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1.Visiting a science museum is a meaningful ________ and we can learn a lot from it.
  • A. result
  • B. promise
  • C. resolution
  • D. experience
2.—I'm worried about tomorrow's singing competition.
—Come on!If you don't believe in yourself,________ will.
  • A. somebody
  • B. anybody
  • C. nobody
  • D. everybody
3.—You are singing to the plants!
—That's true.I believe it helps them grow _________.
  • A. slower
  • B. better
  • C. harder
  • D. worse
4.My friend Helen says she is going to _________ a hobby like taking photos next year.
  • A. take up
  • B. take out
  • C. take away
  • D. take off
5.________ Chinese women's basketball team didn't win in Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games,we still like them.
  • A. Unless
  • B. When
  • C. Because
  • D. Although
6.—What's your new classmate like?
—She is so shy.She often speaks so _______ that I can hardly hear her.
  • A. loudly
  • B. quietly
  • C. clearly
  • D. quickly
7.—Do you have any plans for the winter vacation?
—I'm not sure.I ________ just stay in Tongling because of COVID﹣19.
  • A. may
  • B. must
  • C. can
  • D. should
8.I ______ an apple tree in my garden on Tree Planting Day next year.
  • A. plant
  • B. planted
  • C. am planting
  • D. will plant
9.— My resolution is to go to Tongling No.1 Middle School for further study.
— Work hard,_________ you can make it.
  • A. if
  • B. so
  • C. and
  • D. or
10.—Mike,Can you come to my home to watch the soccer game with me this evening?
—________ My grandparents will come to see me tonight.
  • A. Yes,I can.
  • B. Well done.
  • C. Have a good time.
  • D. Sorry,I'm afraid not.
11.  In a village, there was a small pond(池塘). Three(1)       lived in it. They were best friends. They were(2)       together, and never swam very far without their friends.
  One day, a fisherman came to this pond. (3)       he saw the fish swimming around, he went back and told other fishermen to come as well.
  As the fish saw this, they got(4)      . They didn't want to become food. The(5)      fish among them said, "We must find another pond and leave quickly. " One fish agreed, but(6)      didn't want to leave. He felt that this pond was their home and he had many good memories(记忆)there. He said, "We should not be afraid of(7)      , for this pond is our home. "
  The other(8)       fish tried hard to make their friend leave, but they couldn't. (9)       they decided to leave for a new pond. On the following(10)      , when the fishermen arrived, they caught the fish in the pond and took it home for a great meal.
12.  "What will I be like in 2032?" I asked myself.
  Everyone has(1)      . Sometimes, I can't help dreaming about what I will be like. If I keep practicing the(2)       every day, I will become a famous pianist. If I study hard, I will become a famous scientist or writer. As I(3)      , I got to know that I was just a common girl and it was almost impossible for me to become famous all over the world.
  Now, however, I have a different idea about the(4)      . In ten years, I might be a worker in a small company. I may not make a lot of money but I am very happy. I am(5)      , but I still have time to do what I like to do. I am still practicing the piano and the music makes my home warm. Yes, I am not world﹣famous, (6)       I am happy every day.
  It's nice to have big dreams, but(7)      is more important than words. A dream that is too far to reach is meaningless. The world is changing fast and many things are out of control. (8)       people will become world﹣famous, but we can still do a lot to change the future. Being(9)      doesn't mean becoming world﹣famous. Some people have(10)       with their lives. They work hard to get over the problems and keep making progress. They are also the winners of life.
  I don't really know what I will be like in ten years, but I'm sure I will do my best and be the best I can be.
13.Peter:Do you know Lily, Sue?
Sue:Yes, she is my best friend.
Sue:Because she likes to do the same things as I do. (2)      
Peter:Do you like playing table tennis, too?
Sue:Yes. But I play tennis better than Lily. What about you, Peter?(3)      
Peter:My best friend is Tony.
Peter:He is tall and has short hair.
Peter:Yes. Some people say that we look the same. But Tony is a little heavier than me.

A. What does he look like?
B. She likes playing table tennis.
C. Why is she your best friend?
D. Do you look different?
E. Do you look the same?
F. Who's your best friend?
G. What does he like?
14.Traditional Chinese Clothing
  Clothing is an important part of any culture. Chinese culture is more than 5000 years old, so the traditional Chinese clothing also has a long history.
Hanfu is the traditional clothing of the Han people. It first appeared in China more than 3000 years ago. But it disappeared with beginning of the Qing Dynasty (朝代). Now more and more young people start to enjoy wearing it. 
