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1.阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
  It was a warm Saturday afternoon. Our (1)       went out to buy some gifts for my grandma, because it was her 65th (2)       the next day. Only my brother and I were at (3)      . It was about two o'clock in the afternoon. I was doing my homework and my brother was watching TV. Then we (4)       someone calling.
  My brother and I ran to the door thinking that our parents came home. (5)      , there was a tall man with a pair of glasses. He said that he was a salesman(推销员) and asked if (是否) our mother or father was at home.
  My brother said, " No." I wanted to (6)       the door. Just at that time, the tall man walked into our house quickly. Then he took out a knife (小刀) and made us take out all the (7)       things.
  He also said if we wanted to run away, he would kill us. My brother and I were (8)      . But later, I said OK and went into the bedroom to find some expensive things for him. The man was (9)       happy that he sat down and started to drink tea at table.
  When I walked into the bedroom, I called the police quietly and told them our danger. The police (10)       our house soon.
  They found that man was a wanted criminal (逃犯) in the end.
2.  Mr. Smith is a worker. He is a short-sighted (近视的) man but he doesn't wear glasses after work, because he thinks it is not cool to wear glasses.
  It is Saturday and it is fine today. Mr. Black likes sunny days and he wants to take a walk. After breakfast, Mr. Smith puts on his black hat, takes his yellow bag and then goes out of his house. Mr. Smith walks on the street. He walks very slowly, looking at the busy people, the running cars and the green trees. The sun is shining and the birds are singing in the tree. Mr. Black feels very happy.
  Suddenly, a strong wind blows away his hat.
  Oh, my hat!" Mr. Black begins to run after it. He runs and the hat Tuns", too. Mr. Smith•feels surprised. Then an old man shouts to him from a window.
  "Hey!What are you doing, Mr. Smith?"
  "Running after my hat!"
  "Your hat? You are running after my black cat!"
3.  Here are some of John's diaries (日记).
Friday April 11th
Sunny and hotIt's fine today. My friends and I had some bread for breakfast. Then we went to Tian'anmen Square in the morning. It's great!In the afternoon, we went swimming. I taught some children how to swim. It was interesting. 
Saturday April 12th
CloudyIt's cool today. We went to the Great Wall. It's very long and great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. So we ate a lot for dinner. I ate a large bowl of noodles and some chicken. The food was good. 
Sunday April 13th
Rainy and coolIt's rainy today, so we stayed at the hotel. At noon I ate two hamburgers and some vegetables for lunch. After lunch, we watched a movie on TV. It was boring. 
4.  What would people like to eat all over the world?The answers may be different indifferent countries. Let me tell you something about it.
  In China, many people like eating dumplings. People usually have dumplings on festivals and weekends. On the Spring Festival, Chinese people like to stay at home and make and enjoy dumplings together at about 7 o'clock in the evening. Sometimes they like to put coins in the dumplings. Everyone wants to find the coins for good luck.
  In the UK, people like to eat fish and chips. It is the traditional food like dumplings or zongzi in China. They buy it and eat it in fish and chip shops on the street. Sometimes they also take it away and eat it with fingers! They also like to have afternoon tea. It is not just a drink but a light meal at about 4. o'clock in the afternoon. They usually eat sandwiches and a big fruit cake.
  In Japan, many people like eating many kinds of fish and sushi. It is yummy (美味的) and healthy. They also like eating long noodles on their birthday. The meaning of eating noodles is the same as that in China. They are a symbol of long life.
5.  Hello! I'm Joe and I come from New York, the USA. Now I'm on vacation in China. I'm having a great time.
  Four days ago, I came to Sanya after 14 hours on the train. I found a three-star hotel with a swimming pool on the beach. It was very cheap — only 150 yuan a night, including (包含) breakfast! l could see and hear the sea (海) from my room.
