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Lost: My gloves (手套)
They are red and white. I lost them in the morning in the park. My name is Jane Smith.
My telephone number is 4335-9654. 
Lost: My schoolbag
It is purple. There is an eraser, three books and a purse in it. I lost it on the way to school. My name is Cindy.
Email me at cindygreen@ 126. com. 
Found : A box of crayons
I found a box of crayons on the playground this afternoon . Is it yours? Now, it is in the lost and found office.
Found: A T-shirt
Is this T-shirt yours? It is blue. There is a picture of two ducks on it .
Please call me at 6965-7743 or e-mail me at kelly0790@163. com. 
2.  I have a brother and his name is Jimmy. This is Jimmy's bedroom. What a mess! His things are everywhere. You can see his schoolbag under the chair. You can see his tape player on the chair. Where are his tapes? Look! They are over there, on the bed. Jimmy often listens to his tapes in bed.
  Jimmy has some books and magazines (杂志). You can see them in the bookcase. In the bookcase, you can also see a white model plane. It's very large and beautiful. What's next to the model plane?Let's have a look!Oh, it's a hamburger. Jimmy often puts his food in the bookcase.
3.  Hello! My name is Sha Junliang. Nice to meet you!I'm six and I'm from China. (1)      I'm in the first picture. Look! My T-shirt is white and blue.
  (2)       My father, Sha Yi, is in the middle. He's in a blue jacket. My father is an actor (演员). (3)      My mother's name is Hu Ke. She's a good actress. The boy in a red jacket is my brother Sha Junbo. (4)      All my family can sing (唱歌). (5)       I have a happy family 一 we love each other (彼此) very much.
A. We often sing on CCTV.
B. He's nine.
C. He is nice and has many friends.
D. In the next picture are my father, mother and brother.
E. Here are two pictures of me and my family. 

4.  It is 7:55 and Tina is in her classroom. "Oh, (1)_____! Where is my pencil box? It must be in my room," Tina thinks. Her pencils, erasers and ruler are in it. (2)_____ can she do?
  Tina goes to ask her friend Mona (3)_____ a pencil. She says, "Mona, I can't (4)_____ my pencil box. Can I use your pencil?"
  "Oh, Tina. I have only (5)_____ pencil(s). But I have two erasers. Here's one." says Mona.
  Mike (6)_____ Tina and says, "I have two pencils. You can use (7)_____."
  "Tina, do you need (需要) a(n) (8)_____? I have two." Diana says.
  Now Tina has a pencil, an eraser and a ruler. "Thank you for (9)_____ me," she says to Mona, Mike and Diana. "It's (10)_____ to have you here."
  You see? It's always good to have friends.
with, think, color, for, key, she, be, on, library, call 

  Good morning, boys and girls. My name (1)       Judith Miller. You can (2)      me Judy. I'm a nice girl. White and blue are my favorite (3)      . I like tennis and ping﹣pong. I often play them (4)      my classmates after school.
  Now, I'm in the school (5)      . I like reading. I come here to read books every afternoon. Oh, what's that (6)      the desk?It's a set of (7)      . Who lost them?I (8)      they're Sally's. Oh, no, they are Gina's. (9)      name is on one of the keys.
  She can ask me (10)       it. If you meet Gina, please tell her. My telephone number is 208﹣6735.
6.  Hello, I am Alan. This is my room. It's very tidy. It's my desk. Two books are on it. One is my English book, (1)      the other (另一个) is my math book. You can see some plants on the desk. They are green. My pencil box is also on the desk. A pen and a ruler (2)      in it. The pen is black. The ruler is purple. (3)       is my bag?Look, it's under the desk. Is my watch under the desk, too? No, (4)       isn't. The desk has a drawer (抽屉) . It is (5)       the drawer.
  • A. map
  • B. that
  • C. apple
  • D. ask
  • A. nice
  • B. in
  • C. middle
  • D. this
  • A. hello
  • B. seven
  • C. egg
  • D. bed
  • A. no
  • B. notebook
  • C. not
  • D. OK
  • A. cup
  • B. bus
  • C. uncle
  • D. excuse
12.Is this her quilt ? (同义句)
Is this       ?
13.Those are orange oranges. (复数变单数)
      is       orange.
14.My father's phone number is 123-9738. (对划线部分提问)
      your       phone number?
15.see, a, can, model, on, I, the, plane, table (连词成句)
16.Coco 是我狗的名字.(汉译英)
17.A: Good afternoon.
B: (1)      .
A: I know you have a new watch. Can I have a look at it?
B: Oh, sorry, I lost it.
A: Let me help you find it. (2)      ?
B: No, it isn't in the classroom. I lost it in the school library.
A: (3)      ?
B: It is black.
A: (4)      ?
B: It's 81223456.
A: Oh, I see. I'll call you if I find it.
B: Thank you.
A: (5)      .
18.新的学期开始了, 假如你是 Mike , 请向你的同学介绍一下你的家庭和你的房间吧!
1. 语言流畅、内容充实.不能出现真实人名和学校名称.
2. 不少于 60 词.
My Family and My Room
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