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  • A. climbed
  • B. finished
  • C. studied
  • A. swam
  • B. gave
  • C. came
  • A. wrote
  • B. won
  • C. become
  • A. lesson
  • B. person
  • C. season
  • A. bowl
  • B. cow
  • C. blow
6.I was so tired that I went to sleep early.
  • A. 形容词
  • B. 副词
  • C. 名词
7.He farmed in Dongbei two years ago.
  • A. 动词
  • B. 形容词
  • C. 名词
8.I'd like to eat pancakes.
  • A. 定语
  • B. 主语
  • C. 宾语
9.What does your friend look like?
  • A. 定语
  • B. 主语
  • C. 宾语
10.We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger.
  • A. 状语
  • B. 表语
  • C. 宾语
11.It tasted great because she was hungry.
  • A. 表语
  • B. 宾语
  • C. 状语
12.Because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything.
  • A. 表语
  • B. 宾语
  • C. 状语
13.I bought some lovely gifts for my parents when I went to a gift shop.
  • A. 状语
  • B. 定语
  • C. 宾语
14.Does Sally have long or short hair?
  • A. 选择疑问句
  • B. 一般疑问句
  • C. 特殊疑问句
15.Can you tell me what your last school trip was like?
  • A. 时间状语从句
  • B. 宾语从句
  • C. 原因状语从句
16.  We almost hear or watch the weather report on the radio or TV every day. But there is a special (1)       in the Charles F. Johnson Elementary School in New York. It gives people warnings (警报) about (2)       weather.
  One day, there came a (3)       from the radio. This sound brought the piece of news: (4)       storm (暴风雨) was coming. William Tomic, the headmaster of the school, asked teachers (5)       children indoors and put them in a (6)       place at once.
  A few minutes later, the storm came. However, (7)       the warning of the radio and quick work of the headmaster, no one was hurt.
  "The radio really did work very well. We were (8)       about its work," William Tomic said, "The parents were happy, too."
  (9)       government hopes there will be more such successful stories. It plans to give this kind of radios to all 97,000 public schools in the country.
  Every year, more than 10,000 thunderstorms, 2,500 floods, 1,000 tornadoes (龙卷风) and some hurricanes take place in the US, so the warning radios are very (10)      . They not only give people warnings about bad weather, but also give warnings about other dangerous things.
17. Frank is from Korea. He went to England last month. One day, he walked into a small restaurant for dinner. He wanted to eat eggs, but he didn't know how to say them in English. He looked around, and saw a lady eating eggs. So he pointed to the eggs on the lady's table. The waiter knew what he would like. After some time, he brought eggs to Peter. Then Peter wanted to eat mushrooms, but nobody ate mushrooms in the restaurant. He took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom on the menu (菜单). The waiter saw the picture and then went away. After some time, he got back. He didn't bring mushrooms to Peter, but he gave him a black umbrella.
18.阅读短文, 根据短文内容选择最佳答案.请将答案对应题号填涂到答题纸选择区域内.
Saturday, September 8th
What an exciting weekend I had! We had a basketball game with the team Center City. The players in that team are all tall and strong. They thought they could beat (战胜) us. But we played well. At last we won the game, 85:82
Saturday, September 15th
My weekend was not very exciting. My friend Dale phoned me to go to the beach this morning. But it started to rain after breakfast. So I just stayed at home and watched the boring TV show at home.
Sunday, September 23rd
I had a busy Sunday. In the morning. I went to the art club to learn to draw for two hours. Then I cleaned the rooms. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner with my mother to celebrate my father's birthday. In the evening, my parents and I went to see a movie.
Sunday, September 23rd
I thought my weekend was terrible. Yesterday was my good friend, Leo's birthday. I forgot it, so I didn't buy him a present. He called me and invited me to his home. When I got there, I found there was a birthday party. All of his friends gave him presents except me. Leo said it was OK, but I really felt bad.
19.阅读短文,判断正误。正确涂A, 错误涂。请将答案对应题号填涂到答题纸选择区域内。
The following people are in different cities. They are doing different things now.
Name City Weather Doing 
Jenny Moscow  Having a meal 
Tom New York  Reading 
Mandy London  Listening to music 
Zhang Li Shenyang  Watching TV 
Wu Tong Jinan  Flying a kite 
Li Lin Beijing  Playing the piano 
20.A: Tom, you're back! How was your vacation?
B: It was so much fun.
A: I heard you went to Australia. Tell us something about Australia, Tom.
B: It is a beautiful country! (1)      
A: You're right. April is part of the tourist season (旅游季节)! What cities did you go to?
B: I stayed in Sydney for ten days and Canberra (堪培拉) for seven days.
A: Canberra? (2)      
B: No, Sydney is. Canberra is the capital (首都) of Australia.
A: (3)      
B: I visited the Sydney Opera House in Sydney and the National Gallery (美术馆) of Australia in Canberra.
A: Wonderful! (4)      
B: Yes, it was very good. The hotel was also cheap!
A: (5)      ?
B: No one. I went there by myself. I think I had a great time!

