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1.—Which subject do you like best, Tom?
—Well, physics. Because the are very interesting.
  • A. experiments
  • B. wonders
  • C. deals
  • D. rules
2.— Making an English speech is so hard for me that I want to give up.
— I see, but it's really a way to improve your English.
  • A. private
  • B. useful
  • C. friendly
  • D. serious
3.—You didn't answer my phone last night. What's up?
— Oh, I was so tired and I just fell asleep I lay down on the bed.
  • A. until
  • B. though
  • C. so that
  • D. as soon as
4.— Jane, let's go to the cinema to watch the latest movie The Eight Hundred!
—Not now. I my mother wash the dishes.
  • A. helped
  • B. was helping
  • C. am helping
  • D. will help
5.—Amazingly, I've managed to finish the project by myself.
!I always believe you can make it.
  • A. Enjoy yourself
  • B. Well done
  • C. Good luck
  • D. What a shame
6.— Jim looks sad today. What's wrong with him?
— He the math test yesterday and he cried for a long time.
  • A. finished
  • B. managed
  • C. failed
  • D. continued
7.—Who is the old man with only one eye over there, Mr Smith?
—He's my father's friend. He lost his life in the war many years ago.
  • A. actually
  • B. completely
  • C. exactly
  • D. nearly
8.—Hi, Mary. What are you going to do during the summer vacation?
— I'm going to cooking because I like eating delicious food.
  • A. give up
  • B. take up
  • C. put up
  • D. turn up
9.— There will be a wonderful robot show in July.
—Yes. We are looking forward to it, but knows the date for sure.
  • A. somebody
  • B. anybody
  • C. nobody
  • D. everybody
10.— Could you tell me we should do an interview with the old man?
— Maybe you can talk about his favourite musical instrument.
  • A. how
  • B. when
  • C. where
  • D. why
11.  One day, a businessman was getting ready to go to his office in the morning. When he(1)      the door of his car, a dog sleeping under it suddenly came out and bit his leg!He was angry and threw a rock at the(2)      , although he was not able to hit it.
  Upon reaching his(3)      , the businessman called a meeting of his managers. During the meeting, he took out his anger on his managers. His managers were(4)      about this, and took out their own anger on the people working under them.
  The(5)      was still angry after returning home. His wife opened the door. She asked him, "Why are you so late today?" The man(6)      at his wife, "I didn't go to the office to play football. I went to work. So don't make me angry with your(7)      questions!"
  His wife was unhappy about being shouted at for no reason. She turned her anger on their(8)      , who was watching TV. "This is all you do. You have no interest in studying!Turn off the TV now!"The son became angry. He walked out of his house and saw a(9)      dog passing by. It was looking for food. He picked up a rock and threw it at the dog in anger.
  Sometimes, when we are angry about something, we might take out our anger on others. This is not fair to others — we should learn to(10)      our anger. Then we can have a more beautiful world.
12.  The sun was shining brightly and the sky was blue. It was a(1)       time to go out. I wanted to have a picnic somewhere nice, enjoying the beautiful sights of our mother nature. (2)      , my parents decided to take me to the Tianjin Binhai Science and Technology Museum. At first, I was(3)      about this. But after visiting it, I greatly changed my mind. Nothing was more interesting than it.
  There were so many people driving to the museum that we went far to(4)      our car. Then we walked back for about fifteen minutes. As soon as we went into the(5)      , we saw lots of wonderful things, including smart underwater robots. We also(6)      some scientific lessons. Weightlessness is among the things we learned about.
  The most(7)      thing for me was experiencing bone﹣conducted sound (骨传声). There was a special stand with four "points" that you could put your arms on. I(8)      my ears to avoid noise outside and then touched each point — when I did, I could hear either piano, guitar, pop or classical music. The sounds came to ears through vibration (震动) in my bones. There was a story. After the famous German musician Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770﹣1827)lost his(9)      , he would bite the end of a wooden stick and put the other end on his piano to "listen" to the music.
  The museum showed me that many smart people have made great(10)      . With hard work, I'm sure we will discover more.
13.A:David, you look busy these days. What are you doing?
B:(1)      I'm trying my best to get ready for them, because I dream of going to a top high school.
A:(2)      I thought it was easy to go to a top high school.
B:It all depends. (3)      
A:That's true. (4)      
B:I listen to the teachers and do homework as carefully as possible.
A:Good job!(5)      
B:Thank you!

A. That's not the point.
B. The final exams are coming soon.
C. What competitions have you won?
D. I hope your dream will come true.
E. Is it difficult to go to a good high school?
F. How are you getting ready for the exams?
G. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.
Dear Mike,
I' m a lively and friendly girl. I've tried to make good friends in my class, but I've been deceived(欺骗) by others again and again. How can I trust other people after that? Candy 
Dear Candy,
It's a sad truth that there are dishonest people in the world. We don't like to think about this and try to forget it when we can. But sometimes, we meet people like this. It's another truth that you never know when someone might turn their back on you even after you've known them for a long time. All you can do is just to remember the good in people. Don't give up on others. As for those who have made you feel bad, you don't have to forgive(原谅)them if you don't want to. However, do keep in mind that people sometimes say things without realizing them. If so, it's best to forgive them and try to make friends with them again.
15.  It was a room full of boys. A girl, about 10 years old, was sitting in the centre She was the the only girl among the boys. Her girl friends had to stay at home because they were not allowed to go to school.
