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1.—Happy birthday, Robert.
  • A. I see
  • B. Sounds good
  • C. Thank you
  • D. Yes, you're right
2.— Can you play volleyball, Jenny?
— No, I can't. It is ________ for me.
  • A. relaxing
  • B. interesting
  • C. easy
  • D. difficult
3.—When does your English lesson on Tuesday?
— At ten, then we have a music lesson.
  • A. finish
  • B. help
  • C. spell
  • D. have
4.Linda likes volleyball, but she doesn't play it. She ______ watches it on TV.
  • A. only
  • B. really
  • C. sure
  • D. then
5.—Let's go to the school library, Mary.
—I am very ________ now. What about this afternoon?
  • A. busy
  • B. tidy
  • C. happy
  • D. healthy
6.—Mom, where are my ________?
—Your T-shirt is on the sofa and your shorts are on the chair.
  • A. books
  • B. balls
  • C. clothes
  • D. tapes
7.—This sweater is only 99 yuan.
—OK. I'll_________ it.
  • A. finish
  • B. take
  • C. see
  • D. spell
8.— Let's ________ some food for Simon's birthday party.
— OK. How about chicken and salad?
  • A. look at
  • B. come to
  • C. think about
  • D. play with
9.This is my little sister. ______ name is Jenny, we all like ______.
  • A. She; she
  • B. Her; her
  • C. She; her
  • D. Her; she
10.—Do you want to go to the library ____ me?
—Yes. Let's meet ____ 2:30 p. m. .
  • A. with;at
  • B. with;on
  • C. for;at
  • D. for;on
11.  Mona is a girl in No. 6 Middle School. It is7:50, but she is still(仍然)in her(1)      . She can't find her red(2)      .
  Mona asks Mrs. Brown, "Mom, (3)       is my red pen?"
  Mrs. Brown(4)       it on the sofa, but she says, "I don't know. "
  "Can you(5)       me find it, Mom?I must go to school now, " says Mona.
  Mrs. Brown says, "Sorry, I can't, Mona. I always ask you to be(6)      , but you don't listen(听)"
  Mona asks Mr. Brown where(7)       red pen is. Mr. Brown says, "I don't know. And I can't(8)       my keys now. Are they in your room?"
  "No, Daddy, "says Mona. "(9)      asks us to be tidy. I think we must listen to her. " "Yes. (10)       right(正确的), " says Mr. Brown. "We must listen to your mom. "
12.Dear Grandma,
  How are you?I am very(1)       this month. September 5th is my good friend Gina's birthday. I go to(2)      birthday party in the evening. On the eleventh, I have an English(3)      . On September 17th, I have a(4)       game. You know I love baseball. On the 24th, we have our(5)       and my parents come to my school. On the 28th, I go to Mr. Cool's Store. The(6)       there are on sale that day. I want to buy a pair of sports(7)       and a T﹣shirt. The hats there are very(8)       so I want to buy one for you. Oh, Grandma, I'm very(9)       because I can't go to see you with my parents this(10)      . See you next month.
13.A:Hi, Greg!Welcome!Come in, please!
B:Thank you. (1)      
A:Yes, you are.
A:It's a salad, my breakfast.
B:Oh, I don't like salad.
A:Really?(3)       It's delicious (美味的).
B:Because it has vegetables.
A:(4)       Umm, do you like fruit?
B:Yeah. My favorite fruit is bananas.
A:OK. Here are some bananas and pears. Help yourself (请自便).
B:Thank you. (5)      
A:At 10:00 a. m. Tina and John will come, too.

A. When is the party?
B. What do you want?
C. Let's think about it.
D. But they're good for you.
E. Am I the first one here?
F. What's that on the table?
G. Why don't you like salad?
14.What's your favorite subject?
  My favorite subject is science. For me, it's easy and interesting. I have science on Tuesday morning and Friday afternoon. My science teacher Mrs. White is a nice and tidy woman. She is great fun and her classes are always interesting. The students in our class all like her very much.
—Jenny Miller, 13, Sydney
  I like sports. I can play tennis, soccer, volleyball and basketball. So P. E. is my favorite subject. I have P. E. on Monday and Thursday afternoons. My P. E. teacher Mr. Green is good at playing tennis, too. On Tuesday afternoon, I can get tennis training(训练)for two hours from him.
