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1.— I want to go to different places, but I don't know ______ way.
— You can use ______ map, I think.
  • A. a; a
  • B. the; a
  • C. a; the
  • D. the; /
2.—Excuse me. I don't like this red T-shirt. Can you show me ______ one?
—OK. Here you are.
  • A. other
  • B. the other
  • C. others
  • D. another
3.— ______ you play the guitar?
— Yes, I can. So I want to join the music club.
  • A. May
  • B. Must
  • C. Would
  • D. Can
4.—How do you like the school trip to the Binzhou Museum?
—It is an _______ museum, and I was ______ in it on the first visit.
  • A. interested; interested
  • B. interesting; interested
  • C. interested; interesting
  • D. interesting; interesting
5.—You look ______ today.
—Yes, I stayed up late last night to watch a soccer game.
  • A. easy
  • B. warm
  • C. smart
  • D. tired
6.—Whose English book is this on my desk?
—Oh, God. It's ______. I'm looking for it everywhere.
  • A. mine
  • B. I
  • C. my
  • D. me
7.—Hi, John. Please come and help me _______ the tent.
—OK. I'm coming.
  • A. cut up
  • B. put up
  • C. wake up
  • D. call up
8.—Your new bike is so beautiful. It must be expensive.
—Yes. I ______ 500 yuan for it.
  • A. took
  • B. spent
  • C. cost
  • D. paid
9.She ______ a beautiful song just now. But now she ______ a kite.
  • A. sang; is flying
  • B. sang; flew
  • C. is singing; flew
  • D. is singing; is flying
10.— Who lost the key?
— Peter ______, I think.
  • A. is
  • B. was
  • C. did
  • D. does
11.—Do you know the boy a funny hat and glasses?
—Of course. He is a pop singer. I really like him.
  • A. is
  • B. has
  • C. wear
  • D. with
12.If it ______ tomorrow, we _______ for a picnic.
  • A. will not rain; go
  • B. isn't rain; will go
  • C. doesn't rain; will go
  • D. doesn't rain; go
13.—Is there ______ on TV this evening?
—No, there isn't.
  • A. anything new
  • B. new anything
  • C. something new
  • D. new something
14.In our school library there ______ a number of books on science and the number of them ______ growing larger and larger.
  • A. is; are
  • B. are; is
  • C. has; is
  • D. have; are
15.—Would you like more dumplings, Tony?
—______. I'm full (饱了).
  • A. Yes, please
  • B. Yes. I'd like to
  • C. No, thanks
  • D. No, I don't
16.  Do you like visiting a street? Main Street is a great place to enjoy (1)      . There are many (2)       on it. You can buy different things there. There are too many people and cars on it, too. So it is a (3)       street. If you are hungry, you can go to the (4)      . It is (5)       from the big hospital. There are different kinds of food. There is also a new (6)       next to the hospital. It is clean and quiet. You can (7)       your lunch in the park. If you want to read (8)      , you can go to the new library. It's quiet. It is (9)       the supermarket and the park.
  Please come and (10)       the street. You may like it.
17.  Who is man's best friend? Many people may say dogs are our best friends. These animals are not only cute, but also smart.
  Cats are not so smart as dogs. Dogs can learn to count (数数). In one test, people showed dogs two pictures. There were different numbers of shapes (形状) in the pictures. The dogs could learn how to choose (选择) the picture that had more shapes, according to Time.
  Dogs know about the passing of time. Before you come home, they get ready to (准备好) welcome you. They wake up from a nap and look at the front door, waiting (等待) for you to come home.
  Dogs also have feelings. They jump up and down to show they are happy. They run around you to welcome you. When they see you are not happy, they will touch (触碰) your hand with their nose.
  Before you keep a dog at your house, take it to an animal hospital, give it needles (打预防针) so that it can keep healthy. You can get animal food in almost every store.

18.  Four students from different countries are camping and they are talking about the weather.
Tiffany: It's cool and sunny most of the time in our country. I live in Beijing, a beautiful city. It's summer now. It is a little hot but I still feel good.
Lolita: I live in Moscow. It's usually windy there. It makes me feel bad. I don't like that.
Ben: I live in the north of Canada. It's very cold in winter, so we wear warm clothes. Many people like snowy weather because they can make snowmen and Canada is beautiful then.
Jeff: I come from Australia. I never see a snowy day. It's very hot most of the time in our country. And in winter it's not very cold. Many people like to come to my country for their vacation.
19.  Hi! I'm Jack. This is my busy day. Do you want to know what it is like?
  I usually get up at six in the morning. After that, I run for half an hour. I like running and it is good exercise. Then I have milk, bread and an egg for breakfast.
  At about half past seven, I go to school. My first class is at eight o'clock. At school, I learn many subjects. Some are interesting and some are boring. Math and history are my favorite subjects.
  After school, I go home at 5 p.m. Then I have a quick dinner and I do my homework at seven. I need two hours to finish it. Sometimes I want to watch TV, but I always can't!
  Now it's half past nine. It's time for me to go to bed. To sleep well, I take a shower first. At a quarter to ten, I go to bed. Sometimes my mom wants me to drink milk before my bedtime. She says it's good for my health.
20.  Hawaii is a very special place. It is part of the USA, but it is a long way from San Francisco, Chicago or New York. It is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It takes four hours to fly to Hawaii from Los Angeles.
  The Hawaiian people are gentle and quiet. Their home is quiet too, but sometimes the famous volcanoes (火山) of the islands can destroy the peace. These volcanoes can be dangerous, but by making new land, they actually make the islands grow.
  Many people go to Hawaii to surf. This does not mean surfing the Internet, but surfing the big waves. There are a lot of sharks in Hawaii, but this does not stop people enjoying the beach and the sea. Hawaiian men often have boat races. The boats are long and thin. After a day's surfing, a luau (夏威夷式宴会) or barbecue and beach party is a great way to relax. Much of Hawaii's food comes from the sea and Hawaiian people love to eat fish, shrimps and crabs. The islands also have almost every kind of fruit including mangoes and coconuts.
  As a sign of friendship, the Hawaiian people make flower chains or leis to give to visitors. They love to dance and have many different kinds of music. The Hawaiian language is strange because it only has twelve letters. Hawaiian people speak English but you should learn how to say hello or aloha before you go.