A. Did you go with your parents?
B. Was your hotel nice?
C. Who did you go with?
D. Is it the largest city of Australia?
E. How did you like it?
F. But it's very crowded at this time of the year.
G. What places did you visit? 
21.The Rules for Page Hot Spring (温泉)
In order that you can enjoy your visit, please read the following: 
☆Don't run around because the floors are wet and it's easy to fall down.
☆Please don't smoke in the area.
☆To keep the area clean, please go to the certain place to eat and drink.
☆You'd better keep your own things in the case (寄物箱) so that you won't lose them.
☆Don't bring anything easily broken to the area, or it may hurt you when you fall.
☆Don't leave your children alone in the area because they need your care at any time.
☆Don't get into the pool after drinking wine or beer.
Don't put your head under the hot water for too long, for it may be bad for your health.
☆Get out of the pool quickly as soon as you feel uncomfortable.
☆Don't stay in the sun for a long time. 
22.English and Japanese are two different       /'læŋgwɪdʒɪz/.
23.What       /sə'praɪzd/ me most was that he was late today.
24.There are two       /mju:'ziəmz/ in our hometown.
25.We had a wonderful party and       /lɑːft/ a lot.
26.Mary has       /'streɪt/ black long hair.
27.Last week our family went for a holiday and we went       /'kæmpɪŋ/ in a forest.
28.Jack's father is of medium       /haɪt/.
29.The film was so boring that I'm not       /'ɪntrəstɪd/ in it and felt sleepy.
30.  Michelle danced well, but she was afraid of dancing in front of others.
  "My birthday (1)      (come) tomorrow. Everyone will laugh at me if I can't dance well," she said to herself. She went to Daisy for help.
  "Daisy, how can you dance so well?'' asked Michelle.
  "My father (2)      (make) a pair of magic (有魔力的) dancing shoes for me. Look! Here (3)      (be) the pair of shoes," said Daisy.
  "Would you like (4)      (借出) the shoes to me? I want to wear them to dance at my birthday party."
  "Of course," said Daisy, taking off the pair of magic shoes. And then she handed them to Michelle.
  Daisy went back home and (5)      (tell) her father about this.
  "Oh, dear. That's not true. I'm sorry. I told a lie. Your shoes are not magic. They are just ordinary shoes."
  The next day, Michelle and Daisy (6)      (meet) on the way. Just before Michelle said her thanks, Daisy said sorry to her friend first.
  "Dear Michelle, I'm so sorry. The shoes are not magic. My father can't (7)      (make) magic shoes at all." said Daisy.
  "But I think they really are! They give me so much confidence. I danced so well at my party with my feet in them. Thank you for your magic shoes, Daisy!"
A. left school B. took them C. reached D. before E. the others
F. exciting G. so far from H. wild animals 

  Martin and Denise went to the zoo last week. They went there with their friends at school. Their teacher, Miss. Sullivan, (1)       there by school bus. There were thirty-nine students in all on the trip. Fifteen of them were boys and (2)       were girls. The driver of the school bus was Mr. Norton.
  They (3)       at 8:30 in the morning and got to the zoo at about 12 o'clock because the zoo was (4)       their school. When they (5)       the zoo, they got inside in groups. There were so many people there and it was too crowded because it was Saturday.
  Inside the zoo, there were a lot of different animals. On one corner (角落), there were (6)       like lions, tigers, giraffes and on the other corner there were different kinds of birds. The most loved ones were the pelicans. They were so colorful.
  That trip was very (7)       for all the students. They were very happy when they came home at 4:30 in the afternoon. They wrote that wonderful day in their diaries (8)       they went to bed.

1. 日记必须包括你所选择导图的所有要点,并适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
3. 词数:80—100。日记格式及首句已给出,不计入总词数。
Friday, May 11th
  Today I had a school trip. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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