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1.  Every time when I look at the moon, I wish I could go there. Do you wish you could fly to the moon in (1)       spaceship one day?
  For hundreds of years, men have wanted to travel to the moon. When they looked at the moon, they asked many (2)      . Was the moon hot or cold?Were there any plants or other living things there? They asked many, many other questions. Some people said there were living plants on the moon. Others said nothing could live there (3)       there was no air or water on the moon.
  We know much about the moon now. Scientists (4)       the moon for many years and have found out many facts. No air or water on the moon. They find (5)       difficult for people to live on the moon. What do we know about the moon?We find that the moon is (6)       than the earth. It is about one quarter size of the earth. It is travelling around the earth all the time.
  Days and nights on the moon are very long. One day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth. One night is also as long as two weeks on the earth. In the day the moon is very hot. (7)       night it is very cold. The moon is much hotter and much colder than the earth.
  There is (8)       surprising thing. On the moon, things are not as (9)       as they are on the earth. Isn't that interesting?
  Perhaps one day we will all travel to the moon. It must be great fun (10)       there.
2.  Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. (1)      , nearly 50% of people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some point in their lives. Why are people shy?
  It is found that family size might cause people to be shy. Children (2)       no brothers and sisters may be shy. Growing up (3)      , they often play by themselves. They are not able to develop the same social skills as children from big (4)      .
  Another (5)       of shyness could be technology. As more and more people use the Internet, they (6)       less time outside, talking to people. (7)       a result, they lose practice at conversation. (8)       to new people face to face can make them feels cared.
  For shy people, it can be (9)       to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can get away from your shyness. They suggest trying (10)       things and practicing conversation.
Saturday , March 24th
We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok (曼谷). This is our first trip to Thailand. All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai (清迈) in the north. 
Tuesday, March 27th
Bangkok is wonderful and surprising!The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai (清莱). 
Friday , March 30th
Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life — no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say "hello". Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thailand, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year. 

4.  Shenzhou 13 manned spaceship went to space successfully on October 16, 2021. Three Chinese4 astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu were taken to space. They will stay in space for six months. It is the eighth time for Chinese to visit space after Yang Liwei went as the first Chinese 18 years ago. These special "visitors" can take fantastic photos in space, just like taking trips there. Can common people go to visit space like them? The answer is "yes".
  On September 15th, 2021, Space X sent four common people into space. The four spent three days in space. In July 2021, 70﹣year﹣old British billionaire (亿万富翁) Richard Branson, and 57-year-old American billionaire Jeff Bezos, both flew into the space. But some think these trips are for the super rich. With the sky-high prices, most common people should give up their space dreams. However, US flight engineer (航天工程师) Bobak Ferdowsi believes the price will come down. "Maybe in 10 to 15 years, it's a decision between 'do I buy a new car' or 'do I go to space?'."
  Anyway, even we can't have a space trip now, we have been able to have a science class from space. The woman astronaut Wang Yaping gave us a science class on December 9th 2021, just as she did eight years ago. That was great fun. We will also be able to enjoy a space movie. A Russian film team stayed on the International Space Station from October 5th to 16th 2021, to film the movie Challenge. It's the first time a movie was filmed in space.
5.配对阅读.左栏是 5 个人的情况描述, 右栏是七个活动安排.请将这五个人的情况与相应的活动配对.并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑.
(1)      My problem is that I am too shy. It's not easy for me to talk with other people. I don't know how to start a talk with my classmates and other people. I am really upset about this and want to make a change.
(2)       Some classmates always make fun of me and I am really sad. They laugh at me because I am short. I have few friends in class and I feel very lonely and don't know what to do.
(3)       I have great problems in my study. I cannot do well in my math and physics and I worry about them a lot. I keep thinking about my problem and always feel upset. I want to make progress. What should I do?
(4)       Eric's problem is getting angry very easily. When his parents ask him to pay attention to study, he always gets annoyed and shouts. How can he stop getting angry easily?
