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1.Some young people like the sport — ______/'pærəɡlaɪdɪŋ/.
  • A. paragliding
  • B. bicycling
  • C. skating
  • D. boating
2.You should walk ______/'kwaɪətli/ when your parents sleep.
  • A. quiet
  • B. quietly
  • C. clearly
  • D. slowly
3.It's _____/ˈnesəsəri/ for kids to do housework.
  • A. important
  • B. different
  • C. necessary
  • D. fantastic
4.Lingling ____/tʃəʊz/ the songs for New Year Party carefully just now.
  • A. choose
  • B. chose
  • C. chooses
  • D. choosing
5.I went to ______/məˈleɪʒə/ to visit my cousin last month.
  • A. market
  • B. Moscow
  • C. magazine
  • D. Malaysia
6.  Yesterday was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV. This is (1)       it happened (发生):
  I played soccer in the park with my friends when a man and a woman came to (2)      . The woman said, "I'm from Channel (频道) 12. Do you know the (3)       Kids Speak Out?" I did know it. I (4)       watched it. It's a weekly program. In the program kids say what they (5)       different things.
  "Would you like to be on it?" the man asked me. I wanted to be on it but I thought maybe my friends wanted to be on it, too. (6)       I asked, "Can my friends be on it, too?" "(7)      ," the man said.
  I asked my friends if they wanted to be on the program, but they didn't. So I went on TV (8)       myself. The woman asked me a lot of questions. I thought (9)       and tried to give answers. When she finished, she said I was one of the (10)       kids she spoke to. I felt good and happy.
Name Weekend 
Paulo My parents and I went to our small house in a village. We often go there on weekends. It was warm when we went this weekend. I was surprised because it's October. It's usually cold. 
Emily Last Sunday was my birthday. My cousin David took me out for dinner. The food was delicious. After dinner, he gave me a storybook. It was a great gift. 
Jack I had a really terrible weekend. I went to a farm with my classmates on Sunday morning. I climbed an apple tree to pick apples. But I fell from the tree. And I hurt (伤) my legs. 
Peter I had a great weekend. My wife (妻子) and I were really surprised when our son came to our house on Friday evening. He has a new job and he is busy. But on Saturday, he still took us to Paris. We had a good time. 
8.  What comes to your mind first when you talk about Chengdu? Before my trip to Chengdu, my answer was the panda. But now my answer is ______.
  Last year, I went to Chengdu to visit my friend Jane. On a Sunday afternoon, we took a walk on the streets. It was not difficult to find a teahouse here and there. We walked into Yuelai Teahouse. It is one of the oldest teahouses in Chengdu. It has a history of 112 years. In Yuelai Teahouse, we got the best service. The waiters were friendly and they made us feel comfortable. The price was also reasonable. We not only had the freshest tea cheaply, but also enjoyed fantastic shows like Chuanju.
  Jane told me that teahouses in Chengdu were not just a place to drink tea — they were a place for people to relax and meet friends or family. She was right. I saw people playing chess and card games. In the teahouse, people could slow down their life. I think that's why the teahouses can win lots of people's hearts.
9.  Sometimes winning isn't everything. We can learn this from Ivan's story.
  Ivan's full name is Ivan Fernandez Anaya. He is from Spain (西班牙). He likes sports very much and running is his favorite sport. He often takes part in marathons (马拉松). Ivan impressed (使……印象深刻) the world when he ran in Navarra, Spain. When he got close to the finish line (线), he saw that Abel, a Kenyan runner in front of him, began to slow down. Abel didn't speak Spanish, so he didn't know the signs (标志) of the finish line. He thought he won the race. Ivan saw this. He didn't quickly run past Abel. He stayed behind, guided Abel to the real finish line and let him cross first.
  Lots of people watched the race that day. Everyone was impressed with Ivan. "I think I did the right thing," Ivan said. Ivan was the real winner. (5)______________
10.  Caro always loves stories about best friends and true friends. All her favorite heroines (女主角) have best friends, like Anne in Anne of Green Gables, Emily in Emily of New Moon. "Could I have a real true friend?" Caro wondered.
  Cassie and Liana were her best friends, but now they stop talking to her. Would things get better? She doesn't know. That makes her feel terrible. As for making friends, Caro doesn't know much about that. She hardly remembers her age of making friends with Cassie. Then when she was 5, she knew Liana. Now she will have to learn to make friends, if she wants a true friend.
  But what should she do? Put a notice (通告) in the newspaper — True Friend wanted. Is there anyone who wants to be her friend? Or will she have to spend the summer by herself? Caro even dislikes thinking of that. Will she just spend it reading stories about friendship? Find it out in the book Caro's Quest.
11.Tara speaks       (loudly) than her friend Tina.
12.In our group, Tom is       (good) at English.
13.My friend, John goes to movies       (one) a month.
14.Tom       (break) his arm when he rode his bike last night.
15.What a       (different) a day makes!
late; what; Friday; either; me; wake; there; to; for; so 

  I'm Ben. Today was not a good day. First, I slept late and Mom shouted at me to (1)       me up. When I went to the kitchen for breakfast, I found (2)       was no hamburger. (3)       I decided to have some bread, but I burned (烤糊) it. I had to eat it because there was no more bread. There was no juice, (4)      . I just had a cup of water.
  When I was at the bus stop, I found I had no money, so I had (5)       go back home for money. Of course, I missed my bus and had to wait (6)       a long time.
  I was (7)       for school. When I got to school, the first class was over. I missed a math test. The teacher said there would be a test just for me after school two days later. Oh, it's (8)      ! I can't visit my grandma then.
  After lunch, it was time to give the teacher my homework. I reached into my bag to get it, but it wasn't there. I left (落下) it at home.
  After school, my father drove (9)       home. When I got home, I went straight to my room to do my homework. Mom cooked fish for dinner. She knows I don't like fish, but she thinks it's good for me. (10)       a bad day! I hope tomorrow will be nice.
17.  There was an old man in our neighborhood. He looked quiet because he never talked to anyone. Every morning, he ran around the neighborhood. When he ran, he picked up (捡拾) rubbish (垃圾).
  One day, we heard that the old man had a car accident (事故) when he picked up the rubbish. He would have to spend some time in the hospital. We also learned that he could not speak English very well and that was why he didn't talk to anyone.
  One of our teachers wanted to do something. She told the old man's story to a newspaper. A reporter visited the old man and wrote about him. His name was Mr. Polanski. In the country where Mr. Polanski was from, there was almost no rubbish on the street. So when he first saw rubbish in our neighborhood, he felt bad. He wanted to help clean up the neighborhood, and then he could be happy in this new country.
  Later our school decided that we could have a run in the winter to pick up rubbish, just as Mr. Polanski did. We called it the "Polanski Run". That day, Mr. Polanski ran in front, and hundreds of students followed. We ran around the neighborhood in groups, picking up rubbish and putting it in bags.
Did you        interesting on vacation?
—How        does your father exercise?
Mary is        as Molly.
My parents are        the life in the countryside.
       I'm different from my friend, we        things very seriously.
提示:seats, service, price, food, screen

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