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Day 1
Let's get together at our hotel at 3:00 p. m. Then we'll go to the Pantheon. On the way, you'll be amazed at Rome's efficient(高效率的) subway system. We'll enjoy the city's beautiful evening there. Our day will end with a"Welcome to Rome" dinner. 
Day 2
After our breakfast, we'll ride the subway back to ancient Rome. We'll reach the Basilica of Saint Clement ﹣ a 12th ﹣ century church. Then we'll have a great tour and know many interesting tales. Then we'll tour the Roman Forum. You'll be free to wander(漫步) through the Palatine Hill nearby, or climb to the top of the Altare della Patria to enjoy the city view in the rest of the day. 
Day 3
We'll take a guided tour of the Vatican Museums, where we will see an endless collection of treasures as we make our way to one of the world's most famous works of art:Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. 
Day 4
We'll begin with a tour of beauty in the Borghese Gallery. There are many works of art by Gian Lorenzo Bemini, Antonio Canova, Titian and Raphael. You are free to relax in the park or do some shopping in the afternoon. In the evening, we'll have dinner together to share travel memories. 
Day 5
Breakfast is provided, but there are no group activities today. It's easy to reach Rome's airport by taxi or train. Your guide will help you with any post ﹣ tour planning, leaving you well prepared for the road ahead. 
2.  My seventh grade English teacher was named Mr. Forest. He had dark hair and a bushy beard. All of the students like him because he liked to tell stories to us in class. Well, we all liked him until he returned our graded homework.
  When he gave back my paper, it looked like it was covered in blood. He had checked everything and made marks with a red pen. There were so many marks that you couldn't even tell what I had written. Mr. Forest wanted me to fix everything!
  At that time, I was sure Mr. Forest didn't understand anything about being fun this seventh grade. Why was he so strict with us?It didn't seem fair!When I got older, I realized I was getting fewer and fewer of those red marks in my homework.
  Now I am a teacher and I put red marks of my own on students' papers. Maybe I don't understand their problems, but I do it so that my students can be the best.
  Learning is like building a house. If you don't have strong bricks on the bottom, the house will never stand. If Mr. Forest hadn't been so strict with me with his red pen. I wouldn't be who I am today.
3.  Do you think you are living a happy life?What usually makes you feel happy?
  Linda and Kate both live an average life. They have an average house, an average job and an average family. There is really nothing special about their lives, but there is also nothing really negative about their lives.
  However, when they are both happy, it always seems that Linda is happier than Kate. It looks like nothing can trouble Linda. She is the life of the party and always has a big smile on her face.
  Kate can't stop thinking about this. How is Linda so happy when they both lead such similar lives?They go to the same stores, watch the same movies, even have similar schedules!How can Linda be so carefree(无忧无虑的)when life is so stressful?
  Between one's daily life and personal dreams, there is no way one can be so happy and stress﹣free all the time. There are always a million things going on.
  But when Kate asks Linda about this. Linda says, "I just take life as it comes. It seems pretty easy then. "
  So what is the difference between these two friends?How is it that Linda's life seems so much better most of the time?
  The problem with Kate is that she spreads herself too thin. Not physically(身体上), but in her own head. While she tries to do everything at once and think about everything at once. Linda takes everything one step at a time. She is where she is, stays present in the moment and allows herself to focus on just one thing a time.
  When you live each moment to its fullest, when you deal with where you are and are present in the now, most of your stress will go away.
4.  Everyone who loves looking up at the night sky knows one thing:to see the most stars get away from the city, In cities, artificial(人造的)light comes from streetlamps, buildings, signs and cars. (1)      .
  The earth appears to shine if it is seen from space. (2)      All the lights create a kind of orange cloud that keeps us from seeing the stars.
  Jim Dougherty is the president of the International Dark﹣Sky Association. (3)      "Light pollution is outdoor lighting that's not serving the task that it's designed for. "
  Jim Dougherty thinks too much light is bad for our health. (4)       He thinks light pollution is also bad for the planet. He is fighting for darker skies. He and others want to turn down the lights in the city. They believe a darker night sky is good for the health of people and our planet. "There's a direct connection between the harmful lighting and the next generation. (5)      We are worried about climate change. We are just putting carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)up there. If we are burning natural gas or coal, we're causing global warming by sending light straight up into the sky.
  What is the night sky like where you live?Are you lucky enough to see the stars?Or do you live in a city that has lots of light pollution?

A. What astronauts see as they circle the planet are the lights from our cities.
B. Studies find too much light influences our sleep and is linked to some cancers.
C. And it's also a big climate problem.
D. He thinks the orange cloud is light pollution.
E. All the man-made light prevents you from seeing the stars.
F. But how much light is too much? 

