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1.— Sue, is this your sister's cup?
— No, it isn't. ______ is purple.
  • A. Mine
  • B. Her
  • C. Hers
  • D. Yours
2.—What __________ do you like , Paul?
  • A. sport
  • B. color
  • C. name
  • D. number
—It's a clock.
  • A. Is this your clock
  • B. Do you have a clock
  • C. Where is your clock
  • D. What's this in English
4.That book is ________. I don't like it.
  • A. fun
  • B. boring
  • C. relaxing
  • D. interesting
5.— ______ those your books?
— No, ______ aren't. They are my sister's.
  • A. Is; they
  • B. Are; they
  • C. Are; those
  • D. Is; these
6.Jim's room is always tidy, ________ Eric's room is not.
  • A. but
  • B. and
  • C. well
  • D. not
7.—What about ________ outside the cinema (电影院) at eight o'clock?
—That ________ great.
  • A. meeting;sound
  • B. to meet;sound
  • C. meeting;sounds
  • D. to meet;sounds
8.—Does your sister ________ a tennis ball?
—Yes, she ________.
  • A. has;does
  • B. have;has
  • C. have;does
  • D. has;has
9.—Alice, our ping-pong ball is on the sofa.
—OK. Let me ________ it.
  • A. to get
  • B. gets
  • C. get
  • D. getting
10.— We're going to visit the zoo tomorrow.
— ______.
  • A. Come on
  • B. Have a nice day
  • C. I'm fine
  • D. You're welcome
11.  Here are some things (东西) on the desk. They are for middle school students. (1)       can get them?
  This is a red schoolbag. It is for Nancy. We know Nancy likes (2)      best. That is a (3)      . It is (4)       Dale. Dale is always late for school, and the clock can (5)       him. Oh, it is a black (6)      . Eric can get it. He can listen to English on it. Is the green pencil box nice? Gina's pencil box is old, so the green pencil box is for (7)      . That is a blue ruler. Paul asks the teacher (8)       it. Because he (9)       his ruler. Here is the (10)       thing. Is it an English book? No, it is a picture book. It is for Amy.
12.  Taro is a Japanese boy. He is in Beijing now. He is fifteen years old. His friend Tom is an English boy. He is fourteen years old. They are in No. 15 Middle School.
  Taro is in Class 1, Grade 1. He is in Row 3. Tom is in Row 3, too. But he is in Class 3, Grade 1. Taro is Number 8. Tom is Number 10. Where are they now?Look!They are over there, under the tree. Let's go and say hello to them.
Dear Mom,
Please bring my ID card to school, It's in the drawer of the dresser in my room. Thank you, Mom. Feifei 
Dear Liu Hua,
Do you go to school now?Please take the pencil box to my daughter Li Ying. I think she needs it. Thanks. Li Mingliang 
Dear Tony,
These are Tom's CDs. Please take them to him. My CDs are at his home. Please bring them to me. Thanks. Jane 
Dear Jenny,
You and Lisa are good friends. Where is Lisa, do you know?This is her notebook. Please take it to her. Thanks. Amy 
14.  Hi, I'm Kate Green. I have three photos.
  Look at the first photo. Two girls are in it. They are my good friends Jenny and Gina. 
 Who are they in this photo? These are my aunt and uncle. My aunt is my father's sister. The two children are their son Eric and their daughter Grace. 
 The last photo is my family photo. These are my grandparents. The boy is my brother Mike. Who is the girl?Ha, it's me. I'm six years old. 
15.  Hello, everyone. I am Eric, a student in No. Middle School. Now let me tell you about my favorite teacher.
  My favorite teacher is Mrs. Plath. She is my English teacher. She is my friend John's aunt, too. She is good to every student in my class. Everyone likes her. She gives us some interesting homework. It's relaxing for me to do the homework.
  Now Mrs. Plath is 40. She has many things to do. She has three classes a day. And she helps in the reading club after school. She helps children read and makes them love books.
  I think good teachers can make students love school. They have a good influence (影响) on their students. Mrs. Plath is a good teacher. I want to thank her. I want to be a teacher like her.
16.  Grace is my good friend. She is an English girl. She loves sports and she has some sports things. She has a tennis ball on the chair, two volleyballs on her desk and three basketballs on her bed. She also has some ping-pong balls and ping-pong bats in her bag. Grace thinks sports are interesting, but she does not play them. Playing sports is difficult for her. She only watches them on TV.
17.  Look at this room. It is very t(1)      . What can you see in the room? I can see (2)       apple on the table. Can you see a book on the table?No, I can't. W(3)       is it? It's (4)       the schoolbag. Some (5)       (字典) are in it. Look! What's that u(6)       the chair? It's a dog. Its c(7)       is black. The ball is(8)       (my). It is a volleyball. I like (9)       (play) volleyball very much. What a(10)       you?
18.your, is, telephone number, what, brother's
19.is, girl, cousin, that, your
20.classroom, his, are, the, books, in
21.bag, on the sofa, a, is, black
22.same, in, they, class, the, are
23.假设你叫李芳, 请根据表格中提供的信息介绍你的朋友王明.
姓名 王明 
英文名字 Tom 
性别 男 
年龄 12 
家庭成员 祖父母、父母、弟弟和自己 
喜欢的颜色 黑色, 蓝色 
最喜欢的运动 足球, 有两个足球, 放学后经常和朋友一起踢足球, 觉得很放松 
电话 579﹣2017 

注意:1. 短文须包括所有提示内容, 可适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;
3. 词数50左右.

Hello!Everyone!I'm Li Fang. This is___________.
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