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1.  Mabel is a beautiful girl. She likes all kinds of clothes, but she didn't put her heart into her lessons (1)       she was at school. For a long time, she nearly (2)       her school. With her friends' help, she finally finished middle school, but she learned little there. Of course, she can't do any important work and now she is a salesgirl in (3)       shoe shop. She has to work there and hopes to find a (4)       one.
  One afternoon the girl argued (吵架) with her mother (5)      . So the following morning, when she served an old man, she was very unhappy. The old man tried on some shoes and decided (6)       a pair at last. Before he left, he asked, "How long will the shoes last?"
  "It depends. If you don't use them, the shoes will (7)       break ."
  The old man said nothing and went away. That afternoon, while Mabel was preparing (8)       supper, she cut her finger. She had to go to a hospital by (9)      . That old man happened to be on duty. After Mabel got the medicine from him, she asked, "When will I get better?"
  "It depends," said the old man. "If you don't use it, you (10)       your finger."
2.  Little Jimmy lived in a village with his grandpa. Each morning Grandpa got up early, he sat at the kitchen table reading his book. One day Jimmy asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the book just like you but I don't understand it, and I forget what I do understand as soon as I close the book. What's the (1)       of reading then?"Grandpa pointed to an old coal basket in the corner and replied, "Take this basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."
  Jimmy did as he was told. Of course, he brought back an (2)       basket. Grandpa laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time." Jimmy tried again. This time he ran faster (3)       the result was the same. "Grandpa, it was impossible to carry (4)       in a basket." "Jimmy, I don't think you are trying hard enough. Why do you (5)       so easily?"With lots of questions in mind, Jimmy decided to have a last try. This time he did it even more (6)      , but no matter how hard he tried, it still made no difference. "See, Grandpa, it's (7)      !" Jimmy shouted when he got into the house, (8)      . "So you think it's useless?" the old man said, "Look at the basket." Jimmy looked at the basket and for the first time he (9)       that it was different. Instead of a dirty old coal basket, it was clean, inside and out. "Jimmy, that's what happens when you read books. You might not understand or (10)       everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out."
The tourists on Trip Advisor choose the Top 3 beautiful islands for you.
Where: Maui, an island in Hawaii, the US
Size: 1, 886 square kilometers
Population: Over 100, 000
Best time to visit: All the year round
What you can do:
Go swimming under the waterfall.
Walk around the white, red and black beach.
Climb the 3, 000-meter-high volcano (火山).
Watch different kinds of sea animals under the sea. 
Where: Santorini, an island in Aegean Sea, Greece
Size: 96 square kilometersPopulation:Over 13, 600
Best time to visit: From May to August
What you can do:
Walk around the black beach;
Watch the sunrise and the sunset;
Have a look at some beautiful paintings;
Enjoy the amazing night life in Oia Town. 
Where:Jamaica, an island country in Caribbean (加勒比海)
Size: 10, 991 square kilometers
Population: Over 2, 697, 983
Best time to visit: From November to April
What you can do:
Watch different kinds of arts;
Walk around the long and white beach;
Climb the Blue Mountain. 
4.  We often think the Arctic (北极) only has snow and ice. But in fact, it has far more than that!
  The Arctic is on top of Earth. The Arctic Ocean makes up two-thirds of the Arctic, while one-third is made up of land in eight countries, including Russia, Canada, and the US. The Arctic lands have many various lives. Some plants and animals can grow in very cold temperatures. In fact, the Arctic is home to more than 21,000 kinds of lives. There are whales, Arctic foxes and many more. The polar bear(北极熊) is the most famous Arctic animal.
  You might think that the Arctic is too cold for people to live in. But surprisingly, there are about 4 million people living there. That's the same population as the city of Taiyuan in Shanxi, China. About 10 percent are local people. They have been there for thousands of years. They make a living by fishing, hunting (打猎) and so on.
  A group of scientists recently came back from a one-year-long study in the Arctic. They have bad news:the Arctic is dying. The amount of Arctic sea ice is falling by around 3 percent every year. There will be no more ice during the summer in the near future. What does this mean for us? Many animals, such as polar bears, hunt for their food on the ice. If they can't do this anymore, they will die of hunger. Local people hunt animals for food. But since so many animals are dying, they need to change their way of life.
(1)       Junko Tabei is a famous mountain climber from Japan. She was the first woman to reach the top of the mountain, Himalayas, in 1975.
