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1.It's common to see that foreigners use body language more often to show _____ feelings than Chinese people.
  • A. our
  • B. their
  • C. its
2.Eason felt it was worth the time and the money in Disneyland in Shanghai ______ the meals were expensive and the waiting time was long.
  • A. although
  • B. after
  • C. until
3.—The air is much better than before.
—Sure. That's because many factories _______ new energy cars to cut down air pollution in our country.
  • A. produce
  • B. repair
  • C. clean
4.—Where did you go on vacation?
—I went to a countryside in Guangxi. There was no noisy traffic so the environment there is _____.
  • A. dangerous
  • B. quiet
  • C. messy
5.When we talk about the great _____ in the past 70 years in China, we can see the pride on all Chinese people's faces.
  • A. agreements
  • B. arguments
  • C. achievements
6.Although Zhang Ruoyun took on his first role 15 years ago, people have ______ taken notice of his excellent acting skills in the popular TV series, Joy of life (《庆余年》).
  • A. finally
  • B. recently
  • C. directly
7.TV or video games can't bring us real happiness. Instead, we should _____ some relaxing hobbies, such as playing sports or travelling.
  • A. deal with
  • B. take up
  • C. turn down
8.—In three months, we will say goodbye to all our teachers and classmates. I am preparing a graduation party.
— ______. Every corner of the heart is full of respect to them.
  • A. Never mind
  • B. Come on
  • C. Good idea
9.As the saying goes, "Old habits die hard." Parents should _______ their children at their young age.
  • A. be proud of
  • B. be strict with
  • C. be sorry for
10.—Excuse me, I'm new in Taiyuan. Could you tell me _______?
—Of course. Go along this road and turn right at the first crossing. Then you will see it.
  • A. how far Jinci Temple is
  • B. when Jinci Temple is open
  • C. how I can get to Jinci Temple
2 minutes ago
Leo: What's the matter?
Jane@Leo: (1)       I don't want to say goodbye to her.
Leo@Jane: Me, neither. Why not have a surprise party for her?
Jane: (2)       It's a good way to say goodbye.
Mike@Jane&Leo: We can also buy a gift for Miss Miller.
Jane@Mike: What do you think we should buy?
Mike@Jane: How about a beautiful scarf? It's getting colder these days.
Leo@ Mike: OK. We can also invite other teachers to the party. (3)      
Jane@Leo: Mr. Li. He is Miss Miller's best friend.
Leo@Jane: I agree. When should we have the party?
Jane@Leo: (4)       Everyone will be free then.
Leo@Jane: You're right. (5)      
Jane@Leo: Sure. See you at the school gate.
Mike@Jane: OK. See you then.

A. Sounds great!
B. I don't agree with you.
C. How about next Saturday?
D. Who should we invite to the party?
E. We can invite our headmaster over.
F. And let's go to the store and buy a scarf for Miss Miller.
G. Our English teacher Miss Miller will leave for America next month.
12.  When I was about twelve, I ate out with my family. It was a cold winter, and on that night, the wind was really blowing hard.
  As my mom and I headed to the (1)       from our car, a girl about my age and her mother came up to us. They asked if we had any spare change. My mom right away asked where they lived. They (2)       to an old car in a parking lot across the street. The girl said there were six of them living in that car.
  My mom said she had something to do after handing the people a few dollars. She sent me inside the restaurant with my dad and my younger sister. But she didn't come. Later, I (3)       she had gone home and put all the food in our cupboards into a few bags. Then, she brought that over to the car and handed the bags to the family. I wasn't there when that happened, but I can only imagine the (4)       it brought to those people.
  A few days later, when I knew what she had done, I asked her (5)       she helped those people. She told me that they were unlucky. I remember the face of that girl who had asked us for change. She was the same age as me, yet we looked so (6)      .
  Here I stood dressed in (7)       new clothes, headed to eat in a restaurant and then backed home to the bedroom for my sister and me. I remember thinking that the other girl didn't have any food to eat and that she was heading back to a cold car shared (8)       five other people.
  After painting this picture in my mind, I understood why my mom had helped them. I will never forget what she did that night, and how she taught me one of the best lessons I ever learned.
5 Things You Learn From Travel
A. Being thankful
B. New ways of living
C. Real-life connections
D. Knowing yourself better
E. Making friendship stronger
F. Out-of-classroom experiences 