21.A: Do you have any plan for the coming summer holidays?
B: (1)      
A: Really? There are many places of interest there.
B: (2)      
A: (3)      
B: Guilin. It's famous for its mountains and rivers.
A: (4)       It's a beautiful town near Guilin.
B: Good idea. I'll travel around Yangshuo.
A: (5)      
B: Thank you.

A. Where will you visit?
B. I hope you will have a good time.
C. I like the weather there.
D. Yes, I'm planning to go to Guangxi.
E. You shouldn't miss Yangshuo.
F. Right.
G. All right. 
22.  For many Chinese people, rice is very important. But for Yuan Longping, rice is (1)      (he) life-long career (事业). On May 22, China's "father of hybrid rice (杂交水稻)" passed away at the age of 91. People around the world were sad (2)      (hear) of his passing.
  In the 1960s, people in China (3)      (not have) much food to eat. Many people even lost their lives because of this. Yuan was sad and then he started to work on a kind of hybrid rice. He (4)      (think) this rice could feed more people.
  At the time, other (5)      (scientist) didn't think hybrid rice was OK. But Yuan wanted to try again and again. He spent four years (6)      (look) for wild (野生的) rice that could be crossed (杂交) with other plants. In 1964, he (7)      (find) it.
  In 1973, he grew the world's (8)      (one) hybrid rice strain (品种). It got a high yield of over 500 kg per mu. Now farmers can grow it on many different (9)      (kind) of land.
  Yuan was a famous scientist. But he called himself a (10)      (farm). He spent most of his time in the field (田地). Yuan himself also said, "Everyone is like a seed. We should try to grow into good people." (人就像一粒种子, 要做一粒好种子。)
23.On snowy days, children like making snowmen. (英译汉)
24.If you feel too tired, you can stop to listen to music. (英译汉)
28.  Zhouzhuang is an ancient water village in Suzhou.
  The village was built in 1086. It is called the "Venice of the East (东方威尼斯)" because it has many canals (运河) and is very beautiful. The village also has many classical bridges and traditional ancient houses. You can get around the village by boat on the canals.
  Zhouzhuang is a popular place to see the Lantern Festival. This is a special event where people float small paper lanterns on the water. You can also see a traditional Chinese dance in Zhouzhuang, the dalianxiang. In the dalianxiang, dancers shake long sticks with coins on them to make noise.
  When you visit Zhouzhuang, you should try steamed baisi fish (白丝鱼). Baisi fish is a favorite food for the people of Zhouzhuang and for tourists. Baisi fish are difficult to catch because they swim so fast. You can also try chengyao cakes. Chengyao cakes are steamed yellow cakes that are made with rice, sugar and nuts.
  There are many things to buy in Zhouzhuang. For example, you can buy bamboo baskets and mats. You can also buy traditional zhenfeng cloth shoes and traditional shoes for children with tiger heads on them.
  Every night in Zhouzhuang, there is a special show called "Zhouzhuang in All Seasons". It has scenes from ancient life in Zhouzhuang, showing how people used to live in the four seasons.
  The best way to end a day in Zhouzhuang is in a comfortable tea house next to the water drinking Grandma's Tea and eating snacks.
29.亲情在我们一生中占据着重要的地位,你的脑海中一定有关于亲情的美好回忆:可能是和父母、祖父母一起吃了美好的晚餐,可能是去了某个地方旅行,比如乡村、农场、博物馆等等……假如你是李华,请根据下面的提示写一篇作文来分享和家人 (父母、祖父母) 共度的一个周末。
1. 80词左右,注意时态。
2. 语言流畅,书写美观。
3. 文中不得出现真实校名、姓名等信息。
1. Where did you go last weekend?
2. How did you go there?
3. Who did you go with?
4. What did you do?
5. How was the weekend?
My weekend
期末试卷 最新试卷 山东试卷 滨州市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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