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1.—Hello, Rick. How's it going?
  • A. Not bad
  • B. By train
  • C. Thanks a lot
  • D. No problem
2.—Let's meet at my home first. Come at six thirty.
—OK. ______.
  • A. No place like home
  • B. Not much
  • C. You're right
  • D. See you then
3.—Well, have a good day at school.
  • A. Yes, I have
  • B. You, too
  • C. Sure, I'd love to
  • D. That's funny
4.—How do the students in the village go to school?
  • A. By 7:30
  • B. With parents
  • C. On foot
  • D. At the bus stop
5.—______ run in the hallways, children!
—Sorry, Mr. Williams.
  • A. Doesn't
  • B. Aren't
  • C. Can't
  • D. Don't
6.—Where are koalas from?
—They are from ______.
  • A. Africa
  • B. Australia
  • C. America
  • D. Asia
7.—Why don't you like the cat?
—Well, because she's kind of ______. She sleeps all day.
  • A. interesting
  • B. boring
  • C. smart
  • D. scary
8.—______ do you like pandas?
—Because they're beautiful.
  • A. What
  • B. When
  • C. Where
  • D. Why
9.—______ do you do puzzles at home?
  • A. How long
  • B. How soon
  • C. How often
  • D. How much
10.The plane ticket says: "All passengers ______ arrive at the airport two hours before the departure time."
  • A. must
  • B. may
  • C. can
  • D. need
11.Dear Jane,
  How's your summer vacation (1)      ? Are you studying hard, or are you having (2)      ? I'm having a great time in Europe! My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. I want to (3)       you but my phone isn't working, so I'm (4)       to you. It's hot in your country now, (5)      it? The weather here is cool and cloudy, just right for walking.
  See you next month.
12.  Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night, I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 a.m. When I (1)      , I found the building was dark except for a light on the ground floor.
  I walked to the door and (2)      . "Just a minute," answered a weak (3)      . After a long time, the door opened. A small woman stood in front of me with a small suitcase on her side. I took the suitcase to the car first and then, helped the old woman (4)       to the car.
  She kept (5)       me for my kindness. "Oh, you're such a good man," she said. When we got into the taxi, she gave me an (6)       and asked, "Could you drive me through the city?"
  For the next few hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked and the neighborhood (社区) where she had lived. Sometimes she'd ask me to slow down in front of a building and would stare into the darkness.
  In the early morning, she suddenly said, "I'm (7)      . Let's go now." We drove in silence to the place she wanted to go.
  "How much do I need to (8)       you?" she asked. "Nothing," I said.
  "You have to (9)       a living." "Oh, there are other passengers."
  Without thinking, l gave her a hug. She held me tightly. "You have just given an old woman a little moment of (10)      ."
13.  For a long time, Star Wars (《星球大战》) fans have proven themselves to be pretty creative (有创造力的). Now they have a new example of this.
  Ayaal Fyodorov is a 28-year-old cosplayer from Russia. He is a huge fan of the Star Wars movies. Recently, he has been watching The Mandalorian (《曼达洛人》), a new Star Wars TV series.
  As a cosplayer, Fyodorov got a great idea: Why not cosplay the Mandalorian? He managed to build a life-sized replica (复制品) of the Mandalorian's spaceship. It had taken Fyodorov and his friends around three months to finish. "The spaceship weighs more than a tonne (公吨)," the man said.
  The model spaceship was put on display in a local park. It has now become a popular tourist attraction (景点).
14.Dear Tommy,
  How are you doing? Sorry I haven't written to you for so long! Yesterday, I celebrated the holiday at my new friend Peter's party. I had a great time there. Do you know what happened at the party? Well, let me tell you all about it.
  Peter held the party in his big house. It was full of balloons. As soon as I got there, I saw many of my friends. It was quite interesting to find that some of them were dressed beautifully. For the party, I was wearing a brown cap and a pair of blue jeans. I also brought my two toy guns with me.
  Peter also invited a singer to sing songs at the party. After that, we had a barbecue. I had a lot of delicious food, such as chicken wings, burgers and pork ribs. The party was really fun and amazing.
  How did you spend your holiday? Write back to me when you have the time.
Best wishes,
15.  If you are "in", you must try brunch!
  Brunch is a late morning meal that is eaten between the times you would normally (正常地) eat breakfast and lunch. And people often enjoy eating brunch on the weekends. It started in Britain, but now it is very popular with Americans.
  In America, most people often go out on Friday night or Saturday night. On Sunday, they may get up too late to eat breakfast but a bit too early for lunch, so they have brunch instead. During brunch, people listen to music and enjoy their meal.
  Brunch is a nice way to end the week and to start another new week. Of course, there is a lot of food for brunch, such as French toast, pancakes and sausages. In fact, brunch can be short, and it can also be as long as four hours.
  Today, many famous cafés in China also offer brunch on Sundays. So there is no reason to go hungry if you get up late — just have brunch!
16.I have dinner at seven thirty. (同义句)
I have dinner at              seven.
17.I go to the subway station by bike. (同义句)
I        my        to the subway station.
18.We don't arrive late for class. (同义句)
We        late for class.
19.Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day. (同义句)
       that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.
20.Liangliang crosses the river every school day. (同义句)
Liangliang        the river every school day.
21.Wuhan Back in Business
  Last year the eyes of the world were on it as the corona virus took hold, but there's much more to Wuhan than that. It's the b(1)       city in the middle of China and you can sum it up by looking at the spelling of its name.
  【W is for water】Wuhan is nicknamed "the city of r(2)      " because the Yangtze and the Han rivers meet here. The city is also noted for (著名) its l(3)      . Water makes up one quarter of its territory.
  【U is for university】With a university student population (人数) of 1.3 million, yes you heard that right, 1.3 million students. Wuhan is the largest college town in the w(4)      .
  【H is for high technology】Optical fibre, biotech, lasers, smartphones, they are all developed in Wuhan. The city is a high﹣tech hub and home to legions of top firms such as Pfizer, Microsoft, Huawei and Xiaomi.
  【A is for automobile】Wuhan is o(5)       of China's "motor cities". 1 out of every 10 of the vehicles (车辆) on the r(6)       in China is made here. General Motors, Honda, PSA Group and Dongfeng all have big manufacturing plants in Wuhan.
  【N is for noodle】The hot dry noodles soaked in sesame paste known by the locals as "re gan mian" are as much a trademark (标志) of Wuhan as spaghetti is in Rome or h(7)       in the US. During the coronavirus outbreak, the noodles became a s(8)       of solidarity (团结). People all over China were cheering on the hot dry noodles.
   【H is for h(9)      】Wuhan went through a tough time with the epidemic. Now, with precious help from health worker heroes from all over the c(10)       and a concerted effort from its citizens (市民), the city has regained its vitality (生命力) and is steaming ahead.
1. 喜欢海豚,聪明可爱;
2. 纽约人,讲英语和法语;
3. 家附近有动物园,喜欢去玩;
4. 喜爱炎热天气,这样就能去游泳;
5. 请补充一两点相关信息。
提示词:net friend 网友; New York 纽约; dolphin 海豚
期中试卷 最新试卷 湖北试卷 武汉市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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