(1)       If you feel like you haven't exactly defined who you are, leave your country for a period of time. There is something about having to manage yourself in a new place. There is something about having to plan ahead and search on your own. I'm sure you'll have a better understanding of who you are and what you have to offer to the world. 
(2)       You'll return home with a heart to value and treasure everything around you. You will say thanks to your teachers who gave you a chance to take part in the singing competition. You will show thanks to your classmates who helped you with your math project. You will also be grateful to breakfast cooked by your mom every morning. 
(3)       Things like how to deal with problems and communicate with others can't always be taught in a classroom. If you travel around the world, I'm sure you'll be able to improve yourself in some ways. Though these may not seem like things that will have a great influence on your learning, they will help you in the long run. 
(4)       When you are sitting in a European apartment with the tiniest fridge you've ever seen, you'll understand their efforts to decrease (减少) their Carbon Footprint to the world. You'll have to get outside your comfort zone and look at how other parts of the world live. 
(5)       Sitting in history is boring. To be honest, I'd rather have to take chemistry than listen to the history professor go on and on and on about an ancient culture or some people I don't care about. But when you travel, history comes to life. You'll be much more interested and actually get some of the knowledge in a short time. 
14.  It's a hot topic among students: Is it better to study alone or in a group? Please read the following students' opinions.
It isn't the most fun thing to study alone, but it's necessary. When you lock yourself away in your room, there are fewer distractions (使人分心的事) than when you study in a group or a public place. Nobody is moving around or talking near you. There are truly no distractions, unless you're one of those people who feel the need to clean everything when you study. 
If you're with active people who are focused, you may be surprised at just how fantastic group studying can be. How many times have you said you were going to sit down and study but ended up playing with mobile phones? Probably too many to remember. When you set a date and time to get together with a study group, it helps to prevent procrastination, because you know other people are expecting you to be there. 
Everyone is different, which means everyone learns differently. You may require classical music, a warm room, and a cup of tea while you study. Someone else may require complete silence, a cool room, and no snacks at all. Studying alone allows you to set the perfect study environment so you get the most out of studying. 
When you study in a group, you will get more information. This is because you understand your notes in another way and put the information into your own words rather than read from a textbook. It's very similar to teaching the others in your group, which leads to getting the information better. 
15.  Our smartphones are amazing, but our connections can be so slow. The future in sci-fi movies seems close, yet so far away. 5G technology makes that future look easily available. Schools, hospitals, transportation, factories — even our homes will soon use this powerful network. (1)      
  Last year, China started testing 5G mobile networks in several cities across network. (2)       To test the network, people made a phone call using a Huawei MateX, Huawei's first 5G smartphone.
  What is 5G: It is the latest generation of cellular (蜂窝状的) network technology. (3)       5G's advantages mainly come from speed and connectivity. The advantage of higher speed is clear to see. People will be able to use the Internet at a much greater speed than before. Imagine being able to download a movie in just a few seconds. That's how fast 5G will be. (4)       For example, scientists are developing driverless cars, but driverless cars must be able to behave quickly when they meet sudden changes in their environment. For example, a dog running across the road, 5G will make this possible.
  (5)       With 5G, we may develop "smart" environment. Imagine having a home that turns the lights on when you open your front door. And when you sit on the sofa, the TV set will be turned on under the control of your voice. It seems that everything will be convenient and easy for you in life.
  "New things become possible when you can move information as much as possible, and 5G becomes the great giver." Gordon Smith, CEO of a company, told The Telegraph. No matter where it is set up, it looks like 5G will bring us a more exciting and convenient future.

