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1.  There are many rules for us. Let' look at the rules Cindy has to follow:
Family Rules (1)Get up at 6:00 a. m. and go to bed by 10:00 p. m.
(2)Don't talk loudly (大声地) in the room.
(3)Clean your room every day.
(4)Wash your skirts and T-shirts by yourself.
(5)Meet friends after you do your homework. 
________ Rules (1)Come into the room with clean shoes.
(2)Don't eat or drink in the room.
(3)Don't talk loudly in the room.
(4)Open the computers right and turn off them after class. 

2.  If you want to join a club, then what kind of club do you want to join? Do you want to help others when you have time?If your answer is yes, join us to be a volunteer (志愿者).
  We have a volunteer club and give volunteer jobs to anyone who wants to help. Anyone from twelve-year- old children to people in their seventies can become (成为) a volunteer of our club.
  You can help people in many ways. Schools in the village need help with teaching the children. Hospitals (医院) need volunteers to cheer up the children who are ill( 生病的) or take care of (照顾) them when their parents are away. Animal lovers can help take care of those dogs and cats in the street(街道). There is something for everyone.
  "As a volunteer, I don't want to get anything. When I see the children's happy faces, I'm happy, too." says an old woman of sixty-two.
  If everyone helps out a bit, we'll have a better world.
  Are you interested in our club?Call us at 8779 -6652. Or visit our website :www. action﹣now. com.
3.  Sally lives with his father Mr. Frank. Mr. Frank is 80 years old. Sally likes to be at home but her father doesn't like it. Going out is his favorite. His daughter Sally doesn't want him to do so, because he often forgets his way home.
  One evening, Mr. Frank goes to see the movie by himself because Sally is working in the hospital. The movie begins(开始) at 8:00 and it is over at 10:00. When Mr. Frank wants to go home, he can't find his wallet(钱包). All his money(钱) is in it. There is no bus at that time and he has no money to go home. He also forgets the way home.
  Guess what he does?He asks a kind man to call 120. After he gets on the ambulance(救护车), he tells the doctor, "Sorry, only my daughter, Sally, knows what's wrong with me. She is working in your hospital. Please help me.
4.  There is a middle school student, Jenny. She lives in a big city. (1)       It is easy for her to do some shopping. And she likes eating different kinds of nice food. She can take the subway or a bus to school. (2)       There are a lot of trains coming and going every day. It's very noisy. Jenny loves sports very much. (3)      She can often do some sports there.
  Jenny's grandparents don't live with Jenny. (4)       They think living in the city is too busy and there is too much traffic (交通). Jenny misses them very much. (5)       When her grandparents see her, they are very glad. And Jenny likes the village, because she can relax herself there.
根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填人文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺.内容完整.
A. Her home is close to ( 靠近) the railway station.
B. She sees them twice a month.
C. There are many nice shops in the city.
D. They live in the village.
E. She wants to live where close to a gym (体育馆). 
5.  There are seven days in a week. Some days are people's favourite (1)      some are not. Different people like different days. In China, Monday is the first day of a week. But in(2)      United States, the first day of a week is Sunday. It's the beginning(开头) of a week. It is the day between Saturday and(3)      . People don't go to work and students(4)      go to school on Sunday in the USA. So most people like(5)      .
  Monday comes after Sunday. People often(6)      it the blue day because they need to work on Monday. Students go to(7)      on Monday, too. (8)      Monday to Friday are the weekdays. They are also working days. And Friday is the day(9)      Saturday. Friday is the most popular (最受欢迎的) day of the(10)      days because it is the last day of weekdays. People needn't get up(11)      the next day. Saturday is the(12)      day of a week. Saturday is the best day for parties in America because it is a(13)      day from work. Students don't go to school(14)      that day, either. They usually get up late on Saturday morning and do outdoor sports or do some(15)      with friends. So it's a happy day for them.
but, they, either, follow, be, lose, book, take, or, read 

  Our school has a nice school library. You can enjoy yourself in it. There are many kinds of (1)      in the library. They are about English, science, history, music and so on. You can read in it or borrow books from it. But there (2)      some rules. You must(3)      them.
  When you are (4)      in the library, you have to keep quiet. Don't talk loudly or make any noise. You can't listen to music, (5)      . You can't (6)      your bags and wet umbrellas into the library. Don't eat food (7)      drink in the library. You can borrow books from the library, (8)      you can't lend (借出) (9)       to other people. You have to take good care of the books and return them on time. If the library books are(10)      , you have to pay(付钱) for them.
7.  Alice is a nice girl. She has a sister Jane and a little brother John. Alice has many dreams. One of them is to be the best dancer because she is good(1)      dancing very much. But(2)      isn't easy to dance well. So she does exercise for three hours every day. You can't find her between 5 p. m. (3)      8 p. m.
  Jane joins a chess club. She plays chess very well so many good chess players like playing chess with(4)      . Sometimes she plays on the computer. She wants to be the best chess player when she grows up. As for John, his dream is just to be healthy. I hope all of their dreams can(5)      true.
8.A:Hello, is that Frank?
B:Yes. (1)      . Long time no see.
A:Oh, hi, Frank. It's Paul here. The weather (天气) is good. (2)      ?
B:I am just studying for an English test. What about you?
A:I am watching TV, but it's boring. (3)      ?
B:That sounds great. Zhengzhou Zoo is a very interesting place. (4)      ?
A:It takes us about twenty minutes. Well, let's meet at 10:00 at my home, OK?
B:OK! (5)      .
9.假设你是Li Mei, 给你的新笔友Jane写信介绍一下你自己。
1. 你叫Li Mei, 今年13岁, 来自中国;
2. 你喜欢踢足球和弹钢琴, 钢琴弹得很好, 擅长英语;
3. 你通常6:30起床, 7:30骑自行车去学校, 你家离学校大概有3000米, 一般要花15分钟;
4. 你非常喜欢狗, 并说明原因;
5. 你在学校要遵守什么纪律(至少两点)。
1. 文章要包括全部要点, 但不要逐句翻译;
2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名和地名;
3. 60词左右。
Dear Jane,
Li Mei
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