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1.  Do you believe that the robot can(1)       the news?They look and sound like people. There are two robots, (2)       "Kodomoroid" and " Otonaroid". Both of (3)       are very popular in Japan. One day they may read the news on TV.
  Japanese spend a lot of money (4)       robots, (5)       they like robots. They think they are(6)       . But people in(7)       countries think robots are (8)       scary.
  "Look!The robot is(9)      . It can help me(10)       housework. This makes me feel relaxed. " said one woman.
  Do you want to have a robot?
2.  Do you know what a well is?A well is a hole (洞) in the ground from which people get(1)      . But last week, I learned something else about wells.
  Our teacher, Ms. Andres, (2)       the class about a village in Africa. People in this village do not have water to drink. Many kids cannot go to school. They must walk five kilometers to bring water (3)       to their families.
  "Can we help?" asked the children.
  "Yes, we can. " Ms. Andres said, " For two(4)       dollars, that village can have a well. The villagers can have water. "
  The whole class got(5)      . "Let's make some money for a well. "
  "We can wash cars. " said Fatima.
  "Good idea. "said Scott. "Let's wash cars!(6)       the money we make, we will help the kids in Africa get water. "
  Our(7)       washed cars after school from Monday to Friday. We made a big sign:Help a Village in Africa!
  When people (8)      by, they saw the sign. And they pulled over to have their cars washed. (9)       worked hard. At the end of the(10)      , we made 204 dollars.
The book festival is coming!
Do you have some books you don't want? Your old love may be someone's new favorite. Bring one book to the Town Library and get another one home for free!*When & HowMarch 2﹣﹣ March 14Bring one book for one book festival card. March 16 ﹣﹣ March 31Bring one card for one book you like to read.
*What booksWe would like many kinds of books, such as science books, story books and magazines. But we don't need school books and comic books now.
(1)Your book must be in good shape, without any page missing.
(2)Your book must be clean. Want to know more?
Please call 1234﹣5678. ( We don't open the library on Mondays. )
Town Library
4.  Mobile phone is a great tool that allows people to stay in touch with others at anytime, anywhere. But is your child old enough to have one?It's a problem for many parents because it's not just about age.
  If your child has a cell phone, you can call to find out where he is and what he's doing. It can make you feel safer.
  Mobile phones usually have many functions. If your child has one, he can
use it to play games, watch movies and do many things. Many children get bad grades because of mobile phones.
  When are they ready to have mobile phones? " Think about their age first, and then see if they can control (控制) themselves well, " says Caroline, a famous scientist on children.

(1)      Mr. Zhang It is the first time for him to drive a car with his friends in America.
(2)      Cheng Fang She wants to visit the National Museum. But she doesn't know how to get the ticket.
(3)      Tong Da He moves into a new house and he needs some new tables and chairs for it.
(4)      Edison He always feels tired after having after﹣school classes. But his mother will be unhappy if he doesn't join them.
(5)      Xiao Xie She isgoing to have a trip in London. She is not sure what kind of clothes she should take. 
A. Eating in America How to use knife and fork?Arrive on time or earlier?We can teach you if you call us.
B. Traffic Rules in America Keep Left!Don't use your horn (喇叭) to express anger or complain.
C. Problems with Parents Maybe you should ask your teachers for help if you have problems with parents. It's bad for you to keep silent.
D. Big Sale For You All kinds of sofas, tables and chairs are on sale.
E. Tickets Online If you don't know how to book a ticket to National Museum, you can look through our website.
F. Rules at Home You can't play computer games too often. Also, you must clean your bedroom and wash your clothes.
G. Weather Report It will rain and snow this week in London. The weather will be cold. People should wear coats to keep warm. 
6.  Once, there(1)       a rich man. He had a lot of money, (2)       he never helped his poor neighbors. He hid his money(3)      a tree. Every week, he came to dig(挖) it up and have a look.
  One night, somebody (4)       all the money away. (5)       the rich man came again, he found(6)       but an empty hole. Where was the money?He was(7)      , and then cried loudly. All the neighbors heard him and came around him. He told them how he came and saw his(8)       before. "You should be happy now." said one of the neighbors. "Why?" He asked. " Although you have much money, you always(9)       about losing it. But now, you don't have to. Instead (相反), you can enjoy beautiful things around you. "
  Sometimes, losing is another(10)       of gaining (收获).
7.  Last summer holiday I went to Chongqing with my family. My father told me that Chongqing is a city on mountains, so it has many levels and is named "5 D magic city". The trip to Chongqing was far beyond my expectation(远超出我的预料).
  Before the trip, I watched many interesting videos about the city on Douyin, such as the train running through a building, the ropeway(索道) across the Yangtze River, the longest escalator (自动扶梯) in China.
  We arrived there by plane in the morning. For lunch, I tried hot pot. It was spicy but very delicious. After that, I took a boat to go along the river. The lights and buildings on both sides of the river were beautiful. At last, I visited the old town and took some photos.
  But it was too hot and I felt tried. I think I will go to Hainan Island next summer holiday.

8.请根据要求完成短文写作, 并将作文写在答题卡指定的位置.
假如你是李华, 你的外国朋友Jacky 要来汕头旅游, 请你写一封信给他, 向他介绍上个星期你在汕头游玩的经历, 帮助他更好地了解情况.
1. 欢迎他到汕头游玩.
2. 介绍自己上周到汕头一个景点旅游或一个场所参观的经历(包括出行方式、景点或场所简单介绍、旅程中做的事、午餐品尝的食物、自己的感受).
3. 表达祝愿.
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 词数70个左右.
Dear Jacky,
Li Hua
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