Zhongshan suit
Zhongshan suit is the traditional Chinese clothing named after Sun Yat﹣sen. It's also known as Mao suit overseas(在海外) because Chairman Mao liked to wear it. It first appeared in the 1920s. 
Tangzhuang is a type of Chinese jacket rather than the clothing of the Tang Dynasty. It got the name from the overseas Chinese. The Tang Dynasty was famous in the world, so the overseas Chinese were called"Tang People", and their clothes were called "Tangzhuang". 
Cheongsam (qipao)
The cheongsam (qipao) is a traditional Chinese dress. It first appeared in China in the 1920s. Cheongsam is made of silk, and Chinese women like to wear it because it can show their beauty. 
15.  China lost two great scientists in just one day. Last Saturday, Yuan Longping, China's "Father of Hybrid Rice(杂交水稻)", and Wu Mengchao, the "Father of Chinese Hepatobiliary Surgery(肝胆外科)", passed away. Yuan was 91 years old and Wu was 99 years old. The news left Chinese people very sad.
  Yuan Longping was known as the "Father of Hybrid Rice". He studied rice in his lifetime. In the 1970s, he developed hybrid rice, it could feed 70 million more people a year. Today, about 20 percent of the world's rice comes from hybrid rice. Yuan said he once had a dream. In his dream, his hybrid rice plant was taller than them. He sat under it to enjoy the cool of it shade.
  Wu Mengchao was the founder(创始人)of the hepatobiliary surgery in China. For a time, the success rate of hepatic surgery(肝脏手术成功率)was only 16 percent. Wu raised it over 98 percent!He saved many people's lives. Even into his 90s, he was still working at the operating table.
  These two great scientists have left us. But you can find them in the sky. They each have a planet which has been named after them. They are the brightest stars in our hearts.
16.  Your parents might often tell you that strangers can be dangerous. That's true. Some strangers are bad and you should be careful around them. But some strangers are good. They can help you when you are in trouble.
So, how do you deal with them rightly?How can you tell whether a stranger is good or not?Here are some rules.
  Rule 1:Say no to the strangers who. . .
  Give you snacks or other things to show friendliness.
  Ask you for help. For example, a stranger asks you to help find his or her pet dog.
  Invite you to his or her home.
  Offer you a ride.
  Ask you for details about you or your family. For example, which school do you go to?Who picks you up after school?
  Rule 2:Trust your own feelings
  If you feel scared or worried around someone, don't talk to them. Sometimes, you might not know why you feel like this. It doesn't matter. Just trust your feelings. They might tell you that someone is dangerous.
  Rule 3:Some strangers can help you
  If you are in trouble and your parents are not with you, try to ask someone in uniform for help. They include(包括)police, security guards (保安) and shop workers.
  Rule 4:_______
  Leave as fast as you can.
  Find a public place with many people around.
  Shout "help, I don't know this person" loudly. People around you can hear you and help you.
17.  Lily is a little girl at school. She is shy and she is unpopular. But she enjoys playing soccer. Her friends and classmates always laugh at Lily for her interest in soccer. However, Lily just wants to play her favorite sport. She wants to become a great soccer player.
  Every day, after coming back from school, Lily quickly finishes her homework and goes out to practice soccer. Her mother understands Lily's love for the sport and always encourages her to go play.
  One day, the school said there would be a soccer game. Lily wanted to give it a try. She took part in the game and her classmates laughed at her once again. Lily did not give up. She tried her best to score goals, one after another. The other students were surprised to see how well Lily played. Their team did well with her help. They even won the game in the end.
  With her hard work, Lily proved(证明)herself to others. If you're strong and determined(坚定的), you can make your dream come true one day.
阅读下面短文, 并用英语回答问题, 注意每小题后面的词数要求.
18.A good hobby a      (增加) a lot of fun to our spare life.
19.My cousin wants to be a p        (飞行员) when he grows up.
20.Keeping a       (日记) is a good way to improve our writing skills.
21.Our English teacher is really fun and always makes us l       (笑) in class.
22.We can buy movie tickets c       (便宜地) in the people's movie theater.
23.春节将至, 马上又是新的一年.俗话说"一年之计在于春", 在新的一年里, 你有什么计划呢?某英文报以"My New Year's Plans"为题, 举办中学生征文活动.请你根据以下提示, 写一篇英语短文.要点如下:
● What are you going to do about study?
● What about your health?Are you going to exercise?
● What are you going to help do at home?
注意:1. 词数80词左右;
2. 请不要逐句翻译, 可适当发挥;
3. 文中不能出现真实的校名和人名;
4. 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
My New Year's Plans
  A new year means a new start. I have some plans for the new year. ___________
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