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1.______ good advice it is!
  • A. What a
  • B. What
  • C. How a
  • D. How
2.Let's go out for delicious food, today I'll _____ you to show my thanks.
  • A. pay
  • B. trick
  • C. treat
  • D. buy
3."Even if you learn something well, you'll forget it unless you use it." This sentence means "______."
  • A. It's a piece of cake
  • B. Use it or lose it
  • C. It serves you right
  • D. Never too old to learn
4.If you are always ____ from class, you'll not pass the examinations.
  • A. different
  • B. absent
  • C. safe
  • D. fun
5.Don't forget ____ you read, ____ you'll be.
  • A. the more;the less
  • B. the fewer;the faster
  • C. the less;the faster
  • D. the more;the better
6.—Would you please tell me ______?
—Sure. Practice makes perfect.
  • A. how I can improve my spoken English
  • B. why do you speak English so well
  • C. how can I improve my spoken English
  • D. when I can improve my spoken English
7.—I'm late, I must be quick.
—No problem. You don't need to ________.
  • A. run
  • B. rush
  • C. go
  • D. come
8.On the Mid﹣Autumn night, mooncakes _______ people's wishes to the families that they love and miss.
  • A. give
  • B. take
  • C. carry
  • D. fetch
9.—Your jacket feels so nice, what's it made ______ ?
—Silk, and it is also made _____ hand.
  • A. from;in
  • B. of;with
  • C. from;on
  • D. of;by
10.—That sounds difficult!
—Well, be patient, _______!
  • A. You will lose
  • B. You can't pass it
  • C. It takes time
  • D. It's very hard
11.  (1)       you park your car in the wrong place , a traffic policeman will soon find it. You (2)       very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. (3)      , this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. (4)      a holiday in Sweden, I found this (5)      on my car: " Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "(6)      parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you (7)      our streets signs. This note is only to (8)      you . " If you receive a (9)      like this, you can't (10)      to obey it!
12.  Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America?One is Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May, and (1)       is Father's day on the third Sunday of June . (2)       these two days, American children often give gifts to their parents or (3)       them out for lunch or dinner. Common gifts are flowers and cards (4)       mothers and shirts for fathers . I heard that it is becoming (5)       to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day in China. I wonder (6)      children over there also give similar gifts to their parents . I believe that there are many ways to show our (7)      . (8)       we don't have to (9)       a lot of money on it. (10)       is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.
13.A: I wonder where we should go next.
B: (1)      
A: Well, it looks so scary.
B: (2)       I promise it'll be exciting! If you are scared, just shout or hold my hand.
A: (3)       That was fun.
B: See, that was not so bad, right? (4)      
A: Yes, I'm so glad I tried it.
B: Do you want to go to Disneyland now?
A: (5)       Do you know where to get some good food now?
B: Of course. There's a restaurant over there . It serves delicious food.
A: Great!Let's go!
A:You were right.
B:Thank you for helping me.
C:Sure, but I'm getting hungry.
D:Come on.
E:You never know until you try something.
F:What can I do for you?G:How about that new ride over there? 
14.  Thanks to double reduction policy (双减政策) comes out, many students may have time to enjoy afterschool activities. Some students can play sports. They may play soccer, pingpong or do Chinese kungfu.
  Some students go to learn music. They sing , dance or play some instruments. Other students can draw or practice calligraphy (书法) and more. Afterschool activities are fun and good for students.
  But why should students do afterschool activities?Here are some good reasons. First, doing an afterschool activity is a good short break from studying. After the break, students can better focus on the class or their schoolwork. Next, students can make some friends while doing afterschool activities. Finally, students can get some new skills from the activities. They can also learn some important life skills like working with others or dealing with themselves.
15.  Everyone feels sad sometimes. But feeling bad shouldn't stop you from enjoying life. When you worry too much , try to write them down. If you do that, you may not think about them too much. And exercise also helps. Remember enough sleep can make you feel better.
  When you are down, be sure everything can be different tomorrow. If you can't do something today, try it tomorrow. We do know some days will be difficult and some days will be great. Try to look forward to tomorrow's fresh start.
  When you feel sad, do something you love, something that's relaxing. It could be shopping, singing, reading or doing sports. If you do, you will feel really relaxed.
  When you are sad, don't stay alone, spend time with your friend or your family.
  In general, good mental health is important.
16.From: Studio Classroom
  Horses are strong and beautiful animals. Some are large, and others are small. Horses can travel long distances while carrying a rider. Some can also pull heavy loads. Before people had cars, they used to use horses for travel and work. Today you don't see many horses. But people still keep them and ride them for fun.
  To ride a horse, approach it at its shoulder. Then it can see you. Don't stand behind the horse because it might kick you. Clean the horse's feet to remove any rocks. Then brush the horse so it isn't dirty. If a horse's back is dirty, a saddle can bother it. Next put a pad and a saddle on the horse's back. Finally the horse is ready to ride.
17.  My name is Cindy Wang, I've been a pop singer for 9 years. I used to be really shy and took up singing to overcome my shyness. As I got better I dared to sing in front of the class, then for the whole school. Now I'm not shy anymore and love singing in front of the crowds.
  After being famous my life has changed a lot. There are many good things like being able to travel and meet new people. Everywhere I go I get tons of attention. However, too much attention is a bad thing. I always have to worry about how to appear to others, and I don't have to be very careful about what I say or do. And I don't have much private time anymore, when shopping with friends there are always guards around me.
  I want to tell teenagers:if you dream to be famous, you have to give up normal life. Not everyone can make it to top. Many times I thought about giving up, but fought on. So the secret to success is hard work and strong will. Only this can you be anything one day!
18.  China has its own special forms of traditional art, these usually try to show the things that are important in life, such as love, beauty, and family.
  According to Chinese history, sky lanterns were first used by Zhuge Kongming. He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble. Today sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations. When the lanterns slowly rise into the air, they are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes. Paper cutting which is said it is from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The paper usually red, is folded before it is cut with scissors. The most common pictures are flowers, animals and things about Chinese history. During the Spring Festival, they are put on the windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.
19.  It was nearly ten o'clock at night when the policeman walked down the street, and he made sure doors were locked, the streets were empty , he felt happy to keep the peace for this city.
  Halfway down one of the blocks, the policeman found a man standing by a shop, under the road light the policeman recognized that man was his old friend twenty years ago, but here his friend was a thief from Chicago. The policeman didn't have the heart to catch his friend, so he needed to go to find someone to do it for him.
20.Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them       (明智地).
21.Tom is a l       (生气勃勃的) boy and popular with classmates.
22.The expressions depend on       (谁)they are speaking to.
23.My daughter , I will take p      (骄傲) in you. You did a great job.
24.Henry l      (放置) out some fruits and desserts on the table to remember his father.
25.在丰富多彩的初中英语学习中, 你一定积累了很多学习经验和方法.请和大家分享自己的英语学习秘籍吧.(词数80—100)
1. What are your ways of learning English?
2. How does the way work?
3. What advice do you want to share with others about learning English?
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