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1.  The terrible COVID﹣19(新冠肺炎) is still on. There(1)      many people all over the country working together to fight(作战) it hard. Many friendly foreigners(外国人) gave(2)      help to us in different ways.
  Nigel Dixon is a(3)      British actor. He has short curly hair. He has big eyes and a long nose. People (4)      Mr. Dixon for his impersonation(模仿) of Mr. Bean. He came to Wuhan for work(5)      January, 2020. He wanted(6)      a happy Spring Festival with his friends in Wuhan, (7)      everything was different.
  While Wuhan was on lockdown(封城), Mr. Dixon stayed in(8)      city alone. But he was happy there. He said he didn't(9)      to spread the virus(传播病毒) to others. He wanted to do something to help the city. He posted many short and funny videos(视频), (10)      "Mr. Bean goes to town" and "The Trouble with Mr. Bean" on the Internet(互联网) to tell his life in the city. "Come on, Wuhan!We are together!" Said Mr. Dixon.
2.  Kevin is in Grade Seven. He is a (1)      boy. He never works hard at school and often stays up late playing computer games or watching TV. Of course, he always(2)      late and arrives late for school. He doesn't like to do his (3)      . He often borrows his classmates' homework to copy(抄袭). One day, Kevin (4)      to do his homework again. He copies his friend Jessica's and hands it to Mr. Smith.
  The next day, Mr. Smith comes to the classroom and says, "We have a very (5)      student in our class and I want to(6)      his interesting story to all of you. " He goes on, "My name is Kevin. (7)      is my favorite season because I can wear my skirts when the days are hot. I have over twenty skirts in different (8)      like yellow, pink and white and I love them very much. The most (9)      one is the one with many flowers on it …"
  All the students laugh loudly, (10)      Kevin's face turns red.
School Trip
Join us in a school trip to Boston on Sunday, May 14th.
We'll spend the morning in the city center. We'll have lunch in the park. You don't have to bring you lunch. In the afternoon, we'll go fishing near Odinson Lake. And there will be a fishing class and a fishing race too.
Price:20 dollars each
The bus leaves at 8:15. Please meet in front of the school library 15 minutes earlier. We'll go back at 4:30 in the afternoon and arrive at the school at about 5:30 pm.
We must follow these important rules.
◆ Don't arrive late for the meeting time.
◆ Don't give food to the birds on the lake.
◆ Don't play with water or run near the lake.
◆ Remember to take all your things with you when you get off the school bus.
◆ Don't take the fish you get home with you. Put them back into the lake after the class and the race.
If it is rainy that day, we can go free museum﹣visiting instead. Don't forget to take your umbrellas!
4.  Can you live in your "home" when you are traveling?You may say it's " impossible". But the Home Exchange(交换)Vacation Club can help you make it.
  Home Exchange Vacation club starts in Europe. It has a history of about fifty years. Some teachers want to go to Europe on vacation, but they don't have enough money. Then they think of an idea. They make some friends in Europe. When they travel in the cities where their friends live. They can live in their friends' house and cook food there. And, when their friends visit the cities they live in, they can do the same, so both of them can save lots of money. And with the money, they can visit more interesting places.
  Later, some teachers make the Home Exchange Vacation Club. Many people join the club in more than fifty countries around the world. It is also popular in China now. When you are visiting some places, just call your friends. And they may give you a warm "home".
5.右栏是一些感谢短信, 请根据左栏人物的相关信息, 在右栏中找出与他们匹配的感谢短信, 并将选项的字母编号填写在答题卷指定位置上.
(1)      Mr. Green is a teacher of math.
(2)      Sue is a mother of an eighteen﹣year﹣old boy.
(3)      Tony is a police officer. He found a car yesterday.
(4)      Aleck wrote a book to give advice to teenagers.
(5)      Miss White is a babysitter. She is very good with babies. 
A. No words can express our thanks to you for sending our car back. We were so happy to see it again. Thank you so much, Sir.