A. So what about connectivity?
B. It is faster and stronger than 4G.
C. Such speed helps other technologies, too.
D. This example is common in our daily lives.
E. Read on to see the ways 5G will change our world.
F. The city of Shanghai was the first to set up a 5G network. 
16.  The hot movie Better Days has raised public discussion about how to deal with bullying (欺凌).
  Bullying is really common. About 1.5 million young people in the UK were bullied last year, and many of them were bullied every day. People who are bullied have more worries and scares.
  Bullying is not just physical, including hitting or kicking someone, or taking their things without permission (许可). Bullying can also be with words — saying or writing things that are not nice to hurt others. Another type of bullying is social — telling other people not to be friends with them. Bullying can happen anywhere.
  Sometimes other people help the bully happen or join in. They don't bully anyone directly but support the bullying by laughing or encouraging the children. This is why it's important for everyone to work together against bullying. To stop bullying, we need everyone to be brave and help stop it.
  Bullying is a social problem and it needs to be solved from society — in other words, everyone. Why don't you create a student anti-bullying (反欺凌) group? Let the head teacher know how well the school is doing with fighting bullying. The next time you see someone being cruel to someone else, take a stand (表明立场)! Don't laugh or ignore (忽视) what's happening — tell an adult as soon as possible and help everyone to realize that bullying is not OK.

Bullying at school 
The problem Being bullied, people are more likely to get (1)       and scared. 
Different types ● Physical bullying (2)       hitting, kicking someone, etc.
● Unkind words hurt others.
● Social bullying stops people from making (3)      
The role kids play They don't bully anyone (4)       but support bullying. 
The way to help Everyone in the society should come up with a (5)       to this problem. 
17.  Every Chinese, who experienced 1980s, will remember forever the day November 6th 1981, when the China National Women's Volleyball Team defeated the Japan National Team with 3 to 2 at the 3rd World Women's Volleyball Cup in Osaka Japan.
  We can hardly see a team have 11 straight wins (连胜). However, the Chinese women's volleyball team has done it! On Sept 29th, 2019, China won the Women's Volleyball World Cup in Japan at the 13th World Cup. The team didn't lose any of its games during the games.
  In the 1980s, the team won five world titles in a row. Since then, Chinese people have taken pride in our women's volleyball team for a long time.
Leap (《夺冠》)
People cheered for the Chinese women's national volleyball team, but few know how hard they worked to achieve success. Leap tells the story behind the team. It shows how several generations of volleyball players went on a journey to become the top team in the world. 

  Its fighting spirit has encouraged many people across the country: never giving up, especially during difficult times.
  Working hard was the key to the team's success. Many of the team's members kept on playing even after being injured (受伤的). Just as Lang Ping once said to the reporters, "Every time we play in the game, we aim to raise the flag of our nation and sing our national song." All the members in the team believe they can achieve it in Tokyo Olympics.
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  Some students expect to be able to "relax" for their four years at university. Now, they are receiving an unpleasant "wake-up call". Lazy students at big universities such as Peking and Fudan are being "asked to quit" — to leave the university.
  It's a common belief in China that once you (1)       by a university, you will be sure to graduate. Teachers and parents may even do many things (2)       are helpful for you to study hard to pass "zhongkao" and then "gaokao". Once you jumped these hurdles (难关) and crossed the finish line, you (3)       no more pressure. University life will be a piece of cake.
  This is (4)       true. At university, there is not much homework. You aren't required to do lots of exercises or take tests weekly. And there is no pressure to be top of the class. But universities do require you (5)       tasks, such as essays, on time. And you must pass mid-term and final exams. In the past, many universities were less strict about these (6)      . Fail an exam? Don't worry! An easier one is waiting for you to re-take.
  Some universities, (7)      , think such a life for students isn't a good idea. If college education fails in making students (8)       than when they first enter it, then it actually doesn't help them at all.
  Gaining knowledge is the purpose of (9)       at all levels, from primary school to university. And there is no easy way to get knowledge (10)       through hard work. A lot of efforts are always needed.
19.中学生处于生理与心理成长发展并逐步走向成熟的重要时期。在学习和生活中遇到困难时, 寻求帮助会让大家更有效地处理压力及解决困扰。最近,某校以“大家遇到困难时愿意找谁寻求帮助”为主题,对初中部200名学生进行了问卷调查。下图是相关统计结果。

1. 词数不少于80,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。
  Recently, a survey was done among two hundred students in a school about whom they ask for help. Here is what we have learned from it. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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