(5)       Alice has no interest in learning. She thinks all the subjects at school are boring. When she gets bored in class, she will draw pictures or even sleep. As a result, she is poor in all subjects. 
A. Anger is one of our common feelings. Everyone feels that way sometimes. We don't like it, but it doesn't make us weak. It makes us human. It is helpful to listen to music to cool yourself down.
B. If you are afraid of sleeping alone, you can sleep with your bedroom door open. When you know there is someone else in the next room, you will feel much safer and won't be afraid so much.
C. Learn to be a good talker. If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.
D. As a student, it is your duty to study. Studying well takes lots of efforts and it is not easy. However, you can find ways to make learning fun. You can draw mind maps to make learning more interesting.
E. It is not good for others to laugh at your appearance. You should tell them how you feel and ask them to stop doing that. Smile more, then you can make friends more easily and won't feel lonely.
F. One of the key ways to deal with "worrying" is learning to accept your problems and try to solve them. You can ask teachers for advice so that you get to know how to make progress in your subjects.
G. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. The most important thing is to learn from mistakes. Believe in yourself and you can get over them. 
6.  Summer vacation is coming. Do you have any idea to spend it?Now, I'd like to tell you that I have (1)       some plans for it. I will spend the whole morning (2)       my homework. In the afternoon, I will play computer games with my friends for (3)      hour, and that will be fun. After that, I'll do some reading in the City Library. Books are our best friends. Also, I want to learn (4)      to play the guitar this summer. So on Monday and Wednesday evening, I will take guitar lessons. (5)      the free nights, I may watch some TV programs or surf the Internet.
  Travelling is also a part of my plans. I may stay in Beijing for two weeks. Beijing is the (6)       of China. And I have learned from the Internet that there are many (7)       of interest there. So I decide to buy a new camera for my trip. I will take photos of the wonderful sights and send them to my friends. Besides, a composition competition will be held in my school at the beginning of the new term. So I can take (8)       in it and write about my trip in Beijing. I am sure I will have a (9)       time this summer. I can't (10)       for the summer vacation! How about you?
7.  Recently, an organization has done a world wide research for the best places to live and visit. Vienna (维也纳), the capital of Austria, is in the top four. With its rich history and culture, Vienna is well worth (值得) a visit.
Tram Ride (有轨电车)
The best way to start your tour of the city is to go on a tram ride around the Ring, a series of roads that go around the old city. Along the road, you can see the Imperial Place, the Museum of Natural History, Vienna's City Park and so on. 
Places of Interest
The Imperial Palace (霍夫堡宫) is the grandest (最宏伟的). You can see the crown jewels in it. In the Spanish Riding School, you can see a performance of these fantastic horses and riders or watch one of the morning training parts. 
You can go to the longest shopping street Mariahilfer (玛利亚希尔夫大街). It's packed with shops, cafes, bars, ice cream shops and historical sites such as churches. Not only tourists but also locals are walking through this famous street. 
Music is everywhere in Vienna. You can hear famous Vienna Boys Choir or visit the State Opera House. Six-year-old Mozart once gave a concert there to Queen Maria Theresa. 
8."你最喜欢的地方是哪里呢?那里有什么特色或有什么事情使你最难忘?"《二十一世纪学生英文报》初二专刊正举行一年一度的英语征文比赛, 本年度的话题是:Travelling.请你以 "The Best Place I've Ever Been to"为题写一篇短文参赛.
内容包括 :
1. 介绍你去过的最喜欢的一个地方(时间、地点、交通方式等).2. 列举出你喜欢的这个地方的三个方面(游览的景点, 美食, 宾馆, 当地人的品质等等).3. 你的感受.
写作要求 :不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名.语句连贯, 词数 80 个左右.作文的开头及给出, 不计入总词数.

The Best Place I've Ever Been to
Do you like travelling?I love it very much.
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