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School Uniform Design Competition   
Sunshine Middle School
All the students in the school can take part in the competition.
Parents are also welcome.
Collecting designs: May 15th to June 16th
The results will come out a month after the collecting.
The first prize (one): 200 dollars
The second prize (two): 100 dollars
The third prize (five): 50 dollars
★How to join:
Send your design and your personal information to the competition committee (委员会) at sunshine@yahoo.com. 
Book your birthday party here!
The Children's Museum has 3 floors of hands-on exhibits (展品) for the kids to play.
Call 3337-433-942 for availability information:
Monday — Saturday: 10:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. & Sunday: 1:00 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.  
We have 2 plans to meet your needs:  
Plan A
You bring the cake and enjoy the party. We will do the set-up and clean-up.
We provide:
●A party room for an hour and 40 minutes;
●All the paper products such as invitations, party bags and party hats;
●A T-shirt for the birthday child;
Cost: 285 for non-members
260 for members 
Plan B
We mainly provide the space and you do the rest.
We provide:
●A party room for an hour and 40 minutes;
●Cleaning supplies (清洁用品);
●A birthday hat for the birthday child
Cost: 205 for non-members
180 for members 
Both plans must be paid for early to book a room! Please Book Early! People normally (通常) book 4 weeks ahead of time!  
3.  Taking public transport, making payments online or just walking around — these daily activities can help turn China's deserts into forests if you are using Ant Forest.
  Ant Forest is a feature (特色) in the Alipay mobile payment app. Users start by planting a virtual (虚拟的) tree in Ant Forest. Then it gives users "green energy" if they do low-carbon (低碳的) activities such as taking a bus to work instead of driving. When a user's green energy gets high enough, Ant Forest and its partners will plant a real tree for that person.
  Ant Forest received the 2019 Champions of the Earth award (地球卫士奖), the UN's highest environmental honor, for encouraging people to live greener lifestyles and protect the environment. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) announced in Nairobi, Kenya, on September 19, 2019. The award also went to another two Chinese organizations. In 2018, the Zhejiang Green Rural Revival Program won the award for its work to deal with polluted waterways and damaged (被损坏的) lands. In 2017, the Saihanba Afforestation Community got the same award for turning barren sand into green hills.
  Since its launch (推出) in August 2016, Ant Forest and its partners have planted some 122 million trees in China's driest areas, which include areas in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Shanxi. The trees cover an area of 11.2 million square kilometers. Ant Forest has become China's largest private sector (私营企业) tree-planting project.
  "Alipay Ant Forest shows how technology can change our world by using the positive energy and new ideas of users around the world," said Inger Andersen, executive director (执行理事) of UNEP.
4.  Things like yoga or lively music may help us when we feel down. But nature documentaries could be just as good in helping reduce stress.
  This is according to the research by BBC World wide's research team and Dacher Keltner, an expert in the science of emotion (情绪) at the University of California, Berkeley, US. As the researchers found out watching nature programs like Planet Earth has direct and uplifting (令人开心的) benefits on the emotion and health of their viewers.
  During the research, named "The Real Happiness Project", Keltner and his workmates studied 7,500 participants (参与者) from the US, UK, Singapore, India, South Africa and Australia. The participant were asked to fill in surveys about their emotions before watching clips (片段) of Planet Earth, dramas and news stories. Their reactions were then recorded with facial mapping technology and psychometric (心理测量的) tests.
  Results showed that women are more likely to experience dramatic (急剧的) emotional changes than men when they watch nature documentaries. People aged between 16 and 24 showed the most decrease (减少) in feelings of nervousness and tiredness.
  Keltner explained that the findings mean that our connection to nature could greatly improve cognitive (认知的) performance such as attention and sense of calm. In turn, it made us more effective team workers and could even improve our physical health.
  "The changes in emotion as a result of watching this powerful natural history series are important as we know that wonder and satisfaction are the foundations (基础) of human happiness," Keltner told the Daily Mail.
5.  A study showed that there are more pets than children in American families. Amazed? Keeping pets at home has several advantages!
  ● (1)       Whether you believe it or not, keeping pets is a great way to make you happy. Research has shown that people who are ill have fewer chances of falling into a depression (沮丧) if they keep pets compared to those patients who don't keep pets.
  ●Your pet can be a source (来源) of exercise. Want someone who would like to take a walk with you? (2)       They can even urge (催促) you to go out for a walk when you're too tired, keeping you active and fit. Other activities related to pets like feeding, bathing, playing and cleaning are also good ways to exercise.
  ●Talking to a pet can be a nice treatment for loneliness. (3)       Whether you want to pour your heart out to them or tell them your secrets, you know it's all safe with them! Pets give you unconditional (无条件的) love.
  ●Pets help you have better relationships. Do you want to improve your social skills? (4)       Kids who grow up with pets at home are always respectful towards living things.
  ●Pets can warn you of danger. We all know that dogs will bark (狗叫) when they sense someone near the house, and that can be very good for home safety. (5)       No matter what kind of pet you get, animals seem to have a sense of danger that we don't always have, and that may save your life!