  Sanya is beautiful!The beach is clean and the water is really warm. Yesterday morning, I slept in the sun and swam in the sea. I learned . to swim when I was two years old. I can swim very well. At noon, I ate in a small restaurant on the beach. The food was excellent. After lunch, I drove a motorcycle (摩托车) on the beach. I met some really nice people from London. Then we played beach volleyball. And we had dinner on the beach. At dinner time, two of them played their guitars. We danced and sang.
  I planned (打算) to stay in Sanya for only thee days, but 1 am still here. I don't want to leave!And I will stay two more days and then go to Beijing.
6.Nancy: Hi, Bob! Nice to see you again.
Bob:H i, Nancy! (1)      
Nancy: My weekend was great.
Bob: (2)      
Nancy: I went to the Huashan Mountain.
Bob: (3)      
Nancy: I took a bus there. And what did you do?
Bob: (4)      
Nancy: Why did you clean your house?
Bob: I had a birthday party. So my house was very dirty.
Nancy: (5)      
Bob: Yes, I did. But I was a little tired (疲劳的) after the party.

A:How did you spend your weekend?
B. Did you have a good time at the party?
C. I cleaned my house.
D. How did you go there?
E. How was your weekend? 
7.Can you help me with these math p      ?
8.I can't follow you, Tom. Please say it       /əˈɡen/.
9.I need to buy a new bike, but I have no m       .
10.The dog likes walking       /əˈraʊnd/ the street.
11.How do you       /dis'kraib / your English teacher?
12.Today there are three       /ˈspɛʃəlz/ in our restaurant.
13.It's too d      in the room. I can't see anything.
14.Last year, they       /gru:/lots of trees along the road.
15.It's cloudy tonight, so we can't see the m        in the sky.
16.      /mais/ are very scared when they meet cats.
17.根据短文内容, 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空, 使文章通顺、完整.(每词限用一次)
he, make, if, different, remember, buy, out, size, special, early 

  Uncle Rick is my father's good friend. He is a good man. He has a cake shop and he is good at making (1)       kinds of birthday cakes, And there are three (2)      of cakes in the store- large, medium and small. Every day, he (3)      birthday cakes in the shop. His cakes are delicious and at very good prices. Many people come to(4)      his cakes every day. He also makes friends with lots of customers (顾客).
  They all like (5)      very much.
  Today, Uncle Rick wants to go home (6)      , but many of his old customers come in. Rick smiles to them, I'm sorry. It is late today. (7)       you need cakes, please come tomorrow. "One of them takes a nice cake (8)      and says to him, You make so many great cakes for us. On this (9)       day, this birthday cake is for you. Happy birthday, Rick" It is really a big surprise for Rick. He doesn't (10)      his birthday at all. Then he makes a wish and eats the cake with these customers.
18.阅读下面的短文, 并根据文章后的要求答题.
  Many year ago people didn't know where Chongqing is. But now, Chongqing is becoming a "hot" city on the Internet and many people are visiting it these days.
  Hongyadong is a really wonderful place. Many people come here to enjoy its beautiful lights (灯光) in the evening. But some of the people in Chongqing feel not so happy after it is "hot", because there are too many cars on the road and it's rally hard for them to get home early right now!
  Liziba Station is an attractive (有吸引力的) place. A subway goes under the ground, but the subway in Chongqing is kind of "naughty" (调皮), it goes through the middle of the building. So people from other places always think it's surprising.
  Danzishi is also a place you can't miss, because you can take the most exciting cable (缆索) car here. It' goes from one side (河岸) of the river to the other side, but it is hundreds of meters high from the river. (4)If you are not afraid of high places, remember to have a try!
  Are you ready for a special trip to Chongqing? Warm welcome!
21.在中国, 在他们生日许愿日渐流行。
1. 对其到来表示欢迎,介绍肥城七月的天气、你的相貌特征 (便于让他认出你)。
2. 向他介绍一下你和朋友们上周末的郊游活动内容(至少两项);午餐地点及吃到的美食;你对这次乡村旅行的感受并向Steve发出郊游邀请。
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