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1.  China's Gu Ailing reacts at the 2022 Winter Olympics on February 18, 2022, in Zhangjiakou, North China's Hebei province.
  The 18﹣year﹣old free ski(滑雪)talent grabbed(夺取)her first gold in the big air event in her Olympic debut(首次亮相)and also won the silver in the slopestyle(坡面障碍技巧)at Beijing 2022. Gu thus became the first person to win three medals(奖牌)in three different freestyle(自由式)skiing games at the Winter Olympics.
Rules in Dave's Family 
 At meal times we will:
• always be on time
• not talk with our mouths full
• show good table manners
• help to clear up
• help to wash dishes. 
To each other we will:
• be kind and helpful
• listen
• be supportive
• show respect. 
At home we will:
• make our own beds
• sweep our own rooms
• close the curtains(窗帘)after dark
• keep our cupboards clean and tidy
• respect the property(财物)of others. 
3.  After touring the Mogao Grottoes(莫高窟)yesterday, we got up early this morning and headed out to the Mingsha Sand Dunes(沙丘). We were very surprised when we saw them in front of us through the car window ﹣they towered like mountains!Later, I read in my guidebook that some of the dunes are up to 250 meters in height. Amazing!
  The name "Mingsha" means "singing sand, " because when the wind blows over the sand it sounds like a musical instrument being played. We didn't hear anything that sounded like a musical instrument while we were there, however. What we did hear were the sounds of camels right inside the gates﹣there were hundreds of them all sitting there with their handlers. We decided to take a camel ride, and were soon glad we did, as it was the most wonderful experience of our lives.
  The camels were calm and gentle(温和的)and the ride was actually quite comfortable. With their wide feet, they easily climbed up a sandy dune. At the top of the dune we saw mile upon mile of dunes stretch(绵延)out before us.
  We stopped at one large dune with wooden steps on it, and we went sledding(滑雪橇). It reminded me of when I was a kid sledding in the snow, but this was down a hill of warm sand. It was so fun that we tried it over and over again, until we were too tired to walk up the dune.
   Finally, hot and tired, we decided to leave the dunes so that we could eat some cold spicy(香辣的)noodles. It was a perfect ending to a day we'll never forget.
   It's a breathtaking picture. The sun, the moon and other planets(without Earth)of our solar system(太阳系)stand side by side as a loving family.
  Taken by Wang Zhipu, a 17﹣year﹣old Chinese boy, it won the top prize in the Young Competition category(组别)at the 2021 Astronomy Photographer of the Year, the world's biggest astrophotography(天文摄影)competition.
  Wang loved stargazing when he was a little kid. In Grade 8, he got his first telescope(天文望远镜). That was when he became a die﹣hard fan of astrophotography. "Astrophotography needs lots of time and effort. You may need to take hundreds or even thousands of photos, then edit(编辑)them to make one picture, " said Wang.
   In 2019, Wang started to take pictures of Saturn(土星)and Jupiter(木星). He got up early in the morning to get the best shots. In 2020, he got pictures of all the planets in the solar system.
  "I tried three times to photograph Mercury(水星). The first two tries were not satisfactory because they were not clear enough, " said Wang. The last time he took more than10, 000 pictures of Mercury and chose thousands of them to edit.
   "I couldn't believe that I could win the top prize, " Wang said. "That was certainly a great honor and it encourages me to take better pictures in the future!"
5.  Maybe you wouldn't say yesterday was a happy day, because you had a misunderstanding with your friend. (1)       Now that you think about it, wasn't there a letter from an old friend, or a stranger who asked where you got such a great haircut?
  You remember having a bad day, yet those good moments occurred(发生).
  (2)       You can't order her appearance, you can only appreciate(感激、欣赏)her when she does show up. And you can't force happiness to happen﹣but you can make sure you are aware(意识到的)of it when it does.
  (3)       It's cleaning the windows while listening to a song, or spending a pleasant hour organizing your bookcase. (4)       It's in the present, not in the distant(遥远的)promise of a "someday when …" How much luckier we are —and how much more happiness we experience —if we can fall in love with the life we're living.
  Happiness is a choice. (5)      

A. Reach out for it at the moment it appears.
B. Happiness is your family assembling(聚集)at dinner.
C. Happiness is like a visitor.
D. Happiness is an attitude(看法、态度), not a condition.
E. But weren't there moments of happiness, moments of clear peace? 

