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1.  Hello! I'm Kate. Welcome to my room. This is my desk. (1)       on the desk? It's my radio. The (2)       is blue. Blue is (3)       favorite (最喜欢的) color. This is my schoolbag. It is on the chair. There (4)       four CDs, a hat and a photo in it. The (5)       CDs are from Grace. Grace is a nice (6)      . She is my good friend. The (7)       is from (来自) my mother. It's yellow. The photo is from my father. It's a (8)       of my family. This is my bed. What are under it? Oh, (9)       are my baseball and model plane. The baseball is (10)       and the model plane is red. The white baseball is my favorite toy (玩具) .
First name: Mary
Last name: Miller
Hobby (爱好): listening to music
Telephone Number: 876-2215
QQ number:155729468 
First name: Hebe
Last Dame: Green
Hobby: swimming
Telephone number: 688- 4216
QQ number: 275637466 
First name: Mike
Last Dame: Hanks
Hobby: reading books
Telephone number: 336-8612
QQ number: 125678935 
First name: Mingming
Last name: Zhang
Hobby: playing basketball
Telephone number: 523-8741
QQ number: 223567466 
3.  I have two good friends. They are Peter and Gina. Here are two photos. The first one is a photo of Peter's family, and the next one is a photo of Gina's room. In the first photo, you can see four people (人). They are Peter's parents, Peter and his sister. Peter's father is a teacher. And his mother is a teacher, too. Can you see the boy on the bed?He's Peter. A red hat is on his head. Who is the girl?Oh, she is Peter's sister. Her name is Nancy. In the next photo, you can see a tidy room. It's Gina's room. A blue desk, a yellow chair, a green bookcase and a white bed are in it. A computer and some CDs are on the desk. Her red schoolbag is on the chair. A dictionary is in the bookcase. Gina's room is very clean and tidy.
4.  Hello! My name is Kate. I'm in a middle school. This is my schoolbag. It's black. What is in it?There are two books. Are these books mine? No, they aren't. They are my teacher's. What are those? They are two pens. One is red, and the other is blue. The red pen is mine. The blue pen is Bob's. Look! There are some keys and a map in my schoolbag, too. They are not mine. The keys are my mom's. Whose map is it? Oh, I see a name on it, M-I-K-E. It's Mike's. Mike is my good friend. I can call him. His phone number is 456-8789.
5.—What is your favorite color?
      . (紫色)
6.Here are some       (收音机), Dale.
7.These are Gina's       (祖父母) .
8.There is a        (图片) on the wall.
9.E      me. Is that your cousin, Alan?
10.Helen's uncle is in       (中国) now.
11.My schoolbag is blue, and h       is blue, too. Because she likes blue very much.
12.Is Ms. Brown in the       (教室)?
13.Can you find your ID c      ?
14.In the pencil box are some school things, a ruler, some e       and pens.
15.Mike is sleeping (睡觉)on the b      .
16.M      you at one at your school this afternoon.
17.Look!There are three birds i      the tree.
18.My brother has three       (手表).
19.One, two , three. . . I can see e       oranges on the table. Bring one to me, Tom.
20.I often go to the school l      .I like reading books there.
21.David found your baseball. You can a        him for it.
22.Five       (词典) are on the table.
23.He is a very nice student. He studies very well and he       (总是) helps us, so we all like him.
24.I study in a m       school .
25.My telephone number is 722-3567. (对划线部分提问)
      your telephone number?
26.Here are two flowrs for you. (改为单数句)
Here       for you.
27.Look!This is my family photo. (改为同义句)
Look!This is the      my family.
28.This is my notebook and that is your notebook. (改为同义句)
This notebook is       and that notebook is      .
29.My clock is on the table. My CD is on the table. (合并为一句)
My clock       CD       on the table.
30.Thank you for your help. (改为同义句)
Thank       for      me.
His       is on the desk.
32.在失物招领箱里, 那是你的电脑游戏吗?
      your       in the       and       box?
      Alan        466﹣9087655.
What's his      ?
This is       jacket.
36.阅读下面短文, 根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示, 在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词, 要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确, 使短文意思完整、行文连贯.
  Look!These two girls are Lucy and Lily. They're(1)       (sister). They come from a family of Canada. They have big eyes, small noses and(2)       /braun/ hair. They(3)       (be) in different clothes. Lucy's coat is red and(4)       (she) pants are green. Lily is(5)      a blue jacket and her skirt is black. (6)       (they) shoes(鞋子) look the same. Lucy and Lily both(7)       /spi:k/ English. They often help(8)      (I) with my English, (9)      I help them with their Chinese. They(10)       /θɪŋk/ Chinese is useful.
37.  Tom has a new and nice bedroom. A chair and a bed are in it. A cat is under the chair and some shoes are under the bed. A desk is on the floor. Some plants are on it. A bookcase is behind the bed. Some English books are in the bookcase. A photo is on the wall, and two windows are in the wall, too. Three people are in the photo. The man is his father and the woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know?
38.请根据下面表格所提供的信息, 写一篇短文介绍你的新朋友(new friend), 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
姓名:Cindy Smith 年龄:12 班级:七年级2班 
电话号码:325﹣6487 最喜欢的颜色:白色, 蓝色, 红色 
家庭成员:父母, 哥哥(Tony) , 妹妹(Kelly) 
整洁的卧室:一台电脑一一在书桌 上 一个磁带播放机一一在书柜里 两个棒球——在床底下 

1. 要点全面, 并可适当发挥;
2. 书写规范, 60字左右;
3. 文中不可出现真实的学校和姓名.
My New Friend
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