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1.— Linda, I heard your mother bought you______ i﹣phone last month.
—Yes, and my mother told me it was made in______ European country.
  • A. an; the
  • B. the; an
  • C. a; a
  • D. an; a
2.—I believe Chinese government will win the fight ________ the Coronavirus (冠状病毒).
—I think so. Chinese people are very brave ______ the face of difficulties.
  • A. with; in
  • B. against; in
  • C. with; to
  • D. against; to
3.—Li Hua is one of the boys in our class.
—Yes. He is much than me.
  • A. tall; taller
  • B. taller; tall
  • C. tallest; taller
  • D. tallest; tall
4.—Linda, how do you usually go to school?
—I usually go to school by bike. It is a good way to exercise and costs_____.
  • A. nothing
  • B. something
  • C. anything
  • D. everything
5.Chinese people are becoming richer and richer, so cars are used at present.
  • A. quickly
  • B. hardly
  • C. widely
  • D. nearly
6.—Wow, so many books on the desk!
—These books were written by Yuan Longping. My father usually them if he is free.
  • A. looks through
  • B. looks for
  • C. looks up
  • D. looks after
7.—What should Chinese men' s basketball team do to win the game?
—I think it is important to develop their in playing basketball.
  • A. relations
  • B. skills
  • C. managers
  • D. actions
8.Our English teacher is very patient and always friendly to us. the students the headmaster respects her very much.
  • A. Either; or
  • B. Neither; nor
  • C. Both; and
  • D. Not only; but also
9.—Has the tenth Shandong medical team gone to Huanggang?
—Yes, they there a week ago.
  • A. have been
  • B. go
  • C. went
  • D. will go
10.—My best friend, Li Tao, likes watching football games.
—________. It's very exciting.
  • A. So do I
  • B. So am I
  • C. So I do
  • D. So I am
11.—I saw Li Ming go to the swimming pool just now.
—Yes, he is often seen ________ on Saturday afternoon.
  • A. swim
  • B. to swim
  • C. swims
  • D. swam
12.—Marie is one of the best students in our class.
—Yes. She always studies hard. We ________ friends since six years ago.
  • A. were
  • B. have become
  • C. have been
  • D. have made
13.The new robots _________ can check people's temperature rapidly can be used in hospitals, companies, schools and factories.
  • A. who
  • B. whom
  • C. when
  • D. which
14.—Mr. Yang, I can't find my ruler.
—Don't worry, Tina. Perhaps it at home.
  • A. leaves
  • B. left
  • C. have left
  • D. was left
15.—Could you tell me ______about the number of medical workers working in Wuhan?
—Certainly. You can check it on this computer.
  • A. how can I get the information
  • B. what information can I get
  • C. where I can get the information
  • D. whether can I get
16.  Perhaps everyone has some good friends. So does Maria White. Maria is a three﹣ year﹣old girl from America. She lives in Texas, the US. The little girl has many good friends, but one of them is very (1)      . He is her hero, too. He is a policeman(2)      Patrick Ray. They met for the first time on a day two years ago. On that day, little Maria was(3)       in the swimming pool at home. Her mom Carla knew something was(4)      when she noticed Maria's lips (嘴唇) turn blue. Maria had swallowed(吞下) a penny when her parents weren't looking. Soon she (5)       breathing. Maria's parents called 911 at once. Officer Ray was on (6)      lunch break, but he answered the call and came in no time. Ray tried to clear the little girl's throat, and 27 seconds later came the noise he was(7)      for. Maria started to cry and breathe again.
  The Whites always wanted to do something special to thank the policeman. (8)      her mom's help, Maria invited Ray to a tea party at her home on the anniversary (周年纪念 日) of the event. Ray was happy to accept the girl's(9)      . It was not easy for him to sit on the small chair and drink tea with a small cup, (10)       he enjoyed the tea party very much.
17.  It was the summer of 1992, in Barcelona, and the Olympics 400 m race was about to start. Derek Redmond was at the starting line. He was ready to fight for the goldmedal(牌). (1)      Seven years before, in 1985, he broke the British record for the 400 m race. In 1986, he was already seen as a rising star. And the awards kept on coming.
  (2)       His competition was stopped several times because of injuries. In fact, before the 1992 Summer Olympics, he had eight surgeries(手术). His mental strength brought him back on the race track every time.
  In Barcelona, he was at the top of his team. When the race started, he was ready to get the gold medal. Then suddenly something bad happened. (3)      But after a short moment of sadness, something unbelievable happened. He got up and struggled through to finish the race with the help of his father. It's a good scene that explains the power of the human spirit. The injury turned out to be much worse than anyone expected. Two years later, Derek had to leave his team. Yet, he continued to play basketball for England.
  Derek Redmond once said, "To be a true champion(冠军), you need to be physically strong. (4)      "
  Derek Redmond did a great job in sports. (5)       He continues to encourage people around the world. He uses his experience in sports to encourage others to achieve their dreams.

根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.
A. Now he is a great speaker.
B. But you need to have a strong mind as well.
C. His heart was full of hope for success.
D. But nothing comes without a price.
E. His leg was badly hurt and he fell to the ground.
18.Good Books For Teens
  Here is the list of four best books for teens.
 The Sun Is Also a Star$19, 30% off on AmazonThis is a novel that will make you explore(探索) your love for yourself as well as the act of loving others while helping you know what the sun is made of. It is a story about falling in love and the science behind it. 