—John Brown, 12, Toronto
  For me, geography is really difficult but interesting. My geography teacher Mr. Black says it is very useful, and I want to know about the world(世界), so I like it very much. I only have a geography lesson on Wednesday afternoon. I want to take a trip to China one day. Geography can help me do that.
—Tina Green, 13, New York
15.  Hi!I am Wendy Miller. Come and meet my family. This is my father, John Miller. He is a computer teacher. He is in PEP Middle School. The white computer is his. He always says to me and my brother Don't touch(触摸)my computer. "That is my mother. She is an English teacher. She is in No. 1 Middle School. You can see some English books and CDs in her room. She always helps her students and they like her. The nice girl is my sister Linda. She is a tidy girl. Her things are in right places . My mother always says to her, "You're a good girl. "Jack is my brother. He isn't here. He is in his room now. Jack isn't tidy. His books are everywhere in his room. He always asks, "Where is my baseball, Mom?Where is my pen, Mom?"
16.  Mary wants to go to a store with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for dinner. Mary wants to buy a nice skirt and some school things. They come to the Xingxing Store.
  "What does your store sell?" Mary asks. "Many things, " the girl in the store says. "You can buy food, drinks(饮品), clothes and school things in our store. "
  Mary and her mother go in. Many people are in the store. Mary finds a nice white skirt. "How much is the skirt?" Mary asks the girl in the store.
  "It's thirty yuan. "
  "That's too dear . Can you find a cheap one for me?"
  "What about the green one and the yellow one?They look nice. And it's only ten yuan for one. " "OK. I like green. I'll take this one. " "Here you are. " "Thanks very much. " "You are welcome. "
  After that, Mary buys some school things. Her mother buys some food, like bread, eggs, meat and fish. They get home in the afternoon.
17.  Good morning, everyone!Welcome to our school. Now you are students of the middle school. All the things here are new. The life here is a little different. I think you must know what you can do and what you can't do. It can help you study well and live happily. Here are some rules(规则)of our school.
  You have to come to school from Monday to Friday. You will learn some important subjects, like Chinese, math, English and science. Classes begin at 8:00. You have four classes in the morning. You have lunch at school. Classes are over at 3:30 in the afternoon and then you can go to your favorite clubs to have fun. You can't play with balls or run in the classroom or hallways. You mustn't break(违反)these rules. I really hope you will have a happy life here. Thank you.
18.  Hi, my name is Tony. I'm a student of Confucius Institute in Chicago(CIC, 芝加哥孔子学院). My school is 14 years old. I like it very much because I can learn Chinese in it.
  Chinese is difficult. But it's very useful. Now, CIC and China's five schools are sister school. One of them is Beijing No. 4 High School. I have a penfriend from this school, his name is Liu Gang. Nick is his English name. Liu Gang's favorite subject is English. He thinks it's easy and fun.
  Every year, twenty to thirty students of CIC can go to its sister schools. And the students can stay for four to six weeks there. I really want to go to China next year. And I really want to meet my Chinese penfriend.
19.  My name is Gina. I'm ten and I like interesting books. My birthday is on December 17th. My father gives me a great book on my birthday. Its name is The Worst Thing About My Sister.
  In the book, Marty and her sister Melissa are very different. Marty likes playing soccer and she always buys sports shoes. Melissa loves singing and she always buys nice skirts. One day, their mom says that they need to share(合用)a room. At first, Marty is not happy about that. But in the end, she is happy to live with her sister.
  I think the book is very interesting. Do you want to read it?
20.Today Dal is f       (有空的), and he has time to play the piano.
21.Come and buy your clothes at our great       (出售).
22.Who are the two w      (妇女)in the room?
23.September is the       (第九) month of the year.
24.The twins have good eating        (习惯).
25.请你以David的身份给Mary写一封信, 介绍你自己和你家人的情况. 你可以谈谈他们的工作和他们所喜欢的食品. 信的开头和末尾已经给出. 你需要用下面的提示词:family, happy, teacher, doctor, fish, chicken, vegetables. 要求60﹣70词.
Dear Mary,
I'm David. I'm from England.
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