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1.—How do you do!
  • A. Good morning
  • B. Good afternoon
  • C. How do you do
  • D. Nice to meet you
2.—How do you spell it?
  • A. Yes, K﹣E﹣Y
  • B. K﹣E﹣Y
  • C. Yes, k﹣e﹣y
  • D. K﹣e﹣y
3.A set of books _____ in Classroom 6 E, please call me ______ 685﹣6034.
  • A. is;at
  • B. are;at
  • C. is;for
  • D. are;for
4.—Where's the map?
—I think it's in your____room.
  • A. grandparent
  • B. grandparents
  • C. grandparents'
  • D. grandparents's
5.—I have ______ volleyball, let's play volleyball.
— ____!
  • A. a;That's sound good
  • B. a;That sounds good
  • C. a;That's sounds great
  • D. \; That sounds good
6.___, Dally! We are late.
  • A. Go
  • B. Hi
  • C. Now
  • D. Come on
7.What's the telephone number for "火警"?
  • A. 110
  • B. 114
  • C. 119
  • D. 120
8.I like English, ______you?
  • A. do
  • B. what about
  • C. are
  • D. about
9.____, is this your watch?
  • A. Excuse me
  • B. Hi
  • C. Hello
  • D. How are you
10.—Daddy, can I play baseball with Tom?
—OK, ____!
  • A. you go
  • B. play it
  • C. have a good afternoon
  • D. let's go
11.  Hi, my name is Wang lei, I am 11, I'm (1)       China. Wang is my (2)      name. I have a friend, Frank Brown. Frank is his (3)      name. He is 11, (4)       He is from the UK. He is (5)      English boy. Now we are in (6)      same class. We love sports.
  I have a soccer ball, but my friend Frank (7)      . After school, we play (8)      at school (9)      our friends. It's great fun (10)      us.
12.  Hello, my name is Cindy, (1)      this is my sister Lily. I'm tidy, but Lily (2)      . (3)      our room, my books and tapes are in the bookcase. My (4)      are in my schoolbag. I (5)      a clock. It's on the desk. Lily's books are (6)      on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. The white toy plane is (7)      . It's under the desk. "Where are my (8)      ? Where's my ruler?Where's my schoolbag?" Lily always (9)      . Now you see Lily with me (10)       not the same.
13.A: Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils?
B: No, (1)      .
A: And (2)      ?
B: No, it isn't. The blue pen is his.
A: (3)      ?
B: It's Helen's. And the green pen is also hers.
A: And the eraser? (4)      ?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Thank you for your help, Anna.
B: (5)      .
A. Is that yours?
B. Nice to meet you.
C. How about the dictionary?
D. they are Bob's.
E. You are welcome.
F. Come on!
G. is this his green pen? 
14.  Li Liang is a middle school student. Frank and Gina are his classmates.
  Li Liang doesn't have a soccer ball. Soccer is boring for him, but he has a ping-pong, he thinks it's easy . He has 4 ping-pong balls and 3 ping﹣pong bats. After school, he plays ping﹣pong with his friends.
  Frank doesn't have a soccer ball, but he likes soccer. At school he plays soccer with some friends, it's easy and fun.
  Gina has 2 soccer balls, 4 volleyballs, 5 basketballs and 6 baseballs and bats, but she doesn't play them. She just likes watching them on TV.
15.  Good morning! My name is Lily, I'm 12 now. Let me introduce (介绍) my three good friends Brook、Linda and Li lei.
  Brook is from America, he likes Yellow Mountain and he has a map of Anhui. He likes the color of green. Brook has a brother Tom, black is his favorite color.
  Linda is from the UK, she is nice, She likes to help us. Pink is her favorite color. Look at her pencil box, it's pink. There are 6 pink pens and 2 pink erasers in it. Linda's cup and hat are pink too.
  Li lei is from Hong Kong, he likes green so much.
  I like my friends. They are fun.
16.  Look, this is a photo of my family. My grandfather and grandmother are in it. They have white hair (头发) but I think they are not old, they can help me with my English and Chinese. These are my parents, my father is a policeman and my mother is a teacher, they are always busy (忙碌的) working. Next, these two are my uncle and aunt, the little boy is my cousin. My uncle is my father's brother, he is a doctor and he likes sports. He likes soccer. After work he likes to play soccer with me and my cousin.
  I have a happy family.
17.  Hi, my name is Mike, I am in the school library. Here are so many books, they are great, I like these books.
  This is my schoolbag, it's black. What's this?It's my Chinese book. And what is that?It's my red dictionary. What are those?They are my pens and pencils. What color are they?They are blue, I like blue. Oh, where is my pencil box?I think I lost it. I must find it. My pencil box is purple. If you find it, please call me, my phone number is 326-4671. Thanks !
18.  Many students like afterschool activities (课外活动), they think these afterschool activities are good for them.
  Some students play sports like soccer or basketball, some like to draw (画画) or sing. Why do students like these activities?They think they are interesting and fun. And we know All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So, you must study hard and also must play sports, you can be even cleverer (更聪明).
19.  I'm Ann, this is my room, it's not big and not small. But I think it's comfortable (舒适的).
  Look, my bed is pink, a toy dog is on the bed. The walls are white, you can see a picture of 3 dogs on the wall, they are cute. I have many books, they are about stories, histories (历史), science (科学) and so on. After school, I like reading books in my room. The books and some dictionaries are in the big bookcase, the bookcase is pink too. What are on the desk?They are a notebook, a pencil case and a clock. The pencil case is blue. Where is my chair?It's under the desk. And where's my schoolbag? It's on the sofa.
  My room is clean and tidy, I like it.
20.My father's sister is my grandma's d      (女儿).
21.Those are not their books, they are m      (我的).
22.He doesn't like volleyball, it's d      (难的).
23.That m      (模型) plane is very interesting.
24.She doesn't play sports, she o      (仅) watches them on TV.
25.假如你是 Bob, 根据下列提示写篇短文, 简单介绍自己.
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