(2)       Mr Wong loves skiing. Last winter, he went to Europe with his wife and enjoyed themselves in a skiing park in France.
(3)       Mr. Lin lives in Guangzhou. He likes traveling. Last May Day, it took him about 2 hours to drive to the mountain. He was interested in Danxia landform.
(4)       Judy went to Japan for a vocation last year. She lived in a hotel in Tokyo, and the snow-capped mountain can be seen from there on a clear day.
(5)       Mr. Chen is a businessman in Shenzhen and has a happy family. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, Mr. Chen drove 3 hours to the mountain and prayed (祈祷) for his family to have good luck. 
A. Mount DanxiaIt is located in Shaoguan city, not far from Guangzhou. It is famous for its Danxia landform, a world famous UNESCO geopark of China.
B. Mount EmeiIt is a mountain in Sichuan Province. Mt. Emei is the highest of the Four Buddhist (佛教的) Mountains of China. The Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area was famous in the world.
C. Mount FujiIt is the highest mountain in Japan at 3, 776. 24 meters, not far from Tokyo. It is the symbol of Japan. The top is covered by snow for several months of the year.
D. QomolangmaThe highest mountain in the world, which is 8844. 43 meters high. It is covered with snow all year round. Although it is very hard to climb the mountain, it is an honor for climbers to get to the top of it.
E. Mount TaiIt ranks the first place of the ten famous mountains in China, located in Shandong. Every year, millions of people from home and abroad go to the top of it and watch the sunrise.
F. Mount XiqiaoIt is one of the four famous mountains in Guangdong. It has the highest Guanyin statue (塑像) in the world. It is a favorite place for the people in Guangdong to bless for their luck.
G. The AlpsThe Alps lies from France to Slovenia. They are the highest and most extensive mountain range system in Europe. It is a wonderful place for ski lovers. 
6.  Henry was born in a poor family. When he was ten, his father died. It was quite difficult for his mother to keep a large family alone, (1)       she still decided to send Henry to school.
  At one time, Henry needed a grammar (2)       for his new lesson. However, his mother didn't have enough (3)       to buy it. Henry was very sad. He was afraid that he couldn't go to the class without the book. That night, he went to bed with a heavy heart, thinking what to do to get the book.
  As soon as he woke (4)       the next morning, he found there was heavy snow on the ground. "Ah,"he said to (5)       happily, "Every problem brings a solution (解决方案) for some people."
  He got up, ran to the house next door and helped to clean out the (6)       on the ground. His neighbor accepted his kindness. When he (7)       the work, his neighbor paid money to him and he went to the next house. Then he went to another and another, until he got enough money to (8)       a grammar book.
  When school began, Henry was at his seat, the happiest boy there, ready to take up the lesson in his new book. From then on, Henry was (9)       the first in his class. He was (10)       he could find the way, no matter what problem he met.
7.  Orion Jean is a student from the Chisholm Ridge Elementary. Although he's a 5th grader, he has a habit of setting very high goals for himself. He also has a habit of doing more than them. Orion Jean wants to go on with his work to do something good for others in the holiday season.
  This autumn, Orion Jean successfully collected and donated (捐赠) hundreds of toys to the hospitalized (住院的) children in Dallas. Now, he's started another activity with the goal of giving away thousands of meals to people in need by the end of the year.
  The Race to 100,000 Meals will accept food donations from the public on October 24. Those donations are packed to meals which include 1 bottle of water, 2 oranges and a sandwich in a zipped (带拉链的) bag. The food should be inside a brown paper bag with warm words written on it. Orion began collecting earlier this week and there were nearly 4,000 meals.
  Over the summer, Orion won a speech contest, where he called on others to show kindness through action. As the winner, he received $500 to start his own project where he went on to collect toys for hospitalized children. "This has been a hard year for everybody because of the spread of the disease COVID-19. Now it's more important than ever to show support and love to anyone who needs it," Orion said.
8.看完Orion的工作后, 你觉得他的行为很让人感动.在我们的日常生活中, 很多人一直做好事, 如我们身边的志愿者们, 特别是这两年COVID﹣19期间, 很多志愿者(volunteer)成为我们的偶像, 你的朋友李华就是其中之一, 请你用英语完成一篇短文.
2字数80字左右.短文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.

After I read about Orion, I feel moved. My friend Lihua also often does good things. ___________
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