  The girl, Shameem, was born in a small village. It was a tradition to keep girls inside their home in Shameem's hometown. Luckily, Shameem's uncle, wanted to gave her a chance to see the world. So he offered Shameem a chance to attend school. However, to go to college, she went on a three﹣day hunger strike (抗议).
  After leaving from college, Shameem got a job in a non﹣profit organization (非营利性组织). It offers help to women in poor areas. There, she saw what women were experiencing. Some women had 11 children, but nothing to feed them. To get water, they would walk three hours every day to wells. Shameem found her experience could encourage more people to understand the importance of schooling and send their daughters to school.
  Now, Shameem teaches in a school in her village. "The first day I walked into the school, " she said, "I saw all these little Shameems looking back at me with dreams in their eyes, the same dream of freedom which I had when I was young. "
16.  Do you know about the Oktoberfest festival in Munich, Germany?
  The first thing many people think they know — that it happens in October — is actually not true. Most of the time it begins in September. Up until 1872, Oktoberfest did begin in October. But then people pointed out that Munich's heavy rainfall was not good for the drinking and fun, so it was moved to around the fourth week of September.
  People have celebrated Oktoberfest since Munich was part of the Kingdom of Bavaria. It was first held in 1835 to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary(结婚周年)of King Ludwig I of Bavaria and Therese.
  The celebrations have continued to the present day, and it is not just a festival of drinking. It is fun for all ages, including traditional Bavarian German clothes and Bavarian music. Visitors also get to enjoy "Weisswurst". It's a kind of white sausage and people suck(吸食)the meat out of it.
  During the festival, it is expected that many people will dress traditionally. The boys and men will wear lederhosen(皮短裤), while girls and women will wear a kind of strange dresses. Some may think they look silly. However, dressing in such a way is all part of the fun. Will you wear this kind of clothes to celebrate?
17.  Last year I went on a vacation by bringing along my iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I checked my e﹣mail. Instead of going boating, I followed my Twitter feed. And that was the problem:it seemed that       . My body was on vacation but my head wasn't. So this year I decided to try something different:stay away from the Internet.
  I made myself go through with my plan. Largely cut off from e﹣mail and Twitter, I had few ways to connect to the world except for radio—and how much radio can one listen to, really?I had no choice but to do what I had planned to do:read books.
  This experience has had a happy ending — for now, at least. With my strong will and the support(支持)of my wife, I succeeded, finally realizing that it was me, not the iPad, that was the problem. I knew I had won when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi﹣Fi. "Don't need it. " I said. However, as I return to work after the vacation, a harder test begins:Can I continue when I'm back at work?The answer is:I won't give up the Internet completely. But I hope not to check my e﹣mail every five minutes, which often leads to checking my Twitter feed.
18.  Small talk is a popular way of getting to know someone, getting into a school or job, or just passing the time. But do you think you're good at it?If not, then it's never too late to learn.
  Talking about unimportant things like the weather, small talk still plays an important part in our daily life. Brett Nelson gave many reasons in Forbes Magazine.
  It's completely free. It doesn't matter if you fail, and you never know where it will go — it "can lead to many results, from a pleasant talk to the signing of a million﹣dollar business deal", according to Nelson. The benefits to small talk don't stop there. It can also make us smarter, as a study by researchers at the University of Michigan found that friendly, social interaction (互动) could help us solve problems.
  You may be wondering how best to break the ice. If you and the other speaker have something in common, that may also be acceptable to talk about. For example, if the bus you are on is full, you might talk about the reasons why. Complimenting(恭维)someone on their clothing or hair is acceptable;however, if you bring up something like death or serious news, you will turn people off.
19.  My mother used to say things just to make me angry. Like most boys, I thought I knew everything. And I didn't want to be told what I didn't know. For example, if I said I was going to a movie, my mother would roll(滚动)her eyes. On my way out, she'd shout, "You need to slow yourself down before something bad happens!You don't want to learn that the hard way!" I didn't know what that meant. I thought she just wanted me to stay at home.
  Many years later, I had three children of my own. They thought they knew everything. I would say the same things to them like my mother. That's when I first saw it. My mother wasn't trying to make me stay at home. She was trying to help me.
  Last Saturday, when I was washing my shoes in the bathroom, I heard my mobile phone ringing in the kitchen. I ran through the house and hit my left foot against the table. The X﹣ray showed that I'd broken my foot.
  Why do we always have to learn things "the hard way"?If we accept our elders' wisdom(智慧), we can learn many things easily. It's a good lesson for anyone.
20.As we reached the top of the mountain,the sun rose and the clouds c       (开始消失).
21.December is the t      (第十二) month of the year.
22.He forgot the w       (整个的) thing because he was hurt in the accident.
23.The little boy made a v       (胜利) in the maths competition last week.
24.Don't be bored with your parents' o       (指示) because they may be valuable.
25.假如你是李华, 上周末你的父母去上海出差, 留你一人在家.请根据以下提示, 给你的英国笔友 James 写一封信, 告诉他你这一天的活动和感受.
活动 整理房间、洗衣服、做作业等;尽量不让父母操心;努力学习生活技能; 
感受 …… 

注意:1. 词数 80~100;
2. 请不要逐句翻译, 可适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名;
4. 信的开头和结尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数.
Dear James,
  Last weekend, my parents went to Shanghai on business and left me alone at home.
  Have you ever had this kind of experience?Please tell me and I'm looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
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