5.  How are you getting on with your subjects?Maybe you are the(1)      in your class. In the last few exams one or two even several of your classmates(2)      higher marks than you. How do you feel?Are you jealous(嫉妒)of them?Are you(3)      them?Please think it over after reading the following text. You will probably learn a lot.
  Once a zoologist(4)      antelopes which were living on both sides of a river in the Public of South Africa. He discovered that the antelopes on the east side multiplied(繁殖)more and ran faster than(5)      on the west.
  The zoologist puzzled after long pondering(深思)about the differences. As the two groups of antelopes lived in the same environment and they(6)      the same kind of grass.
  One year, (7)      the help of the Animal Protecting Society, he caught ten antelopes on each side and exchanged them. A year later, the ten antelopes(8)      to the west bank multiplied by fourteen while only three remained of the ones sent to the east. Where were the other seven?They had been eaten by wolves!
  At last the zoologist understood why the antelopes on the east were stronger. That was because on the east side there(9)      a group of wolves﹣their natural enemy!
  Not everything is plain sailing(一帆风顺)in your life. It is your opponents(对手)that(10)      you indeed. So thanks must go to your opponents. It's true!

6.  You might have seen Guo Qillin a lot these days. The 24﹣year﹣old actor and comedian has appeared on at least nine(1)      (real)shows this year.
  However, viewers are not yet fed up with seeing Guo. Instead, they like him. (2)      (compare)with many young performers who try to show their individual(个人的)personalities, Guo seems(3)      (much)traditional. He is humble(谦逊的), polite and humorous;he respects his elders;he reminds people to watch their step;and he answers hard questions (4)      (easy).
  As the son of famous crosstalk performer Guo Degang, Guo's childhood was not ordinary(平常的). He started to learn the art of storytelling(5)      he was 8. At the age of 14, Guo dropped(6)      of school to become a professional crosstalk performer. For years, he spent all of his time (7)      (study)crosstalk. "I'd better focus on one thing if I want to achieve something, "he said later.
  His father was a harsh(严厉的)teacher and rarely praised him. Guo Degang once said:"I don't want Guo Qilin to think he is better than anyone else just (8)      he is my son. ""I was taught not to talk about how hard I've been working, "Guo said in an interview. "The audience only judges you based on your work and performance. "
  Last year, Guo earned praise(9)      his performance on the show Joy of Life(《庆余年》), in which he played a good﹣for﹣nothing young man who grows into a(10)      (succeed)businessman. Guo said many people still just think of him as the son of Guo Degang. "I hope one day I can have the ability to prove who I really am. "he added.
7.The film Spider﹣Man is full of       (可信的), interesting characters.
8.The concert was sold out, and in any case, most of the people gathered in the square could not       (买得起)the price of a ticket.
9.You ought to be ashamed of your foolish       (行为).
10.       (最后), I would like to thank my parents for all their support.
11.Trump's attitude toward the epidemic(疫情)has       (使失望)people around the world.
12.但不管结果怎样, 不用对自己要求太苛刻.
But whatever it was, don't be too        yourself.
Cherish every day. Life is        of the       .
14.世界各地的环境保护组织, 都在教育公众有关"猎翅"的行为.
       groups around the world are teaching the public about"finning".
Not getting enough sleep        serious       on our brain's ability to work.
16.只要全世界人民团结一致, 我们就会赢得抗击肺炎疫情的胜利.
If the people of the world continue to        , we will win the battle against the COVID﹣19.
17.  When does the Moon rise at night?
  Each night the Moon rises at a different time. The time changes because both the Moon and the Earth are always moving.
  Why does the Moon change its shape?
  The Moon looks different at different times of the month, but the Moon does not change its shape. It is always the same. As the Moon moves around the Earth, we can see only part of the Moon that receives light from the Sun. This is why sometimes we see all of the Moon, and sometimes we see only part of the Moon. These different shapes are called the phases(盈亏)of the Moon.
  Where does the Moon go when we cannot see it?
  The Moon orbits the Earth. (3)      It takes the Moon about one month to move all the way around the Earth.
  What is the weather like on the Moon?
  It can get very cold and very hot. When the Moon faces the Sun, the Moon becomes very hot. When the Moon turns away from the Sun, it becomes very cold. It is never windy or rainy on the Moon.

18.光阴似箭, 日月如梭.四年的初中生活即将结束, 在四年的时间里, 你们学校的某节课一定给你留下了深刻的印象.请以"An unforgettable lesson"为题, 描述一下这节课, 并说明原因.
要求:1. 词数100词左右, 可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现个人真实姓名和学校.
An unforgettable lesson
期末试卷 最新试卷 山东试卷 烟台市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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