an important skill to have and a good way to take care of yourself.
  Always carry your phone with you, but do not look at (1)       while you are walking. Being able to communicate or call for help is important, so keep a list of useful numbers. But put your phone away while you are walking so that you can keep your (2)       up to see what's going on around. If you do need to check your phones, (3)       walking and look at it quickly.
  Don't wear earphones (4)       you are out. If you have to (5)       something when you're out, use only one earphone or play it at a very low volume (音量).
  Travel with (6)       or family members and never go anywhere with a stranger. It's (7)      to be careful with strangers. Remember not to get into a stranger's car if he calls you over.
  (8)       dark and out of the way places. Do not take a short cut through dark areas, even if it will make your trip much faster. If you have to go to unsafe places, go (9)       someone you know or speak to someone over the phone while you are there.
  Run and shout if you feel unsafe. Run away as fast as you can towards a police station, hospital, or nearby shops for (10)      . Shout as loudly as you can to get the attention of people nearby.
12.  Confucian philosophy is a must-learn in Chinese schools. What do students think about it?Some teenagers shared their ideas with us.
Sun Zhenyao, 15, Anhui
"My favorite saying from Analects《论语》is 'It is wise to hold what you know and admit what you don't know. Confucius is honest about knowledge and he encourages me to keep learning." 
Xie Wenxuan, 16, Guangzhou
"Confucius gives a lot of good suggestions for studying. For example, he suggests that we should treasure our time. He also tells us to reflect on what we learn as we learn it. Because of him, I know that studying is not just about learning what is in our textbook, but also learning what is useful for our lives." 
Wang Yidi, 16. Anhui
"My parents don't really use Analects to teach me how to behave, but they teach me through their own behavior. For example, when I see them taking care of my grandparents, I know how I should treat them in the future. And I know that 'Example is better than precept' is also a Confucian idea." 
13.  Fights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Here's something you can do.
  Be calm (冷静). Sometimes, you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson. But being angry can't solve problems. Neither can a fight. Instead, it may bring you more problems. In the school, everyone involved (卷人) in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are no winners in a fight.
  Shout loudly. If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack, turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say "stop" before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesn't stop, cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby.
  __________ Your friend may ask you to join in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him fight is not really helpful to him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to ask him to give it up. Also, you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem.
14.  There was a businessman who was deep in debt (债务) and could see no way out. He sat on a park bench, head in his hands.
  Suddenly, an old man appeared before him. "I can see that something is troubling you," he said. After listening to the businessman's story, the old man wrote out a check (支票), and put it in his hand, saying, "Take it and pay me back here exactly one year from today." Then he turned and disappeared as quickly as he had come.
  The businessman saw in his hand a check for $500,000 signed by John D. Rockefeller, one of the richest men in the world! "I can pay off my debts in a second!" he realized. But instead, the businessman decided to put the check in his safe (保险箱). Just knowing it was there might give him the power to save his business, he thought.
  He went back and worked hard to make his business successful. Within several months, he was out of debt and making money once again.
  Exactly one year later, he returned to the park with the check. At the agreed upon time, the old man appeared. Behind the old man was a nurse. The nurse spoke to the businessman and said that the old man was mentally ill and was always telling people he was John D. Rockefeller.
  The businessman was shocked to hear this. All year long he'd been buying and selling, believing that he had half a million dollars behind him. Suddenly, he realized that it wasn't the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. It was his newfound self confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he went after.
15.  A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices. Specifically, the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
  For children, eating with their families is not only about preventing bad outcomes (结果) — it is also about developing good ones.
  In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) looked at data from nearly three quarters of the world's countries. Among its findings was the fact that students who shared a main meal with their families were less likely to skip school. Children who eat a main meal with their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol (吸毒酗酒).
  In the report, titled "The Importance of Family Dinners (VIII) ", researchers say that "teens who have frequent family dinners are more likely to say their parents know a lot about what's going on in their lives". They also claim that when teens say they feel closer to their parents, they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol.
  Another study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their families experience long-term physical and mental health benefits (好处). These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks. These children also seemed to have better social skills and they were less aggressive (好斗的).
  Professor Linda Pagani says that mealtimes shared with parents likely provide young children with first﹣hand social interactions (社交), discussions of social issues (事件) and day to day concerns. She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with others.
16.  After a busy morning at work, lunchtime gives me a chance to do many things, such as exercising, reading or watching TV. One cultural difference I've noticed between Britain and China is what we do during lunchtime.
  Here in China, workers have longer lunch breaks, which gives them enough time to take a short nap. Therefore, Chinese people usually use lunchtime to rest. I often see office workers rest their heads on their desks. The room turns into a quiet "bedroom". Once, I even saw workers in a restaurant taking short naps as well. This is also very common for students in China. After lunch, they will go back to their dormitories (宿舍) or classrooms to take a nap. Chinese people believe a short nap at noon can help them feel more energetic in the afternoon.
  In Britain, this activity is quite uncommon. British students usually have one hour lunch break. Instead of napping, we fill that time by playing sports or talking with friends. Most workers in Britain don't get the chance to nap. They usually have short lunch breaks一between thirty minutes and an hour. There is not enough time to have a nap. Because of the shortness of their lunch breaks, it is common for people to work through lunch or just finish their lunch at their desk.
第(1)题补全信息, 第(2)、(3)题回答问题, 第(4)题找全文主题句, 第(5)题将画线句子翻译成汉语.
17.  I have been in China for eight months. Every time I want to lie on the grass, "keep off the grass" signs make (1)       (I) nervous. In the UK, whether it's in fields of wild grass or in well-kept national parks, people make the (2)      (much) of the grass.
  If it's a (3)      (sun) day, people will sit on a bed of grass and relax in the sun's warmth. This gives you the (4)c       to listen to surrounding nature. Maybe it's a bird (5)      (sing) to another, or the soft wind that brings you cool air.
  (6)A      , in most campuses (校园), grass fields act like a soft study desk for students to read books and learn. Or it can be (7)      (use) to just talk, laugh and play on.
  Besides, (8)      (family) enjoy spending their weekends on the grass in parks. There, they can set up a picnic and children can play games with each other.
  However, there is a rule to enjoy the green grass. In some parks, there are (9)d      grasslands for people to relax and play sports on. If people want to relax, They'd better choose the right field, (10)       they may feel the full force of a soccer ball.
18.he, me, last, a, ruler, week, lent (.)
20.express, opinions, you, freely, can, your (?)
21.join in, may, I, discuss, the (?)
22.the movie, bore, how, was
23.有些学生使用"作业帮"这个APP来搜查他们不会做的题目.对此, 不同的人有不同的看法.请根据以下文字的提示, 并适当发表自己的观点, 写一篇英语短文.
Advantages (1)及时帮助学生解决在学习中遇到的困难;(2)在家就能学习, 简单, 方便; 
Disadvantages (1)有的学生假装学习, 事实上在玩游戏;(2)有的学生不想独立思考, 直接照抄答案; 
Your opinion …… 

①短文必须包括表中所有内容, 可适当增加细节:
②词敷:80﹣ 100;
③短文首句已给出, 不计入总词数.
参考词汇:convenient 方便的, 便利的:pretend to . .. .假装. .. ;think independently独立思考

  Today, more and more students are using the App zuoyebang. However, different people have different ideas about it. Some people think _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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