B. I know I used to be a naughty boy and made much trouble for you, but you tried to teach me right from wrong. Thank you, Mom. I love you.
C. I've understood the love of a father better after I became a daddy myself. Thank you, Dad. Happy birthday!
D. I've never thought that math could be so interesting. You've showed me a magic world of math. Thank you.
E. Thank you for taking so good care of our daughter. Taking care of babies is a very hard job, but you do it so well.
F. You may never know how powerful your book is. It helps us young people understand the life better. Thank you for giving us so good advice. 
6.They are from the US, so they are A       .
7.It's       [ɪmˈpɔ:tənt] for us to study English well.
8.How       [ˈterəbl] the weather is!
9.We'll have a school trip tomorrow. How about       (arrive) at the school gate at 7:00?
10.It's an       (health) habit for us to go to bed without brushing teeth.
11.Many students in our school are good at s        English.
12.G        have long necks. They like eating leaves.
13.Sydney is a famous city in        (澳大利亚).
14.He is having a great time       (study) with his friends in the library.
15.Many of the students spend half an hour       (watch) TV on school nights.
16.我的爷爷每天锻炼身体, 所以他99岁还可以自己穿衣服.
My grandpa        every day, so he can        by himself although he is 99 years old now.
17.肉骨茶是新加坡的象征之一, 因为它尝起来真美味.
Bak﹣Kut﹣Teh is        of the        of Singapore, because it        really       .
18.—Mrs. Li在英语方面对你们严格吗?
—是的, 但她也对我们很友好.
—Is Mrs. Li        you in English?
—Yes, but she's also        us.
19.看完电视上的龙舟赛, 他们常喝些由葡萄制成的红酒.
After        the boat race        TV, they often drink some wine        grapes.
       noise is bad for our study, so it's best for us to       .
Dear Laura,
  How's it going?I'm very happy to know that you're coming to (1)       for your vacation. Now let me tell you something (2)       Beijing. Beijing is a city with a long history, and it is also the capital(首都) of China. There (3)       lots of interesting places here.
  You can visit the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian'anmen Square and many (4)       places of interest. People here are very(5)      . They're always ready to (6)       people in need. You can also taste different (7)       of foods here. They are really delicious. I don't think it is the best time to come in August, (8)       it's very hot here. You can come in September (9)       October. The weather is usually sunny and cool at that time.
  I (10)       that you will a good time in Beijing.
Wang Fang
22.  Now mobile phones become more and more popular. Should the middle school students be allowed(被允许) to use mobile phones?Different people have different ideas.
John:My school is far away from my home. I only go home on weekends. So my parents bought me a mobile phone to keep in touch(联系) with me. It's convenient. I don't need to look for IC phones any more.
Mary:In my opinion(观念), it's bad for us to use mobile phones in class. But after class we can use them. We aren't kids any more, and we know when and where to use it, so teachers and parents should believe us and let us use mobile phones.
Tony:I often send WeChat messages to my friends by mobile phone. It won't cost too much. It's a good way to talk with my friends when they are not with me.
Andy:I think the mobile phone is not only a tool for communication, but also a symbol of fashion. If you have no mobile phone, it means you are out of fashion. In other words, it's cool to have a mobile phone.
Ted:We all know that it's convenient to have mobile phones. But many students often use them to play games or watch videos. It's bad for our study. I don't think it's necessary for students to have a mobile phone.

23.很多同学总认为校规约束了他们的生活, 但无规矩不成方圆, 正因为有了规则, 我们才能够更好地去享受多姿多彩的校园生活, 请以"My School Life"为题写一篇短文.
1. 介绍你的学校生活(包括日常作息, 课余社团活动);
2. 列举你的校规或班规(至少两条);
3. 你对初中校园生活的评价和期望(至少各一点).
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名;
2. 语句连贯, 词数80左右.
My School Life
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