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1.—I can't learn English well. What can I do, Mr. Smith?
—Tom, ________ is difficult if you work hard.
  • A. something
  • B. nothing
  • C. anything
  • D. everything
2.—_____do you go to the sports club?
—At least once a week.
  • A. How long
  • B. How often
  • C. How much
  • D. How far
3.The Voice of China became one of ________ TV ______ last year.
  • A. the most popular, shows
  • B. more popular, show
  • C. much popular, show
  • D. the popularest, shows
4.I'm sorry I can't play soccer with you this afternoon. I have _______ homework to do.
  • A. too many
  • B. too much
  • C. much too
  • D. many too
5.He speaks English _______ me.
  • A. as clear as
  • B. so clear as
  • C. as clearly as
  • D. clearer than
6._______ it's late at night, _______ my father is still working.
  • A. Though;but
  • B. Because;/
  • C. Though;/
  • D. So; /
7.I think the best way _____ is taking part in(参加)outdoor activities.
  • A. to relax
  • B. relaxing
  • C. relaxed
  • D. relaxes
8.The question is _______ difficult that _______ students can answer it.
  • A. so;few
  • B. very;little
  • C. so;a few
  • D. so;a little
9.Miss Wang is _______ taller than me.
  • A. very
  • B. more
  • C. much
  • D. quite
10.Eating ________ food is good for your _________. You can live _________.
  • A. health, healthy, healthily
  • B. healthy, health, healthily
  • C. healthy, healthily, health
  • D. healthy, healthy, healthily
11.Listening to music can make me _______.
  • A. to feel relaxed
  • B. to feel relaxing
  • C. feel relaxing
  • D. feel relaxed
12.We should play a part in ______ our earth.
  • A. save
  • B. to save
  • C. saving
  • D. saved
13.My mother expects me _______ hiking in the mountains.
  • A. to go
  • B. go
  • C. going
  • D. to going
14.I can't stand ________ TV for a long time.
  • A. to watch
  • B. watch
  • C. watching
  • D. watched
15.—What does he think of Animal World?
  • A. He loves it
  • B. He was right
  • C. That's right
  • D. You're welcome
16.  Most children are afraid of the dentist, but I don't. Why?Because I have a funny dentist. His(1)       is Big Tooth. I don't think it's his real name, but that's what he tells me when I go to see(2)      . Big Tooth has a cool(3)       room. There are many interesting models in it. So when I wait for Big Tooth, I(4)       feel bored. And sometimes I'm so busy playing with the models that I don't (5)      Big Tooth call me!
  Big Tooth always wears(6)      hats. They are either too big or too small. Big Tooth also likes asking some interesting questions. Once he asked me a(7)      , "What has lots of teeth but never goes to the dentist? "When I was thinking about the question, he took out my bad (8)      quickly. "A comb (梳子)! "He told me the answer. And I didn't(9)      terrible at all!Before I left, I got a nice model plane from him. I like my (10)      . I go to see him once a month.
17.  If you go to a fast food restaurant, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many teenagers are overweight because of their bad eating habits. Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt, and sugar(糖). People often call this kind of food "junk food. "
  But bad eating habits go beyond (远不止) fast food. We find many teenager eat unhealthily. Some don't have breakfast before they go to school. During the day, some don't have a nice meal for lunch. In a survey(调查) at one school, scientists found that more than 75% of the students didn't follow a healthy diet (饮食). They didn't like vegetables, and many of them didn't like to eat fruit. They liked to eat food with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat.
  Parents today also worry about their children's die. Some doctors give the following advice (建议):
  Teenagers shouldn't eat too much, junk food.
  Teenagers shouldn't eat food with too much salt.
  Teenagers should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar.
  Teenagers need to eat some fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins (维生素) land have little fat.
  Teenagers need to eat breakfast every day. This is good for the body and mind.
  Teenagers need to drink more milk. Milk will help them grow.
18.  Can you cut an apple with playing card?Can you write with one hand and draw with the other?Can you perform any special talent different from others?Well, some people can do that. And they all show their talents on the TV program, China's Got Talent. This program is shown on Dragon TV.
  The TV program is getting more and more popular in China. Many people watch it every week because they wonder how talented one can be.
  Talent shows began in Britain. And now there are similar shows in lots of countries around the world. China's Got Talent is the newest, but it is different from others. On the China's Got Talent, when people show their special talents, and they just want to make their family laugh and want to make others laugh, too.
  We all have a talent. It may be big or small. What's your talent?Maybe you can be the next star on China's Got Talent!
19.  Bullying (欺凌) has becoming a big problem that schools and society have dealt with (处理) for a long time.
  What is bullying ?Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen to anyone at school.
  The bullied ( 被欺凌) students are from 14 to 18 years old. Bullying is about:
●calling bad names
●laughing at people
●telling lies about people
●taking others' things without permission (允许)
●hitting people
●not letting someone play in a group
  What should you do? If you are be bullied or you see bullying, you can tell your parents, teachers and other classmates about it to get some help.
  Remember that:say sorry if we are not kind to people. As students, we should be kind to others and not make fun of their weakness.
20.He Li:Hi, Li Pin. Long time no see!
Li Pin:Hi, He Li. Yes, I was on vacation last month.
He Li:Really? (1)      
Li Pin:I went to Wuhan Happy Valley Theme Park with my parents.
He Li: (2)      
Li Pin:Yes. It's so exciting!
He Li:Great!By the way, are you free tonight?
Li Pin:Yes, I am. (3)      
He Li:Yeah!Do you want to go to a movie?
Li Pin:Sure! (4)      
He Li:Action movies. They are very exciting.
Li Pin:Me, too. Let's go to Sunshine Movie Theater. OK?
He Li: (5)      It's better than Sunshine Movie Theater, I think.
Li Pin:OK. See you there at 7pm.
He Li:See you then!

A. What do you do there?
B. You had great fun, didn't you?
C. Where did you go?
D. What do you want to do?
E. What kind of movies do you like?
F. Why not go to Yinghe Movie Theater?
G. Do you have any plan?
21.Yesterday the Green family d      (决定) to take a taxi to the subway station .
22.The sunshine goes t      (穿过) the windows and make the room warm.
23.Yon can read these      (杂志)in the reading room.
24.The air is      (清新的) in the countryside.
25.Ms Li speaks l      (响亮地) so that all the students can hear clearly.
26.假设上周你们学校举办了才艺比赛, 袁莉是比赛的冠军, 她的钢琴表演很精彩. 请根据 以下提示写一篇文章介绍袁莉.
提示:1. 性格外向, 在音乐方面有天赋, 享受弹钢琴;
2. 生活方式健康, 从不吃垃圾食品, 每周至少锻炼两次;
3. 对待学习很认真, 是她班里最好的学生之一;
4. 计划去各地度假, 这让她快乐、放松. 要求:①语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写规范;
②要点齐全, 可紧扣主题适当发挥;
③文章不少于 80 词, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
The Winner of Our School Talent Show
Our school had a talent competition last week and Yuan Li was the winner. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
期中试卷 最新试卷 安徽试卷 宿州市试卷 2022年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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