A. Spending time with a pet can cheer you up.
B. No matter how lonely you feel, a pet will always be there for you.
C. However, pets can sense far more than just a stranger.
D. Dogs can be great companions (同伴) and will happily go out with you.
E. It is said that people who keep pets are good in their social relations.
6.  My son Sam is 16 and autistic (患自闭症的). There's a lot going on in that beautiful and clever mind of his, but even on a good day he can be very (1)       overwhelmed (不知所措的). If any unexpected (2)       are made to his daily routine (惯例), he might even have a very public meltdown (突然崩溃). It was Sam's very first day of high school. We (3)       a plan for how he would get home: I'd pick him up outside the shop near his school at 3:30 p.m. and I believed this was a (4)       plan. Unknown to me, very bad weather was on its way and I was unable to warn him to take shelter (避雨).
  What's worse, his cell phone was out of power while I was running late and unable to communicate that to him. (5)      , he was left alone and very afraid.
  That was when a beautiful older Vietnamese lady not only left her shop to check on him, but took him inside her shop, (6)       him down, got my phone number from him and called me.
  Five years later he continues to go into her shop every afternoon, buy a drink, have a chat and she sends him home with enough bread and to feed a small nation.
  Sam graduates this year, and I'm increasingly feeling the need to visit the (7)       to let this wonderful lady know that she saved Sam, and that she saved me. I'm not sure if I can (8)       all of this, but at least I will get to thank her.
  There are people I will not get to thank, though — the many kind strangers who have been there for Sam. So I guess this is a love letter to those of you (9)       have helped a stranger out of the goodness of your heart. Please know that your beautiful heart and kindness are appreciated (感激), and you have made a great (10)       in someone's life.
7.  As you may know, coral (珊瑚) is not a plant, but an animal. However, coral reefs (珊瑚礁) around the world are (1)       danger.
  Thailand will close one of (2)      (it) beaches to protect the coral from business activities for tourists. The beach is so famous that (3)      (million) of tourists put it on their wish lists. More than 5,000 visitors visit it a day. They arrive by boat. This does much harm to the coral reefs. Most of the coral has died. The beach will (4)      (close) between June and September to let the coral come back to life.
  Experts say that 80% of Thailand's coral reefs (5)      (kill) so far. Too many tourists cause a lot of (6)      (pollute) to beaches. An expert said the biggest problems (7)      (be) hotels by the beaches, boats, and plastic waste in the sea. He believed the (8)      (good) choice was to close the beaches forever. He said, "I hope the government can take steps (9)      (protect) the coral reefs. At (10)       same time, I also hope all of us should try our best to protect the environment around us."
8.  Making films can no longer be completed only by adults. A group of primary school students in Southwest China's Guizhou Province recently proved it. (1)A 90-minute film was made by some fourth and fifth graders. Combining (结合) science fiction, family education, school life, drug control and comedy, they made the film in a creative and interesting way.
  According to the 9-year-old director Chenyan Zhirou, she began creating the story during her winter vacation, and finished writing it before this summer vacation. (2)She then began choosing actors and having interviews for the film. After further preparation, her camera started rolling.
  From the early stages of costume preparation and make up to later directing and camera shooting, all processes were arranged (安排) in perfect order. (3)整个过程中,每个参与的小学生都很努力。  
  (4)学生们花了五周的时间制作完成了这部电影。 It included two weeks of shooting and three weeks of post-production, during which time every shot and every piece of music was carefully chosen and designed. There were many technical problems that they could not solve on their own, but they didn't ask professionals for help.
  (5)They believed it could only be considered their own film without any adults' help. As for why they made this film, the students said they hoped to let more teachers and parents see what younger generations (一代人) can do.
  On a street in Manhattan's Chinatown, there is a small shop full of customers called Fong On. It is a food shop and sells a kind of traditional Chinese food-tofu. However, several years ago, the owner of the shop Paul Eng faced lots of difficulties. He was the heir (继承人) to the tofu shop though he had no idea how to make tofu.
  Mr. Eng's grandfather learned to make tofu in the 1930s from a Chinese master when he arrived in Chinatown. He opened a small tofu shop and developed recipes (配方). His tofu had been popular in Chinatown for more than eighty years. However, as many Chinese people left Chinatown and foreigners moved in, many tofu shops closed down. In 2017, Mr. Eng's parents closed their shop, too. The recipes, never written down, also disappeared with it.
  But Mr. Eng had a chance to reopen the shop. Because Mr. Eng didn't know how to make tofu, he decided to make the recipes in his own way. He turned to the Internet. "There are lots of videos. I try to match what I heard from our former (前任的) workers to what people are doing in these videos," he said.
  In August, 2019, Mr. Eng's tofu shop opened again. It serves not only fresh traditional tofu but also a kind of tofu pudding, which is a new product. The shop quickly attract (吸引) both old customers and young people. The old are happy to see fresh tofu come back, while the young want to try new food from a different culture.
10.4月22日是世界地球日 (World Earth Day),珍爱地球,保护环境,人人有责。假设你是学校环保社团的主席李华,请你给全校同学写一封倡议书,号召大家从日常生活中的小事做起来保护环境。
(1)日常存在的不够环保的行为 (乱扔垃圾, 浪费水电……);
(2)日常环保小贴士 (垃圾分类回收,减少使用一次性餐具,绿色出行……)。
(1)80 词左右 (标题和开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
Dear classmates,
  April 22nd is World Earth Day and we all know it is important to love our Mother Earth. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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