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1.China in Classic Books (《典籍里的中国》) is good for students. We can watch it on .
  • A. UFO
  • B. CCTV
  • C. NBA
2.—Look! What's under the bookcase?
—Er... I see ID card.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
3.Where's my bike? Someone takes my bike. Please call .
  • A. 110
  • B. 119
  • C. 120
4.—Lucy, is this your Chinese book?
—No, Helen's name is on it. It must be .
  • A. she
  • B. her
  • C. hers
5.Look at the ! Shanxi is here.
  • A. map
  • B. ring
  • C. box
6.My cousin and I in the park. We come here with our grandparents.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. are
7.—Do you see my watch, Linda?
—Yes, it's on Alice's desk. Go and her for it.
  • A. thank
  • B. ask
  • C. have
8.We must have a health QR code (健康码) if we want to take a plane in China.
  • A. red
  • B. yellow
  • C. green
9.—Ms. Lee is a very nice teacher. She always cares about (关心) us.
—Yes, we must always thank our teachers helping us at school.
  • A. about
  • B. for
  • C. of
10.— ______ is the girl?
— The girl under the tree? She is my cousin, Mandy.
  • A. Who
  • B. What
  • C. Where
11.(It's 7:00 am. It's time for Dale to go to school. )
Dad: Come on, Dale. It's late.
Dale: Dad, I can't find my key to my bike.
Dad: (1)      
Dale: No, it isn't. And it's not on the table.
Dad: Let me have a look. (2)      
Dale: Thanks, Dad. Err... (3)      
Dad: The black one?
Dale: (4)      
Dad: Oh, it's on the chair. Is that green ruler yours?
Dale: No, Dad. (5)      
Dad: Dale, you can't put your things everywhere.
Dale: OK, Dad.

A. No, the blue one.
B. What color is it?
C. Is it on your bed?
D. Where is my jacket?
E. It's my brother Alan's.
F. It's on your tape player.
G. Are they in the bookcase? 
12.  Paul is my good friend. This is his (1)        . It's small, but it's always (2)        . His bed is in the middle of the room. And a yellow quilt is (3)        the bed. Paul loves yellow. Look! The bookcase is (4)        , too. In it, you can see some books. A black computer is on the table, (5)        it's not Paul's. It's his father's. (6)        is that next to the computer? It's a photo of his family. There are (7)        people in it, his parents, his sister and him. Where is (8)        phone? Oh, he lost it. Do you (9)        it? If you do, please e-mail him (10)        PAUL3456@126.com. Thanks a lot.
13.  Hello, boys and girls. I'm Eric. I am a student in No. 32 Middle School. I have many friends at school.
  These are my grandparents, Leo and Lily. My grandpa is 75 years old, and my grandma is 74 years old.
  Mike and Jenny are my parents. My father is a doctor and my mother is an English teacher in No. 112 Middle School. They are very busy every day.
  Nancy is my sister. She is a middle school student, too. Jenny is her teacher. She likes English and Chinese.
  This is my little brother, Kevin. He is only three years old. He likes model planes. He always plays with Leo.
14.  Peter is making a snowman (雪人). He wants the snowman to look nice.
  He needs two black erasers. They can be the eyes of the snowman. Peter has a black eraser. It's on his desk. His sister, Lisa, has a black eraser, too. It is in her pencil box.
  It's good for the snowman to have a hat. Mom has a red hat. Dad has a black hat. They are in their room. Peter's hat is yellow. It is on the sofa. Peter thinks the snowman looks good in a red hat.
  Peter finds an orange, a cup and a key. What can be the nose of the snowman?
  He thinks the key is OK.
  • A. plane
  • B. tape
  • C. last
  • A. set
  • B. pen
  • C. me
  • A. nice
  • B. six
  • C. mine
  • A. those
  • B. lost
  • C. clock
  • A. uncle
  • B. ruler
  • C. number
20.—Who is that little girl?
—She is my      .
21.—Where is the baseball?
—Look, it is on the      .
22.—Do you find your watch?
—Yes, I found it in the      .
23.—What's that?
—It's a      .
24.—What's your      name?
—It's Gina.
25.in, quilt, a, is, English, it (.)
26.not, my, tidy, room, is, sister's (. )
27.number, his, telephone, 762-6524, is (. )
28.family, are, my, here, photos, of, two (.)
29.room, the, my, in, chair, grandparents', is (.)
30.假如你是 Luke, 你的书包丢了, 请参考图片信息用英语写一则寻物启事.

1. 40 词左右, 可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名或联系方式.
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