 The Hate You Give$19, 30% off on AmazonAs a teen, you may have lots of problems, but you may not think of the problems that others are having. This is a book telling the story of a black teen, Starr Carter, who lives in a poor neighborhood, but attends an expensive high school in a city. It is a balance that she has to learn to deal with, but how does she learn to do it? 
 The Book Thief$29, 20% off on AmazonReading the book, you'll travel back to World WarⅡ in a small town outside of Munich, Germany with an 11﹣year﹣old child Liesel Meminger. While she is still suffering the loss of her brothers and sisters and dealing with the separation from her mother, you'll travel with Liesel and meet Hans and Rosa. 
 The Black Witch$35, 20% off on AmazonThis fairy story tells the self﹣discovery tale of a girl trying to find herself and be who she wants to be instead of being who everyone thinks she is. It's also a coming of age novel:it is very realistic(现实的) into what is going on in the world today. 
19.  In order to keep healthy, many people love different kinds of exercise. Have you heard of an interesting and exciting sport?It is called curling(冰壶运动).
  Curling is a popular winter sport. Lots of people are interested in it. They think curling is an interesting sport to watch. Some people don't have a chance to go to stadiums to watch it, and they choose to watch it on TV.
  Curling players use a curling stone for their sport. The stone looks like a flattened (扁平的) ball with a handle on top. It weighs 42 pounds. The players use the handle to push the stone over the ice and then release it. The stone then slides into the scoring area. Official curling stones are made from a type of Scottish granite (花岗岩). A new one can cost $1, 000. 00!
  Curling uses stones on an icy surface. Curling is played between two teams, and each team has four players on it. The members of the team can be men or women. A team with both is called a mixed team. The goal of curling is to push a stone on ice into a scoring area. Players use a special curling broom to sweep the area of ice in front of the stone as it slides along. This helps the stone end up in the best possible place for a good score.
  The players have special clothing and equipment. They wear special curling shoes. This sport requires skills. Some people agree that curling is a difficult sport to play. In their mind, a good score is usually a matter of luck!
20.  Long long ago, there was a young man living in a small house. The man was very lazy. He woke up in the afternoon, ate a meal and then lay in bed again. He had a parrot named Polly. Polly watched the young man every day and she was puzzled by his behavior.
  One day, Polly asked her owner, "Don't you get tired of lying in bed all day and all night? The sun has been out for hours, and people have finished half their day's work. Why are you so lazy?"
  The young man yawned(打哈欠) and answered, "Every morning, when I wake up, two friends whisper(低语) in my ears. One friend is Hard Work and the other is Laziness.
  Hard Work says, 'Wake up! There are lots of things to do today. Time is passing by. Don't waste it by sleeping. ' But Laziness says, 'Why do you wake up? You can sleep more. ' "
  The young man continued, "I listen to both of them patiently. My time goes by like that, so I keep lying in bed for a long time. "
  Polly laughed and said, "Don't find an excuse for your laziness. Don't be lazy, or you will get nothing. "
21.  When a loved one develops dementia(痴呆), it can be very sad for every member of the family. The brain disease causes the person to lose the ability to think and remember gradually. It's often up to the people around them to help them in the daily life.
  When 15﹣year﹣old Logan Wells' grandmother Nannie developed dementia, he watched his parents and aunt take on the huge task of caring for her. But the difficult time also inspired(激发) his idea for CareZare. It's an app that provides a complete toolkit(软件包)for managing the care of someone with dementia.
  Like most families, the Wells quickly discovered that providing the right care for grandmother would be a challenge. But they were more than glad to take on. "We were really facing a big problem, " the family says. "We needed to overcome it. We provided the world's best possible care to keep Nannie safe and happy. "
  As Nannie's illness progressed, it became more and more difficult to learn what she needed. That's when Logan began working on the app CareZare with the help of his family. "We're a family with a loved one who needed care, " say the Wells. "And we built CareZare because we needed it. "
  The now finished CareZare app invites users to work together. It allows groups of carers to schedule(安排)activities in real time. You can record things like the person's mood, how you spent your time together, and leave a "heads up" message for the other users in the group. The team﹣based way makes families stay on top of their daily tasks and improves communication.
22.阅读这篇文章, 用英语回答问题.
  Not all that long ago, getting somewhere new meant using a map. Maps are still used, but more and more people prefer to use GPS. What is GPS used for? How does GPS work? Read on and find out more information about GPS.
  GPS is starting to replace maps. Using GPS to find your way to a new place can be even better than using a map.
  With GPS, you can see instructions clearly. GPS can tell you when to turn and what exits to take. It can also tell you how many miles you will travel before you need to make your next turn. It can find a new route for you if you make a wrong turn. GPS can even tell you when you will arrive at your destination (目的地)!
  What is GPS, and how does it work? It uses satellites out in space to find a place on the Earth and give directions to another place. GPS was created by the United States government. GPS can work anywhere in the world. It is on all of the time, every day of the year. Best of all, GPS can be used for free. There is no charge to use GPS. All you need is a GPS receiver. A GPS receiver takes the information from the satellite signals. It uses the information to find a location.
23.假如你叫李华, 昨天你收到了英国笔友 Carla 发来的电子邮件. 请你根据邮件内容及 所给要求回复她的邮件.
Dear Li Hua,
How's everything going?
I am interested in Chinese traditional clothes. I hear there will be an exhibition about
Chinese traditional clothes. Could you please tell me something about it? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours, Carla
要点: 1. 中国传统服饰的举办时间和地点;
2. 中国传统服饰的举办的主题;
3. 邀请 Carla 来参加这次中国传统服饰展览.
要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 词数 80 左右(文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数).
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