6.  How much do you know about English?It is an official(官方的)language of more than 50 countries and 250 to 300 million people speak it as a second language. Some say that half the world might(可能)be speaking it in 2050.
  English is not the easiest language to learn﹣most of its common verbs are irregular and it has a large vocabulary ﹣﹣ at least 200, 000 words are in common use. Its pronunciation and written form are also very different.
  But some things make it easy ﹣﹣ nouns don't have gender(性)and verbs are less complicated(复杂的)than those of other languages. There is only one form to speak to someone directly﹣"you". Adjectives don't agree with nouns, and many nouns are also verbs.
   English is always changing. Around 25, 000 new words and expressions come into the English language every year. Do you know what a "helicopter(直升机)parent" is?It is a mother or father who is too involved(参与的)in the life of their child. And what about a "boomerang child"?It is an adult who returns to live with their parents for financial(经济的)reasons.
7.  Welcome back home!On September 25, 2021, Huawei's Chief Financial Officer(首席财务官)Meng Wanzhou arrived in Shenzhen, Guangdong, after being illegally(非法地)held for nearly three(1)       in Canada, Xinhua reported.
  "After more than 1, 000 days of suffering(痛苦), I(2)      returned to the motherland, " Meng said after she got(3)      the plane. She described the motherland, the Party and the government as the shining light that led her on the(4)      journey home.
  On December 1, 2018, Meng was held in Canada(5)      the US charged(指控)her with fraud(欺诈). The US wanted to take her to their country. Meng pleaded not guilty(不认罪)to the charge and finally was free to(6)      Canada.
  "This is a political case trying to break Chinese high﹣tech companies, " Foreign Ministry(外交部)spokesperson Hua Chunying said on September 25, 2021. Meng's safe(7)      shows that the Chinese government has the will and ability to protect the rights of Chinese people and companies, according to Hua. "A strong China under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China will(8)       be the strong backing of each one of(9)      , " said Hua. She added that China's development will not be stopped(10)      any force.
8.  Paul was a rich young man. When his father died, he left Paul a (1)      (beauty)forest manor(庄园). But before Paul could sell it for (2)       lot of money, a lightning strike(雷击)caused a fire that destroyed(毁掉)it. Watching the beautiful green trees turned into ash(灰烬)overnight. Paul felt (3)      (he)heart break.
  In order to bring back the forest manor's beauty. Paul tried to borrow money from a bank. But the bank refused him, for the bank didn't believe he'd pay it back. Then he felt too upset to eat or drink. So he hid himself in his room for days. His wife was (4)       (worry)about him and suggested he take a break outside.
  Paul went for a (5)      (walk). When he turned the (6)      (one)corner, he saw a store with lots of people. They were(7)      (line)up to buy charcoal(木炭)used for winter heating.
  Then Paul's eyes lit up. He (8)      (run)home and hired(雇用)some charcoal workers to process the forest's burnt trees into charcoal. As soon as his charcoal went on the market, it was sold out (9)      (quick). Soon, he sold more than 1, 000 boxes of charcoal and made much money.
  The following year in the spring, he used the money to buy a large number of little trees. After a few (10)      (year), the forest manor that everyone thought had disappeared came to life again.
9.  Can you imagine going to university at age 14?Jia Zijun, from Henan, did just that. He became the youngest freshman(大一新生)at Beihang University.
  (1)"I didn't know I was the youngest until I got here, and it feels quite cool!!" Jia said.
  Jia took part in the college entrance exam and got a total score of 642. (2)人们常认为像他这样的学生肯定是天才(genius). But Jia owes(归功于)his achievement mainly to curiosity(好奇)and study habits.
  As he went to high school, he found things were getting harder to learn. (3)So he started to make plans every day and set goals for himself. "I would strictly follow the plan, and gradually(逐渐地)I'd see my progress. "
  Jia would also review what he learned each day before going to bed. (4)如果有什么记不好,他就在第二天早上看一下。
   "I was not good at English in high school, so I printed the vocabulary list and stuck(粘贴)it onto my bed. Every morning when I woke up, I looked through them, and it's a good way to remember things. "
  When Jia felt stressful, he had a special way to relax:working on math problems. (5)"I'd find difficult problems to challenge myself, and when I worked it out, I felt really happy. "
He told the reporter, he hopes he can keep his curiosity and study habits in university, and keep challenging himself to become a better person.
10.鲜花盛开的五月, 度过"小长假"的我们又回到校园学习.请以"My______ May Day"为题, 写一篇英语短文, 描述你"五一"劳动节的活动及感受.
1. 80词左右(请补充标题, 标题不计入总词数);
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名.

My ______ May Day

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